Son Of The Knight And The Gho...

By Milkandcreamguy

3.8K 110 43

(THIS TAKES 10 YEARS AFTER THE FIRST STORY) Gray, aka the Night Fury, aka Spider-Man is the son of the Dark K... More

Family Missions
The New Girl
Missions With Dad
The Maggia
The Hangout
Beneath The Surface
Trained Fighter, Trained Killer
Thanksgiving Troubles
Football Game
Meeting You Changed Everything
The Archer And The Dame(18+)
Multiversal Madness (Part 1)

Wanna Ft?

210 9 2
By Milkandcreamguy

Gray's POV:

School ended about an hour ago and it was pretty good. It's way better when there's a girl that makes me happy and laughs at my stupid jokes, I'm obviously talking about my favorite white haired girl, Felicia. We talked way more today and she texted me a little bit ago, saying that she made it back home. Right now, I'm in Ganke's apartment in Brooklyn and we're building our Lego Death Star. I was giving pieces to Ganke while he assembled our creation, also reading the instructions. "Where'd you put Palpatine?" I asked him, looking around me now. "I attached him on, just so we don't lose him" he said and I nodded, understanding what he said. A couple minutes later, my phone buzzed and I took it out of my pocket to check it, it was Felicia. I opened up my phone to see her text message.

Felicia: Hey, wyd

Gray: Lego Death Star

Felicia: Oh yeah that's right
Felicia: I have a question

Gray: I might have an answer😅

Felicia: Wanna ft?

I saw the message and my heart dropped, of course I want to FaceTime. Not sure if it'll be awkward with Ganke here, I'll ask if it's okay. "Is that your girlfriend?" Ganke said teasingly and I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yes it's Felicia and she's not my girlfriend" I said. "Yet" Ganke said and I chuckled. "Uh so she wants to FaceTime, is that okay?" I asked. "Oooo she wants to FaceTime? Hell yeah, answer it, panty droppa" he said. "Don't ever call me that again" I said and we both started laughing. After I was done, I texted her back.

Gray: Ofc, call me now

Felicia: Okay good

I waited a second and then my phone starts ringing. I see her Bitmoji pop up and I pressed the answer button. Her beautiful face then popped up, she was laying on her bed. It looks like she changed outfit, probably into comfy clothes, she now has a black crop top on. "Hey Great White" I said. "Hey Point Break" she said, waving into the camera. "How's the Death Star coming along?" She asked. "She's getting there, we've been at it for an hour and a half" I said and I reversed the camera so she could see it. "Oh wow, that's awesome" she said. "Hell yeah it is, last Lego set, we built was a really big Knightmobile" I said, referring to my dad's car and flipping the camera back to my face.

We were talking for a little bit longer about school and what fast food was the best, I personally like Wendy's. We had the Death Star on a table while we were building it and all of a sudden, Ganke somehow drops his phone. When he tries go retrieve it, he accidentally bumped the Death Star with his elbow and he knocked it off the table, making it shatter to pieces. "No what he said wa- you fucking idiot" I was saying and then changed the topic after the Death Star fell. "I don't think he said that" Felicia said and I shook my head. "Not that, look what this stupid bitch did" I said and I flipped my camera, pointing it at the floor that's covered in Lego pieces. Ganke was covering his mouth, completely flabbergasted after what he did.

Felicia gasped and then started dying laughing. "How did you do that?" I asked him. "I knocked it over with my elbow" Ganke said laughing. "HOW DO YOU KNOCK IT OVER WITH YOUR ELBOW!?" I yelled, laughing as well. "I dropped my phone and tried to pick it up" he said. "YOU'RE STUPID!" I playfully yelled. "SHUT UP! Help me find Palpatine" he said and I looked around the floor and I easily found him. "He's right there" I said, pointing at the floor. "Where?" He said, looking on both sides of him. "BRUH, RIGHT THERE!" I yelled. "WHERE DO YOU SEE HIM?" He yelled back. "BRO, OPEN YOUR EYES!" I yelled and started chuckling. "I CAN'T, I'M FUCKING ASIAN!" He yelled and him and I started laughing hysterically.

