Best Mistake

By allhailqueendani

24.2K 418 64

"Love has this aura of being beautiful. Passion. Precious... But in reality, sometimes it hinders you. Confus... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33.
Character List
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42

Chapter 12

601 13 0
By allhailqueendani

"Date night!" Ashley screamed into the phone.

"What are you going to wear?" she asked, as I sat back looking at her on Facetime, " Haven't decided yet, but I'm expected to wear something casual."

"Trying to go the conservative route?" she asked and I nod,"I think you should wear something that'll enhance your assets , giving him something to think about when he goes home alone tonight."

"When do you ever see me not wear something that enhanced any of my assets." I joked.

"Okay, so let me see what you got."

I sighed and get up, walk over to my closet and slip into one of my more extravagant dresses. It was silver spaghetti strap slip dress that stopped just below the knee, the front was chic while the back was a little naughty with it's low-cut. I did a quick check of myself in the mirror before going to show Ashley.

She gasped the minute I stepped into the camera. "You.. look ..amazing" she exclaimed.

"Are you sure the dress doesn't make me look desperate?" I questioned, adjusting the straps a little.

"Absolutely not you look stunning and if he thinks otherwise then he's an idiot." her statement made me laugh.

My phone dinged, and I strolled over to check the message. "He's here." I told Ashley.

"Okay have fun and remember to call me later."

"Hmm, I'll think about it."

"Don't be selfish you know I love your chaotic dating life." she said and I laughed.

"Fine, I call you goodbye."

"Love you, bye."

After our goodbyes, I end the call and a sudden wave of nervousness overwhelmed me, being on the phone with Ashley was keeping me distracted from the fact that I was actually about to go on a date.

I took an few deep breaths to keep myself from freaking out, once I was calm enough I took a peek out the window to see if I could get a view of Fernando from my apartment but I couldn't.

I checked myself in the mirror one last time before grabbing my purse and keys, then leaving. I rode the elevator all the way down to the lobby, and stepped off. I caught a glimpse of Nando through the glass doors and all I could think was 'this man is so freaking fine'

I pushed open the door, and he stopped leaning against the railing of the stairs and offered a hand to help me down the stairs 'Thank you' I said once I was down the final step.

"De nada."

"You look stunning." He compliment, eyes raking my body, I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

"Thank you, you look great too." I said, my gaze drags down his big frame, taking in every inch of his muscular body. He towers over me by at least a foot, his forearms covered in sinewy muscles. With the sleeves casually rolled up, his black shirt tightly conforms to his upper body.

A wave of heat surges through me as I picture his defined muscles, hidden beneath the waistband of his pants. Even now, I can see that Fernando is someone who takes the time to stay in shape.

"Shall we go?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said as he escort me towards his car. I hear him mumbling something as he walked behind me, I figured it was something about my appearance so I kind of smiled to myself. He helped me into the vehicle before he got in on his side and we drove off.

After driving for about ten minutes we pulled up to a restaurant, the sign on the front of it read "Mi Corazón", I became intrigued, I'd never heard or been to this place before so I was excited to see what it looked like on the inside.

"Hope you like this restaurant, the food here is excelentè." Fernando voice draw me from my thoughts.

"Good because there's no doubt I never dined here before." I said as we made our way to the door. He grabbed the door handle, opening it, letting me step inside. We walked to the front desk, and while he conversed with the lady at the podium, I took a look around and was quick to notice the ambiance of the restaurant was very dark and moody yet lively, it seemed suitable for a date.

"Right this way, please." The hostess said before escorting us to where we'd be seating. Which was a booth and I couldn't help but notice we were seated in a stunning yet private more intimate part of the restaurant.

"I hope you enjoy your dinner tonight." the hostess, said before leaving us. Nando assisted me all the way into the booth so that I could sit on one side, and he sat on the other.

On the table menus were already placed so I thought I should scan throught it and get an idea of what I want, but not five minutes after we were seated a waiter approach our table.

"Hola my name is Elijah, Welcome to Corazón, May I start you off with something to drink and/ or appetizers?" the waiter asks, his tone friendly as he stands at the opposite side of the table. He flips open a little notebook, his pen hovering over the paper

"Jazmin, do you prefer red or white wine?" Fernando asked, and I got goosebumps hearing my name roll off his tongue.

"I'm not picky." I said, while adjusting myself in my seat.

"Okay let's do a bottle 2005 Boulay Sancerre and bread for the table." He ordered and the waiter nodded.

"Would you like any appetizers?"

Nando didn't speak but looked over at me for an answer.

"No, thank you." I declined, my stomach was feeling a little queasy, so it was better if I waited for dinner.

He nodded.

"I'll be right back with those and whenever your ready I'll take your orders." the waiter smiled at us before walking away.

"So, what's good here?" I said, being the first to speak.

"Everything." He answered.

