Unforeseen Love: The Beginning

By LynnRo2

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'The Great Star' a title passed down to Celestia Andromeda when she was just a young child, and since then al... More

The End of the World and A Start for New Beginnings
Surprise! The Unquieted Dead
Lost Year and Aliens of London
Big Boom! World War Three
Pepper pot Out for Blood
The Long, Unbearable Game
Father's Day and A Quick Goodbye
The Princess and the Empty Child
The Doctor and The Princess Dance
The Reunions
The Big, Bad Wolf
The Parting of the Ways
Pretty Boy

An Eventful Christmas

513 16 4
By LynnRo2

Celestia managed to fly the Tardis manually, preventing it from crashing into any buildings and harming anyone. Before it was able to safely land, there was as huge shake and a loud thud, causing Celestia and Rose to let go of the dashboard and slam onto the floor in pain. The Doctor surprisingly managed to run out the door, leaving behind the two blondes.

"Ow my head." Celestia complained as she clutched her head.

Rose touched her head. "You're telling me, couldn't you pilot better?" she asked her.

Celestia scoffed as she got up. "You try piloting the Tardis with a sick Doctor. Maybe next time you can try and fly her." Celestia walked over to Rose and helped her up.

Rose nodded her head in thanks before looking at the door of the Tardis. "Is he really the Doctor?" Rose asked quietly to Celestia.

Celestia eyes softened. "He really is Rose. I'm sorry that we never told you about this before, but he really is the Doctor."

Rose blinked away the tears that were forming from her eyes and walked out of the Tardis with Celestia hot on her heels. They were met with the sight of a passed-out Doctor and a startled Mickey and Jackie. Celestia rushed to the Doctor's side and crouched down as Rose stood over them.

"What happened? Is he all right?" Rose questioned Mickey and her mother.

"I don't know, he just keeled over. But who is he? Where's the Doctor?" Mickey asked her.

"That's him, right in front of you. That's the Doctor." Celestia spoke up as she caressed the Doctor's face, only focusing on him.

"What do you mean, that's the Doctor? Doctor who?" Jackie asked them but the blonde duo stayed quiet before Celestia spoke up.

"Jackie, is it alright if we head up to the flat? Your neighbors are watching us." Celestia requested as she stared down one of the noisy neighbors that were watching them in amazement. They must have seen the Tardis land and were curious about them and the passed-out Doctor.

"Of course, of course." Jackie agreed readily. Celestia and Mickey carefully picked up the Doctor and carried him to the flat with Rose walking behind them slowly; still in shock and saddened by all that had happened. Jackie showed them to the room that they would be using and took out some male pajamas that she had. Celestia changed the Doctor while Mickey and Rose waited outside for her to finish; Jackie left to get something. Celestia changed the Doctor in silence, carefully removing his clothing and folding them.

She took a moment to look at the jacket that he always used to wear, hugging it tightly. She knew that he was still the same Doctor, but it still caused her heart to ache so that she would never see the face that she was so used to waking up beside with. She would never get to see his bright blue eyes or be able to make fun of his loveable ears. Her original Charming was gone but at least he was still with her, she should be thankful for that. It will just be a big change that she will have to get used to, especially since now they are officially partners. With that thought, a small smile made its way up to her face as she let the marks appear on her body; causing the same marks to appear on the sleeping Doctor. She put the clothes on a chair and opened up the window just a bit to let in some air before fluffing his pillow.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. "Is everything alright in there?" Rose asked from behind the door.

"Yes!" Celestia hurriedly told her as the marks retreated back in their bodies. Celestia tucked the Doctor in and opened the door for Rose and Mickey, who stayed for a moment before going back to work to inform them that he would be taking the rest of the day off. Celestia and Rose sat on the foot of the bed and talked quietly before becoming quiet when Jackie walked into the room with a stethoscope.

Jackie sat on the bed and passed the stethoscope to Celestia, who smiled at her in appreciation before checking his hearts. "Here we go. Tina the cleaner's got this lodger, a medical student, and she was fast asleep, so I just took it. Though I still say we should take him to hospital." Jackie suggested to Celestia and Rose.

Celestia focused on the Doctor, leaving a frustrated Rose to answer. "We can't. They'd lock him up. They'd dissect him. One bottle of his blood could change the future of the human race." Rose told her mother. Jackie tried to say something, but Rose quickly interrupted her. "No! Shush! Let Celestia check him out."

Celestia listened to both sides of the Doctor's chest and nodded. "Both working." Celestia told Rose, who gave out a sigh of relief.

"What do you mean, both?" Jackie asked her, not understanding what she meant.

"Well, he's got two hearts." Rose told her mother as if it was a well-known fact about the Doctor, Jackie clearly didn't believe her based on the look on her face.

"Oh, don't be stupid." Jackie scoffed.

"He truly does have two hearts Jackie, it's part of being a Timelord." She informed her before putting her hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. He was a bit too warm for her liking but hopefully the window will help a bit. Though to be safe she should probably get an icepack and some water for when he wakes up. Rose walked out of the bedroom, standing near the door, needing a moment away from the Doctor and her mother.

"Anything else he's got two of?" Jackie asked, trying to lighten the mood a bit, but neither Rose nor Celestia appreciated it at the time. Rose turned her head towards her mother.

"Leave him alone." Rose told her before walking towards the kitchen. Jackie sent Celestia a small apologetic smile before leaving the two alone.

Celestia kissed the Doctor's forehead, earning a small smile from the comatose Timelord. "You'll be better before you know." She whispered to him, though it was mainly for her; to help her relax a bit and not worry so much. She then stood up and lightly closed the door, missing the sight of the Doctor opening his mouth and exhaling some more of the time vortex. 

Celestia walked over to Rose and Jackie, who were in the kitchen talking quietly among themselves. Celestia grabbed a green apple from the table and munched at it, not being able to remember the last time she ate something.

"How can he go changing his face? Is that a different face or is he a different person?" Jackie asked Rose and Celestia.

"How should I know?" Rose shot back before facing her mum, tearing up. "Sorry. The thing is I thought I knew him, Mum. I thought me and him were best friends. And then he goes and does this. I keep forgetting he's not human."

Celestia wrapped an arm around Rose. "Since the Doctor is unable to answer any questions at the moment, perhaps I could shed some light." She told the mother and daughter. "When a Timelord is on death door, they are able to do this thing called regenerating. It causes the timelord to avoid death but it forces them to change their face and sometimes their behaviors." She informed them.

Rose and Jackie still looked a bit confused so Celestia went on. "It's kind of like..." Celestia looked around the kitchen, trying to get an example out of what she saw. "Oh it's kind of like eggs but not really."

"Eggs?" Jackie asked.

