Limitless โœฉ Gojo Satoru

By DaintyHero

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"๐˜ฝ๐™š๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ค๐™ฅ, ๐™จ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ฃ๐™™๐™จ ๐™ฅ๐™ง๐™š๐™ฉ๐™ฉ๐™ฎ ๐™ก๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ก๐™ฎ. ๐™’๐™๐™ฎ ๐™ฅ๐™ช๐™ฉ... More

Chapter One โœฉ Ocean Eyes
Chapter Two โœฉ First Impressions
Chapter Three โœฉ Haunted Basement
Chapter Four โœฉ The Trio
Chapter Five โœฉ Unpacking
Chapter Six โœฉ Old Married Couple
Chapter Seven โœฉ Are you Happy?
Chapter Eight โœฉ Bad News
Chapter Nine โœฉ Sweets and Treats
Chapter Eleven โœฉ Old School [Part 2]
Chapter Twelve โœฉ Snacks
Chapter Thirteen โœฉ Share
Chapter Fourteen โœฉ Hippie B-Day [Part 1]
Chapter Fifteen โœฉ Hippie B-Day [Part 2]
Chapter Sixteen โœฉ Hippie B-Day [Part 3]
Chapter Seventeen โœฉ Cake
Chapter Eighteen โœฉ Karaoke
Chapter Nineteen โœฉ Ring
Chapter Twenty โœฉ More
Chapter Twenty-One โœฉ Relief
Chapter Twenty-Two โœฉ Doctor's Orders
Chapter Twenty-Three โœฉ Bakery
Chapter Twenty-Four โœฉ Blushing on a Balcony
Chapter Twenty-Five โœฉ Ceilings
Chapter Twenty-Six โœฉ Halt
Chapter Twenty-Seven โœฉ Outsider
Chapter Twenty-Eight โœฉ Skating

Chapter Ten โœฉ Old School [Part 1]

690 34 1
By DaintyHero

Kanae could not believe her eyes. The past that she had tried so hard to suppress, had somehow snaked its way back into her life.

Gojo could notice the shift in her demeanour. If only she had paid attention to their sensei's words earlier, she could have at least mentally prepared herself for this unwanted reunion.

"You know this place?" He questioned watching her bulging eyes.

"Well before you guys recruited me, this was my high school." She blinked at the building watching the shards of memories.

She was just in her second year, but it did feel like her home for the next few years. She didn't like to stick to people much, but many of the girls she had attended it with were people she had known since she was young. Many times, she preferred to stay at the school instead of returning home. There was a conflicting relationship she had with this school. Of course she had dreadful experiences, but her most memorable and fulfilling ones were here too. It was like a constant stream of memories.

Gojo watched her silent expression as she was stuck in a chain of the past. He hadn't expected to see her in such a way. This was Kanae before they had disturbed their life.

A normal girl. Well a girl who tried to be normal.

"Are you going to be able to do this? I know I'm suppose to spectate, but if I have to save your ass anyways, I might as well—"

"I can do this."

It was the past and she had to accept that. She wasn't facing those memories, it was just the building. There was nothing emotionally gripping with the institution.

Her own woes came with the thoughts of Riko. She hadn't spoken to her since Halloween. It felt difficult to talk about what happened, leaving it to Riko's imagination. Ghosting her was petty, maybe even stupid, but to her it was necessary.

At this time of day, Riko wouldn't be there. She couldn't. Kanae knew better than anyone that her guardian would never allow it.

"Ah crap! I gotta put up the veil." Gojo scratched the back of his head. "Wait for me a bit? Sensei will fight me for forgetting."

The visions of the many times he had promised to put up the veil and had forgotten haunted his mind. He still worked flawlessly without it, but it was Yaga's reaction. His sensei would punish him severely for taking lightly something so crucial for exorcism.

Kanae nodded as he walked away to the outskirts of the school. She wasn't too surprised that he would almost forget something important as the veil.

Not too long ago she was here. It hadn't smelled familiar as it was late. The afternoon air was cool sending shivers down her spine. Schools seemed more haunting in the evening. It felt like the perfect scene for a horror movie. A place that crushes the hopes, dreams and annoys the fuck out of kids.

"You ready?" Gojo returned zapping Kanae out of her thoughts.

"That was quick." She glanced at Gojo who raised an eyebrow at her. She shrugged, "I guess. Ready as I'll ever be."

Before she could even step forward, Gojo intercepted her path facing her.

"Yeah if this is how you will be, you are not defeating the curse. Just as you need to be strong physically, don't forget mental strengths."

"So like my cursed technique? Got it."

