Change Nobita

By Sammy_the_Aldarus

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Nobita nobi a talentless and weak boy but even with this problem he is still full of joy his smile can bring... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12


994 26 9
By Sammy_the_Aldarus

(Nobita POV)

The exam was relatively easy to say at least, if I want I can easily join the position in class A, but that isn't what I want it's not part of the plan.

Right now I was at the  bus together with other students ready to start our first year at highschool. And to say I was excited was an understatement the thing is I was thrilled. Why? well it's just the fact that the school I joined is the best school in Japan. The school that produces talented and genius students in the whole country. The  students that hold the key,  the reasons why the future is so advanced.

"Excuse me... Could you give up your seat?"

I look at the source of the voice I heard and there I saw a girl with a  short beige-colored hair paired with gradient crimson eyes and  have  a well-endowed figure and an average height

"That's a priority seat. I think you should let this elderly lady sit there."

I looked at the man the girl  was talking to, the boy who has a well-built body, of above average height with straight shoulder-length blonde hair and brown eyes

"My,my, pretty girl,while it may be a priority seat, I have no obligation to relinquish it. You want me to give up my seat just because I am young?haha, nonsense, truly"

The man's voice was full of confidence if I have to say

"Even if I am young, standing consumes more stamina than sitting. Why should I do something so detrimental with no benefit to myself?"

Hmm and a little arrogant too huh

"I think you'd be contributing to society. And this lady seems to be having trouble staying upright..."

Wow I'm impressed by this girl, truly

"I have no interest in contributing to society. Besides...what about those sitting on the the regular seats? The difference between priority and regular seats seems rather trivial to me."

Well he has a point looking around the bus the students and some civilians just look at them while other straight up didn't care. As I looked at my surroundings I saw a girl with a long black hair with one braid tied with a pink bow as well as gradient red eyes. a stern look on her face. She has a slim but well-endowed body, beside him was a boy with a tall and lean young man with brown hair, brown eyes, and a fair complexion

I saw them observing the scenario also as I nod a little at the boy. The boy respond with nodding back. I then look again at the drama in front of me.

"Really, I'm fine. thank you."

The elder said to the girl with a smile. Observing it I can't help but smile also, truly elders are so kind.

"Excuse me! Would any of you be willing to give up your seat?"

The girl look around trying to find a good soul that will help the elder lady, and I can't help but to be impressed by the girl

and on cue I raised my hand

"Uhm excuse me miss you can have mine" I said a bright smile plastered at my face

The girl look at me with the same bright smile"thank you so much!"

"Thank you young man may you have a good day" the elder said as he took a seat where I previously sat. I observe as the elder finally relaxed her aching body

"Thank you so much your so kind" the girl stated looking at me with a smile

"It's nothing really. I'm just being considerate that's all"I saw the girl smile even more bright, heh how fascinating

"I'm kikyō kushida nice to meet you mister"she raised her hand asking for handshake which I replied by shaking his hand

"Nobi Nobita nice to meet you kushida-san"I replied

"Likewise" she said

There's nothing that really happened after that drama ended I just talked to kushida-san until the bus stopped at my new school.

As I exit the bus I look at the school, I can feel my heartbeat pumping really hard and I can't help but smile

"So this is the best school Japan can offer huh. Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. A school built by the Japanese government to nurture the young people who will support the country in the future. It boasts a 100% employment and college entry rate, and with absolute state-directed teaching methods, it gives it's best in pursuing the nation's desired future. And they will accomplish it"

I continue my way inside to school but not before noticing the brown haired boy talking to the black haired girl

"Next we'll have a few words from the student council president."

we are command to go to the stadium for the start of orientation

"I am the student council president, Manabu Horikita. As representative of the upper classes, I would like to express my greetings to our newest students. As you might know, our school is highly accomplish in all aspects, and boasts a high employment and college entry rate. This is the pride of our school Wich achieved through the hard work, of both our graduating students and those still attending. We expect the same from the new students..."

I honestly don't care what the president is saying for almost 90 percent of what he said is already obvious just based on the school's reputation, instead I just look at different students memorizing their faces for the future use

When the orientation was finally over I finally step inside my classroom, the class D. There I saw kushida-san already bonding with our classmates, truly interesting. I look around memorizing their faces just like in the orientation when I saw a 3 familiar face, recognizing who they are a approach them. But before I can approach them someone interrupted us

Everyone, may I have your attention, please?

We look where the voice came from to find a not so important person for now

"I was hoping we could all introduce ourselves,to get better acuaintend early on the first day. The teacher doesn't seem to be here yet as well. What do you think?"

Well that is not a bad idea and I can see how that man introduce himself and only thinking about it a giggle came out of my mouth.

"I'm in!"

Oh so kushida-san also agree he really is cheerful

"Sounds good for me"

"Yeah. I don't even know anyone's names."

Look like everyone already agree heh this will be fun

"Thanks. I'll go first,then. I'm Yosuke Hirata. Just call me Yosuke. My hobby is all kinds of sports, and I intended to join the soccer club at this school. Nice to meet you all!"

Yosuke,  he reminds me of  Dekisugi

"I'll go next!" My name is kikyō kushida. My goal is to become friends with each and every one of you! I wish to make lots of good memories, so don't hesitate to invite me anywhere!"

Kushida-san, wanting to make friends with everyone in the class. Alright

"Next up, you" Yosuke poin at the direction of the brown haired man. I was seating at his back

"Huh?me?" he question

Ohh the moment I've been waiting for

The man stands at his seat as I look at him. I was trying so hard not to laugh

"'m kiyotaka Ayanokoji. Uh...nice to meet you all. Ah,um..... I'm not good at anything in particular,but...uh... I'll work hard to get along with everyone.

Silent a total good second silent before an akward clapping echoes the classroom

"I flopped it."

As if reading what on kiyotaka's mind I hide my face at my table silently laughing while holding my tummy aching because of laughter, tears in my eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Ayanokoji-kun. Let's be a good friend."(Yosuke)

"Uhm you are you okay"(Yosuke)

Oh it seems I drew some attention

"Yeah I'm alright, so my name is nobi Nobita, I love singing, writing and making new friends I have a dream and I will make sure to accomplish it"

In cue the 3 familiar faces stand up the 2 boy has the look of shock while the 1 girl was also shock but with some teary eyes

"No way Nobita"

"It's really you, you look so different"


Nobita look at them before he smile

"Good to see you guys again, gian, suneo, Shizuka I miss you guys so much"

Alright so as you can see I crossover the COTE and Doraemon, the reasons is Cote is the only anime I know who can at Least make the future of Doraemon. Hope you're okay with it, it just hard to understand the timeline of Doraemon and I'm not that creative to make my own timeline and considering I killed Doraemon, yeah

Also *guilty laughing* sorry if I didn't update for a very long time. Hey but at least I didn't discontinued it you know. *sigh* well the truth is

This is my old phone I used to create a story, it was a really old 8 years to be exact so there are a lot of issues like hang and sometimes even though it was fully charged it automatically shutdown and when I open it it's either 8 or 2 percent so honestly I lost my drive to write but I still read your comments. Sorry about that

But now I finally have a new phone and thanks to some readers I'm back, so just like before

See you in the next chapter and
Peace out

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