thelxiepeia | s.stilinski

By elsiecherry

56.5K 1.8K 3.9K

lottie bailey never expected to fall in love with her best friend, then again, she never thought her other be... More

before you read
part one
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
part two
cast list
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
part three
cast list
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six

chapter twenty four

1K 37 162
By elsiecherry

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*2.12 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

'brilliant, he's gonna be like a flying monkey from the wizard of oz... if the monkey was a lizard and paralysed and killed people. just perfect.'


Lottie stood on the bleachers, clutching a lump of Noah Stilinski's jacket in one hand and Lydia's hand in the other. The sound of hushed panic echoed in the darkness whilst Lottie silently called out to Scott. She knew his priority right now was his mother, as it should be. Lottie reached over to where Melissa was but only clutched air. She'd moved.

"Guys. We need to move slowly. Carefully down to the field." Lottie told Lydia and Stilinski. They grasped Lottie's hands and slowly made their way down to the pitch where they heard Scott and Melissa.

"I'm fine--I'm fine. But someone's hurt. Someone on the field." Melissa reassured Scott when the stadium lights crackled to life and lit up the pitch. Immediately Lottie's eyes scanned the field, looking for one person and one person only. That's when the panic started. Jackson was laying in the middle of the field, not breathing and covered in blood - his own blood. Lydia let go of Lottie's hand and ran over to him whilst Lottie stayed with Stilinski still too distracted by a painful absence that wasn't going away.

"Look." Scott instructed Melissa who was crouched next to Jackson and Isaac who had just made his way over. He pointed at Jackson's hand, it was covered in blood.

"He did it to himself?" Isaac asked as Melissa began chest compressions on Jackson.

"Where is my son?" Stilinski called out. In all the madness nobody except Sheriff Stilinski and Lottie had noticed who had gone missing. Stiles was gone.

"Where is Stiles?" Lottie asked calmly, looking directly at Scott and Isaac, who both gulped at the eerie look on her face. If they didn't find Stiles soon, they had a feeling all of Beacon Hills would know about it.

"Where's Stiles? Where the hell's my son?" Stilinski shouted, desperate for answers. He began to step into his Sheriff role and started questioning people, his hands shaking as he was visibly distracted. "I have to meet the medical examiner and figure out what happened with Jackson, but I've got an A-P-B out for Stiles. His Jeep's still in the parking lot, which means... well, I don't know what it means. If he answers his phone or email or if any of you see him–"

"Noah. We'll find him okay. It'll be okay. Look he probably just got nervous about all the attention and ran off." Lottie tried to remain calm for Stilinski's sake, knowing that the second he was out of earshot, she was going to tear the world apart trying to find Stiles.

"Little Lotts, I wish I could believe that, but I  know he wouldn't leave without you." Stilinski sighed as he took his notepad out. "Look, just tell me if or as soon as you hear anything. Love you Little."

"Of course. Love you too, Papa S." Lottie smiled sadly before turning away from the older man and dropping her smile instantly as she made her way over to the two teenage werewolves in the locker room. They gulped and glanced at each other, almost pleading with each other to be the one to deal with Lottie. "So tell me you have a plan or I'm going to tear everything and everyone apart until I get him back. And I don't mean that in a figurative sense, I mean that in the literal sense." She almost growled at them.

"McCall, we need you on the team, okay? You know I can't put you back on the field next season unless your grades are up." Coach interrupted as Lottie silently fumed, now was not the time for a pep talk. Not about lacrosse. "I mean I yell and scream a lot but it's not like I hate you guys. Well, I kind of hate Greenberg, but that's different. I'm just saying we need you. Get your grades up, okay? Get back on the team."

"He will. Now Coach if you don't mind, our best friend is missing. We'd like to be alone." Lottie asked, smiling sadly at the man, trying to get him to leave, which he did. Resting an awkward hand on Lottie's shoulder, he nodded and departed, leaving the three supernatural teens to figure out a plan. "Right, that's everyone. What's the plan before I go crazy?"

In response Scott ripped the door of Stiles' locker off its hinges and started pulling out items of his clothing.

"​​You're going to find him by scent?" Isaac asked. Before Scott could reply, Lottie reached into the locker and pulled out one of Stiles' trainers, handing it to the questioning boy. He held the shoe, cringing slightly. "Why does he get a shirt and I get a shoe? Can't I have-" He cut himself off when he saw the death glare Lottie was sending him. "I'll take the shoe. Yep, I'll take the shoe."

"We need to talk." A voice called out. Lottie turned to see Derek turn round the corner in the locker room. A brief smile made its way onto Lottie's face before she saw he wasn't alone.

"We all do." Peter Hale added as he joined Derek. He smiled at Lottie as he did, however that smile lasted all of a second as his face dropped when Lottie transformed and lunged for him. Scott and Isaac both stopped her, with Isaac wrapping his arms around her waist and Scott standing in front of her. "Now what do we have here?" he taunted.