"Yes, but that's not what I'm talking about. Confidence and belief go a long way. If you don't think you are strong, you'll probably lose."

She eyeballed him, "Says the guy who keeps saying you're weak. I have accepted I'm not that strong, but I'm trying alright!"

Gojo sighed as he raised an eyebrow at her. The more he was around Kanae, things about her became more apparent to him. It was strange and unsettling to him how willing she was to talk herself down. Many people do that daily, but for her it was an unhealthy amount. He wouldn't be surprised if that's why she was so adamant on taking a back seat on her life.

"Why does my opinion matter? You'll continue to be weak with your dumb mindset." He turned to the school scratching the back of his head. "Maybe I should just take this matter into my own hands. You sounding like you signed your death certificate."

"What?!" She raised her voice circling in front of Gojo. "Oh so now your opinion shouldn't matter?"

She gritted her teeth looking up at him and poking his chest. The way he acts, does he not always make his opinion seem superior? Especially since he is so called strong?

He grabbed her hand stopping the mini-assault on his chest sending a flick to her forehead. "It never should have. Your problem is that you depend on people too much. You never make your own choices because you are thinking about others. You won't get far in life with that mindset."

Out of all people, Gojo was informing her of her self-punishing ways. Was she really like that? She didn't really think of her words much. Usually, there was some playful nature behind her words, even though a great amount wasn't.

She rubbed her forehead glaring at him feeling an impending red mark as he cocked his head to the side with grin.

"Are you gonna cry about it? It's the truth."

"Oh what an amazing sensei you would make." She spoke sarcastically turning her attention back to the school. "Remind me of this damn mission."

"You better start listening more. I can't always remember for the both of us."

"Whatever Gojo. Just remind me of it now."

He now stood beside her staring at the school. It wasn't as grand as Jujutsu Tech, but it was a decent size. It was an all girls school.

"What's gonna happen is that you'll exorcise the curse. It should be a Grade 4, so it should be pretty easy." He yawned stretching his arms up in the air. It was clearly way too late for him to be up at this time. "I'm not going to interfere unless I have to. If I do have to interfere, that does solidify you as weak."

She clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth. "I thought you were being nice today."

"I am. I didn't say I wasn't going to be real." He grinned mischievously, "Prove me wrong Kanae. Maybe I'll have respect for you then."

The two slowly walked towards the entrance. Kanae opened the door. Before she could walk in herself, Gojo immediately walked in causing her to roll her eyes.

"Ladies first I guess." She mumbled to herself trailing behind the strong sorcerer.

They stood in the main hall. Kanae cringed as she reminisced. The main office connected, along with two grand staircases on either side leading to the second floor.

It was the main hangout place especially in the mornings before class. She remembers the random cat fights and arguments that occurred there. She was never a part of them but she would be lying if she hadn't dropped an ear to who was stealing what, who fell out with who, and who was sleeping with who.

Teenagers can be ruthless, but are also the most entertaining. The drama was quite unmatched when viewing one's teen years in comparison to their adult one's.

"Why are the lights off? Aren't the main lights of schools always on?" The words quivered out of her. In attempt to hide it, she hacked up a cough.

"Well at least this becomes more discrete."

Gojo could notice Kanae's unsettled demeanour. Her eyes lingered on certain grooves and displays familiar with the ghastly presence of the school. She began to rub her arm as a chilled breath left her lips. It was obvious she wanted this to be over more than anything.

"So, this is what an all-girls school looks like?" Gojo questioned twitching his nose as he sniffed the air.

Kanae glanced at him in disbelief watching the man soak in the area.

Moving closer to him, she gently nudged him. "Stop being a pervert! What did you expect? A harem awaiting for you?"

"I don't know. I can't be curious?" Gojo sent her a lazy shrug as she shook her head in disappointment.

"No. You've lost your privileges."

Kanae took a few steps forward kneeling on the ground sucking in a sharp breath. She palmed the floor as her eyes flickered fuchsia.

This was her first mission meaning she had to scope out the curse and needed to act fast. She understood she was with the Great Gojo Satoru to which she wasn't sure how much patience he could possibly have. There was also the fact she didn't know how much more of him she could take.

Exhaling deeply her eyes faded to its original plum colour, "I don't sense any curses, but there might be a some students or faculty in."

Light traces of cursed energy lingered through the halls to which she hated but it was true. Did this jeopardize their mission?

Gojo watched her center her focus and cursed energy. When remembering the training from the previous the day, he guessed she took the importance of perfecting her control with cursed energy to use her cursed technique. Watching her be serious was cute to him. She was really trying to put effort into what she was doing.

"I didn't know you could do that." He raised an eyebrow as she stood up before him.

