The Five Cursed Witches: Volu...

By High_Priestess_Elena

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Zoe's only wish is to be able to run barefoot through grass, but she knows it'll never happen. Ever since she... More

Author's note - explanation of the series
Volume 1 - Zoe, the witch of innocence
Chapter 1 The Faerie's curse
Chapter 2 The task
Chapter 3 My life
Chapter 4 Oak's Tea Room
Chapter 5 The Library
Chapter 6 Eyes green as grass
Chapter 7 The magic of the bond
Chapter 8 Fears
Chapter 9 Roses and Pines
Chapter 10 Families
Chapter 11 Goodbye
Chapter 12 Green that sparkles
Chapter 13 The evil witch
Chapter 14 Chance
Chapter 15 The illness
Chapter 16 Ash and Iron
Chapter 17 Wonderings
Chapter 18 The horror of witches
Chapter 19 The puppet and the strings
Chapter 20 The amulet
Chapter 21 Life within
Chapter 22 Promise
Chapter 24 The claw machine
Chapter 25 Half-truths
Chapter 26 No girlfriend material
Chapter 27 Pure and innocent
Chapter 28 Ocean of Jealousy
Chapter 29 Future plans
Chapter 30 Friendly curiosity
Chapter 31 Where answers lie
Chapter 32 Unfriendly curiosity
Chapter 33 Scarlet's threat
Chapter 34 Calming touch
Chapter 35 Connecticut's Old State House
Chapter 36 Believe in witches
Chapter 37 Pint of Pines
Chapter 38 Friendly interrogation
Chapter 39 Soulmate
Chapter 40 Concert
Chapter 41 Dancing
Chapter 42 Answers
Chapter 43 The Library again
Chapter 44 The owner of Oak's Tea Room
Chapter 45 Nightmare
Chapter 46 Phone
Chapter 47 Pure bliss
Chapter 48 Normal everyday things
Chapter 49 Market
Chapter 50 The witch hunter's residence
Chapter 51 Only yours
Chapter 52 Food worth everything
Chapter 53 Girl talk
Chapter 54 Warm, happy, alive
Chapter 55 Cold, despair, killed
Chapter 56 A bad joke
Chapter 57 The best option
Chapter 58 To protect or not protect
Chapter 59 To catch a witch
Chapter 60 The text message
Chapter 61 Sleep tight
Chapter 62 The basement
Chapter 63 The crown
Chapter 64 Torture
Chapter 65 Beautiful, innocent
Chapter 66 Decision
Chapter 67 A moment of peace
Chapter 68 Love
Chapter 69 Ash and Pine
Chapter 70 The curse
Chapter 71 Nymphs
Chapter 72 To trust a witch
Chapter 73 Touch
Chapter 74 Explanations
Chapter 75 Things to explain
Chapter 76 Mates
Chapter 77 The bond
Chapter 78 First one
Chapter 79 Window of worry and lacing of sweetness
Chapter 80 Mate mark
Chapter 81 Place to hide
Chapter 82 Friend
Chapter 83 The long story
Chapter 84 Age
Chapter 85 Problems and solutions
Chapter 86 Messy labyrinth of colorful threads
Chapter 87 Repressed emotions
Chapter 88 The past
Chapter 89 Glaring red
Chapter 90 Key memory
Chapter 91 Annabel MacKenzie
Chapter 92 Death and life
Chapter 93 Red against gold
Chapter 94 The truth about mom
Chapter 95 Forgetting everything else
Chapter 96 Shower
Chapter 97 Protect and take care
Chapter 98 Travel by nymph
Chapter 99 Home
Chapter 100 Oak's deal
Chapter 101 To heal
Chapter 102 Threats
Chapter 103 Issue without solution
Chapter 104 Repressed memories
Chapter 105 Scarlet's mate
Chapter 106 Burning rage
Chapter 107 The power of Zoe, the witch of innocence
Chapter 108 Everyday mundanity
Author's Notes

Chapter 23 Ashtown

531 30 53
By High_Priestess_Elena



I felt like I had turned to stone when Felix wrapped his arms around me and refused to let go. Afraid that any single movement from me would cause our skin to meet. But he didn't let go, and I couldn't denial the warmth and security I felt in his arms. It felt comfortable, as if I belonged there, and like I was being cared for. I didn't notice that I had relaxed and leaned against him until he spoke.

