Imprint - Jacob Black X Reader

By asprinklingofchaos

8.5K 171 24

"You've left more than an imprint on me." The sleepy town of Forks never changes. That's the one thing Y/N th... More



757 20 2
By asprinklingofchaos

"Hey, Y/N, come check this out." I was finishing my homework at my desk, Jacob was excited, I could practically see him bouncing. I closed my notebook, pulled in my Jacket and followed him to the garage. There, in all its glory, was the Volkswagen Rabbit, engine humming.
"Jacob, this is brilliant." I walked around the car, he'd polished the paintwork so well that you could see yourself in it.
"Two months of love, sweat and tears." He beamed.
"So this is my competition, huh?"
"Says the girl with books full of fictional characters against me." He teased, I pretended not to hear him.
"I figured I could drive today, take us for a ride after the movie. Just me and you." My heart raced with the prospect of alone time with Jacob.
"Sure. I'd like that."

We pulled up in front of Bella's at the same time as Mike. The others hadn't been able to make it, with most falling sick, so it really hadn't gone as planned. We made our way to the cinema, I opted to sit in the back with Mike in an attempt to give Bella some relief.
"Does the radio work?" He asked, leaning forward.
"It does, but Bella doesn't like music." Jacob explained, this surprised Mike.
"How can you not like music?"
Bella shrugged, "It annoys me, I guess." I felt bad for him, I wanted to tell him that I found it strange too. That his efforts would all be in vain. It was clear to see that she still wasn't over him.

As predicted, Jacob found the movie ridiculous. I tried to watch to the best of my ability, but that wasn't going to happen with him and Bella around. "How fake can you get?" Jacob observed, chuckling to himself.
I'm the corner of my eye, I could see Mike rest his head in his hands, his face turning green. I nudged Bella.
"Mike, are you okay?" She whispered.
Mike groaned. "No. I think I'm sick." You could see the sheen of sweat across his face. He groaned again, then bolted for the door. I shared a look with Jacob, following Bella as she chased after Mike.
Jacob left us in the foyer while he checked Mike. "I can see why you turned Mike down." I nudged her in the arm, she laughed lightly.
"He's gonna be in there a while." Jacob emerged from the bathroom, "What a marshmallow. You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit."
"Like you? Don't take his advice Bella, you'll never watch a movie in peace again."
We sat down on the velveteen bench, waiting for Mike. Bella picked at her nails.
"How'd you get that?" I pulled her hand towards me, running my hand over the crescent scar, it was cold to the touch.
"That is a funny scar." Jacob asked. She scowled.
"Do you guys really expect me to remember how every scar happened?" Her tone was off, I shrugged. Maybe this was why she'd been so withdrawn. Maybe it had been him.

Mike eventually appeared, as pale as a sheet and sweating profusely. He smiled apologetically. "Do you mind leaving early?" He whispered.
"No, of course not." I got up to help him, wrapping my arm around his waist. Jacob's jaw tensed.
"Movie too much for you?" He asked.
Mikes glare was malevolent. "I didn't actually see any of it. I was nauseated before the lights went down."
We started walking as Bella scolded him for not saying something. Jacob stopping at the door. "Just a sec." He walked quickly back to the concessions stand, where the salesgirl thrust an empty popcorn bucket at Jacob with a horrified expression. He returned and handed it to Mike with a smirk, "Please." Was all he said.

I sat in the front this time. We wound the windows down, the icy chill infiltrating the car. I rubbed my arms in an attempt to gain some warmth.
"Cold?" Jacob asked, putting his arm around me before I could say anything.
"You're not?" He shook his head. "You must have stomach flu too." I grumbled, touching my fingers to his forehead. It was hot.
"I feel fine. Fit as a fiddle."
I pressed my hand to his head this time. "Your hands are like ice." he complained.
His temperature grew hotter as we drove. So hot that the cold wind was a welcome relief.
We followed Bella as she drove Mike home in his Suburban, then dropped her back off home. "Is he okay?" She asked. Jacob had now opened his window and was running his head.
"Actually, I feel a bit funny." He put on a smile, but it didn't really mask how he was feeling.
"Maybe I should drive." Normal Jacob would have protested, but sick Jacob simply nodded, dragging himself around the car to the passenger side.
"Call me when you get home." Bella's face was laced with concern, I nodded.
"We will, don't worry."

The drive back to the house seemed as if it would never end. Eventually, we made it, and Jacob stumbled inside. He fell onto the small couch, groaning, as Billy wheeled over.
"You're looking a little weird, Jake." His brow creased, "I think it's time."
Jacob's features twisted, his eyes darkening. "No. I don't want this." His voice rose in volume as he spoke, a sharp edge to it that had me step back. "They're stories." He spat out the words as if they were hot on his tongue, his body shuddering with rage.
"Jake." He snapped his attention to me, he looked feral now. "Jake, just sit down." My voice was calm, but my hands were trembling. He shook his head, back and forth.
"How the hell do I sit and relax when I'm about to become a monster?" Every muscle in his body bulged. "Tell me that, Y/N. What will you think of me then? When your version of me is long gone?" It was as if he took a knife to my heart, poking it with the sharp edge. I was speechless, eyes hot with tears.
He tore out of the door and onto the grass, I watched from the porch as his body convulsed, bringing him to his knees. My tears fell as he burst out of himself, a humongous russet wolf, muzzle lifted to reveal a row of razor-sharp canines. My breath caught in my throat as the wolf turned to look at me, the light of the house illuminating it's eyes, before running into the treeline and out of sight.

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