Celestia nodded. "Roll with it." She told her before taking an egg out of the carton that was on the counter. "Eggs come in different shapes and color but still the same yolk in the center. The Doctor can change his appearance, but he is still the same Doctor. He didn't leave us Rose; he is still here. He may look different, but he still cares about us." Celestia told the younger blonde, who smiled.

Rose looked over at her mother, a bit chipper now that she understood a bit about the Doctor. " The big question is where'd you get a pair of men's pajamas from?" she asked her.

"Howard's been staying over." Jackie told her, leaning against the counter.

"What, Howard from the market? How long's that been going on?" Rose questioned her mother, wanting to know more about her mother's new boyfriend. Celestia tuned in to the tv, hearing a familiar voice; she turned her head and saw that the news was on. Rose noticed the distracted Celestia and turned her head to see what she was looking at.

"A month or so. First of all, he starts delivering to the door and I thought, that's odd. Next thing you know, it's a bag of oranges." Jackie recalled before being interrupted by Rose.

"Is that Harriet Jones?" she asked, walking into the living room. Celestia walked over and grabbed the remotes, increasing the volume.

"Oh, never mind me." Jackie said with a roll of her eyes.

"Sorry Jackie! Promise we'll listen later." Celestia apologized before sitting down and turning back to watch the tv.

"Why's she on the telly?" Rose asked her.

"Remember what the Doctor and I said after the whole Slitheen situation, Harriet Jones is the architect of Britian's Golden Age, she's Prime Minister." Celestia informed her as she looked at the older brunette on the screen, who was speaking to the press. Now that she recalled it, there was something strange about the stars of Harriet Jones. She saw her becoming Prime Minister but there was something else, though she would need to go and touch Harriet Jones to dig deeper but maybe another time.

"She's Prime Minister now. I'm eighteen quid a week better off. They're calling it Britain's Golden Age. I keep on saying my Rose has met her." Jackie gloated.

"Did more than that. Stopped World War Three with her. Harriet Jones." Rose said proudly with her arms crossed.

"Prime Minister, what about those calling the Guinevere One Space Probe a waste of money?" a reporter asked Harriet Jones as they all watched the telly silently.

"Now, that's where you're wrong. I completely disagree if you don't mind. The Guinevere One Space Probe represents this country's limitless ambition. British workmanship sailing up there among the stars." Harriet Jones said passionately.

"She told him." Celestia murmured as she crossed her legs and adjusted her seating position to become more comfortable.

"This is the spirit of Christmas, birth and rejoicing, and the dawn of a new age, and that is what we're achieving fifteen million miles away. Our very own miracle." An advisor said as the news cuts into a animated simulation of the probe going into space.

A voiceover took over the rest of the program. "The unmanned probe Guinevere One is about to make it's final descent. Photographs of the Martian Landscape should be received by midnight tonight."

Celestia raised her eyebrow at this news before jumping off the couch. "I'm going to get an icepack and some water for the Doctor. Is it alright if you make us some tea Jackie?" Celestia asked her as she walked back to the kitchen. She grabbed a cup and filled it with water when Mickey finally arrived. Celestia got the rest of her stuff before walking back into the bedroom, where the Doctor was still in his mini coma.

"Maybe I should call you Sleeping Beauty." She joked quietly to herself as she sat down the cups and placed the icepack on the Doctor's forehead.

Rose popped her head in. "Mickey and I are going out for a bit, Mum is staying behind. Do you want to join us? She could watch him for a bit so that you could rest?"

Celestia shook her head. "No, it's alright. I'll just rest here."

Rose nodded, biting her lip. "We are going to head out to the shops, is there anything I could get you?"

Celestia thought for a moment before deciding. "Maybe a new book? I liked the last one that you gave me." She suggested before returning back to the Doctor.

Rose smiled at her. "I can do that!"

Mickey and Rose then left the flat as Jackie picked up the phone and began chatting to one of her friends. Celestia climbed into bed and snuggled up to the Doctor, inhaling some of his scent before closing her eyes; letting herself officially relax. She was able to clear her head and go into a light sleep, never noticing that some of the Time Vortex that was leaving the Doctor was entering into her mouth. 

She was able to rest for a bit before hearing the front door burst open, causing her to leap from out of the bed. She shook away the sleepiness before joining Rose, Mickey, and Jackie, who was still on the phone.

"What's with all of the commotion?" She asked Rose and Mickey, who ignored her as they ran to Jackie. Celestia quickly joined them, not understanding what the matter was.

"Get off the phone." Rose demanded from her mother.

"It's only Bev. She says hello." Jackie told Rose, who quickly ripped the phone from her mother's hands.

"Bev? Yeah. Look, it'll have to wait." Rose told her, hanging up the phone and setting it down on the table next to them. "Right, it's not safe. We've got to get out. Where can we go?" Rose asked Mickey and her mother.

"My mate Stan, he'll put us up." Mickey told them but Rose shook her head.

"That's only two streets away. What about Mo? Where's she living now?" Rose asked her mother.

"I don't know. Peak District." Jackie told her.

"Well, we'll go to cousin Mo's then." Rose said.

Jackie shot her daughter a look before moving away from them. "No, it's Christmas Eve! We're not going anywhere! What're you babbling about?"

"Yeah! You still haven't told us what is happening!" Celestia said as she noticed something strange in the living room. "I thought your tree was white." She pointed out. The others looked at the new tree.

"Mum. Where'd you get that tree? That's a new tree. Where'd you get it?" Rose asked her mother, who looked at her confused.

"I thought it was you." Jackie answered. This caused Celestia to frown and looked at the clock that was on the wall. It had only been less than an hour since Rose and Mickey had left, not enough time to go to the shops, pick out a new tree and send it home.

"How can it be me?" Rose asked her mother.

"Well, you went shopping. There was a ring at the door, and there it was!" Jackie quickly explained.

"And you didn't ask any questions or called her to confirm?" Celestia asked Jackie.

"No, that wasn't me." Rose told her mother.

"Then who was it?" Jackie asked in fear before moving closer to her daughter.

"Oh, you're kidding me." Celestia groaned at the sight of the tree lighting up by itself and began to play Jingle Bells. Sections of the tree start to rotate in different directions, creating a strong wind. It starts to move, chopping through a coffee table as it tried to get to the humans.

"Get out! Go, go! Get out!" Mickey shouted as he picked up a chair to fend off the tree. Rose, Jackie and Celestia ran for the door before realizing that they were missing someone.

"We can't leave without the Doctor." Celestia told them as she ran into the bedroom. Jackie made a noise to protest but Rose agreed.

"We've got to save the Doctor." Rose told her mother.

"What're you guys doing?" Jackie asked as she watched Rose join Celestia before turning her head to watch Mickey.