"I'm so sorry, Zoe. I'll help you find a cure. I'll do anything it takes. I promise that one day you won't have to worry at all while I hug you," he promised and even though I knew he wouldn't be able to keep that promise, I felt reassured. At least during that one second, I felt as if there would come a day when I would be able to feel his skin against mine.

When he let go, I did try my best to put a safe distance between us, but he stopped me and held tightly on to my hand. That simple action made me feel all warm and fuzzy. It made me smile.

"Where to?" I asked when we were both seated in the car and I felt genuinely excited. Not an emotion I was used to feeling at all. A lightness that made me feel like I had energy for anything.

"It's a surprise," he said with a wink.

My stomach immediately started bubbling at that. He was so adorably cute and sexy at the same time in that moment, and I had to force my eyes away from him while I felt my cheeks become red.

I heard him laugh quietly as he drove out from the parking lot.

"Did anything special today? Got any sight-seeing done?" he asked next and I felt myself plummeting back to reality.

Oh, you know, sneaked around your house. Stole an amulet to understand how it works so I can get closer to killing your father.

"Just went hiking for a bit," I answered. "You?"

"Help my dad with some work."

Another ice-cold shower was dropped over my head as if I wasn't enough back in reality yet. I really needed to figure all of this out. But it terrified me. Would he be able to forgive and accept me?

"Just realized I never asked what you work with? Or are you studying something?" It was such a light and innocent question from him, but damn, did he have to ask all the wrong things right now?

"It's a bit complicated to describe," I started to gain more time to think. "I work for a somewhat small company. The company does a lot of different things and is mainly just trying to get a better hold in society. Anyway, I kind of work with meeting rival companies to find their weakness." Well, it was sort of the truth I guessed. Except for that I never went to find weaknesses, but to eliminate the competition.

"Oh. Do you... like it?"

"Goddess no!" I answered without even giving myself a moment to think and then shot a look at him. He had an adorably sweet smile on his face.

"Then why do you still work there?"

"It's... because of my father. He works there too and has a contract that he can't get out of. And they treat him... not very nice. With me working for them and doing their dirty work they treat him somewhat decent. So I can't leave him to fend for himself."

I really couldn't do that and the Priestess's treat came to the forefront of my mind again accompanied by a tornado of emotions.

If you do not manage to complete this task before another sister is killed, the next one we'll lose is a brother.

Felix placed his hand on top of mine and first then did I notice that I held a fist of fabric from my dress in a tight grip with both hands. At his touch, I let go of the dress and looked to the side, away from him.

"There must be a loophole somewhere in his contract. And besides, if they are using you to do underhanded things, can't you just collect enough evidence against them to threaten them?"

I twisted my head back to him because those words did not sound like the kind and gentle Felix I had gotten to know. Though looking into his eyes, I could clearly see why. He tried to remain calm, but his anger was written in his face. His eyes burned and his jaw was tightly shut.

"It's fine. Really. Don't be upset by it. I'm used to it," I told him and saw how he took a deep breath.

"That just makes me angrier," he said in a low voice that made me shudder and want to back away. But instead I put my hand on his cheek.

"Forget about it for now at least," I asked of him. "I don't want to spoil our evening."

He opened his mouth, presumably to argue back. But he closed it and his eyes then shook his head lightly. When he opened his eyes again, most of the anger seemed to be gone.

"Well, we're here," he said and looked out the front window of the car.

I hadn't even noticed when we'd stopped, but we now stood parked in front of what I assumed was a restaurant. Though it couldn't only be a restaurant, or at least not any restaurant I'd ever visited, with all of the blinking lights and signs.

"What is this place?" I asked and tried to find something that I was familiar with on the building, but it all looked alien to me.

"It's call Ashtown. It's a restaurant and arcade game place."

The confusion must have been clearly written on my face because he smiled and went on.

"Games like Pacman and Pin ball."

That did not make anything clearer for me and he laughed.

"Come on, let's go inside."

As soon as we got inside, I stopped in my tracks. On one side was a counter from which food and drinks were ordered, and a few tables and booths for people to sit. On the other was a lot of different machines that people stood by and seemed to play. There was laughter and chatter and different weird sounds everywhere and generally just a happy and excited atmosphere.

"Want to play some before we eat?" Felix asked and I nodded.

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