Mother Cut / Steve Harrington

By boremore

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Stranger Things Au, Season 1-4 More

My girl has her hand up my shirt. I smile.
Prelude: Remember The Plan If All Goes To Hell
Part One.
1: Steve and Lowen
2: Steve and Baby
3: Steve and Violet and the Trailer
4: Steve and V
5: Steve and Nancy
6: Steve and Steve
Part Two.
7: Jen, Everything Seen
8: Jen and Alex
9: Jen and School
10: Jen, Alex, and Jonathan
11: Jen and Violet Part I
12: Jen and Nancy
13: No Face and Knowing Photos
14: Girls and Lies
15: Fears and Jen
16: Jen and Violet Part II
17: The Rage
18: The Call From Inside The House
Part Three.
19: A Year Of Rot
20: What's New
21: Halloween, Night of Bullshit
22: These Mistakes are the Better Ones, I Hope
23: Teenagers Make Beautiful, Bloody Messes
24: What's To It? A Dead Sister?
26: Fill The Hole In My Chest?
27: It's All Rattling Inside

25: Call It In

660 45 8
By boremore

25, Call It In

          "So, you're stayin' here now?"

   Hopper nods off at the large two story home behind Jen. He leans against his cop car, big tan jacket engulfing him. Jen turns, eyes falling on Steve's home. She watches the still home for a moment. It's so big her head would never be able to wrap around it. It was odd... waking up in Steve's room this morning. Looking at him as he laid soundless. Climbing over him to slip out of bed. Looking at Violet in her crib, like she was Jen's to even look at. Walking down his stairs. Looking at the photographs of a family that was torn. Analyzing the kitchen, the living room, all of Candy Harrington's home. Jen could never live comfortably in a house that big. And as she stands outside of it, she's freezing. It's too early in the morning to be awake. The morning has barely set. She hadn't planned on standing outside with the town's sheriff, but he'd shown read to seek her out. So, here she stood, cold.

"I mean, where else was I going to go."

She's only in one of Steve's sweatshirts and a pair of soft sleep shorts. There's pins and needles happening in her legs. Her socks don't do much against the cold pavement of the driveway.

   Hopper sighs, his gaze locked on the girl. Jen can't stand to look at him for too long, it makes her anxious. She stares at her sock covered feet. "It's not like I asked to be here. They told me the trailer was done. I don't have money to rent out a new one. Steve just.. offered." Her eyes move to the man. "It's not like I want to invade. This shit is complicated."

   He raises a brow. "Harrington or your dead sister?"

   She wants to say both. Because it is both. Everything is fucking complicated. But they both know she won't mean it. This isn't about her sister, not in the slightest. "I think people are mad at me." She says it's so softly Hopper almost doesn't hear her.

   The man pulls out a cigarette from the front pocket of his jacket, he lights it with ease. "Why's that."

   Jen watches the flame. She watches the smoke. "Because Steve's complicated."

   Hopper snickers around his killing stick. "'Course he is. He's got a kid. Lowen Odette's kid at that. You jumped on a plane ride with no returning ticket, kid."

It always comes back to Lowen Odette.

   Jen's jaw clenches. Her arms tighten around herself as she pushes off Steve's car. "Is there a reason you showed up or are you going to make me feel like shit some more."

    His eyes reach hers and he huffs. "Was just checkin' in, Jen."

   Her fists are balls against her ribs. "Yeah, well I'm fine, Hop. Always have been. I don't need a babysitter now."

   Maybe it's a little pathetic, but she stomps back inside Steve's house like a toddler on the brisk of a tantrum. Hopper watches with a frown and scoff, he stubs out his cigarette with a big boot. He pulls out of the lot quicker than light.

Jen is right though, she does not need a babysitter.

She hadn't needed one when her mother died, she didn't need one now because Alex of all people was dead. Hopper hadn't been ready to babysit when her mother died, why was he ready to do it now.

   Jen did not need it.

Steve wants to call it in.

   He'd climb down the stairs, little girl on his hip as Jen was coming back into his front door—looking like she was ready to drop from the cold. Now, everyone's at the table. Jen's wrapped in a blanket Steve had silently offered up after he'd gotten Violet in her high chair. He'd seen the tail end of Jim Hopper's crap cop car.

   Jen forks around eggs and bacon, her toast has two chunks missing and that's it. Steve's plate is nearly empty because he hadn't put much on it to begin with. Violet's the only one having a blast with her breakfast of mashed bananas.