"We can't just leave him." Celestia repeated as she yanked the covers off of him. "Sorry Charming but this is for your own good." She apologized when she noticed the Doctor frown.

"Mickey!" Jackie shouted as she watched Mickey take a step back, failing to hold off the tree. "Leave it! Get out! Get out!"

"Mickey!" Rose shouted. "Get out of there!"

"No, leave him. Just leave him!" Jackie yelled as she worried over the tree and their safety.

"Get in here!" Mickey demanded. Jackie quickly entered the room and Mickey shut the door. Celestia cursed as she heard the tree crash through a glass panel and come closer to them. Mickey and Jackie pull a wardrobe across the door as she and Rose focused on waking the Doctor or at least finding their situation.

"Doctor, wake up!" Rose demanded as Celestia rushed over to the Doctor's pocket and took out his sonic screwdriver. The tree smashed through the door, causing broken pieces of the door to fly around. Celestia pointed the sonic screwdriver at the tree, turning on the right frequency. The tree began to slow down for a moment before stopping, causing the humans to let out a sigh of relief before going back to panicking when the tree started back up again. Celestia cursed before reaching over to the Doctor and placing the sonic screwdriver in his hand.

"I sure hope this works." Celestia whispered. She waited for a second, but the Doctor did not move an inch.

"I'm going to get killed by a Christmas tree!" Jackie screamed.

"Help me Charming." Celestia whispered in his ear, praying that it would work this time as she had no other ideas. The Doctor suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, aiming his sonic screwdriver at the tree; causing it to explode. 

"Remote control. But who's controlling it?" The Doctor questioned as he got up from the bed and grabbed a dressing gown. Celestia helped him put it on before walking out of the flat with him with everyone else right behind them.

"Are you alright?" she asked him quietly.

"I will be as soon as I find out who tried to kill my partner." He told her sternly.

They peered over the railing and looked down to see three Santa's gazing up at them, one holding a radio controller.

"That's them. What are they?" Mickey asked them but Celestia could honestly say that she had no clue. She had never seen an alien race that used masks of Santa before.

"Shush!" Rose shushed her boyfriend.

The Doctor aims the screwdriver at them and the Santa's back away. Before anyone could say or do something, the Santas are beamed away. The Doctor and Celestia looked up at the sky, wondering where exactly their ship must be.

"They've just gone. What kind of rubbish were they?" Mikcey asked before turning to look at Celestia and the Doctor. "I mean, no offence, but they're not much cop if a sonic screwdriver's going to scare them off." Mickey scoffed as he looked at the spot the Santa's disappeared from.

"Pilot fish." The Doctor murmured, grabbing their attention.

"What?" Rose asked him.

"They were just pilot fish." He answered before grunting from pain. He leaned backwards and Celestia immediately crouched down to support him.

"What's wrong?" Celestia asked the Doctor worriedly. She winced when she felt his forehead, he was as hot as the stars. It was a surprise that he even lasted this long being awake, he started to look worse by the second.

"You woke me up too soon. I'm still regenerating. I'm bursting with energy." The Doctor withered in pain before exhaling more of the golden energy. No one noticed when some sank into Celestia as they were focused on the rest that were floating away.

"You see? The pilot fish could smell it a million miles away. So they eliminate the defense, that's you lot, and they carry me off. They could run their batteries on me for a couple of- Ow!" He informed them before shouting from the pain and moving across to the railing.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Jackie cried out as she looked over the Doctor worriedly.

The Doctor stared at Jackie. "My head! I'm having a neuron implosion. I need-"

"What do you need?" Jackie asked him, interrupting him.

The Doctor grunted. "I need-"

Jackie nodded. "Say it. Tell me, tell me, tell me." She repeated to him, ready to help him.

He tried to tell her. "I need-"

"Painkillers?" Jackie suggested but Celestia shook her head.

He tried again, trying to get a word in. "I need-"

"Do you need aspirin?" Jackie asked him.

"I need-"

"Codeine? Paracetamol? Oh, I don't know, Pepto-Bismol?" She listed out.

"I need-"

"Liquid paraffin. Vitamin C? Vitamin D? Vitamin E?" she listed out other options she could get.

"I need-"

"Is it food? Something simple. Bowl of soup. A nice bowl of soup? Soup and a sandwich? Soup and a little ham sandwich?" Jackie questioned him.

The Doctor finally had enough. "I need you to shut up." He snapped at her.

"Oh, he hasn't changed that much, has he?" Jackie asked Celestia, who simply reached over her to get to the Doctor. "He's still my partner, same as ever."

The Doctor attempted to stand up and Celestia was quick to help him steady himself. "We haven't got much time. If there's pilot fish, then." The Doctor reached into his pockets and looked confused before pulling out an apple. "Why's there an apple in my dressing gown?" he asked them/

"Oh, that's Howard. Sorry." The oldest blonde apologized.

"He keeps apples in his dressing gown?" Celestia asked her with her eyebrow raised.

"He gets hungry." Jackie defended her boyfriend.

"What, he gets hungry in his sleep?" the Doctor asked her.

"Sometimes." She told them with a smile.

The Doctor fell down, falling into Celestia's arm. "Argh! Brain collapsing. The pilot fish. The pilot fish mean that something, something, something is coming." He told them before passing out once more. Mickey helped Celestia carry the Doctor back into the bed. She quickly grabbed the icepack and put it back on his forehead before noticing the tea that Jackie had put on the bedside table.

"Rose can you give me a spoon for the Doctor?" Celestia asked Rose, who quickly went to go get a spoon for her. Rose came back with a spoon and a small towel so that Celestia could wipe off the sweat from the Doctor's face and neck. Celestia checked his hearts beat with the stethoscope from early and frowned at his new condition.

Celestia realized that Rose had came back and she gave her a quiet thank you before focusing back on her partner, feeding him some of the tea and water that she had before wrapping him up snug with the covers. She and Rose exit the room to let him sleep and enter the living room.

"Jackie, I'm using the phone line. Is that all right?" Mickey asked Jackie.

She nodded. "Yeah. Keep a count of it. It's midnight. Christmas day. Any change?" Jackie asked them, handing them each a mug filled with tea.

"He's worse. Just one heart beating." Celestia informed her sadly, accepting the tea and sitting down on the sofa, turning her attention towards the telly to distract herself.

"Scientists in charge of Britain's mission to Mars have re-established contact with the Guinevere One space probe. They're expecting the first transmission from the planet's surface in the next few minutes." A reporter on the television screen informed them. 

"Yes, we are. We're, we're back on schedule. We've received the signal from Guinevere One. The Mars landing would seem to be an unqualified success." The advisor from earlier said, this time sounding and looking nervous and scared.