"It's not enough, but it's something. Regarding this mission, I think we should split up. You cover the ground floor and I'll deal with the second." Kanae told Gojo who nodded.

"Look at you, being all demanding." He teased to which she turned away puckering her lips in annoyance. Gojo held his chin, "Maybe something is masking the spirit. Like the basement at that party. Sometimes the intel is off, but I don't think the intel is that off."

Kanae turned to look up at the man, "So you are convinced that the spirit is here but hiding. Wouldn't I still sense it's cursed energy?"

He tapped his index finger on his chin as he crinkled his nose. "Perhaps, but that's not the most compelling theory."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Then?"

It was obvious he was making a face wanting to make a dramatic reveal about what he had discovered himself.

With an impressed grin, Gojo nodded, "No, I know someone is masking the spirit and its cursed energy."

"So this is real..."

Kanae stood on the second floor a bit stunned from Gojo's own discovery. Someone masking the spirit? It was definitely impressive for someone to commit to such a task.

Is that even possible? Why would someone want to mask a cursed spirit? Who is that benefiting and how?

In her mind it felt like a stretch, but as much as a crazed and goofy individual he was, Gojo wasn't stupid.

The halls on the second floor had lights that flickered ever so slightly. She wasn't too scared as it had been like that on regular days. As she walked, she stayed close to the walls, wanting to maintain some sort of cover. If the spirit was being hidden, it could appear randomly.

Why would they even send me here? I'm sure they knew this was my school.

It was like they wanted to remind her that she was forced to leave. She had been expelled for something she never did. Even with her record cleared, it reminded her of the powerful entities in the governing systems.

As she passed by the many classrooms, her mind began to contemplate random things she had wondered when in school. What was the point of all these classrooms when only a handful were used? Did her father really put her in an all girls school hoping she would keep boys out of her life only for her to commit to the complete opposite? Why were girls always against each other even when they should stick to one another? She remembered people hating each other more since they were not in a co-ed environment.

Now she was in a school that was probably worse. Jujutsu High was huge for no reason. Students were dropping like flies, and sometimes the faculty. Before attending high school, she knew it existed, but her father never wanted her to go but never specified to her why. She assumed that it was due to the only thing they had in common, hating the world of sorcery. At least she felt like she got along with everyone she had met at the school. She had yet to meet someone who felt like a thorn in her side.

Halting her movements, she glanced to the side seeing a singular classroom with a light seeping through its narrow opening.

She walked towards the room, slipping through the door with her eyes falling upon a familiar someone. In that moment, she wished she would have turned and left the way she came. She dreaded this, and had convinced herself that it was not possible for her to be there. Before her, a student was deep in her work, with furrowed eyebrows as she gripped her pencil.

It was Riko.

"Sensei I—" Riko lifted her head with her eyes widening at the sight of her best friend.

It had been awhile since the two had seen each other or even had contacted each other. Her pencil fell out of her hand, clinking onto the desk before rolling onto the floor.

Riko leaned back into her seat gripping onto the sides of the desk, trying not to lose her shit. "Look who finally decided to show their face. Have my hundreds of texts not gotten to you? It's been three weeks since that party and you ghosted me."

Kanae shamefully stared at the ground. Riko's eyes blazed full of fury and pain. She wanted nothing more to resent Kanae After everything and she could not blame her for wanting to.

"It's...It's not what you think. I've been—"

"Busy? Oh I knew you would pull that bullshit excuse. What are you too good enough for me now that you have to give yourself and excuse to not talk to me Kanae?" Riko's eyes pricked at the school uniform she had.

The swirly gold button was familiar. It was the same button that accented the uniforms that those boys that met up with Kanae had.

"Ah so I see now. You go to the same school as those guys. Was that so hard to admit?" Riko asked as Kanae could feel throat burning.

There was so much she wanted to say, but nothing would leave her mouth. Riko was right in feeling hurt, but she had no idea and would never understand her reasoning.

"I had no choice! I had to switch schools!" Kanae raised her voice. It was much louder than she had needed it to be, but Riko needed to see it wasn't any easier for her.

"I don't care! I thought we were best friends! I was so worried about you! Do you here me Kanae? I was so scared for you!" Riko was leaning over her desk now holding onto her chest. It was like an impending pain she attempted to hold at bay was leaking out.

After everything she had felt these past three weeks, not knowing what their relationship was, attempting to accept that their friendship was over, to not wanting to accept it all. She expected to feel loneliness from Kanae's hiatus. Though it was something she never expected Kanae to put her through.