"Lotts, not now. Lotts, I promise, once we've got Stiles, he's all yours." Scott whispered, despite knowing everyone could hear him. Her breathing was heavy as she tried to escape Isaac's arms, determined to attack the man that turned her world upside down. "Think of Stiles. Think of Stiles. He needs us. He needs you."

Flashes of Stiles appeared in her mind, him smiling at her in one second but then him being beaten and bruised in the next. Slowly she calmed her breathing and her features returned to normal. "I promise Lottie, once we've got Stiles, trust me, I won't hold you back. Let's hear them out." Scott promised, slowly letting go of the girl as Isaac loosely kept his arms around her. "Although her reaction is fair, what the hell is this?"

"You know, I thought the same thing when I saw you talking to Gerard at the Sheriff's Station." Derek scoffed, looking Scott up and down as Lottie glanced over the teenage wolf. She soon turned her gaze back onto Derek, a glare settling on her features.

"Okay, hold on. He threatened to kill my mom. And I needed to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?" Scott asked.

"I'm going to have to side with Scott on this one. Have you seen his mother? Gorgeous." Peter added. Lottie flashed her fangs and hissed at him as Derek and Scott told the man to shut up. "Just an observation."

"Who is he?" Isaac asked, pointing to the older man.

"A waste of good oxygen. Somehow he's got a second go at living. It'll be his last though." Lottie spat, glaring at the man as he raised a brow at his creation.

"Derek's uncle. A little while back, he tried to kill all of us so we set him on fire and Derek slashed his throat." Scott elaborated.

"Good to know." Isaac nodded, adjusting his hands as Lottie still tried to wriggle out of his grasp.

"How is he alive?" Scott asked.

"Long, complicated story. Wolfsbane, full moon, it's a whole thing." Peter answered non-committedly.

"The short version is he knows how to stop Jackson. And maybe how to save him." Derek added.

"Well if that's all he has to offer us, then it's too little too late." Lottie scoffed. She was far too worried about her Stiles to even think about Jackson being dead.

"Jackson's dead. It happened on the field. It looked like he did it himself." Isaac told the older werewolves who both shared a concerned look with each other. "Why is nobody taking this as good news? He's stopped?"

"Because if Jackson's dead, there's no way it just happened. Gerard wanted it to happen." Peter told the young teens who all glanced at each other.

"Why though?" Derek asked.

"Exactly what we need to find out. And something tells me the window of opportunity is closing. Quickly." Peter had a strangely worried look on his face.

"Well, whatever we do, we need to do it now. The longer we stand here talking, the longer Stiles is missing and the quicker my patience is fading." Lottie fumed.


Stiles wasn't actually that far away from Lottie. He was in the basement of Allison Argent's house, along with Erica and Boyd. He'd been down there a few minutes when trying to figure out how to untie Erica and Boyd who were both strung up with their hands above their heads and their mouths covered. He reached for Erica first who shook her head at him as he held a finger to his lips, signalling her to be quiet. Stiles grabbed the binding and jumped away with a yelp as a blue spark of electricity lit up the room.

"They were trying to warn you it's electrified." Gerard announced as he slowly made his way down the basement stairs.

"What are you doing to them?" Stiles asked as he looked over at the man.

"At the moment, just keeping them comfortable. There's no point in torturing them. They won't give Derek up. The instinct to protect their Alpha is too strong." Gerard explained with a sinister smile.

"Okay... What are you going to do with me?" Stiles was airing on the side of caution, he knew he was in the danger zone. 

"I'm not going to kill you if that's what you're thinking."

"Good. Because Scott can find me. He knows my scent. It's pungent. It's more like a stench. He could find me even if I was buried at the bottom of a sewer, covered in fecal matter, urine and pure human filth. And don't even get me started on Lottie. She may be small but my God, if you were to kill me. She'd tear you limb from limb without breaking a sweat. Yeah that's right, limb from limb, broken bones and blood everywhere." Stiles ranted, painting a very explicit image for Gerard.

"You have a knack for creating a vivid picture, Mr. Stilinski. Let me paint one of my own. Scott McCall and Charlotte Bailey find their best friend bloodied and beaten to a pulp. How's that sound?" Gerard smirked as he stepped closer to the teenage boy. 

"I'd kind of prefer a nice still life or landscape." Stiles tried his luck. He mustered up the little confidence he had and began to roll his shoulders back. "All right, what are you? Ninety? I bet I could kick your ass up and down this room–"

Stiles was cut off as Gerard sent a brutal blow to his head, sending him to the floor in an abrupt manner. Boyd and Erica watched helplessly with pity in their eyes as Gerard lifted Stiles up by his lacrosse shirt.

"Okay, wait-wait-" Stiles almost pleaded but it was too late, Gerard lifted his fist with a particularly evil glint in his eye as he beat Stiles, again. And again. And again.