"But is it true that you completely lost contact earlier tonight?" a reporter asked from the crowd.

"Yes, we had a bit of a scare. Guinevere seemed to fall off the scope, but it, it was just a blip. Only disappeared for a few seconds. She is fine now, absolutely fine. We're getting the first pictures transmitted live any minute now. I'd better get back to it, thanks." The adviors said, a stuttering mess before leaving.

Mickey walked over to them. "Here we go, pilot fish. Scavengers, like the Doctor said. Harmless. They're tiny. But the point is, the little fish swim alongside the big fish." Mickey told them, showing them his computer screen that had photos of fishes.

"Do you mean like sharks?" Rose asked him.

"Great big sharks. So, what the Doctor means is, we had them, now we get that." Mickey said.

"The calm before the storm." Celestia added, now understanding. "I'm going to check his stars, maybe that could warn us of what's to come and maybe they will tell us how much time we have before they descend upon us."

"Funny sort of rocks." Jackie said, getting their attention. They looked at the tv screen and Celestia eyes widened.

"Those are not rocks." Celestia murmured in fear as she recognized the background.

"The first photographs. This image is being transmitted via mission control, coming live from the depths of space on Christmas morning." A news anchor announced as the image on the tv settled, revealing an red-eyed alien with a skull hiding it's face. The alien begins to growl and gurgled at the screen, scaring them and causing them to jump in fear.

"Sycorax." Celestia whispered in fear.

"The face of an alien life form was transmitted live tonight on BBC1. On the 25th of December, the human race has been shown absolute proof that alien life exists. These remarkable images have been relayed right across the world." Different news anchors said as Jackie flipped through the channels.

"Rose. Celestia. Take a look. I've got access to the military. They're tracking a spaceship. It's big, it's fast, and it's coming this way." Mickey said, showing them the information on his screen.

"Coming for what, though? The Doctor?" Rose asked him.

"I don't know. Maybe it's coming for all of us." Mickey said, showing them a clearer photo of the Sycorax.

"Have you seen them before?" Mickey asked them.

"No." Rose told him.

"Yes." Celestia spoke up. "They're called the Sycorax, a humanoid warrior race that travels throughout the galaxy, plundering their way through different planets. I ran into them once at an event but luckily made it out before they could find me." Celestia informed them.

"What I don't understand is what they're saying. The Tardis translates alien languages inside my head, all the time, wherever I am. So, why isn't it doing it now?" Rose asked Celestia.

"I don't know much about Timelord technology but from what I have to guess is that since the Doctor is in a coma at the moment, the Tardis is not able to connect to him and cast out a telepathic net to us. Luckily, I can translate what they are saying to us though it will take me a couple minutes as their language is similar to an other race." She told them, hoping to calm them down a bit.

"So, he's part of the Tardis's circuit, and he's, he's broken." Rose sobbed.

"Despite claims of an alien hoax, it's been reported that NATO forces are on red alert." The news anchor relied.

"Oh, come on, sweetheart. What do you need? What is it you need? Tell me." Jackie asked her daughter, who just continued to cry.

"Speaking strictly off the record, government sources are calling this our longest night." The news anchor said. Jackie left to take care of the Doctor as Rose, Celestia and Mickey continued watching the tv for any new announcements.

"The Doctor wouldn't do this. The old Doctor, the proper Doctor, he'd wake up. He'd save us." Rose said, earning a glare from Celestia.

"How many times do I have to say this? He is the Doctor! He is exhausted Rose! He needs his rest if he is going to help us." She angrily told the blonde, who refused to listen.

"You really love him, don't you?" Mickey asked Rose, causing a stillness to go over the room. Celestia looked at Rose in shock as Rose failed to answer Mickey. Celestia left them and went to the bedroom where Jackie and the Doctor were in. She quietly woke up Jackie, who had fallen asleep, sending her to her room, before resuming to take care of the Doctor, feeding him tea and water and wiping the sweat off his face.

Celestia ended up joining the Doctor in bed, getting a few more hours of shut eye before walking up to the sound of footsteps and a woman shouting. Celestia gets up from bed and walk out of the flat, followed by Rose and Mickey. They watch as a couple walk past them, the man seemingly in a daze.

"What is wrong with you? Jason? Jason?" the woman called out to her husband, following him.

"Sandra?" Rose asked the woman.

"He won't listen. He's just walking. He won't stop walking! There's this sort of light thing." Sandra quickly explained before continuing to follow her husband. "Jason? Stop it right now! Please, Jason, just stop." She begged.

Celestia, Rose and Mickey look over the railing to see lots of people walking through the estate in a daze.

"What do we do?" Mickey asked Celestia but before she could say anything, Rose cut in.

"Nothing. There's no one to save us. Not anymore." she said with a shake of her head before entering the flat. Mickey and Celestia follow behind her and they join Jackie in the living room, who is now awake and watching the news.

"I can still check his stars Rose, that might be able to help us." Celestia told the young blonde, but Rose just shook her head.

"You're not the Doctor though, who we need is the Doctor." Rose said before turning her attention back on the telly.

Harriet Jones sits in a panel room with the union flag draped on either side, prepared to address the nation. "Ladies and gentlemen, if I may take a moment during this terrible time. It's hardly the Queen's speech. I'm afraid that's been cancelled. Did we ask about the royal family? Oh. They're on the roof. But, ladies and gentlemen, this crisis is unique, and I'm afraid to say, it might get much worse. I would ask you all to remain calm. But I have one request. Doctor, if you're out there, we need you. I don't know what to do. If you can hear me, Doctor. If anyone knows the Doctor, if anyone can find him, the situation has never been more desperate. Help us. Please, Doctor. Help us. God help us." Rose walked out of the room.

Celestia heart sank, wishing that she could do more to help the Doctor get better but all he needed right now was time. Rose walked back into the room, tears falling down her face.

"He's gone. The Doctor's gone. He's left us, mum. He's left us, mum." Rose cried, giving up hope.

Jackie pulled her into a hug. "It's all right. I'm sorry."

Celestia joined the embrace, knowing that Rose needed her. She knew that they were going to have to talk later but right now, she was going to be there for her friend. Suddenly, all the glass in the block of flats shatters.

Celestia pulled away from the embrace and ran over to the bedroom. "I might not be the Doctor but that doesn't mean that I'm an idiot and can't do anything. Mickey, we're going to carry him. Rose, Jackie get your stuff, and get some food. We're going." She ordered them as she took off the covers from the Doctor.

Mickey rushed over to her and helped her pick the Doctor up from the bed. "Where to?" he asked her.

"The Tardis. It's the only safe place on Earth." She told him.

"What're we going to do in there?" Jackie asked her.

