Creating Memories

By shailikesbl

14K 849 384

Tankhun re-hired Pete to serve as his bodyguard once again. However, Pete is now accompanied by his two child... More

*** Prologue ***
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Four

705 43 11
By shailikesbl

A/N: I just want to make a clarification. I forgot that Vegas and Tay got engaged 4 years before Vegas went to the island to meet Pete after he regains his memories (refer to the extended epilogue of my fic 'Forgotten Memory'). So, in this story, the engagement happened around 5 years ago. I really suggest that before reading this fic, read Forgotten Memory first. Yes, most of you don't like VegasTay ship but that (FM) and this fic (CM) is a VegasPete fic and I'm a VegasPete shipper. I will always want a happy ending for them. Also, I love your comments. Keep it coming because it inspires me to write more. It's a long journey for Vegas and Pete so sit back and enjoy this update.


The grand hall of the Lerttravinont family's hotel was a sight to behold on the day of the anniversary gala. It was a gathering of the who's who in the business world, and even though they were all dressed to impress, it was hard to differentiate between the legitimate businessmen and the mafia people. The air was thick with the scent of expensive cologne and the murmur of conversations.

Tankhun arrived with his three favorite bodyguards, who were as impeccably dressed as he was. To the untrained eye, they looked like a group of impeccably dressed friends, especially Pete, who looks ethereal in his suit. Pete was in his bodyguard mode as he kept a vigilant eye on their surroundings as Tankhun exchanged pleasantries with people he had known for years.

As Pete scanned the room, his eyes caught a glimpse of Vegas, who was engrossed in conversation with three Caucasian men. Vegas looked devilishly handsome in his white dress shirt, maroon coat with black lapel, black pants, and leather shoes. His hair was casually styled, but it only added to his overall charm. 

Arm touched Pete's arm, causing him to turn and meet his friend's gaze. Arm leaned in and spoke softly, "You and Pol should check the vicinity. Stay sharp."

Pete nodded in agreement, and he and Pol both went in different directions to discreetly monitor the crowd.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the hall, Kinn, Porsche, and Tay engaged in a lively conversation. The guests keep glancing at them since they are incredibly handsome and well-dressed. However, their conversation was interrupted by Kim's arrival. Kim had been away since he was working abroad as an indie but famous singer and at the same time, he managed the international meeting for their family.

Kinn pats his brother's back, "I'm glad you made it!" he said. Kim shrugged casually, "I happened to be free tonight, so I thought I'd drop by. Where is P'Khun?" he asked.

"He's here somewhere. Maybe talking to some business friends," Porsche informed him. Kim nodded, accepting the explanation.

Suddenly, Tay hissed under his breath, drawing the attention of Kinn, Porsche, and Kim. They followed Tay's gaze to the entrance of the hall, where Time was making his way into the event. Tay's tone was laced with surprise as he muttered, "What the hell is he doing here?"

Porsche spoke, "I know we invited his parents but I didn't expect him to come with them." 

Time noticed their group and approached them, causing Kim to comment under his breath, "This reunion should be interesting."

"Hey guys," Time greeted Kinn, Porsche, and Kim first before turning to Tay. "Hi, Tay." he nods at him. Tay reciprocated with a simple nod of his own.

Kinn couldn't help but express his surprise, "Didn't expect that you'll come,"

"Well, my parents couldn't make it because my father was unwell, and his mother insisted I attend on their behalf." Time explained. Tay sighed, clearly conflicted about Time's unexpected appearance.

"Did you come with your wife? Where is she?" Porsche asks. Time sighs before he answers "My wife and I have been separated for half a year and we're in the process of finalizing our divorce. It should be final by next month. She and our child are currently in London." he explains.

"I'm sorry for asking," Porsche apologized for prying.

"It's fine. You guys didn't know since I haven't been in contact with you since I got married" Time smiles. Then, Time's attention shifted to Tay, "I heard you and Vegas got engaged. Congratulations!"

Kinn, Porsche, and Tay remain silent. Time looks at everyone but no one speaks until Tay breaks his silence, "Vegas and I had ended things months ago," he simply said.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Time said.

Kim, feeling out of the loop, leaned over to Kinn and whispered, "What's going on with Vegas and Tay?"

Kinn decided that this was not the right time or place to delve into the details and responded, "I'll tell you later."