Lottie was standing in the Hale house much to her distaste with Scott, Derek, Isaac and Peter. Peter was adamant there was something in the house that would help them but all Lottie could think about was Stiles.

"I told you I looked everywhere. There's nothing in this house." Derek sighed as Peter walked over to the stairs.

"But you didn't look here." Peter smarmed as he ran his fingers along the base of one of the wooden stairs, snapping a panel and freeing it. As the trio of supernatural beings watched on, Peter reached into the staircase and felt around for something under the steps. He eventually pulled out a dusty leather case and stood to his full height.

"What is that? A book?" Derek asked.

"No. It's a laptop." Peter replied matter-of-factly. "God what century do you live in?" As he turned on his MacBook Pro. "In the few days after I came out of the coma I started transferring everything we had. Fortunately, the Argents aren't the only ones who keep records."

Scott's phone began to ring as he walked away from the group. "Hey mum, I can't talk right now." He paused briefly before worry seeped into his tone. "What's wrong?"

Lottie glanced between Scott and Derek. She was no closer to Stiles and could feel her control slipping by the moment.

"I need to go to the hospital. Something's wrong with Jackson. You guys coming?" Scott told the group as Isaac nodded at the boy.

"Okay. Go, I'll stay. Also, if Lydia is there, which I know she is. Check in on her." Lottie told her best friend.

"Actually, keep her close. We may need her to save Jackson." Peter added.

"Ignore him. If you hear anything about Stiles. Call me." And with that, Scott and Isaac left.

The trio stood in silence waiting for someone to break it. As Peter inhaled, with clear intent on speaking, Lottie cut him off abruptly.

"If you speak, I will rip your tongue out. Slowly and painfully." She sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose as Derek chuckled. Peter nodded in response as they waited for Scott's call, which came quickly. Derek answered his phone and started relaying the messages.

"They say he's in some kind of transparent casing made from the venom coming out of his claws." Derek told the duo looking at the computer screen.

"That sounds sufficiently terrifying." Peter replied, glancing up at Lottie who glared at him as he spoke. He began to click quickly on his MacBook, scrolling through the text and skim reading as quickly as he could.

"They're also saying he's starting to move."

"What is it with people coming back from the dead? Jackson, he can come back. But why did this crispy dickhead have to come back?" Lottie whined.

"Okay, I think I found something. Apparently what we've seen of Jackson so far is just the Kanima's Beta shape. " Peter read aloud, internally chuckling at Lottie's insults.

"Perfect, so he's gonna get bigger and badder right?" Lottie groaned, just wishing she could catch a break.

"Bigger and badder." Peter repeated as he pointed to the screen. Derek and Lottie leaned over Peter's shoulders to look at the screen and gulped.

"He's turning into that?" Derek asked. "That has wings!"

"Brilliant, he's gonna be like a flying monkey from the Wizard of Oz if the monkey was a lizard and paralysed and killed people. Just perfect." Lottie added unhelpfully. Derek began to tell Scott to bring Jackson to them when Peter found a video someone had made.

"Look at this. Someone actually did an animation of it. Maybe it's a little less frightening than we–" He cut himself off as the video let out a horrific screech as Peter slammed the lid of the laptop. "Nope, not at all."

"We're gonna meet them halfway."

Lottie made to follow them when her phone rang. She froze at the name that lit up the screen. Noah Stilinski. Without hesitating she picked up. "Have you found him? Is he home- do you- where-"

"Little Lotts... he's home." Stilinski sighed, the relief in his voice practically crawled through the phone. "I'll see you soon." He said as he hung up, knowing she'd be there within the hour.

Lottie didn't even speak as she ran. She sprinted through Derek's dilapidated front door and out into Beacon Hills reserve.

"Where is she-" Peter asked.

"They found Stiles." Derek let a small grin grace his face, knowing that his Tiny was happy.


Lottie ran faster than she had ever in her life, it was like she was in a trance. A dark tunnel and Stiles was the light at the end of it and if she just kept pushing, she'd get to him. Noah Stilinski was standing at the front door of his house as he saw Lottie sprinting up his drive. He smiled fondly at the girl, taking no offence when she ran straight past him, clambering up the stairs, practically on her hands and knees as she raced up the stairs.

Stiles was laying on his bed, fiddling with his phone. He wanted to message Lottie but knew she'd be out with Scott and the pack, trying to fix the problem that was Gerard and Jackson. He was drained, so very drained. Hearing the floorboard creak he barely lifted his head to call out to his dad. "Dad, I said I'm fine." He said tiredly. When he received no reply, he lifted his head and turned to look at the door to see Lottie stood in the door and just like that he felt oxygen return to his lungs and the tension leaving his body. He might not have been a werewolf, but my God was she his anchor.