I looked back at my phone to see Felicia laughing even more. "That should not be this funny" Felicia said, continuing to laugh. "Welp... so much for that" I said, looking at our destroyed creation. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" Ganke was saying until I interrupted him. "Shut up, bitch" I said and we all laughed. I then heard a knock from Felicia's phone. "Come in" Felicia yelled out. I heard a door open and a woman started talking, most likely her mom. "Hey sweetheart, dinner's ready" Felicia's mom said. "Okay. I'll call you back later" Felicia said, looking at her screen now. "Ight that's fine. Talk to you soon" I said, smiling into the camera. She smiled back, I love that face. "Bye" she said and then she hung up.
I smiled to myself and I chuckled, it was a pretty good phone call, even if it was too short. "Someday, dude" Ganke said. "Yep. Someday" I replied.


It's been two hours and I'm now leaving Ganke's place. I had dinner with his parents and then I decided it was time to go. I exited his apartment and walked down the hallway of the building. I climbed out of a window that lead to a fire escape. It was already dark outside, so I figured that it's time to do some Spidey-work. I pulled out my necklace and I pressed my finger on it, now covering myself with my armor. There's no school tomorrow because it's a teacher workshop day, so tonight's gonna be a long night for me. Maybe I'll meet up with dad and we'll tag team on some crime... maybe I'll see Black Cat. She oddly reminds me of Felicia in a way, except Felicia's not as flirtatious as Cat.

I webbed a building and I yanked myself up. I flew through the air and landed on a roof. I'm the morning, I told dad that I got new abilities and he told me to give him my necklace so he can work on my armor. He made my armor have retractable eyelids because I told him about how people will only see two white dots(my eyes) in the dark, so this'll be useful. And he also made my web shooters have a repel system, that way I'll just get pulled into the air instead of having to yank myself up every time. I landed on the roof, just to see if these would work. I had my helmet and hood on and my armor sensed my brain activity. I thought of retracting my eyelids and it worked. "Nice" I said to myself. I retracted my eyelids again and prepared to use my upgraded web shooters, sort've, I already shoot natural webs.

I looked up at a crane and I raised my arm and shot a web. It hit and then all of a sudden, I repelled up, getting pulled off the ground and flew into the air. I double tapped my palm with my fingers and I released, making me fly over the crane. The web repel was really strong, so I was going far. I then spread my cape and started gliding over the buildings. I made it to the Brooklyn Bridge and I webbed it, repelled up and sent myself flying again. I flew over the river and made it back to the city, entering the Financial District. A few minutes have gone by and there seems to be nothing so far, which is good. But then, my spider senses tingled, telling me about a car chase that's near me.

Then, I could hear car tires screeching and police sirens, it's not far. I turned in the air and went towards the direction of the sounds. I saw the cars through the building, driving at dangerously fast speeds, especially on these streets. They turned the corner and they were coming in my direction now. I looked down to see a old lady, trying to cross the street and the cars were speeding towards her. I have to act fast. I stopped gliding and I webbed the buildings on both sides of me. I yanked really hard and I launched myself downwards. I flipped and soared to the ground, landing in front of the old lady. The speeding car had no time to react and he crashed right into me.

I stood in place, it's like if he crashed into a really strong tree. He flew out the windshield and I webbed him before he could hit the ground. I yanked him to me and I caught him by his shirt collar. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. "WAIT! PLEASE! DO-" he was saying and then I punched him in the face, knocking him out cold. I webbed him up and I looked at the old lady. "Are you okay?" I asked. She started nodding and smiling. "Oh yes I am, thank you so much, Spider-Man. I knew Jameson was wrong about you" she said. I smiled under my helmet, JJJ is so annoying, he's literally New York City's version of Alex Jones. "Someday he'll say something nice about me. Stay safe" I said and I walked away to the cop who's outside his car.

