Hearts of iron: RWBY (Male OC...

By 410Jackass

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A young man named kaone. An average kid with a normal life, Until a game suddenly send our boi to another wor... More

Main protagonist
Rewrite, For some fucking reason >:(
UPDATE New Cover
Chapter 1: Welcome to Remnant
Chapter 2: Saving the village
Memes #1
Chapter 3: Defense Pt.1
Chapter 4: Defense Pt.2 [Rewrite]
Map Update
Chapter 5: Blitzkrieg [Short]
Chapter 6: Reaction
Chapter 7: The Allies
Chapter 8: The Invasion of Vacuo Pt.1
The Mothome Army and Invasion of Vacuo
Chapter 9: The Invasion of Vacuo Pt.2
Chapter 10: The Invasion of Vacuo Pt.3
Chapter 11: The Invasion of Vacuo Pt.4
Chapter 12: Vacuo Last Stand
Chapter 13: The United Mothome Federation
Chapter 14: The New Order and Reaction
Allies-Axis Coalition Vs 3 Alliance Kingdoms
Chapter 15: Preparing for War.
Chapter 16: The Invasion has Begun
Vale Surrender XD and ???????
Chapter 18: Last Stand White Fang.
Chapter 19: Welcome to Beacon Academy
Chapter 20: Preparing the Dance.
Kaone Looks Update
Chapter 21: Beacon Dance Pt.1
Chapter 22: Beacon Dance Pt.2
Chapter 23: Dreams
Chapter 24: Secret Weapons of WW2
UMF New Technologies
Chapter 25: Allies with the Menagerie
Chapter 26: A Coup and Big Surprise
Chapter 27: Vytal festival Pt.1
Chapter 28: Vytal Festival Pt.2
Chapter 29: Battle of Vale Pt.1
Chapter 30: Battle of Vale Pt.2
Welcome back commander
Chapter 31: Secret Revealed Pt.1
Should I?
Chapter 32: Secret Revealed Pt.2
Future of HOI: Rwby
Chapter 33: The Storm
I watched Fallout Series
Chapter 34: New Allies from the Other side. Pt.1
Chapter 35: New Allies from the Other side. Pt.2
Chapter 36: The Invasion of Atlas begins Pt.1
Chapter 37: The Invasion of Atlas begins Pt.2
Good News :)
Chapter 38: The Invasion of Atlas begins Pt.3

Chapter 17: Invasion of Vale and Surrendering

1K 23 24
By 410Jackass

(A/N: Howdy! The United Mothome Federation decided to invade Vale. France surrending style.

Yeah, What could wrong go? XD)



Location: Vale

3rd Person Pov

Things weren't the same in vale, Civilians, Including were rioting and protesting about the threat on UMF. They're wanted the council to do something or surrender to UMF fearing they're caught in the crossfire. Atlas Soldiers and VPD tried to calm the civilians, But many became violences and push against atlas soldier and VPD.

Atlas Soldiers open fire on protester and rioter killing them mercilessly. Man, Woman and even Children were killed in the slaughter, Horrified they're just did, Atlas Soldiers tried to cover up the massacre. But someone record the video and post it on the news. When it gets out, The Entire world was shock and horrified to hear that atlas committing terrible act against civilians. Even the huntress and huntsman were horrified by this.

Violate Protest and Rioting erupt more in Vale. The Council and Professor Ozpin have no choice but to surrender to the UMF.


Location: Vale, Atlas Airship.

Ironwood Pov

I was shock to hear that my men killed those civilians in cold blood. Not only that, I also heard that council and ozpin is surrendering to the UMF. Are they CRAZY!!!??? I need to speak some sense to ozpin about surrendering. Until my man came with more shocking news. Atlas Councils decided to withdraw any military in vale.

I was furious that we have to withdraw and left me no choice but order my troops to withdraw to the kingdom of atlas. The battle is lost......


Location: Outside of Vale

Kaone Pov

I was at the beautiful open sea with Anna by my self. Until I saw Atlas Airships withdraw from vale, Including it's troops.

Kaone: *German* Es scheint, dass Atlas seine Truppen nach Vale abgezogen hat. Ich vermute, dass sie mit dieser Situation in Vale nicht zurechtkommen und beschlossen haben, es aufzugeben. [It seem that atlas has withdrawn their forces in vale. I guess they can't handle this situation in vale and decided to abandon it.]