Lottie stood in the doorway and gulped. There was Stiles. Sweet, kind, loving, sarcastic Stiles, laying defeated on his bed. And by God, was he beaten up. Initially she wanted to run to him and wrap him in her arms so tightly he couldn't breathe, but she couldn't because just as quickly as relief entered her body, it left and was replaced by another thing - fury.

"Lotts-" Stiles started as he stood and made his way over to her but stopped when she held out a finger, keeping a distance between them.

"Who?" She asked, leaving no room for discussion.

"It doesn't matter. Look-"

"Who. Did. This." She asked as she stepped forward, cupping his cheek in her small hand. Stiles' entire cheek was scrapped and battered, his lip was split and a bruise was already starting to form under his eye. She had a horrible feeling she'd find scrapes and bruises all over the boy.

"Lottie, please." Stiles pleaded as his voice cracked. The effects of the night had begun to weigh down on him and all he wanted, no, all he needed was Lottie in his arms. At the sound of his voice cracking Lottie met his gaze and without a second thought she jumped into his arms as he stumbled back, catching her - he'd never let her fall. "God I'm so glad you're okay." Stiles breathed into Lottie's hair as one hand held onto her back and the other gently held the back of her head.

"You're glad I'm okay? Stiles look at you?" Lottie pulled back, looking at him before her eyes trailed over his cheek. She unwrapped one of her arms from his neck and cupped his cheek again. Stiles' phone buzzed on the desk, shocking the two out of their daze as Stiles clumsily adjusted Lottie in his arms as she jumped at the noise. "You can let me down now, Stiles. That's probably Scott. It's all kicking off, Jackson's not dead. Well, he was but now he isn't."

Lottie made her way over to Stiles' phone, never once letting go of Stiles' hand as she glanced at the screen, "Stiles! He's rung you seventeen times! Are you ignoring him?"

"Not really. I'm just- I am sick of being defenceless. I couldn't even defend myself against a geriatric hunter for fucks sake! And I-" Stiles cut himself off as he realised he'd dropped himself in it.

"Gerard did this?" She growled, her eyes flashing white as veins lit up bright blue under her eyes. "I'm gonna-"

"Do nothing. Please." Stiles' phone buzzed again as Lottie looked at the screen. She flashed the screen to him as he gulped.

"I can't do nothing Stiles. First of all, that's a double negative. Second of all, he hurt you, he's currently hurting our friends. He will continue to hurt us all until he is stopped, which is what our friends are doing right now. I'm capable of stopping him, I'm sure I can, I've got a bit more control over the compulsion, I might be able to-"

"LOTTIE STOP!" Stiles shouted as she cut off. She closed her lips and looked up at the boy who pulled her closer to him with the hand she was still holding. "Why don't you care about getting hurt? You actually don't care about getting hurt. God, I was half-ruined the night you were bitten and that was before I knew what happened to you. If anything were to happen I would be devastated beyond belief. It would be the end of me. And if you die? I'll die. I can't even- I can't talk about it I-. See, death doesn't happen to you. It happens to everyone around you."

"Stiles I'm not gonna-" Lottie tried but Stiles was too far into his speech to even realise.

"No, you don't know that. And yeah, okay you're no longer human. But I DON'T CARE!" He raised his voice again until he took a deep breath as guilt flooded into his eyes before he continued, his tone returning back to normal, knowing Lottie hates it when people shout at her. "I don't care if you're a siren, a human or a fucking fairy. You're always gonna be my Lotts and I refuse to let the girl I'm in love with risk her life for anyone."

The silence in the room was deafening as Stiles realised what he'd just confessed too and as Lottie digested the words she'd been wanting to hear. Stiles gulped as he avoided Lottie's gaze. "What did you just say?" Lottie asked, desperate to hear it again, to know what he said was true. "Stiles, look at me. What did you just say?" Lottie asked, a sense of urgency dripping in her tone.

"I said you shouldn't risk your-" Stiles tried, this wasn't wasn't how he planned to tell her at all.

"You love me?" She asked hopefully as he met her gaze.

"I-uh- Yeah, I do. God this isn't how I planned it, I-"

Stiles was cut off as Lottie gently cupped his face in her hands and pressed a hesitant light kiss to his lips. And just like that, the world faded away, all Lottie could hear was her heartbeat which she swore in that moment beat perfectly in sync with Stiles'. She wrapped her arms around his neck, clasping her hands on his neck as she pulled him closer, feeling as if there was still too much space between the pair despite the fact you'd have struggled to get a sheet of paper between them. Lottie wasn't quite sure when she fell in love with him. She just knew that she'd like to spend the rest of her life wrapped in his arms and that in every lifetime she'd choose him.