"Thank you, Spider-Man" the officer said, opening the back door of his car. "No problem" I said, putting the man in the car and the cop closed the door. "Stay safe officer" I said and I webbed a building and quickly repelled into the air. I swung around the city for a while until I landed on a roof to take a break. I sat on some steps on a roof and I pulled out my phone. My metal hands obviously don't work on my phone, so I retracted my gloves. I opened up YouTube and I start watching random videos. I don't really have a favorite YouTuber or a favorite kind of content to watch, so I just watch about anything that interests me. From cooking, commentary, cars and an odd thing for me to get into, truck camping. There was a guy sleeping in the back of his truck in -30 degree weather.

I continued watching and basically just chilled out for a little bit longer. Then a raindrop landed on my phone, welp, fun while it lasted. I put my phone away and I got up to sit on the edge of the big building I was on. Then the rain came down hard, like really hard. Good thing I have the armor on cause I can't get wet in this thing. Everything felt so relaxing right now, it was about to be dark and the sky had sort've a blue tint to it. I was all by myself which was pretty nice, everything was just so peaceful. I looked down to see the busy street.

I was too much in the moment where I didn't sense nor hear anything around me, so I didn't realize that someone was delicately wrapping their arms around my torso. Obviously I got alarmed and was confused and I looked up to see Black Cat. "Hey Spider" she said. "What are you doing?" I asked. She let go of me and she sat beside me on the edge of the building, having her legs hang off it. "Not much, just giving you company" she said, looking at me and then at the city. "I can see why you like coming out here" she said. "You think I only come out here for the view?" I asked. "No, but I'd think it'd suck being alone" she said. "I'm all set. Also, how'd you find me?" I asked, turning my body towards her. "I like watching you" she said. "Why, to make sure I'm no where near the places you rob?" I asked suspiciously.

She sighed. "No, there's just something about you that... I can't quite think of" she said and she got up. "Yeah, what's that?" I asked, getting up as well. "Not sure, but I just like watching you" she said. "Can't tell if that's not as bad or worse than you stealing" I said and she giggled. "How'd your mission go with your dad? I saw the news. Jay Jonah Jameson kept calling you killers" she said and I scoffed. "Yeah I know. We didn't kill anyone, we prevented a resurrection and Ra's is gonna pass away soon. Not sure when, but soon" I said. "Mhmm" she said walking up to me. She took my arm with one of her hands and held my face. "You know, I'd never thought I'd be this close to you" she said.

"Want me to congratulate you?" I said and she let out a little chuckle. "Where were you last night?" I asked. "Harlem district, why?" She asked. "Cause there was a break in at Midtown Bank at midnight" I said. "Oh my, that's horrible! Who would do such a thing-" she was sarcastically saying until I interrupted her. "Just put it back" I said and I turned around to face the city. "You know, your tactics are good. You seem like a talented girl to me. Why don't you just use your skills for good?" I asked. "That's just not how I roll, Spider-Boy" she said and walked and stood beside me. "You're gonna get caught someday, Cat" I said. "Okay, what if I stole from bad people?" She said. "Depends" I said.

"What do you mean?" She asked and we looked at each other. "Don't steal their money, two wrongs don't make a right. If you steal valuable information that can put bad people away, do it and bring it to the police" I explained. "Well, I have a place in mind" she said. "Yeah? Where?" I asked. " I don't know what the place is called, but the big boss is named Hammerhead" she said and I immediately had alarms going off in my head. "No Cat, that's too dangerous" I said. "You want me to help out, right? Well this is my way of helping out" she said and I got quiet, is she being serious about this. "Look, I'll be fine. I'll just be in and out, won't be long" she said and she walked to the edge of the building. "The Maggia are dangerous, Cat. There'll be a lot of them" I said and she turned around to look at me.

"Don't worry, baby" she said and she pulled out her grappling gun. "I still got nine lives left" she said and she dove off the building and grappled onto another one, swinging away. Obviously I don't buy what she said, but who she's robbing from are really dangerous. I gotta make sure that she's okay. And also she doesn't steal anything. So let her go away for a few seconds longer until I decided to start tailing her. I webbed a building and repelled into the air. Then I started gliding with my cape spread out. Finally, I spotted her, swinging and jumping from building to building.

Alright Cat, where are you going?

Sorry y'all, I've been very busy so I have a bit of a tight schedule with this!!!

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