"Isn't it obvious? We are going to hide there until I can come up with a proper plan." She told the eldest blonde as Rose rushed out of the room to begin packing bags of food and other necessities. She knew that the Tardis would provide as much as possible but it's better to be safe than sorry.

"Is that it?" Jackie asked her.

"Mum, look in the sky. There's a great, big, alien invasion and no one knows what to do, all right? I've travelled with him, and I've seen all that stuff, but when I'm stuck at home, I'm useless. Celestia was a princess and has never had to deal with any of this. Now, all we can do is run and hide, and I'm sorry." Rose told her mother before dragging her away so that Celestia and Mickey could focus on the Doctor.

They make it outside, with Rose and Jackie behind them holding up many large bags.

"Mum, will you just leave that stuff and give them a hand?" Rose asked her mother.

"It's food! She said we need food." Jackie argued with her daughter.

"Just leave it, we'll get it later." Rose yelled. Jackie huffed before letting go of the bags and went to help Mickey and Celestia. She went ahead of them and opened the Tardis door for them.

"Thank you, Jackie." Celestia said to her as she nodded her head to a spot on the floor.

"No chance you could fly this thing?" Mickey asked Rose, who sat down her bags and leaned against the console.

"Not anymore, no." she told him as Celestia walked over to one of the bags and searched through it, finding a blanket.

"Well, you did it before." Mickey pointed out to Rose as Celestia draped the blanket over the Doctor.

"I know, but it's sort of been wiped out of my head, like it's forbidden. Try that again and I think the universe rips in half." Rose told him.

Mickey nodded as he caught his breath. "Ah, better not, then."

"Maybe not." Rose agreed.

"Don't worry, I can pilot her in a bit, but I wouldn't know where to take us." Celestia admitted to them.

"So, what do we do? Just sit here?" Mickey asked as he moved around the console. Celestia took note of this and began looking at the Doctor's stars, her eyes becoming golden.

"That's as good as it gets." Rose waved him off.

"Right, here we go. Nice cup of tea." Jackie said, giving Rose a flask filled with tea.

"Mmm, the solution to everything." Rose said with a roll of her eyes, setting the flask down on the console. 

"Don't diss the tea." Celestia commented before going back to viewing the Doctor's stars. Celestia was a bit confused and worried on how the stars seemed to become easier to read but she just took it as that since Bad Wolf was now gone, there was nothing in her way from reading the Doctor's stars. She smiled when she learned that he was going to be okay but that a storm was brewing in the horizon made her loose her smile. 

 "Now, stop your moaning. I'll get the rest of the food." Jackie said before sprinting off and leaving the Tardis.

Mickey picked up the flask. "Tea. Like we're having a picnic while the world comes to an end. Very British." He said with a smile before turning his attention to the console, more specifically the scanner. "How does this thing work? If it picks up TV, maybe we could see what's going on out there. Maybe we've surrendered. What do you do to it?" Mickey asked.

Rose walked over to Mickey, and they begin pressing buttons. "I don't know. It sort of tunes itself."

"Stop pressing buttons if you do not know how to pilot her." Celestia told them as she got up from the Doctor's side and joined them by the console. She looked over at the scanner, frowning at the visual patterns on the scanner.

"This is not good." Celestia murmured.

"Maybe it's a distress signal." Mickey guessed.

"A fat lot of good that's going to do." Rose scoffed.

"Well, what I can tell you is that it's not a distress signal." Celestia told them as she turned off the scanner and walked back to the Doctor.

"Soon." She whispered, tracing the new features on his face.

"Are you going to be a misery all the time?" Mickey asked Rose.

Rose nodded. "Yes."

"What joy." Celestia said sarcastically.

"You should look at it from my point of view, stuck in here with your mum's cooking." He joked.

"Where is she? I'd better give her a hand. It might start raining missiles out there." Rose said, walking over to the Tardis's door.

"Tell her anything from a tin, that's fine." Mickey said smiling.

"Why don't you tell her yourself?" Rose asked Mickey jokingly.

"I'm not that brave." He told her.

"Oh, I don't know." Rose opened the door and went outside. Not even a second later, Mickey and Celestia hear her scream.

"Rose?" Mickey asked before dropping the flask in his hands and rushing out of the Tardis.

"Mickey!" Celestia shouted as she went after him.

"Get off! Get off me!" she heard Rose shout before being grabbed herself.

"The door! Close the door!" Celestia shouted to Mickey. He managed to close it before a Sycorax soldier grabbed him. They were taken to Harriet Jones and her assistant, who welcomed them with open arms as the Sycorax began to cheer.

"Rose. Celestia! I've got you. My Lord. Oh, my precious thing. The Doctor, is he with you?" Harriet asked Celestia, who shook her head.

"No. We're on our own at the moment." Celestia informed Harriet Jones.

"The yellow girl." A man holding a translator spoke up. They all looked at Celestia before he spoke up again. "No, not the Great Star. The other one. She has the clever blue box. Therefore, she speaks for your planet." He translated as a few of the guards grabbed onto Celestia, dragging her away from the rest of the group and closer to the leader.

"You are my prize." The leader growled delightfully, causing Celestia to glare at him. "You belong to me."

"I don't think so buddy, just wait until my husband wakes up and then you'll be sorry." She taunted him before noticing Rose stepping up. 

"But she can't." Harriet quickly interjected.

"Yeah, I can." Rose insisted.

"Don't you dare." Mickey said lowly to Rose.

"Someone's got to be the Doctor." Rose said with determination.

"What are you even going to say?" Celestia asked Rose loudly. Rose shrugged her shoulders and took a deep breath, preparing herself.

Harriet grabbed Rose. "They'll kill you." Harriet told her but Rose just shook her head and stepped up, walking ahead of the group.

"Never stopped him." She told them as the Sycorax began roaring with excitement; causing Rose to loose her confidence. "I, er, I address the Sycorax according to Article 15 of the Shadow Proclamation. I command you to leave this world with all the authority of the Slitheen Parliament of Raxacoricofallapatorius, and er, the Gelth Confederacy as er, sanctioned by the Mighty Jagrafess and, oh, the Daleks! Now, leave this planet in peace! In peace." Rose said, stammering and stuttering.

Celestia slapped her head at her speech as the Sycorax began to laugh. "Oh my stars." Celestia murmured. Once they were out of here, she was giving Rose a lesson on how to address certain species and how the universe worked.

Celestia was proud of her for stepping up, but it was clear that Rose just pulled everything out of past adventures and that she truly didn't know what she was doing. The Sycorax leader growled and pointed to Rose, causing Celestia to freeze.

"You are very, very funny. And now you're going to die." The assistant translated for them.