Stiles wrapped his arms around Lottie's waist and he knew that he could stay in that moment, in that position forever and it still wouldn't be long enough. He needed her like he needed oxygen to breathe. He knew that he'd be able to face anything as long as she was by his side, he felt unstoppable. Together they'd be a force to be reckoned with. He wanted her good days, her bad days, her perfections, her flaws. He wanted days where they lay watching Star Wars and Glee on repeat. In simple terms. He wanted her. For as long as she'd have him and even then it wouldn't be enough.

Slowly Lottie pulled away sheepishly as she looked him in the eye, "In case you couldn't tell, I love you, Batman." She grinned shyly. Stiles opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water as he processed her words. She loved him. Lottie loved him. He loved her. He froze. Lottie's smile dropped a little out of anxiety, he wasn't saying anything. "Stiles? You okay?" She asked hesitantly.

"I've never been better." He replied dazed as he finally smiled down at the girl. "You love me. Actually love me. Not like you love Scott or Lydia. But you love me?" He asked, making sure to clarify before he got ahead of himself.

"Yes, stupid. Do you really think I'd kiss you if I loved you platonically?" She asked, laughing lightly as his face relaxed in realisation. "Honestly, for someone so smart-" She was cut off by Stiles quickly pecking her on the lips again as she smiled into the kiss. He pulled away smiling.

"Sorry, I had to double check."

"I'll happily take those rude interruptions." Lottie beamed up at the boy. The two held each other in their arms just lost in their own world when a gasp broke them from their daze. They turned to see Lydia standing in the doorway.

"Oh. My. God." Lydia paused between each word. Despite the fact the girl had tear tracks running down her face, internally a part of her was cheering and dancing around the sun. Her best friend had finally got the boy it seemed. Allison owed her twenty bucks. "Finally. I thought you two were never gonna tell each other how you felt." She sighed, smiling sadly at Lottie who removed herself from Stiles' embrace and made her way over to the strawberry blonde.

"Lydiapad? What are you doing here? I thought you were at the hospital with Jackson?" Lottie asked gently, wrapping a comforting arm around the girl. Stiles reached for his phone, skimming through the messages Scott had sent him.

"They won't let me see him." Lydia's voice cracked as the tears began to fall again. "And nobody is telling me what's going on. Even you've been keeping things from me Lottie. I know something is happening. It's not a mountain lion, it's not a serial killer. I just wish someone would tell me what's happening."

"How much do you know?" Stiles asked the girl, looking up from his phone.

"Just bits and pieces. It's like a dream, or a nightmare. Like a memory." Lydia replied wistfully as Lottie nodded at Stiles. They had to tell her. "Look, Jackson... I need him. Will you help me find him?" Lottie nodded as her phone rang.

"I'll be back. Lydipad, stay with Stiles. Stiles, stay right there." Lottie instructed the duo as she stood outside the door. "Scotty? What's wrong?"

"I need you. Right now. We need all the reinforcements we can get." Scott panted down the phone. Lottie told him to send her the address and that she'd be there as soon as possible. "Right, Stiles, Lydia, stay here. Okay, I'll be back, I just need to go and sort something out." Lottie said as she gave Stiles a look. He began to shake his head.

"No, nope, noh-" He started to refuse until Lottie made her way over and pecked him gently on the lips as Lydia squealed quietly.

"Yes, Batman. You stay here and explain to Lydia. Then when I'm back we will go and find Jackson." She finished before walking over to Lydia and pecking her cheek before leaving.

The address Scott had sent Lottie wasn't that far from the Stiinski household so she began the short run with one thing on the brain: Protect.


Whilst Lottie was running over to the warehouse Scott had told her to meet him at, he was facing his own problems. Scott, Derek, Peter, Isaac and Chris Argent were standing in the metal warehouse looking around each other. Christ had realised that his grandfather was no longer following the code and was dragging Allison down to his evil depths with him.

"Okay, hold on a second. You said you knew how to save him." Scott panicked as Derek unzipped a still breathing Jackson from his body bag on the floor.

"He's past saving now Scott." Derek argued.

"Do you think Lottie would agree with that?" Scott tried, knowing that Derek had a soft spot for the young girl. Derek hesitated, looking up at the young werewolf.

"​​Think about it, Scott. Gerard controls him now. He's made Jackson his personal guard dog. And he put all this in motion so that Jackson could become even bigger and more powerful." Derek justified it as he made to move Jackson.

"No..." Chris started, drawing all attention to him. "He wouldn't do that. If Jackson's a dog, then he's turning rabid. And my father wouldn't let a rabid dog live." Then as if he were called by magic, Gerard appeared from the shadows.

"Of course not." Gerard smirked. "Something that dangerous, that out-of-control... is better off dead." As he finished his sentence a clawed hand attacked Derek. Stabbing him in the chest as blood spurted out of Derek's mouth, Jackson slowly stood, keeping his clawed hand in Derek, who let out a howl of agony before he was thrown against the wall as the remaining trio cringed.