Anna: *German* Wahrlich, auch mein Anführer. Die Amerikaner betreten das Gemeinderatsgebäude von Vale. [Indeed my leader, Also. The Americans enter and into the vale council building.]

Kaone: *German* Trotzdem kapitulierte Vale einfach kampflos und wollte, dass wir über ihre Kapitulation und einige Veränderungen im Land verhandeln. Komm schon, wir müssen verhandeln. [Ever so, Vale just surrender without fighting and wanted to us negotiate about their surrender and some changes in the country. Come on, We have an negotiate to do.]

Anna: *German* Ja, mein Hinweis – ich meine Kaone. Tut mir leid, dass ich es irgendwann vergessen habe. [Yes my lead- I mean Kaone. Sorry I forgot sometime.]

???: *German* Kann ich kommen? [Can I come?]

A female was heard as the two turn to see a faunus cat wearing tied-up shirt and skirt.

Kaone/Anna: *German* Wrin Vön Rommel.

Wrin: *German* Mein Anführer, ich möchte, dass die Feiglinge um ihre Kapitulation gebeten werden. [My leader, I want the cowards begged for their surrender.]

Kaone: *German* Sie haben sich gerade erst ergeben. Sie wollten mit uns verhandeln. [They're just surrender a minute ago. They wanted to negotiate with us.]

Wrin: *German* Heh, die Feiglinge wollen Verhandlungen führen. HA! Ich möchte es selbst sehen. [Heh, The Cowards want to negotiations. HA! I want to see for myself.]

Kaone: *German* Klar, wenn Sie mit uns kommen, um es zu sehen. [Sure, If you come with us to see it.]

Wrin: *German* Natürlich mein Anführer~ [Of course my leader~]

Timeskip brought to you by this

And back to the scene


Location: Vale Council Building 

3rd Person Pov

The scene shown Vale Council and Professor Ozpin in their seats, While Kaone (With his Mask) and 2 Girls with their bodyguards on their side.

Vale Council 1: *Scared* So...... Are you for our surrender?

Kaone (Mask): Yep. Thanks to you, We decided to occupied vale for a while. I also wanted some changes in the vale and some new laws.

Ozpin: *Calm* What new laws?

Kaone: Here, read it and Sign it.

Kaone give them the paper and vale council look at it. But what shock them to see this.


- Vale will been under Occupation of United Mothome Federation.

- Any corruption in the city, Including police will been arrested or killed.

- The UMF investigate about racist in beacon academy.

- Faunus will been treated as equality and first-class civilains.

- Any racist and discrimination will been illegal and those will been arrested.

- Any resistance that do not follow the law will been sentence to jail or execuse.


The vale council were shock and unhappy about the changes.

Vale Council 3: We can't do that!

Kaone: Than do it! Or I will order my man to kill you and sentence to death. Now, SIGN OUR DEMANDS DAMNIT!!!!!

Fear & Afraid, Vale councils sign it and surrender their demands.

2 Weeks Later

With Vale Occupied by UMF. Some things as changes as Anti-Discrimination act against faunus was now lifted. Faunus were now happy to hear that they're no longer second-class civilians and been discrimination by the humans.

However, Some humans didn't like the changes. But they're couldn't do anything to stop it. Many corruption in the police were arrested and while some where send to......... Gulag :)

Oh Wait? What about beacon academy? Yeah, About that?


Location: Beacon Academy

3rd Person Pov

Cardin: *Scared* PLEASE LET ME GO!!!!

The scene shown German and Soviet soldiers dragging cardin and his team to truck, Due to their racist and discrimination against faunus. They're were all arrested and sent them to jail or gulag?

(A/N: Tell me in the comment if cardin and his team were sent to gulag! XD LOL)

Cardin: *Scared* I'll do anything! Yes I did discrimination against faunus! I won't do that again! Please let me go!

However, Cardin and his team were thrown in the truck and send them to the hellhole. Beacon students were happy to hear that cardin and team were now arrested and send to jail or somewhere else. 

To Be Continue


Next Chapter 18: Last Stand White Fang.


End Credit

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