Seventeen Imagines

By the8buddy

12.6K 234 587

𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏! Welcome to "Seventeen Imagines"! Get ready for a fun journey into the worl... More

2. The Price of Freedom Β» c. seungcheol
3. A Night to Remember Β» k. mingyu
4. Lost in His Eyes Β» x. minghao
5. Rule Breaker Β» j. wonwoo
6. Psycho Β» w. junhui
7. Special Chapter
8. The Cult Β» OT13

1. First and Last Date Β» h. joshua

1.8K 29 61
By the8buddy

pairing: Joshua x Y/N

wordcount: 2.8k

no warnings

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

Y/N stood in her room, methodically packing the last of her belongings for the upcoming journey to college. With her departure scheduled for tomorrow, she was determined to ensure everything was meticulously organized and prepared for the new chapter of her life.

Even though a sense of sadness tugged at her heartstrings, Y/N acknowledged that this moment of departure was inevitable. Her desire to excel in her studies and bring pride to her parents propelled her forward, even if it meant venturing far from the warmth of home and the embrace of her family.

And then there was her brother, Jeonghan, who couldn't bear to be apart from her. He had been her constant pillar of support, raising her with unwavering dedication since their parents were always engrossed in their work.

Jeonghan was there for all her firsts - from her nervous first day of school to the exhilarating rush of her first volleyball match, and even through the agony of her first and last heartbreak...

Speaking of Jeonghan-

"Hello, my beautiful sister!" Jeonghan burst into her room, his eyes brimming with enthusiasm. "Let's head downstairs; I've cooked some pasta." Joshua, his best friend, trailed in after him with a friendly smile.

Y/N was immediately overcome with shyness upon seeing Joshua. She had known him for years, given his close friendship with Jeonghan since childhood. However, something about Joshua's presence had always made her feel a bit flustered, a sensation she couldn't quite put into words.

"But I still have a few more things to pack," she stammered, her gaze avoiding Joshua's, attempting to hide the slight blush coloring her cheeks.

"Don't worry, we'll help you after. Right, Shua?" Jeonghan chimed in, redirecting his gaze to his best friend.

Joshua hummed, offering her a warm smile that eased her nerves, making her feel more at ease in his presence.

"Okay, everybody, let's go eat!" Jeonghan exclaimed, playfully taking both Joshua and Y/N by their arms, creating a jovial atmosphere as they headed downstairs for a meal together.

After the meal, Y/N offered to wash the dishes, but Joshua wouldn't hear of it, insisting that he would take care of it for her. Feeling even more flustered by his kindness, she excused herself and headed upstairs to focus on finishing her packing.

"When are you going to confess to her, dude?" Jeonghan's question halted Joshua in his dishwashing, the words sinking in and causing a brief pause in his actions.

"What?" Joshua asked.

"C'mon, it's not a secret. I've seen the way you look at her. When are you going to tell her?" Jeonghan probed.

"But Jeonghan... it's not like that, I swear," Joshua attempted to mask his feelings, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

"I'm not upset, Joshua. I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone get close to her after what happened with Mingyu, that bastard. But I can't keep her locked away forever. She deserves to find love again, and I won't stand in her way," Jeonghan admitted, revealing the internal struggle and love he had for his sister.

"And you? I know you better than anyone. I trust you to take care of her," he said, reassurance and trust evident in his words as he spoke to Joshua.

Joshua let out a soft sigh. "In fact... I've written her a letter. I planned to give it to her tomorrow, just before she departs," he confessed, a mix of vulnerability and hope in his voice. Jeonghan smiled, a blend of excitement and encouragement in his expression.

"But now that you've given me permission, do you think I could take her on a date?" Joshua asked, hesitating yet hopeful.

He had contemplated all day on how to broach the subject with Jeonghan, but it seemed that Jeonghan had sensed his best friend's intentions.

Jeonghan chuckled. "Sure, go ahead. But make sure you bring her home early, okay? And no kissing," he said, his tone more serious this time, laying down some ground rules with a protective brotherly instinct.

Joshua smiled mischievously, handing his gloves to Jeonghan. "You're taking over dish duty for me, aren't you?" he teased, already making his way towards the stairs. He could hear Jeonghan's playful whine, "No! Come back, I changed my mind!" adding to the light-hearted moment.

In seconds, Joshua stood at her door, taking a deep breath and running his hand through his hair, composing himself before he knocked gently.

A faint "come in" was heard, and he entered, finding Y/N still in the process of packing her belongings.

She was taken aback to see him standing there, a pleasant surprise lighting up her face.

"Y/N, I know this is sudden, but can you take a break from packing for a little while? I'd like to take you somewhere," he said directly, not wanting to waste a single moment.

Y/N was caught in a moment of uncertainty, unsure if this was a playful joke orchestrated by Jeonghan or if Joshua's intentions were genuine.

Sensing her uncertainty, Joshua reassured her, "I promise you, this isn't a prank pulled by Jeonghan. He's fine with it."