Scott slowly backed away as Gerard moved in on him, praying that Lottie would be there soon to help. "Well done to the last, Scott. Like the concerned friend you are, you brought Jackson to Derek to save him. You just didn't realise you were also bringing Derek to me." Gerard smirked as arrows shot out from the shadows, hitting Isaac in the leg and stomach, sending him to the floor.

"Allison-" Scott called out before she ducked back into the shadows, disappearing from sight. Chris yanked his gun from his holster, proceeding to send round after round at the Kanima as it began to get into a fighting stance. He manages to land a hit but Jackinma slipped around the SUV, hidden from sight. Chris dropped the clip before reloading his gun and blew the windows out of the SUV, trying to hit the creature with no luck as the Kanima snatched the gun from Chris' hands with its tail. In seconds, Chris was unarmed and knocked out on the ground.

Spinning round, the Kanima faced a now fully transformed Derek who snarled in rage as Isaac and Scott transformed and growled with him. The trio of werewolves circled round the beast and began their attack. One by one. The fight was a mess of vicious bites, claws raking down skin, growls and pure fury. But they were outmatched. Derek launched himself for a last assault with no success as the Kanima attacked his torso - tearing into shreds. He flew to the ground in a spray of blood, it was pouring from everywhere. He sank to the floor, unable to rouse enough strength to stand again.

Isaac charged, determined to defend his wounded Alpha but was stopped short when Allison made her appearance and slashed at him with a ring knife at blinding speed. Isaac had no chance. He couldn't stop the attacks, he couldn't even see where they were really coming from. After a vicious attack, Allison stood back as Isaac collapsed in front of her. She raised her knife high as she stalked her way over to Derek. A look only described as pure hatred graced her face as she looked at the man that was- in her eyes- responsible for the death of her mother. As she went to deal a deathly blow, Scott called out.

"Allison!" But as she went to deal the blow, she flew to the floor, a body landing on top of her.

Pinning Allison's arms to the floor and straddling her torso sat Lottie with a particularly smug smirk.

"Now, now. That wasn't very nice Allycat." Lottie smirked as she looked down at the girl in shock. "You're not going to attack Derek or any of my boys again." She compelled as Allison's eyes glazed over. Lottie slowly stood as she turned to face Jackanima.

Quickly transforming, her eyes glowed as she let out a hiss that echoed amongst the building. Raising her claws and baring her teeth she lunged. Catching the Kanima in surprise, Lottie swiped a gaping hole in it's chest cavity, muttering a quick apology to Jackson under her breath she punched the beast across the jaw, sending it flying across the room, landing before Derek.

It spun to face Lottie, a new fury settling on its face as Gerards once amused smirk turned into one of rage. He was not about to be bested by a teenager, much less a teenage girl. He nodded to the Kanima as it swung out its tail and took Lottie's legs out from beneath her as she landed on the floor, the wind knocked right out of her. She rested on her elbows as the Kanima stalked towards her. It swiped its claws across her legs as she let out a hiss of agony, standing wobbly to her feet, moving to stand in front of Derek. What she hadn't accounted for, was that the Kanima wasn't the only threat she had to worry about.

A flurry of arrows hit Lottie in the blink of an eye. An arrow hit her right arm, her left leg and her torso in quick succession as Allison stood stone faced and shot at her. Lottie growled, she didn't think she'd need to compel one of her best friends not to attack her. Yet here she was. Staggering towards Allison, Lottie tried to make her way over to the girl but fell forward, the pain becoming too much from the arrow wounds as well as the wounds the Kanima had left. Gerard smirked as Allion moved towards the young siren. Allison loaded another arrow but was stopped again by a clawed hand.

"​​Not yet, sweetheart." Gerard called out as the Kanima took Allison by the throat. "I have plans for that one."

"Why does everyone always say that? For fucks sake." Lottie grumbled from the floor as Scott looked on in devastation.

"What are you doing?" Allison asked her grandfather.

"What he came here to do." Scott spat out. Gerard met Scott's eyes, recognising the look well.

"Then you know?" The older man asked. "When did you figure it out? It was that night outside the hospital, wasn't it? When I threatened your mother? I knew I saw something in your eyes. You could smell it, couldn't you?" Isaac looked between the two.

"He's dying."

"Thank fuck for that. Can Satan hurry up and get on with it?" Lottie groaned as she dragged herself over to Isaac who held the girl in his arms gently, trying to take her pain away, only to frown and hiss at how much agony she was in.

"I am. I have been for a while now. Unfortunately, science doesn't have a cure for cancer yet." Gerard smirked evilly as his gaze fell onto Derek. "But the supernatural does." Allison went to move but the Kanima tightened it's grip on her throat as Chris stood to his feet slowly.

"You monster."

"Not yet."

"You'd kill her too?" Chris asked as he saw droplets of blood trickle down Allison's throat.

