Raising Magic

By MelissaSpagnuolo

243 19 5

Daughter of two very powerful magic wielders, Katima struggles to gain control over her own immense powers... More



6 0 0
By MelissaSpagnuolo

We remove David's bindings, except for the gag once again, and Baldwin carries him down the steps. His mom is awake. We can hear her moving around in her room, but we make it safely to the front door without drawing her out. Baldwin opens the door, and David and I step out. He then calls out loudly to his mom.

"Mom, I'm leaving. I'm going to Kat's house."

"So early?" She calls back.

"Yeah, she, umm, had trouble sleeping, so I'm gonna go keep her company. "

"That's nice of you, dear. Love you, be safe."

"I will, Ma.

Baldwin joins us outside, and we begin walking to my house. He lent me a sweater, as David is still wearing mine, with the hood back up. He put one on himself as well, also with the hood up, covering his blue messy mop. The morning air is chilly, and I am grateful for the added layer, and it doesn't hurt that it just happens to be one of my favourite sweatshirts of his. Black, of course, with a cute green alien riding through space on a skeleton unicorn with a sparkly, rainbow coloured mane with the words 'My reality is just better than yours.' It's huge on me, but it kind of feels like he is hugging me, so I don't mind, and it was easier than trying to redress David.

I am holding David's hand since he needs to be dragged along or he won't follow, but it is extremely awkward to be walking in the middle of both of them while doing so. Baldwin keeps looking at our joined hands. I know he doesn't like it, but he knows I don't have a choice. Plus, he could always offer to take his hand if he would prefer that. I think about reaching out for Baldwins' hand, too, but I am not sure if that would just make it even more awkward.

We walk in silence at first. I am lost in my thoughts, which are bouncing back and forth quicker than a ping pong ball at the World Table Tennis Championship. From memories of Baldwins lips on mine to the regret of David's suffering, from daydreams of a future with Baldwin to the dread of facing my parents, from the peace that comes with my best friend and now boyfriend, can I call him that, knowing my secret and accepting me, to the fear of learning to control my powers. I guess Baldwin is lost in his own thoughts as well as he hasn't said anything either.

About halfway to my house David stops. I try to pull him harder, but he doesn't budge. A woman is approaching us, out walking her dog. The dog appears to be a little ball of golden fur. A pomeranian, perhaps. The dog begins to bark as they get closer. David is now growling loudly, his jaw flexes and bites trying to remove the gag. He hasn't thought to use his hands to remove it, I'm not sure if he is even capable of it. Do zombies have the capability of deductive reasoning or critical thinking? I don't even know if they remember who they were. Do they feel emotions? He looks angry, but is that just a manifestation of his body's hunger. Does the barking upset him in a physical sense? Is it too loud?

I'm lost in my thoughts as we stand there, and then, like, I am watching it happen in slow motion, I see David lunge for the dog. The dog squirms and yips in his hands. The owner darts forward, wrapping her arms protectively around her pet and throwing herself backward away from David just as David bites down. His gag has shifted and loosened and is hanging around his neck, doing nothing to prevent his teeth from grazing the flesh of the woman's forearm. The small taste of her blood has him revved up as he gnashes his teeth over and over to get a bigger bite, while she tries to deflect him while still keeping her pet safe. Baldwin grabs David's arms, forcing him to release the dog and pulls him away from the woman and her pet.

"What the hell? Oww. Fuck! What is wrong with him?"

"I'm so sorry." I mumble in shock.

"Is he on drugs? I should call the cops."

"No, please ma'am, don't do that. I know he must have frightened you and that he hurt you, but the injury is not severe, and he isn't himself right now. We are taking him to get help. We are so sorry that you had to experience this, but please, just take your dog and get home safely."

Baldwin smoothly talks as though he isn't restraining a rabid David in his arms. She looks up at him, this tall, foreboding figure grappling with a crazed and snarling David, as she contemplates his words. She seems very unsure about leaving, but it doesn't look like she wants to stay and wait for the cops either and risk further injury. Her eyes drop to her injured arm, the bleeding having already slowed, and up to meet my eyes.

"Does he have any diseases?"

Smart woman. The risk would not be the wound from his teeth, but the germs and possible diseases spread from his saliva. I don't know how to answer. Obviously, David was not ill, but should she be worried? He wasn't exactly the picture of a healthy normal human. Would she end up like him? My magic seems to be bubbling up inside me as the shock starts to fade and my anxiety rises. I try to harness it and focus on willing her to leave. I just need her gone. My brain feels like it will short circuit at any moment. I'm not sure if my magic has any effect, but she does choose to walk away without comment.

Once she has turned the corner and is no longer visible or in earshot, Baldwin asks, "Do we need to worry about her turning into a zombie?"

"I have no idea. I mean, I - this isn't something I'm familiar with. It's not like in the movies. There is no virus or nuclear apocalypse. He wasn't raised with the intention of being a zombie by some evil necromancer seeking revenge. This is my magic backfiring, I have no clue if it is transferable."

"Well, I hope it's not, or this could get ugly."

"We will have to ask my parents. And if it is, I don't know what to do. We didn't exactly get her address or name or anything."

"Okay, let's deal with one thing at a time. Can you get him calm again?"

Just as I had done the two times prior, I take David's face in my hands and try to get him to focus on me. He does not seem to recognize me anymore, though. The bloodlust or desire for flesh or brains or whatever it is that David is craving has completely taken over. There wasn't much of David to begin with, but I am pretty sure there is no coming back from this. Baldwin seems concerned, aware that David does not appear to be acknowledging my words or my presence in front of him. He simply continues to thrash and growl and bite at the space between us.