"Oh, okay," she responded, trying to maintain a calm exterior, but her heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Now, let's go," he said, taking her hand and leading her out. His touch made her feel flustered, but she followed him eagerly, ready for the unexpected adventure ahead.

Getting into the car, Joshua drove to his house, which was just 5 minutes away, to retrieve something. Afterward, they headed to a beautiful lake located near a serene forest.

Everything was alive with vibrant shades of green, a symphony of life. The scenery was breathtaking—the sky painted with hues of blue, the sun adding a golden glow that enhanced the beauty of it all.

Hopping out of the car, she was utterly mesmerized by the breathtaking view. Joshua smiled, taking in her awe-struck expression. "Do you like it?" he asked, wanting to know her thoughts.

"Yes, I love it!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with genuine delight and appreciation for the picturesque scene before her.

Joshua led her towards the lake, where he laid out a blanket on the lush grass. In his hand, he held a picnic basket. Y/N couldn't help but wonder, so she asked, "Wait, did you prepare a picnic?" Her curiosity piqued, filled with pleasant surprise.

Joshua responded, taking a seat right beside her. "Yes. I wanted to create a lasting memory for you," he said, giving her a warm smile, his eyes reflecting his sincerity.

"Thank you," she said, but her expression shifted, causing Joshua to furrow his brows in concern. "Hey, is everything alright? Did I say something wrong?" he asked, worried that he might have unintentionally upset her.

"No... but why did you choose to wait until now?" she asked, her curiosity prompting her to seek clarification from Joshua.

Joshua sighed softly, reaching for the food from the basket. He took a deep breath and then confessed, "Y/N, I'm aware of the difficult time you went through with Mingyu. That's why I hesitated to approach you, afraid that you might reject me," he said, his words filled with genuine concern and sincerity.

"I realize I'm late, perhaps too late," Joshua admitted with a tinge of regret. "But I'd like to make it up to you by giving you this one and only date," he said, hoping she would appreciate his honesty and willingness to take a step forward.

"But this would be our first and last date, right? Considering I'm leaving in the States..." she replied, a sense of bittersweet reality tinged in her words, acknowledging the circumstances that lay ahead.

"Yeah," Joshua replied, his tone tinged with sadness. "But I'm determined to make this a beautiful memory for you. Would you allow me that chance?" he asked.

"Okay, Joshua," she said, a genuine smile gracing her face, appreciating his sincerity and wanting to embrace the present moment with him.

"Alright, time for some strawberries. You look like you've lost weight," he said, offering her a strawberry from his hand.

"Oh, you noticed?" she asked, a hint of surprise in her tone.

"Of course, Y/N-ah," he replied softly. "I know what you've been through had a profound effect on you. But please, take good care of yourself," he said, gazing into her eyes with genuine concern and affection.

"Don't worry, I've managed to move beyond what happened between me and Mingyu," she said, her voice carrying a sense of healing and growth, assuring him of her progress in overcoming the past.

"But did he... explain himself, at least? Did he give you any reason for what he did?" Joshua asked, the concern evident in his voice, as he tried to grasp the intricacies of the situation and offer the comfort she needed.

"He claimed he was drunk... But I struggle to understand just how drunk he must have been to not realize he was cheating on me with my own best friend," she revealed, her words laden with hurt and confusion, the pain of the betrayal still fresh.

"He's a complete jerk. He deserved what me and your brother did to him," Joshua replied, his voice filled with a mix of indignation and protective loyalty towards Y/N.

"I still can't believe you guys lanch him in hospital," she replied, her tone still tinged with disbelief, as it made Joshua chuckle.

"Okay, done with that jerk. Now, let me make things better for you," he said, shifting the focus away from the unpleasant topic and aiming to bring joy and comfort to the remainder of their time together.

As time passed, they both cherished each other's presence. They shared old stories, laughed heartily, and occasionally found themselves getting a bit flustered, the joy of the moment taking over any lingering discomfort from the past.

"But there's something I'm curious about," Y/N began, her eyes fixed on Joshua as he gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, their connection deepening in that fleeting moment.

He hummed in response.

"When did you begin to feel... like this, towards me?" she hesitantly inquired, her cheeks tinged with a subtle blush, feeling a mix of nervousness and curiosity about his feelings.

"I can't recall exactly when I started having these feelings for you. It's been so long, they've just become a part of me," he confessed, trying to convey the depth and longevity of his emotions for her.

She blushed intensely, a radiant smile gracing her face, her heart warmed by his honesty and the genuine connection they were sharing.

"And what about you?" Joshua asked, placing a hand behind her back on the blanket for support, bringing them even closer. The proximity intensified the moment, adding a layer of closeness and intimacy to their conversation.

"Oh," she replied, feeling her cheeks heat up with the rush of emotions, finding it hard to articulate her thoughts under Joshua's intense gaze. "I don't know either. It's been a long time, I think. I just... I was scared to admit it. When Mingyu came into the picture, I tried to force myself to forget about you," she confessed, her vulnerability clear in her voice.