Time, unaware of the tension in the air, noticed Pete from the distance. "Wait, is that Pete? P'Khun's head bodyguard years ago?" he asked. The entire group turned their attention in the direction Time was looking, and there was Pete, sharp-eyed and using his discreet earpiece to communicate with someone. Porsche confirmed, "Yes, it's Pete. He's back as Khun Noo's bodyguard."

Time, sensing there was more to the story, glanced at Tay, about to inquire about the breakup with Vegas. However, Tay cut him off, his tone firm and final. "My breakup with Vegas is none of your business," he stated, "But for the record, it was a mutual decision."

Without waiting for a response, Tay walked away, leaving Time and the others to contemplate the unspoken complexities that lingered in the air. 

Later, the chatter of the guests filled the air. Laughter and clinking glasses resonated as the celebration continued. The three executives, Kinn, Tankhun, and Vegas, took center stage, their positions in the company earning them the privilege of giving speeches. Each of them expressed gratitude for the hard work of the employees, and their words were met with applause and cheers from the crowd.

Amid the festivities, Pete found himself in the smoking area, away from the bustling crowd. He withdrew a cigarette from his pack and ignited it with his trusty lighter. As he took a drag, his mind wandered back over the past two and a half months since he had returned to the main family. He couldn't help but feel content about the favorable turn of events for his children. It was a rare moment of happiness for him.

Suddenly, a figure approached him, emerging from the shadows of the smoking area. It was Vegas. "Can I have one?" Vegas asks. Pete offered a cigarette, extending the pack to Vegas, who accepted one with a nod of thanks. Pete then proffered his lighter, and Vegas used it to light his own cigarette before returning it.

Leaning against the wall, Vegas commented with a hint of exhaustion in his voice, "These parties have been draining lately."

Pete chuckled softly and reminisced, "I remember when I used to spy on you upon Khun Kinn's request. You were the life of the party."

A faint smirk curled on Vegas's lips as he replied, "Maybe that's precisely why I'm not into partying now. I'd rather spend time at home and read books."

Pete nodded in agreement, saying, "I'd rather be at home with my kids, but Khun Noo insisted I should come."

Vegas remarked with a knowing look, "Typical P'Khun. But I'm glad you came. It's not often we see Pete in a formal suit."

Pete scratched his head awkwardly, "Yeah, it's weird for me. I never even wore anything this fancy at my own wedding."

Vegas nodded, "Yeah. I remember your wedding photo in Som's office where I stayed. You were wearing a casual white long-sleeve shirt," he said. The mention of Pete's late wife, Som, hanging heavily in the air. Pete sighed softly, his thoughts drifting to his beloved wife.

Offering his late condolences, Vegas said, "I'm sorry for your loss, Pete. Som was a beautiful and kind woman."

Pete's eyes clouded with emotion as he replied, "I miss her, Vegas. Every day, I miss her. And Seoul... she looks so much like her."

As the weight of grief settled upon Pete's shoulders, he realized he had been speaking to Vegas in a surprisingly candid manner. "I'm sorry, Khun Vegas. I shouldn't talk casually to you," He apologized, feeling somewhat uncomfortable for his informal tone.

Vegas waved it off, reassuring Pete, "It's okay, Pete. You can be informal with me."

Pete hesitated for a moment before finally admitting, "It's just... it feels awkward after everything that happened on the island."

Vegas's eyes softened, "I understand," Vegas paused and had an idea in his mind, "What if we start fresh, Pete? What if we put the past behind us and start as acquaintances?"

Pete tilts his head, not getting what Vegas means to say so Vegas turns to face Pete, extends his hand, and speaks, "I'm Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakul, the leader of the Minor Family. I'm also a CEO and a businessman. I have a brother, a sister-in-law, and a nephew as my family."

Pete gazed at the offered hand, considering Vegas's proposal. With a tentative smile, Pete reached out and grasped Vegas's hand firmly. He introduced himself, "I'm Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham, a bodyguard of the Main Family. I have a son and a daughter."

Vegas nodded in acknowledgment and smiled at him, "Nice to meet you, Pete."

Pete returned the sentiment, "Nice to meet you, too."

As they stood there, hands clasped in reconciliation, the weight of their shared history seemed to lift. Perhaps, amid the celebrations and newfound camaraderie, they had taken a small step toward healing old wounds and forging a new connection in the process.