"Leave her alone!" Harriet shouted.

"Don't touch her!" Mickey shouted as well but both were stopped by guards, who grabbed them before they could get to Rose.

"Leave her alone." Celestia demanded from the leader, who hissed in her face. Celestia glared fiercely at the leader, who took a step back and collected himself. He might not be able to stand up to the Great Star but the rest of the humans feared him.

"Did you think you were clever with your stolen words? We are the Sycorax, we stride the darkness. Next to us you are but a wailing child. If you are the best your planet can offer as a champion.." the assistant translated for the humans, getting into Rose's face and roaring up his people by belittling the humans.

"Then your world will be gutted.." the leader and the translator said in unison.

"And your people enslaved." The leader hissed but the humans were too busy being shocked at what they heard. More specifically, the lack of Sycoraxic.

"Hold on, that's English." The translator said in disbelief.

"He's talking English." Harriet pointed out.

"You're talking English." Rose said to the leader.

"I would never dirty my tongue with your primitive bile." The leader hissed angrily at Rose.

Rose stepped back. "That's English. Can you hear English?" she asked the others.

"Yeah, that's English." Mickey agreed with her.

The assistant nodded. "Definitely English."

"I speak only Sycoraxic!" the Sycorax leader shouted.

"If we can hear English, then it's being translated. Which means it's working. Which means we are in for a treat." Celestia smirked as she looked at the Tardis, which doors opened, revealing a healthy Doctor.

"Did you miss me, Starlight?" the Doctor asked Celestia.

"Now I know you know the answer to that." She told him, giving him a big smile.

He smiled widely at her. "Yeah, but I like hearing it."

Celestia laughed before softening. "I really did miss you, Doctor. I'm glad you're alright now." She told him truthfully; wishing that she was in his arms. The Sycorax leader, angered by their interaction, cracks his whip at the Doctor, who catches it by the end and pulls it out of the leader's hand.

"You could have someone's eye out with that." The Doctor told him.

"How dare!" the leader said in anger as the Doctor walks up to him and takes the thick club from his hand and breaks it cross his knee.

"You just can't get the staff. Now, you, just wait. I'm busy." The Doctor said as he took Celestia by the hand before taking her back to the others, who were still staring at him in shock. "Mickey, hello! And Harriet Jones MP for Flydale North. Blimey, it's like This Is Your Life." He said to them before turning back to Celestia and Rose, who was shocked to see him up and talking. "Tea! That's all I needed, a good cup of tea! Superheated infusion of free radicals and tannin. Just the thing for healing the synapses."

"Now, first thing's first. Be honest, how do I look?" the Doctor asked Celestia and Rose.

Celestia rolled her eyes. "Again? Didn't I answer this earlier."

"Yeah, but I want details and Rose never said anything. So, I'll ask it again. How do I look?" He repeated.

"Er, different." Rose said, not knowing what else to say.

"Good different or bad different?" he asked them.

"Just different." Rose said as Celestia crossed her arms. "Are we really doing this right now?"

"Am I ginger?" the Doctor asked them, ignoring Celestia's question. This was really important to him as he remembered that Celestia once made a comment about finding people with ginger hair attractive.

Celestia snorted, knowing why he asked the question. "Sorry Charming but the answer is no."
Rose nodded her head. "You're just sort of brown." She said, motioning to his hair.

"I wanted to be ginger. I've never been ginger. And you, Rose Tyler, fat lot of good you were. You gave up on me and left everything to the missus." He said before it dawned on him. "Oh, that's rude. That's the sort of man I am now, am I? Rude. Rude and not ginger."

"You've always been a bit rude Charming." Celestia pointed out to him. 

The Doctor shot her an offended look. "Have not!" 

Celestia snorted. "Yes, you have!" 

The Doctor scoffed, not believing her. "Tell me one time I have been rude!" 

Celestia raised her hand up. "Where should I start... what about the time that you rejected taking my hand when we first met, or any time Mickey tried to have a conversation with you, then there was the time-"

"I'm sorry. Who is this?" Harriet interjected.

"I'm the Doctor." He introduced himself.

"He's the Doctor." Celestia joined in as she wrapped her arm around his arm, happy that he was back.

"But what happened to my Doctor? Or is it a title that's just passed on?" Harriet questioned them as she took note of their closeness.

"I'm him. I'm literally him. Same man, new face. Well, new everything." The Doctor winked at Celestia, who looked at him in surprise at his flirting.

"But you can't be." Harriet denied.

"Harriet Jones, we were trapped in Downing Street and the one thing that scared you wasn't the aliens, it wasn't the war, it was the thought of your mother being on her own." The Doctor revealed to her, remembering when they were locked in the office in Downing Street.

Harriet gasped. "Oh, my God."

"Did you win the election?" the Doctor asked her. 

"Landslide majority." She said proudly, giving the Doctor a big smile. Celestia wanted to warn them of what was to come but she knew that no matter what, Harriet Jones needed to make a decision and from what Celestia foresaw, it was one that would change the timeline of events forever.

"If I might interrupt." The Leader growled.

"Yes, sorry. Hello, big fellow." The Doctor said, giving the leader a big smile.

"Who exactly are you?" the leader asked the Doctor.

"Well, that's the question." The Doctor said smiling.

"I demand to know who you are!" the leader shouted.

"I don't know!" he shouted back in a deep monster voice. 

"See, there's the thing. I'm the Doctor, but beyond that, I just don't know. I literally do not know who I am. It's all untested. Am I funny? Am I sarcastic? Sexy?" He sends a wink to Celestia, who rolled her eyes fondly at him before nodding, admitting to him that he was sexy. This made the Doctor puff up his chest. "Right old misery? Life and soul? Right handed? Left handed? A gambler? A fighter? A coward? A traitor? A liar? A nervous wreck? I mean, judging by the evidence, I've certainly got a gob." the Doctor questioned as he walked past everyone to get up to the button. Everyone followed him, watching him to see what he does next. "And how am I going to react when I see this, a great big threatening button. A great big threatening button which must not be pressed under any circumstances, am I right? Let me guess. It's some sort of control matrix, hmm? Hold on, what's feeding it?" The Doctor opens the base of the pillar under the button.

"And what've we got here? Blood?" he asked himself before tasting the blood, causing everyone to give him a look of disgust. "Yeah, definitely blood. Human blood. A Positive, with just a dash of iron. Ah, but that means blood control. Blood control! Oh, I haven't seen blood control for years. You're controlling all the A Positives. Which leaves us with a great big stinking problem. Because I really don't know who I am. I don't know when to stop. So if I see a great big threatening button which should never, ever, ever be pressed, then I just want to do this." He said before hitting the button.

"No!" Rose and Harriet shouted.