"So it turns out we've both had feelings for quite a while," he chuckled, breaking the intensity of the moment. This made her break into a smile, the newfound understanding and shared sentiment bringing a sense of happiness and ease to their conversation.

"Mhmm," she hummed, a soft sound of agreement escaping her lips. Seeing Joshua's bright smile, she couldn't help but feel a surge of flustered delight.

In a playful moment, her finger scooped up some whipped cream and she playfully smushed it on his nose, causing his eyes to widen in surprise as she burst into laughter.

"You dare pull a stunt like that!?" he exclaimed in mock astonishment, a playful glint in his eyes. Y/N was already a few steps away, on her feet and ready to make a dash.

The playfulness injected a light-heartedness into the air, a welcome break from the emotional discussion.

"Oh, you've sealed your fate," he playfully warned, seizing the whole plate of whipped cream, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he stood up, ready to engage in this playful battle.

"Give it your best shot boy!" Y/N exclaimed, her laughter echoing as she picked up speed, weaving through the trees.

Joshua grinned, determination fueling his pursuit. "You can't escape that easily!" he called out, matching her pace and enjoying the chase.

They sprinted through the forest, the sun peeking through the leaves, creating a playful dance of light and shadows. Y/N skillfully navigated the terrain, her giggles spurring her on.

But Joshua was gaining ground, his laughter blending with the rustle of leaves underfoot. "Ready to surrender?" he teased, closing in.

"Not a chance!" Y/N responded, finding a burst of energy, racing towards the lake where the grass was soft and inviting.

As they reached the lake's edge, she made a sudden turn, sending a spray of water towards Joshua, laughter bubbling from her.

He dodged it with a playful grin. "Is that all you've got?"

The game continued, a delightful exchange of water and laughter, the sun setting in the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink.

When she grew tired and paused to catch her breath, a mischievous grin played on Joshua's face. In a swift move, his hand slid around her waist, capturing her with playful triumph. "Got you!" he exclaimed, their playful chase culminating in a delightful capture.

He brought the plate of whipped cream closer to her face, a victorious twinkle in his eyes. Y/N playfully relented, grinning as she responded, "Okay, okay. You won. But go easy on me," she teased, feigning surrender.

"Hmm, I'll go easy, but on one condition," he said, his face leaning closer to hers, a playful glint in his eyes adding to the mischievous atmosphere.

She replied shyly, "What condition?" her heart beating a little faster as their closeness added to her flustered state.

"Kiss me," he said, a playful challenge in his tone, making her gasp in surprise. The playful game had taken an unexpected turn, leaving her momentarily stunned.

"On the cheek, of course. What were you thinking, hmm?" he teased, his tone light and filled with amusement, reassuring her that it was all in good fun.

Giggling and feeling a touch flustered, she agreed, "Okay, turn your face." They both indulged in the light-heartedness of the moment, understanding the playful nature of their interaction.

With a playful grin, he turned his face as she leaned in closer, her lips gently meeting his cheek. The tender kiss left a warm, lingering feeling, a sweet expression of their closeness.

Joshua's hand still rested on her waist, and they both shared a moment of quiet connection, feeling the gentle breeze of the evening.

With a playful and mischievous sparkle in her eyes, Y/N couldn't resist the opportunity to extend their playful game. She swiftly grabbed more whipped cream and, with a teasing grin, playfully added a dollop right where she had kissed Joshua's cheek.

"You fell for it again?" she giggled, her laughter filling the air as she playfully pointed at the whipped cream spot. "You're in for it now!"

Joshua widened his eyes in mock surprise, chuckling at her playful antics. "You really are something, aren't you?" he teased, a playful determination in his eyes. "But just wait until I get my hands on you!"

With playful grins, they continued their game of whipped cream and laughter. Each chase and capture brought more joy and closeness, the warm evening sun witnessing their delightful antics.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the sky in shades of lavender and gold, they found themselves sitting by the lake once again, catching their breath.

Y/N looked at Joshua, her heart filled with happiness. "You know, this has been the most amazing day," she said, her voice soft with gratitude.

Joshua nodded, his gaze locked onto hers. "I'm glad we could create these memories together," he replied, his voice tender.

Their fingers brushed against each other, and they shared a smile filled with a promise of more adventures and cherished moments to come. In that serene moment by the lake, they realized that their connection had deepened into something beautiful, something worth holding onto, even as Y/N embarked on her journey to the States.

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, they leaned in, their lips meeting in a sweet, lingering kiss, sealing their shared feelings and the memories of their unforgettable day together.

"We're definitely going to have more than just this date."

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.


Hey guys! First of all:

I understand if this chapter leans towards a softer tone, perhaps contrary to what some anticipated.

However, brace yourselves, for the upcoming chapter, as the spotlight turns to Seungcheol, delving into a world of angst and emotional depth, offering a contrast to the lightness of this chapter.

Hope you enjoyed the first imagine of this book! (also, bear with me because I don't know how to write happy stuff😭)

Have a great day/night!

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