Her eyes began to well up with tears. "All I have been seeing was your pale face in that basement. I even questioned if you actually died! Your family not wanting to say anything, keeping me in the dark like I'm some stranger. I thought we were better than this!"

It was selfish of Kanae. She knew that. She hadn't thought of the pain Riko felt as she was hurting herself. The only person she truly cared about, kept her distance. She had to. Watching Riko tear up, tightening her eyes as if she was trying to squeeze the pain away, was painful to watch. She herself could feel her chest pang. Her own emotions she had swallowed so deeply.

It was for the best.

"I'm sorry Riko. I never meant to hurt you like this." Kanae kept a faint look on her face feeling her own emotions cave in. She bit her lip as her own eyes burned with tears but took a deep breath to not allow it further.

"Then tell me why. What happened?" Riko looked up at her with faltering eyes. "If you really want to fix this, I deserve an explanation."

An explanation? What could I even say? Kanae had questioned herself what she would do if ever confronted by Riko.

What could she really tell her? She could never talk to her about curses. She did sense the cursed energy from her friend, but a lot of people she knew had cursed energy, just most didn't understand the properties. She wanted to keep it that way. Riko deserved to stay naive, grow old and live a happy life. Not traumatized by curses.

"I got expelled." She stated a bit peeved hearing those words come out of her mouth.

Riko's expression grew quizzical. "You? Expelled? Why? What the hell could you even do? What the hell would you even do for that to happen?"

She knew Kanae as too antisocial and way to chill to even care about doing something drastic.

Kanae swallowed the lump in her throat not wanting to go into the specifics. "Because of that, I have been disowned. I'm just—I guess I'm figuring out where to go from here."

Riko knew Kanae's father to be an ass, but not that crazy. Did she really do something that bad for him to give her the boot? His youngest child and only daughter. She watched Kanae's expression strain as the words left her mouth. It seemed to have trouble her remembering what ever truly occurred.

"You could live with me." Riko told her now wiping her tears. "I thought you knew you could confide in me."

"I appreciate that Riko, but I have found living arrangements." Kanae admitted thinking to the dorms.

This conversation wasn't going anywhere. What was Kanae waiting for? Was she hoping something could miraculously fix them? Make it easy to be friends? They were both hiding a lot from each other which was really apparent on both ends. Now where Kanae's life was, she couldn't keep friends.

"You are still hiding things." Riko accused Kanae noticing her laced in thought.

Kanae darted her eyes at her. "So are you."

Riko rocked in her seat not expecting that. Kanae was quite perceptive, but had tend to keep her thoughts to herself.

"This..this isn't gonna work. I thought of this for long and where I am now, I can't be your friend. There will always be lies." Kanae admitted to Riko. She could never be transparent to her, and that was the most important thing of their unity.

"Are you serious? Just like that?" Riko could feel her heart shatter into pieces hearing those words. "I call bullshit. You are being dramatic."

There was a numbing emitting from Kanae. She couldn't understand why she was acting so strange. This was all her fault and her choice after all.

"What do you want me to say?! I don't want to be fucking friends with you? I hate you? What people say about you are true? You are ditzy and naive and it's fucking annoying!" Kanae screamed with anger seething through.

Kanae palmed her forehead grunting in frustration. She was so sick of this, sick of losing the good things in her life. It hurt and fucking sucked but it needed to be done.

Riko's eyes widened in shock, her mind fragmented at those harsh words. Never ever would she had thought Kanae would say such things to her. It felt like a lie, all of it. It had to be a bad dream. She wanted it to be a nightmare that she had to awaken from. What a terrible feeling. Why would Kanae ever say such things to her?

Kanae could see she broke Riko. She didn't want to let her go. If anything she wanted to hold her close, but she wouldn't allow it.


Shock stroke through Kanae's body. It was a sudden rush of cursed energy that entered the vicinity. She activated her eyes as a cursed spirit broke through the door, lariating her into the window. Quickly, she raised her arms to protect her face and neck minimizing the impact. The back of her skull whisked into the window, the glass cracking upon impact. She slumped onto the ground holding her pained head. Crimson liquid oozed into her hand.

Looking up, the cursed spirit grinned at her.

"₳ⱤɆ ɎØɄ ₴Ʉ₱₱Ø₴Ɇ ₮Ø ɆӾØⱤ₵ł₴Ɇ ₥Ɇ?"

The tall and slender figure inched towards Kanae. Riko paling as shaky breaths left her mouth. It was a terrifying situation that they had both found themselves in once again.

A wicked laugh etched out of the curse's throat.


𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐.

I apologize for the late update! I'm trying to do daily updates as I anticipate this will be a long fic.

See you in the next one!

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