   Steve stares at a cup of black coffee. "What'd he say?"

   Jen's fork stops making that god awful scratching sound as her gaze slowly moves up to look at Steve. Their eyes meet in an instance. "What?" Steve shrugs at her, "Hopper. Saw the back end of his car as he peeled.." Jen stares for a moment at the boy. Steve can see her mind working overtime in her eyes. She shifts in her chair, blanket sliding off one shoulder. "He was just checking in," the girl looks down at her food. "Said dumb shit as per usual. It's fine." Her eyes flicker back up to him and she pushes out a gentle smile.


Jen isn't calling it in, Steve knows it without ever asking.

There's a horrible feeling in Steve's gut as he stands before his locker in the boys locker room. He's staring down at his folded jeans, feeling too ridiculous in his gym uniform. It's like he's been walking on a waterbed since this morning.

   He had watched Jen Leadison close herself off this morning and it freaked him the fuck out. Being shoved away like that with nothing malicious thrown at his face was odd. He's away being pushed away with such an angry force. And this morning it was like Jen had taken two steps back and Steve suddenly couldn't reach her no matter how close he got.

Somewhere far down the line of lockers to his right is Billy Hargrove with Tommy H. and a few other basketball boys. Steve feels a sense of nausea. He knows he said some pretty fucked things to Carol last November. Tommy hadn't like that. But Steve can't understand how quick they were able to move on from him? Did he not mean that much time him like they meant to him?

Yeah, they aren't good people, he knows that. They hadn't made him any better off. But they'd had been his only true friends.. for a while. He doesn't get how people can just up and leave like that. It makes him sick. It makes him sad. It makes him mad.

He misses having friends?

When he thinks of friends, all he can see is Jen. He doesn't mind that, but is it so wrong of him to wish for more?

He walks out the locker room with his arms folded over his chest, head somewhat hanging. He walks like he's got a shield over himself. He doesn't really enjoy gym class like he used to, not ever since Billy Hargrove showed up and swept his feet under Steve.

   The second he steps into the gym, it's all about basketball.

   "I mean, it's not like I wanted to be on the newspaper for the school. It's quite boring. But my dad says it's better to have a bunch of good shit on your record. Colleges love that." Jen titled her head towards Cade as they walked towards the gymnasium. Cade a quick step ahead of Jen, notepad and pen in her grasp. Jen had a free period and decided not to rot in the library for an hour.

   Cade turned towards Jen as they reached the doors, "where do you wanna go for college?" Jen hadn't ever really thought about it. The blonde shrugged as the two pushed open the doors. "I don't really know. It's um, never really been an option for me, I guess. I don't have the money for college. I'll probably stay here, go community." Cade just hummed, not a lick of judgement to her. "It's good, J. A solid plan. I like it."

   Coach reached the two girls as he yelled out towards the boys on the court. "Ladies of newspaper. Welcome, do what you do on the benches." Cade just hummed at the man, who was really paying them attention. The two girls moved towards the bleachers, eyes falling on the boys. "Oh, look at that. It's Steve Harrington, your new roommate." Cade's shoulder gently bounced into Jen's. She hadn't brought up the dead sister thing because she could tell Jen didn't want to talk about it, but almost everyone was talking about it. Plus, the stares from the students were unreal.

   But Jen did what Jen did. She didn't pay it mind.

   Jen cracked a small smile in Cade's direction. "Funny." Cade beamed as her eyes focused in on the boys playing, writing down every now and then what she observed. Who wasn't doing to great (Steve). Who was doing too great (Billy).

   The ball landed into Billy's palms, Steve in front of him as defense. Billy let out a boastful laugh. "All right! All right! King Steve!" The boy pushed a hand out towards Steve, a heavy smirk around his words. "King Steve, everyone. I like it. Playing tough today."

   Jen and Cade shared a look. Billy was a bit.. dramatic.

   Steve glared at the boy, ready to take on the ball if he could snatch it. His heart was in his throat and his head was ringing. "Jesus! Do you ever stop talking? Come on, man." Billy laughed at the boy, ball still bouncing. "What? You afraid Coach is gonna bench you now that I'm here? Hm?"

   Cade slumped into herself, pen stabbing somewhat into her pad. "This guy is literally an asshole. I don't want to write that he's the best. Hello?" Jen's eyes fell on the girl and her red hair, she sent her a small smile. "It's just the newspaper, Cade. I'm sure a little white lie won't hurt." Cade snickered.