After a while, Vegas and Pete strolled back into the vibrant party hall, the scent of their quick smoke break still lingering in the cool night air. As they made their way through the lively crowd, their conversation shifted to a more personal note. Vegas couldn't help but worry about his baby nephew, Rome, and how he would handle taking care of the little one if Macau and Cherry ever needed some alone time.

Pete leaned in closer to offer his advice. "Babies are delicate. You've gotta be patient, gentle, and attentive. Make sure you support his head when you're holding him, and don't shake him, ever. Babies are more fragile than you think." he said before leaning back.

Vegas chuckled, appreciating Pete's advice, "I'll try not to shake the poor kid. But, seriously, what if I can't handle it? Maybe I should just drop him off at the main family house and let him play with Seoul."

Pete furrowed his brow, considering the idea. "Seoul's a bit too big to play with Rome just yet. Besides, you'll figure it out. It's all about getting into a routine and understanding his needs. You've got this."

Their conversation was interrupted by Porsche, who sauntered over, a mischievous grin on his face. "Vegas, Macau's been looking for you," he announced.

Vegas nodded and excused himself from Pete, leaving to find Macau. As he walked away, Pete watched him go before Porsche turned to him, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

"So, Pete, what were you two chatting about?" Porsche inquired, his voice low.

Pete shrugged, not wanting to reveal too much. "Ohh, just Vegas asking for some advice on taking care of Rome. He's struggling as a first-time uncle." Pete smirks.

Porsche's expression darkened slightly, and he asked pointedly, "You're friends with Vegas now, huh?"

Pete shrugs, "I don't know, but we're civil. We've put everything behind us. Besides, the main and minor families look closer now. I can't be all awkward around Vegas forever,"

Porsche nodded, understanding Pete's perspective. "I get it, Pete. Just remember, if you ever need someone to talk to or anything, you know you can always count on me."

Pete smiled, appreciating Porsche's support. "I know, Porsche. You've always got my back, and I've got yours too."

Their conversation ended with a nod of agreement, the bond between friends strengthened by their unspoken understanding. Porsche then pulls Pete towards where Tankhun, Pol, and Arm are.

At that moment, Vegas found Macau and Cherry.

"Hey, Porsche said you were looking for me. What's up?" Vegas asks.

"Ohh, Hia, you won't believe who I just saw," Macau said.

Vegas raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Who?"

Macau's voice dropped lower, carrying a tone of surprise. "P'Time. I saw P'Time at this party."

Vegas couldn't hide his shock. It had been more than a decade since he'd last seen Time. "Time? Are you serious?"

Macau nodded gravely. "Absolutely. I couldn't believe it myself."

"Where is Tay?" Vegas asks. Cherry answers it. "After your speech, I saw P'Tay leave the hall."

Vegas's mind raced as he contemplated where Tay might have gone. He remembered Tay's office, a sanctuary of sorts. It was the place where Tay often sought solace. Vegas excused himself from the lively crowd and made his way out of the hall, determined to find Tay.

As he reached Tay's office, he could see a figure sitting on the sofa, lost in thought. Tay looked up, his eyes meeting Vegas's as he entered. Vegas closed the door gently behind him and took a seat beside Tay.

"Hey," Vegas began, concern etched on his face. "Are you okay?"

Tay hesitated for a moment before answering, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "Not really. Seeing Time again brought back a lot of memories. Painful ones." Tay covers his lips, "Shit! I shouldn't be discussing my ex with another ex. I'm sorry,"

Vegas admits that Tay's honesty caught him off guard, but he knew this was a moment of vulnerability for Tay. "It's okay," Vegas reassured him. "We were friends long before we were anything else, and we're still friends now. You can always tell me anything,"

Tay finally let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Vegas. I appreciate that."

Vegas continued, offering his support. "If you want to go home, I can drive you."

Tay shook his head, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "No, I just need some alone time. I'll go back to the party."

Vegas nodded, understanding Tay's need for space. He stood up and offered his arm to Tay. Tay chuckled and took it, standing up as well. Together, they returned to the bustling party.

Back at the party, they joined Macau and Cherry, who were engrossed in a conversation with Kim. Kim greeted Vegas and Tay with a mischievous glint in his eye. "For two people who've broken up, you two look quite cozy," Kim remarked with a teasing grin.

Tay smiled while Vegas responded, "It's an honor to be in the presence of a celebrity like you, Kim."