"You killed them!" the translator yelled at the Doctor.

"Do you really think he would do that?" Celestia asked them as the Doctor turned to the Sycorax leader. "What do you think, big fellow? Are they dead?"

"We allow them to live." The leader lied.

"Allow? You've no choice. I mean, that's all blood control is. A cheap bit of voodoo. Scares the pants off you, but that's as far as it goes. It's like hypnosis. You can hypnotize someone to walk like a chicken or sing like Elvis. You can't hypnotize them to death. Survival instinct's too strong." The Doctor said, walking away from the button.

"Blood control was just one form of conquest. I can summon the armada and take this world by force." The leader threatened.

"Well, yeah, you could, yeah, you could do that, of course you could. But why? Look at these people. These human beings. Consider their potential. From the day they arrive on the planet and blinking step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen. More to do than- No, hold on. Sorry, that's The Lion King. But the point still stands. Leave them alone!" the Doctor said passionately.

"Or what?" the leader asked, taunting the Doctor.

"Or..." the Doctor took a sword from an aide and runs back towards the Tardis as they all watched, wondering what his plan was. "I challenge you." He said, causing the Sycorax to laugh.

"Oh, that struck a chord. Am I right that the sanctified rules of combat still apply?" the Doctor asked the leader.

"You stand as this world's champion." The leader said, taking out his own sword.

"Thank you. I've no idea who I am, but you just summed me up." The Doctor said, throwing his dressing gown to Celestia, who handed it of to Rose.

"So, you accept my challenge? Or are you just a cranak pel casacree salvak?" the Doctor asked the leader, causing Celestia to burst out in laughter at his insult. This fueled the leader, making up his mind.

"For the planet?" the leader asked.

The Doctor nodded. "For the planet." They rush forward and clash swords.

"Look out!" Rose shouted as they all watched the Doctor duel.

"Oh, yeah, that helps. Wouldn't have thought of that otherwise, thanks." He sassed before focusing back on the duel.

"Bit of fresh air?" he suggested as he lead the leader and everyone watching them outside of the ship, where he is then driven to the edge of the ship. Rose went to rush forward but is stopped by Celestia. The Doctor noticed what Rose was going to do and shouted, "Stay back! Invalidate the challenge and he wins the planet." The Doctor and the leader continued to fight but it was clear that the leader had more experience with a sword than the Doctor. He then showed it when he knocked the Doctor down and cut off the hand that was holding the sword.

Celestia winced. "That's gotta hurt."

"You cut my hand off." The Doctor said to the leader.

"Ya! Sycorax!" the leader yelled triumphally, earning cheers from his people.

The Doctor stood up. "And now I know what sort of man I am. I'm lucky. Because quite by chance I'm still within the first fifteen hours of my regeneration cycle, which means I've got just enough residual cellular energy to do this." The Doctor said, regrowing a new hand.

"Witchcraft." The leader spat.

"Time Lord." The Doctor shot back proudly.

"Doctor!" Celestia shouted, throwing him a sword she stole from one of the Sycorax.

"Thank you love!" the Doctor shouted at her, taking the sword.

"You can do this Doctor!" Rose cheered for him happily.

"Oh, so I'm still the Doctor, then?" he asked her.

"No arguments from me!" Rose shouted gleefully.

"Want to know the best bit? This new hand? It's a fighting hand!" the Doctor said in excitement. They fight again. The Doctor disarms the Sycorax and thumps both hilts into its abdomen, twice. It falls, right on the edge, overlooking London. "I win." The Doctor said, pointing the sword at the leader's neck.

"Then kill me." The leader spat defeatedly.

"I'll spare your life if you'll take this Champion's command. Leave this planet, and never return. What do you say?" the Doctor asked.

"Yes." The leader agreed.

"Swear on the blood of your species." The Doctor demanded, inching the sword closer.

"I swear." The leader vowed.

The Doctor then smiled before putting the sword away. "There we are, then. Thanks for that. Cheers, big fellow."

"Bravo!" Harriet cheered.

"That says it all. Bravo!" Rose joined in.

"Ah, not bad for a man in his jim-jams." The Doctor said as Celestia handed him the borrowed dressing gown that she took back from Rose. The Doctor gave her a pleaded look and she sighed before helping him with the dressing gown, causing the Doctor to light up.

"Very Arthur Dent. Now, there was a nice man. Hold on, what have I got in here? A satsuma. Ah, that friend of your mothers. He does like his snacks doesn't he? But doesn't that just sum up Christmas? You go through all those presents and right at the end, tucked away at the bottom, there's always one stupid old satsuma. Who wants a satsuma?" he asked.

The Sycorax leader gets up, grabs his sword and runs at the Doctor's back. The Doctor throws the satsuma at a control on the spaceship hull, a piece of the wing opens up and the leader falls to his death.

"No second chances. I'm that sort of a man." The Doctor said darkly before entering the ship.

"Is it bad that I found that kinda sexy?" Celestia whispered to Rose, who looked at her with a lot of judgement. "What?" she asked the younger blonde, who just walked faster away from her.

"By the ancient rites of combat, I forbid you to scavenge here for the rest of time. And when go you back to the stars and tell others of this planet, when you tell them of it's riches, it's people, it's potential. When you talk of the Earth, then make sure that you tell them this. It is defended." The Doctor told the rest of the Sycorax.

The Tardis, Harriet, the assistant that Celestia finally found out was called Alex, Rose, Mickey, Celestia, and the Doctor were beamed away before arriving at an empty road.

"Where are we?" Rose asked them, looking around.

"We're just off Bloxom Road. We're just round the corner, we did it!" Mickey cheered.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute." The Doctor said as they watched the spaceship fly away.

"Go on, my son! Oh, yeah!" Mickey went back to cheer.

Rose jumped on Mickey's back. "Yeah! Don't come back!" she cheered before getting off his back.

"It is defended!" Mickey and Rose then hug. They then bring in Alex the assistant for a hug.

"My Doctor." Harriet Jones said warmly.

"Prime Minister." The Doctor said with the same fondness before bringing her into a hug. Celestia let out a small smile at the sight before returning her attention worriedly at the sky.

"Absolutely the same man." Harriet said with a smile before pulling away and looking stonily at the sky. "Are there many more out there?" she asked him.

"Oh, not just Sycorax. Hundreds of species. Thousands of them. And the human race is drawing attention to itself. Every day you're sending out probes and messages and signals. This planet's so noisy. You're getting noticed more and more. You'd better get used to it." He told her. Before Celestia could say anything, Jackie appeared and went to Rose, which caused the Doctor to grab Celestia and dragged her back to the others.

"Oh, talking of trouble." He said to Jackie, giving her a big smile.