Baldwin is strong, but he is not going to be able to drag David in this state the rest of the way to my house, at least not easily and not without risk. I need to do something. I think about the woman leaving, I don't know if I had any influence in that decision or not, but maybe I can try to replicate it and use my magic to calm David. Not releasing his face, I try to focus on the memory of the bubbly feeling in my veins, trying to summon the magic that flows through me. I close my eyes and concentrate on the sensation and am surprised when I feel it.

I focus on willing David to calm down. I imagine my magic flowing from me to David, just like when I performed the resurrection spell. Only the intent this time is calm, not rise. David's grunting noises cease, and I hear a soft "Wow" come from Baldwin. I open my eyes and see David lax in Baldwins arms. Baldwin's eyes are wide as they look at me.

"Kat, your magic, I felt it. Like ripples starting in my hands and traveling up my arms and through my body like a wave of calm, warm water."

He releases David, who doesn't move, and stares at his hands for a moment before returning his gaze to me. The smile that spreads across his face is breathtaking. I suck in a breath and choke, coughing and sputtering and completely ruining the moment. My eyes linger on the floor, avoiding him as I struggle to regain my composure. I feel his hand on my shoulder, a quiet plea for my attention. As I lift my head, his hand captures my chin, making sure that I can't avert my eyes from him again.

"You know, knowing you were a witch, even with David as proof, it was still kinda surreal, but feeling your magic. that was - fucking cool. I mean, I always knew you were special, kitten."

Ugh, why do my knees go weak when he calls me that. His thumb traces my lower lip, his touch, so soft, so light, causes goosebumps to erupt along my skin. He lowers his head and I close my eyes and anticipate his lips on mine, but they never come. His breath is hot as he whispers in my ear.

"I can't wait to see what else you can make me feel with your magic."

Fuck. It's the only word my brain seems capable of forming in the moment. This seductive side of Baldwin is not something I am used to and he is way too good at it. Heat floods my body, my neck tingles where his breath danced along the skin there, and I lick my suddenly dry lips. I feel him back up and it is like the heat that had enveloped me fled with him and I am left cold. A shiver shudders through me and I open my eyes to find him staring at my lips, and as quickly as it left the heat is back. The hungry look in his eyes, for me, is still hard to believe, but I am sure in this moment my look must mirror his own. The need to close the distance between us and lose myself in his kiss, his hands, is overwhelming.

David's groan snaps the two of us out of our lust filled haze and back to the absurd reality that is my life right now. You know the one where I am walking my dead ex-boyfriend to see my magic wielding parents along with my new boyfriend who has been my best friend for like ever, but was hiding his feelings for me for years, and who is a Normal and shouldn't even know about my secret witchy ways. Yup, this is going to go well. Not to mention the woman who might be starting the zombie apocalypse right now because I have no idea if David's bite is contagious. My parents are going to be so proud.

"I guess we should keep going." Baldwin says.

"Yeah, the sooner we get there, the sooner they can kill me." I respond.

He takes my hand and gives it a little squeeze, trying to offer me support and reassurance with his touch. I smile halfheartedly at him. I don't want to let go of his hand, but I need to take David's in order for us to start moving on our way, and holding both of their hands still feels like it would be very awkward. I hesitantly let my hand drop from Baldwin's and grab David's, a mixture of irritation and guilt waring inside me.

I start walking in the direction of my house once again, dragging David behind me a little more forcefully than before. Baldwin falls in step beside me, but my mood darkens with each step we take. By the time my house is visible, I am a sullen mess of emotions, and it has become physically painful to continue forward. I stop. Baldwin takes two steps forward before realizing I'm not beside him. He turns to look at me. I can see the concern in his furrowed brows and the stiffness of his jaw. He takes a step towards me. The small space between us feels like a chasm.

"I know you're scared and nervous, but no matter what happens, I'm here for you, Kat."

Tears sting my eyes, threatening to fall. He reaches out his hand to me. I am literally shaking as I lift my free hand to his. The desire to wrap myself in his arms and hide from what I know is coming is so strong. As our hands come together, my tears can no longer be held back. They spill down my cheeks.

"Oh kitten, it's okay. Come here, let it all out. I've got you. I'll always be here for you, Kat. Always. I want you to remember something. You are amazing. People make mistakes, and people aren't perfect, I assume the same is true of witches. It doesn't change the fact that you are incredible. We will figure this out, and I will be beside you the whole time. You, Katima Hunter, are compassionate, you want the best for everyone, and you go out of your way to make people feel good. You are kind and giving and thoughtful and introspective and smart. But you are also tough. You don't let the bullies win. You don't put up with shit without a fight. You are strong and apparently really fucking powerful, even if you have no idea how to control it. Nothing your parents do or say in there is going to change that. Except maybe to help with controlling your magic thing, which is a good thing, right?"

Baldwin held me close, stroking my cheek as he spoke. The fact that I was still gripping David's hand didn't matter. His words were perfect. He was perfect. He managed to acknowledge and validate my emotions and console me while at the same time uplifting and bolstering me to cope with what was coming. And in that moment, I knew I loved him. Not as a friend, though that was still there. It wasn't just lust or a crush either, I had fallen head over heels, madly in love with him. The realization was intense, and I felt my love for him in every cell of my body. I looked into his eyes, and I think he felt it, too. His eyes were wide and sparkled with unshed tears.


Hope and love and shock and fear were tangled in the unasked question behind his soft, breathy purr of my name. He looked so vulnerable. The desperate plea in his eyes was enough to shatter my heart into a million pieces. He needed to hear it, and I needed to say it.

"I love you." I whispered.

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