"When it comes to survival? I'd kill my own son. Scott?" Gerard asked as Scott made his way over wearily to Derek, making eye contact with Lottie who nodded subtly.

"Don't. You know he's going to kill me right after." Derek almost pleaded with Scott who just continued to approach him.

"Like I'd let that happen Toto." Lottie swore, looking at the Alpha with a peculiar glint in her eyes.

"He'll become an Alpha." Derek tried, secretly comforted by Lottie's promise.

"It's true. But I think he knows that already. Don't you, Scott?" Gerard asked the boy, who just continued his mission. "He knows the ultimate prize is Allison. Do this small task for me and they can be together. You're the part that doesn't fit, Derek. And if you haven't learned yet, there's just no competing with young love." Lottie rolled her eyes from her spot on the ground.

"Get on with it old man. You aren't getting any younger, you decaying cretin." She croaked out as the pain overtook her. Scott dragged Derek over to Gerard, ignoring Allison's pleas to stop.

"Scott, stop. Don't- please, Scott!" Derek cried out as Scott forced Derek to open his jaw up and reveal his fangs. A frighteningly calm Gerard stepped up to Derek and placed his arm in the jaws of the Alpha. Gerard gave Scott a simple nod to instruct him to continue. Slowly Scott moved Derek's head forward, sending his teeth into the pale flesh of Gerard's weathered skin. Derek's eyes glowed red as Gerard tore his arm free, a triumphant smirk on his face as he lifted his arm up for all to see. Chris and Allison looked puzzled as they faced their relative. Lottie's once annoyed look turned into a smug smirk as confused murmurs started to bounce around the room.

"What the?" Peter called out from his dank corner.  Gerard slowly lowered his arm and glanced down to see his arm was seeping in black blood. The blood dripped from his arm to the concrete floor, so loudly as the room watched with bated breath. Isaac helped Lottie stand as she started to chuckle lowly.

"What is this? What did you do?" Gerard asked, panic lacing his words.

"Everyone kept telling me Gerard always has a plan. Well..." Scott glanced back at Lottie who saluted him with a proud grin. "I had a plan too. Correction - we had a plan too."

Gerard quickly pulled out his silver pill box from his coat pocket as he poured the small pills into his hand. "No, no, no. NO!" The pills fell to the floor as Lottie began to chuckle louder. Black blood began to trickle down his nose, running into his mouth and onto his teeth. "Mountain ASH!" He shouted, echoing amongst the crowd.

Scott stepped back and towards Lottie wrapping an arm around her, keeping her up as Gerard sank to his knees, lurching in agony. Black blood poured from every orifice, his nose, his eyes, even around his fingernails as he threw his head back and cried out in pure agony. Gerard spat up black blood as Lottie smirked on, her chuckles dying down as the rest of the group stood back in horror at the scene before them. Only Scott and Lottie stayed in their place, unblinking, knowing exactly what was happening.

Derek peered at the dup with a mixture of shock and most surprisingly, respect. He blinked at Lottie in confusion. "Why didn't you two tell me?"

"Because you might be an Alpha. But you're not mine." Scott explained.

"Toto. I adore you, but I don't trust your acting skills. Do you really think that moronic old man would believe you were willing to give him the bite?" Lottie asked rhetorically. Derek grinned tiredly at her as she walked over to him, helping him to his feet, despite the fact she could barely keep herself up. She hobbled back to where Isaac had sat himself down and dropped Derek back to the floor.

"Kill them. KILL THEM ALL!" Gerard shouted to the Kanima. Allison pulled its claws from her neck as it swung and shoved her to the floor. Lottie stood, standing in front of Scott as the Kanima went to attack when the rumble of a car engine was heard. The Kanima swung round to meet the noise but was knocked off its feet as Stiles' big blue Jeep crashed into it.

"Did I get him?" Stiles called out with his eyes shut. Scott let out a laugh. Only to stop when the Kanima jumped on the hood of the Jeep. Stiles pushed Lydia out of the Jeep as he jumped out and ran over to Lottie.

"You idiot! What are you doing here?" Lottie called out as he stood by her side. He grabbed her face in his hands and looked over her, gulping when he saw her injuries.

"I have your location set up on FindMyiPhone remember? What are those- are they? Did Allison shoot you?" Stiles bit back his fury as he told her how he found her as he pulled her into his arms.

"Jackson?" Lydia called out as the Kanima paused, looking at the key Lydia held up in front of her.

The Kanima's eyes slowly blinked back to their crystal blue human eyes as Jackon stood, half transformed. Lydia looked at Jackson sadly, as if she knew what was about to happen. Stiles gently pulled Lottie's head into his chest, as they looked on in sadness. Slowly Jackson lowered his clawed hands and left himself open to an attack. Derek grabbed the opportunity with both hands and dug his claws into Jackson's rib cage whilst Peter ran forward and did the same into Jacksons back. As both the older werewolves retracted their dans, Lydia lunged forward, catching Jackson before he fell, guiding him to his knees as a sliver of blood fell from his mouth. Jackson looked up at Lydia with one question on his lips.