Kim merely smirked, clearly enjoying the dynamics at play.

Suddenly, Time appeared, greeting Vegas and Macau as if they were old friends. He extended a polite introduction to Cherry and then turned his attention to Vegas and Tay.

Kim leaned closer to Macau and whispered, "I'm glad I came home to witness this drama." Macau shook his head at his cousin.

Time couldn't help but comment on the closeness between Vegas and Tay. "You two seem quite close despite your breakup."

Vegas smirked and clarified, "Tay and I were friends before we started dating, and we've remained friends since our breakup was mutual."

Time just nods but he looks unimpressed, "Lucky you because I got cut off from my two best friends after Tay and I broke up,"

Tay huffed frustratedly, his anger surfacing. "You cheated on me, Time. That's why we couldn't be friends anymore. Do you expect me to remain friends with you after what you did?"

Time laughed sarcastically, a bitter edge to his tone. He then gestured toward Vegas and posed a challenging question. "Are you sure Vegas didn't cheat on you?"

Vegas removed Tay's hand on his arm before approaching Tay, "Are you insinuating that I cheated on Tay?" Vegas hisses at Time.

Time smirks at Vegas, "I don't know, Vegas. You tell me. Does 'Pete' ring a bell?"

In a tense and awkward moment, Pete happened to walk by and stopped in his tracks upon hearing his name. His gaze locked onto the unfolding drama between Time, Vegas, and Tay. 

"This is so awkward," Kim mutters.

"Fucking unbelievable," Tay curses before holding Time's arm and dragging him out of the hall. Vegas looks at Pete and Pete just gives him an assuring smile before he heads to the bar to get the drink that Tankhun requested. 

Pete couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Time at the party. He knows that his family is the main family's business partner but the audacity to show up at the party and even mention Pete's name just to rile up Vegas baffles Pete. Pete had never liked Time, not even from the moment he knew about him when he started working for the main family years ago. Time's obnoxious personality rubbed Pete the wrong way, and he often wondered why someone as kind-hearted as Tay would ever date someone like him.

Trying to put aside his discomfort, Pete decided to fetch a drink that Tankhun had requested. He didn't want to pass by Vegas, Macau, Kim, and Cherry again, so he chose a different route to avoid any potential awkward encounters. As he approached Tankhun, who was seated in a corner, he handed him the drink and settled into the chair he'd been occupying before his quick excursion.

Tankhun, always the observant one, couldn't help but inquire, "Why did you go to the left side of the hall and then come back on the right side, Pete?"

Pete sighed, realizing he couldn't keep it to himself. "Well," he began, "I passed by Khun Vegas, Khun Kim, Khun Macau, Khun Cherry, Khun Tay, and Khun Time, and it was incredibly awkward."

Tankhun raised an eyebrow, "Time is here?" he asked. Pete nods. Tankhun takes a sip of his drink before prodding further. "What happened?"

Pete tried to recall the scene as accurately as possible. "I'm not entirely sure, but I overheard Khun Time mentioning my name, and when I looked over, their group was looking at me before Khun Tay dragged Khun Time out of the hall in a hurry."

Tankhun shook his head in disbelief. "Drama, drama, drama. You really shouldn't get involved in that kind of mess, Pete."

Pete sighed, frustration evident in his voice. "I had no intention of getting involved, but it just happened."

His gaze shifted toward the direction where Vegas and his group were standing. Vegas seemed annoyed, but Kim appeared to be engaged in a conversation with him, and Vegas was actually listening. Pete suddenly contemplated whether it was the right decision to rekindle their acquaintanceship. Did he truly want to restart their relationship with Vegas? Will it be good for him?

As Pete pondered these questions, he realized one thing: He yearned for peace and less discomfort whenever Vegas was around. He's a bodyguard of the main family and Vegas is somehow part of that family. He doesn't want to live in awkwardness whenever they meet but he also doesn't want to rush. Only time would tell if it was the right decision, but he was determined to create a more harmonious atmosphere whenever they crossed paths.


A/N: Yup, I used Bible and Build's looks and outfits during their Penfolds dinner last year. My updates are so irregular. But I try to update again by Wednesday, if not, weekends. It will be weekly, folks. Don't worry! Let me know what you think of this chapter. See you next update! (Spoiler: Seoul's first birthday!)

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