   Billy finally moved, ball bouncing and he slammed right into Steve. The boy slamming to the ground. Cade gasped and Jen stared in shock, eyes trained on Steve. "Holy shit."

   Billy made the basket.

   The whistle rang and his teammates cheered him on. None of Steve's teammates even regarded him on the floor. Steve's face screwed up as he reached for his beating side. As he looked up Billy stood over him, his hand pushed out for Steve. The brunette on the floor gave it a glance and took it with caution. Billy pulled him up a smidge, "You were moving your feet. Plant them next time, draw a charge." The sandy blonde was squeezing his hand before he shoved him back down into the court.

   Jen's jaw clenched as Billy walked away like he ruled the school. Cade scoffed, "Yeah. I will do with a white lie. This guy is shit."

   The shower spray was the only thing in Steve's ear. His head was still burning but the water was a refresh. But I don't think he's been granted anything nice, ever. When he opened his eyes, Billy was at his side. A smirk like no other. "Don't sweat it, Harrington. Today's just not your day, man." He didn't even send Billy a look.

   "Yeah," another voice from his other side. Tommy H. clinging onto whatever popular meat he could. "Not your week." Steve met his eyes, how could he not. This boy had been his best friend a few months ago. "You and the princess break up for one day, she's already running off with the freak's brother."


   Steve's eyes pierced into Tommy. The freckled boy snickered, "Oh, shit. You didn't know. Jonathan and the princess skipped yesterday. Still haven't shown. But that must just be a coincidence, right?" The boy laughed, "I mean, shouldn't matter that much to you. Leadison's already got her legs spread for you." Tommy flung his water off with a killer look, still laughing. Steve glared even harder, jaw aching. His chest now burning. What gives him the right to talk about Jen like that.

   Billy's eyes flickered back to Steve, a towel in his hands. "Don't take it too hard, man. A pretty boy like you has nothing to worry about. Plenty of bitches in the sea." The blonde boy then turned off Steve's water. "The blonde one's a better choice in my opinion anyway." Steve's burning eyes met Billy's. The boy snickered and slapped Steve's back as he went off, leaving Steve alone again.

   Steve glared at his soapy hands as he slammed the water back on.

   Why was everyone talking about Jen like that. She had done nothing fucking wrong.

   Jen stood a few locker chains down from the boys locker room, last thing she needed was a run in with Billy Hargrove after that damn Halloween party.

   She watched boys come out every now and then, pretending to have her nose stuck in a book. And when Steve finally came out, back pack gripped over his shoulder she let out a breath. The boy had his free hand balled up down by his waist and he was walking quite quick. Jen slammed her book shut and hurried after the boy, "Steve!"

   He came to a too quick stop, head whipping over his shoulder to catch Jen's eyes. He let out a sigh and tension slipped from his shoulders. "I was just about to go looking for you." Jen smiled gently, getting a better grip on her books. "You okay? Saw practice.. didn't seem so fun."

   Steve's heart sank a little. "You were there?"

   Jen eased her lip between her teeth. "Yeah. Cade's on newspaper. She's gotta do a section of the school's sports. I had a free period, figured I'd hang. Billy seems like an asshole.." Steve let out a breath, "it's cool. It's just basketball." Jen hummed, her eyes falling down on his balled up fist. She gently let her hand snake around his wrist, she squeezed gently and he let go of the pressure his hand was causing to himself. His eyes skated down towards their connected hands. "Nancy and Jonathan are missing," he said simply.

   Jen's eyes slammed back to his. "What?"

   Steve rolled back his shoulders and let his free hand grab at Jen's that had been around his wrist. "Tommy says they skipped yesterday and no one's seen them since."

   Jen just stared at the boy for a second. "Okay.. That's okay. I hope they're fine." Jen gently squeezed his hand as she pulled him towards the direction of the parking lot.

   As they made the walk through the parking lot, the stares didn't subside. Steve didn't let go of the girls hand till they reached his car. He wasted no time getting in, while Jen was starting across the lot at a darker car.

   Billy Hargrove sat in the driver's seat with a tight grip on a smaller girl with red fire like hair, tears in her eyes.

   An odd feeling settled in Jen's stomach as she stared. Her mind dragging her back towards Alex Leadison.

   "Hey, you gettin' in?" Jen flinched back as her passenger door was pushed open from the inside. Steve staring up at her with an odd look. "You okay?"

   Jen cleared her throat as she slipped into the car. "Yeah. Let's just get Violet."

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