"Do you still-"

"I do. I still love you." Lydia cried, cradling him in her arms as a tear fell down Lottie's face. She may not of loved the guy but he didn't deserve to die. And it was breaking her best friend. "I still love you." Lydia croaked out as Jackson slumped against her, resting at last as he took his last breath. When Jackson released the key Lydia had given him, she slowly let him to the ground as Lottie released herself from Stiles' arms and scooped Lydia up in her arms, trying to give her a semblance of comfort.

"I promise you, we'll get through this. You and me. We'll do it. I love you so much Lydia Martin. You are so strong." Lottie mumbled into the girl's shoulder as she held her tightly. The rest of the group were discussing Gerard's disappearance as Lydia sobbed into Lottie's arms. "Lydipad, I love you so much, you're so so strong."

The group made to move when suddenly the sound of claws scratching echoed amongst the warehouse. Lydia span in Lottie's arms to see Jackson's hands moving, slowly at first until the wounds on his torso began to stitch themselves together and he knelt up. Lottie held Lydia tightly, not knowing whether this was the Kanima evolving but when Jacksons eyes glowed blue and hair grew from his cheeks, a smile graced her face. And when he let out a howl, she let Lydia go. She ran into his arms, knowing she was home again as Lottie turned to smile at Stiles who was rolling his eyes inspecting his Jeep.

"What?" Lottie asked.

"He scratched my Jeep."

"Trust me. Roscoe is the least of your worries. I told you to stay home!" Lottie shouted as the group turned to look at them.

"Like I was gonna let you run off after THAT! Without me." Stiles shouted back, pointing at Jackson who was too wrapped up in Lydia to notice.

"Right. Home time! Now. We have a lot to discuss." Lottie grabbed the boy's hand and dragged him into the Jeep as he smiled after her.

"God, I wish they'd hurry up and get together." Derek muttered as he watched them drive off.

"Wait- How are we all getting home?" Isaac asked.

"Chris has room. Hop in the SUV kids." Peter smirked.


"Stiles. You shouldn't have followed-"

"You're injured. Shut it. I love you. But please be quiet." Stiles instructed as he helped her lay on his bed. Lottie rolled her eyes but smiled, she was already healing but she knew Stiles felt helpless so she let him fuss her.

"Say it again."

"Be quiet-" Off the look she gave him he stopped teasing and complied, "I love you Charlotte Bailey."

"I love you too." She smiled tiredly at him.

He gently wiped away the blood from her wounds and wrapped bandages over them, pausing on the arrow wounds. "Allison really shot you?"

"Yep. I'm too tired to care. I'll be angry about it tomorrow. Right now I just want to lie down, cuddle and sleep." Lottie held her arms up out for the boy who quickly jumped in next to her, wrapping his arms around her gently as he rested his head in the dip in her shoulder. He let out a sigh of relief, he finally had the girl he loved in his arms and she loved him too. Despite everything, they had each other. And it was more than enough.

"Lotts?" Stiles called out shyly.


"Am I your boyfriend now? Is that what we're doing?" He asked unsurely. They hadn't had that discussion yet. Lottie let out a loud laugh before covering her mouth with her hand.

"It's not the most romantic way to ask but yes. I'd say so. Unless you go round kissing all your best friends and telling them you love them?" She joked, looking him in the eye.

"I'll make it up to you... girlfriend."

"I'll hold you to that... boyfriend." She grinned as he placed a gentle kiss on her lips and held her tightly as they fell asleep in each other's arms.


"You really think she's going to come back to you?" Stiles asked Scott as the trio pulled up to the lacrosse field.

"I know she is. What about you two?" Scott smirked at the two, sensing something different in the air around them. They grinned at each other before replying in sync.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." They high-fived each other as Scott shook his head and laughed.

"Why don't you just get into goal and help me make captain like you promised?" Stiles asked as Lottie dropped a bag full of lacrosse balls onto the pitch.

"You know what I just realised?" Scott asked. "I'm right back where I started. No popularity. No girlfriend. Nothing."

"Uh. Pause. You still have us. Scotty, that was rude." Lottie laughed.

"I had you before."

"And you still got us. Life fulfilled." Stiles replied. "Now remember no wolf powers. No super-fast reflexes, super eyesight, hearing, none of that crap."

"Got it."

"You promise?" Stiles asked unsurely.

"Just take the shot already!" Scott laughed.

"Use your powers Scotty." Lottie mumbled, looking at the ground so Stiles wouldn't see. Lottie rolled over laughing as Stiles missed the shot.

"​​I said no wolf powers!"

Lottie knew that no matter what the world threw at them - supernatural or not - they'd be okay. They had each other, they always would.

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