The Elemental Enerithian (Ben...

By Kayla_The_One

20.1K 850 92

Join Aria, Ben, Gwen and Kevin on an adventure. More

Character Info
Mastery and Downsides
Ben 10 Returns (1)
Ben 10 Returns (2)
Everybody Talks About The Weather
All That Glitters
Max Out
Pier Pressure
What Are Little Girls Made Of?
The Gauntlet
Plumbers' Helpers
Season 2
Darkstar Rising
Alone Together
Good Copy, Bad Copy
Save the Last Dance
Pet Project
Inside Man
The Date
Birds of a Feather
War of the Worlds (1)
War of the Worlds (2)
Season 3
The Vengeance of Vilgax (1)
The Vengeance of Vilgax (2)
Fool's Gold
Vreedle Vreedle
If All Else Fails
In Charm's Way
Trade Off
Busy Box
Con of Rath
Time Heals
The Secrets of Chromastone
The Final Battle (1)
The Final Battle (2)
Alien Swarm Cast

Kevin's Big Score

490 22 1
By Kayla_The_One


The group gathered at Grandpa Max's RV. Ben and Gwen sat outside looking through photos, Kevin trying to fix the RV, and Aria trying to get her powers to work. "Hey, Ben look. It's us in front of the old Rust Bucket." Gwen laughs and shows her cousin the picture, making him laugh as well. "That's so like Grandpa Max to lose one dumper, then run out and find another." Ben comments. Aria tunes them out and tries to use energy, her hands glow slightly, and she tries making a shield but it shatters. "Great." Aria groans, stomping her foot. "Still not buying the 'nice guy' act Kevin." She hears Ben say. "You okay, Ari?" Gwen asks. "I can't use energy." Aria sighs. "Why? I thought I--" "You did, but that doesn't reverse the damage." Aria shares. "What happened, though?" Gwen asks. Aria was gonna reply, but Kevin cut her off. "Okay, I'm gonna try the engine." He says and does exactly that. "Go, Kevin!" Ben cheers. 

Kevin then proceeds to drive away and Ben pulls Gwen and Aria to the ground. "Come back, Kevin!" Ben yells running after the RV. Along the way he transforms into a Necrofriggian he calls 'Big Chill' and flies after Kevin. Kevin checks his side mirror and sees Big Chill flying behind him. He smiles and presses a button, and a laser comes out from the top and shoots at Big Chill, but he dodges it. Kevin locks the gun onto Big Chill and shoots at him, but Big Chill turns invisible, causing the laser to go through him. Big Chill freezes the road, and Kevin swerves almost losing control, but he activates spiked tires and drives normally again. Big Chill freezes the back of the RV causing it to run off the road, Kevin activates an armored bumper and drives through the trees, determined to get to his destination. He ramps the RV off a hill and lands on the road again with Big Chill behind him. Big Chill goes invisible but Kevin activates a heat signature and shoots a net at Big Chill trapping him. 

Big Chill breaks the net and looks to where Kevin is but doesn't see him and detransforms as Aria and Gwen get to him using Gwen's stepping stones. "He got away." Ben states. "I can see that." Aria comments. "Whoa. I mean... oh no!" Gwen corrects herself. "How could I have let my guard down? He's a liar and a thief." Ben accuses. "That was the old Kevin. He's different not. And we're different, too." Gwen defends. "I can track him from this." She holds up the handkerchief Kevin used. "You kept his sweaty handkerchief?" Ben asks. "Disgusting." Aria cringes. Gwen looks at them, then closes her eyes, and the handkerchief glows with mana before it falls back into her palm. "Got him." She says with a smile.