"I'll take your word for it and since your so sure about yourself, how about you order for the both of us?" I suggested.

"Really?" He said, amused.

"Yeah, you seem to be good at surprises." I say with a smile as I fold the leather-bound menu shut.

He didn't say much else but smirked and when the waiter returned he ordered in spanish, I raised my eyebrows because I didn't expect that. I watched anxiously as the waiter nods and scribbles the order down on the pad holding on to his every word, until he stopped talking. "Will that be all, sir?"

"That'll be all. Thank you, " He hands the waiter the menu, the corner of his mouth twitching when the waiter hurries away as fast as possible.

"What did you order?!" I grip the thin stem of my wine glass and take a sip.

"It's a surprise."Fernando says, his tone teasing.

"Uhuh, I should've saw that coming ." I shook my head, as he easily made me regret my own words.

"So tell me about yourself, Ms. Jazmin." He urged, suddenly everything that I knew about myself left my brain. Uh, I hate first dates.

"What do you want to know?"

"Whatever your willing to tell, princesa."

"What do you already know about me?" I asked and he chuckled I was sure he had an idea of who I was, since Leia couldn't keep her trap shut.

"Just a few minor details." He smirked.

"I probably know less about you." I told, and before we could get into him, his phone started ringing. He declined the call.

"You don't have to ignore calls ... especially if it's work or your girlfriend. I'm not here to mess up anything." I told him in all seriousness.

"That's rude to answer a call when I'm supposed to be focused on you. Beside I don't have an girlfriend." He informed me, and now I was curious.

"What about Chasity, the bottle girl?" I asked, remembering I had seen them together before, but I wasn't sure about the status of their relationship.

"Is that the reason why you told my dear sister you wouldn't go on a date with me?" He furrowed his eyebrows. I shrunk in my seat, because I didn't expect for him to bring that up, neither did I know Leia told him about that.

"No I-I...." I stammered, hating that he'd just put me on the spot.

"I mean...Leia's suppose to be an friend, we were just getting acquainted with each other and I didn't want it to be weird by also dating her brother." I explained in one brief breathe.

"Dating?" He questioned, amusingly.

"Well no... I mean this is 'A' date and all but that would've been something else..." I tried to explain with the best of my ability,

"I preferred dating." he cut me off.

Pretty soon our food was coming to the table, and I accomdated this restaurant for the fast pace.

I looked at my plate having no idea what it was but it looked delicious.

Fernando said something to the waiter in spanish which I didn't catch, because I obviously didn't understand. But I watched his mouth as he spoke, becoming entranced.

"Would you like anything else?" He turned to me I bit my lip, feeling embarrassed that he caught me staring.

"No, I'm fine." I squeak. The two exchange words, before the other guy walked away.

"What, we're we talking about again—" He said jumping right back into the conversation.

"It's so intriguing how you can transition from speaking spanish to english so easily." I said, bringing it up before he did.

"I'm use to speaking english since alot of people here talk like this, but español comes more naturally."

"Uhuh, can you say something to me in spanish?" I smiled.

He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table and looked me in my eyes before saying.

"Tu belleza es diferente a cualquier otra mujer que haya visto antes"

"Mhh, what does that mean?"

"I said 'your beauty is unlike any other women I've seen before'." I felt myself begin to blush.

"Thank you"

I bit my lip.

It was just something about him. Maybe it was the bad boy vibes or whatever but he just got me so hot.

We continued conversating and the rest of the evening went on was pretty smooth. It was obvious he'd learned alot about me while I learned next to nothing about him,  it was clear to me that he intended to keep his card close to his chest about alot of stuff, which was a little understandable it was the first date.

"You ready to go?"

It was going on midnight and we were almost the only people left in the restaurant.


He got up and helped me out of my seat.

"We didn't pay."

"When you own the restaurant you don't have to pay for your own meal." He told me. My brows furrowed in response we'd eaten an entire meal together and he hadn't brought that up at all.

"You own this place? Why are you just now mentioning it?"

"Well, it appears that it may have slipped my mind." He admits, with a slight laugh.

He opened the door and escort me out the restaurant and we were on our way. We drove to my place in silence and when we finally arrived he turned off the car.

"So after tonight will I be getting a second date?" He asked.

"I'll consider it." I smiled, feeling all giddy inside.

He chuckled at my response.

"I really enjoyed tonight though." I confessed.

"You know how to treat a woman on a date."

"You were good company." he said licking his lips, naturally attracting my attention to them.

We just kept staring into each other eyes without saying another word and before I knew it we were leaning into each other.

He placed his hand on the side of my face ready to go for the kiss, but I stopped myself, "Uh um I'll see you around," I backed away from him and he did the same. It was quite awkward.

"Yeah." he sighed out as he ran his hand over his thick beard.

"Goodnight, Fernando."

"Goodnight, Jazmin."

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