"Now, I know this looks bad." Kevin says when Aria, Ben, and Gwen get to his location. Ben walks up to him with the two girls staying back. "Bad? Bad?! If you don't get the rust bucket back, I'll show you bad!" Ben threatens. "Doubt it." Kevin states. "What happens when this is all over and Grandpa comes home? Where is he gonna live then?" Ben asks. "Do I have to separate you two?" Gwen asks, raising her hands which glowed with mana. "He stole Grandpa's home. What kind of jerk steals an old man's home?" Ben asks, turning to face the girls. "The Kevin kind." Aria replies. "Hey!" Kevin yells, offended. "He might've had a good reason to do so, right?" Aria asks. "Yeah, it's important." Kevin replies. "Important to you." Ben glares at him. "One second." Kevin says and the girls approach him. He pulls out his Plumber's badge and opens up a map showing a blinking red dot. "You hid a tracking device in the undercarriage." Gwen notes. "Like I'd ever let anyone swipe a fortune in Plumber tech from me." Kevin says. "Really?" Aria deadpans.


They go to a part of town which had a bunch of abandoned buildings. They get out of the car and Kevin opens up the map again. He breaks down the door and Aria walks in with her skin glowing white and her hair shimmering with different colors. "Whoa." Gwen says, amazed by her look. "That's cool." Kevin adds, and Ben stares at her, entranced by her look. They follow after her and see the Rust Bucket now stripped of anything valuable. "Stripped!" Kevin points out. "Great! So where's your fortune, Kevin?" Ben asks, crossing his arms and walking in the next direction. He picks up some kind of device. "What's this worth-- 5 bucks?" He asks, then kicks a stack of tires. "We're supposed to keep the planet safe from an alien invasion, and we can't keep a motor home from getting stolen?" He asks. "Drop it." Kevin tells him, walking away. "Don't walk away from me!" Ben steps in front of Kevin. "It's times like these where I really miss Aeloria." Aria mumbles. "Aeloria?" Gwen questions. 

"It's the home planet of the Elemental Sages." Aria shares. "Where do the Enerithians live?" Gwen asks. "Lumenera. But now's not the time for this." She motions to Ben and Kevin, who are still arguing. The sound of the door knob rattling stops the argument, and the group looks at the door before Aria stops glowing and they hid, but not before Gwen hushes them. A humanoid porcupine walks into the room whistling. He walks into the RV and takes something out before walking back out and shoving the item in his pocket. Gwen sends a mana orb to light up the room, scaring him. He looks around the room, seeing Gwen, Ben, Kevin and Aria surround him. "Uh-oh." He mumbles and jumps out a window. Aria and Ben chase him and the latter transforms into Echo Echo and multiplies. "Don't let him get away." They say. "I know." Aria replies, running faster. The human porcupine turns the corner and finds two Echo Echos who use their sonic screams to throw him onto a ladder. 

He tries climbing the ladder and looks up to see Aria holding up a peace sign before she knocks him down with wind. The Echo Echos surround him and he uses his quill to take out most of them except the real one who dodged it. Gwen and Kevin finally make it to them and Gwen gets ready to attack him but Kevin runs up to her. "Watch out!" He shouts. "Don't warn him!" Gwen chastises. The porcupine shoots his quill at them and Kevin pulls her out of the way. "No-- you watch out." He tells her. "Oh." Gwen says, in realization. Kevin passes out after getting hit, and Gwen also gets hit. Aria climbs off the ladder and stands behind Echo Echo, who glares at the porcupine. "Wall of sound!" Echo Echo shouts and multiplies using his sonic screams. The porcupine shoots his quill at them, but they redirect it to him, making him pass out. Aria and Echo Echo tie him and superglued his quills to his head and wait for Gwen and Kevin to wake up.

Once they were up they looked down at him as he woke up. "What?" He questions. He tries shooting his quills at them but nothing happens. "They're superglued to your head so don't bother trying." Aria tells him. He looks up and sees the girl along with multiple Echo Echos glaring at him. "Everybody awake?" An Echo Echo asks looking back and seeing the last one still asleep and snoring. "Hmm. Close enough." He says and they all fuse with the sleeping Echo Echo and detransforms. Ben wakes up, yawns, stretches and joins Aria, Kevin, and Gwen. "So let's get this straight." He says. "I'll give it to you straight. You cannot trust that man." The porcupine says. "Me?" Kevin clenches his fist and scowls. "Do you know what he was gonna do? Steal your motor home and sell it to another criminal. Thank goodness I stopped him." Porcupine lies. 

"By stealing it and taking every valuable part from it?" Aria asks cocking an eyebrow. "Yeah. Yeah, I may be a crook but this guy's no good. You can't trust him. He'll stab you in the back just for laughs." He defends himself. "Thanks, buddy." Kevin says sarcastically. "This creep's got a point. You're always up to something. Self-serving, shifty, always working some kind of angle. Always a thief." Ben accuses. "Well? What do you have to say to yourself?" Ben asks. "You know what, Tennyson-- I don't have to explain myself to you." Kevin says walking away. "Or either of you. I'm done with you three!" He tells Aria and Gwen before leaving. Once he is gone Aria looks around, and her eyes catch something. "Huh?" She looks down at the shimmering trail. "What is it?" Gwen asks. "I don't need to be able to use energy to track energy." She shares. "All right then, let's go." Ben tells them.


They follow Aria who leads them to an abandoned place filled with airplanes and Ben transforms into Big Chill. They go inside a building and see Kevin on the ground after having absorbed a gem with Vulkanus crouching in front of him and his minions mining the gem off his back. "You're in a bad position to make demands." They hear Vulkanus say. "He would be if he were alone." Big Chill chimes in. "But he's with us." They both look to the right and see Big Chill, Aria, and Gwen. "You followed me?" Kevin asks. "That whole 'get mad and storm off' act? Please." Big Chill asks. "You have friends?!" Vulkanus says, standing up. "Had friends." He adds pulling out a gun and shooting fire at them. Aria grabs Gwen and jumps out of the way but Big Chill isn't so lucky and gets hit. The minions jump off Kevin's back and approach the females. "Which one should I use for this?" Aria wonders looking over at Gwen who's shields kept breaking. "I have to teach her a few things." Aria mumbled looking back at the minions who were approaching her. 

She roundhouse kicks one, sending it flying into some others, and throws a fire ball at the ones she didn't get breaking one's pickaxe and causing it to explode taking out the others with it. Aria turns her attention to the first group, who recovers, and she douses them with water and electrocutes them using Ohm's Gaze. She turns to look at Big Chill who freezes Vulkanus' suit, causing it to break revealing his tiny body. "Your smiles are creepy." Aria informs Big Chill walking over to him. "Kevin!" Gwen calls, running to him. She breaks his restraints using mana beams. "You all right?" She asks, cupping his cheeks, and the crystals wear off leaving his shirt ripped. Kevin groans then wraps his arms around Gwen and they embrace. Big Chill detransforms and Aria once again tries her energy powers not wanting to look at them and unfortunately, her powers still aren't back yet. Aria and Ben walked over to them who were now standing. 

"Hey, what about him?" Ben looks back at Vulkanus who was playing with the crystals. "What about him?" Kevin asks. "We're even." He says, walking away so the trio follow him. "Wait." Kevin stops them and walks over to the holoviewer. "That's what you were after?" Ben asks. "Another holoviewer?" Gwen asks. "I hear this one's special." Kevin says. "In what way? And why didn't you say anything?" Aria asks. "Think about it-- I'm an ex-con. I've done a lot of stuff I'm not proud of-- stuff that if you knew, you'd probably never trust me again. So next time I say 'drop it,' drop it." Kevin shares, looking at Gwen. "That's not how it works, Kevin." Gwen tells him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's not what you did that matters but what you're going to do." Ben adds and Aria grumbles at the fact she couldn't use energy. "Uh-huh. You gonna look at that?" Kevin asks. Ben presses the button on the holoviewer and a hologram of Grandpa Max appears. 

"Ben, if you found this message, you must be in pretty deep. There's a lot I can't reveal yet, but here's one thing I can-- you can't go in alone. By now you're probably meeting some of the other Plumbers' kids. But you have to find more. You need to put together a team." Grandpa Max says before the hologram disappears.

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