"Oh, my God! You did it, Rose! Oh!" Jackie said, wrapping an arm around her daughter.

"You did it too! It was the tea. Fixed his head." Rose told her mother.

"That was all I needed, cup of tea." The Doctor agreed.

"Tea fixes everything." Celestia told them with a smile. "Never diss the tea."

"I said so." Jackie said, proud that she got to help in some way.

Rose smiled and pointed to the Doctor. "Look at him."

"Is it him, though? Is it really the Doctor?" Jackie asked before noticing Harriet Jones. "Oh, my God, it's the bleeding Prime Minister!"

"Come here, you." The Doctor said, pulling everyone into a group hug.

"Are you better?" Jackie asked him.

"I am, yeah." The Doctor answered her as Celestia noticed that Alex had picked up his cell and was having a quiet conversation. Celestia quickly walked over to Harriet and Alex.

"It's a message from Torchwood. They say they're ready." Alex told Harriet, who looked unsure.

"Harriet before you make a decision." Celestia spoke up. "You must think, is what you are doing going to do more harm than good?" she asked her. "Are you sure you want to go down this route?"

Harriet stayed silent for a few moments before nodding her head at Alex. "Tell them to fire." She ordered him causing Celestia to frown before a golden haze pulled her in; showing her of what's to come from this decision.

"Fire at will." Alex reported to Torchwood as Celestia's vision ended with a familiar steel suit blocking her sight. Celestia gasped as five green beams streak up into the sky, firing into space and shooting down the Sycorax's ship.

"What is that? What's happening?" Rose asked aloud as the Doctor looked over to Harriet and Alex before noticing the state of Celestia. He quickly went over to her and wrapped her in his arms.

"That was murder." He glared at Harriet as he held Celestia tightly. Celestia held on to him as she processed what she saw, tears leaving her eyes.

"That was defense. It's adapted from alien technology. A ship that fell to Earth ten years ago." Harriet explained to him. 

"But they were leaving." He said angrily.

"You said yourself, Doctor, they'd go back to the stars and tell others about the Earth. I'm sorry, Doctor, but you're not here all the time. You come and go. It happened today. Mister Llewellyn and the Major, they were murdered. They died right in front of me while you were sleeping. In which case we have to defend ourselves." Harriet defended her decision.

"Britain's Golden Age." The Doctor sneered at her excuse for killing an entire race.

"It comes with a price." She said fiercening, not backing down.

"I gave them the wrong warning. I should've told them to run as fast as they can, run and hide because the monsters are coming. The human race." The Doctor spoke, his tone getting darker and darker as he stared at Harriet.

"Those are the people I represent. I did it on their behalf." Harriet said proudly.

"Then I should have stopped you." The Doctor told her.

"What does that make you, Doctor? Another alien threat?" Harriet asked the Doctor.

The Doctor walked towards Harriet. "Don't challenge me, Harriet Jones, because I'm a completely new man. I could bring down your Government with a single word."

"You're the most remarkable man I've ever met, but I don't think you're quite capable of that." Harriet said softly, not believing that he had that much power.

"No, you're right. Not a single word, just six." The Doctor said, calming down.

"I don't think so." Harriet denied such a notion.

"Six words." He repeated.

"Stop it!" She demanded.

"Six." He said to her before stepping aside.

The Doctor took off the blue tooth on Alex's ear. "Don't you think she looks tired?" the Doctor whispered into Alex's ear before walking away with Celestia.

"What happened?" he asked her lowly so that the others did not hear as they were too busy trying to ignore the cries of Harriet Jones.

"That never happened to me before but I think I just witnessed a fixed moment." She whispered to him. "Harriet was set to make a decision that would effect not only us but the entire universe. By her deciding to blow up the ship, it caused the stars to set forth their plan." she gave the Doctor a worried and pained look. "And I'm so sorry but I won't be able to change it, no matter how much I want to."

Rose, Mickey, and Jackie went back to the flat as Celestia and the Doctor went back to the Tardis. Celestia grabbed her journal from her room before joining the Doctor at the Tardis wardrobe, helping him choose his outfit. They were mostly quiet as what had happened earlier was still fresh in their minds but then the Tardis put on some music, causing the mood to lift. The Doctor flipped through the many articles of clothing before finding an old scarf he used to wear. Celestia laughed before taking off the scarf and wrapping it around her neck. The Doctor chuckled at her cuteness before lighting up when he found a brown pinstripe suit, liking it very much.

"Hmmm, if you're going to wear that then what about this as well?" Celestia asked as she looked around and found a long brown coat. The Doctor quickly left to go try it own, liking the combination a lot.

"Thank you love." He said, giving her a kiss on her forehead before going to check himself out in the mirror.

"How charming." She said before revealing a pair of converses.

The Doctor raised an eyebrow at her, but she shoved the shoes towards him. The Doctor sighed before putting them on, actually liking how they suited him.

"Now you see my point, 'sandshoes' are stylish." She teased him.

"Should have never doubted you." He told her happily.

"Everything I ever dreamed. Then I started to walk, pretty soon I will run. And I'll be running back to you. Because I followed my star, and that's what you are. I've had a merry time with you." The singer sang as the Doctor took Celestia by the hand and twirled her around, causing her to laugh as she was then pulled into the Doctor's chest. She looked up at him and the two gravitated to each other for a kiss, getting more passionate by the second before pulling away.

"Let's go join the others, we have a party to enjoy." Celestia said with a smile as she pulled the Doctor out of the Tardis and into the flat. Once they entered, the others beckoned them over to the dining table, where they began cracking some crackers.

The Doctor and Celestia pulled one together, revealing a golden crown.

"A crown for my princess." The Doctor said, putting the crown on her head.

"Why thank you my prince." Celestia said before pulling another one together, this time it was a red crown. Celestia quickly put it on the Doctor, who bowed his head so that she could put it on him.

The Doctor and Rose pulled on a cracker. "Oh, that's yours." The Doctor said, giving the crown to Rose.

"It's pink! Mum, it should be yours." Rose said as she put on the crown before pointing to the tv. "Look, it's Harriet Jones."

"Prime Minister, is it true you are no longer fit to be in position?" a reporter asked Harriet, who looked quiet stressed out.

"No." she quickly denied. "Now, can we talk about other things?" she asked frustratedly.

"Is it true you're unfit for office?" the reporter pushed on. The Doctor and Celestia walked over to the telly. The Doctor puts on a pair of spectacles, causing Celestia to look at him.

"Love the glasses Charming, very attractive." She told him, earning a wink from the Doctor.

"Oh really? I'll wear them more often." He said flirtatiously.

"Please do." She smirked before turning her attention back to the telly.

"Look, there is nothing wrong with my health. I don't know where these stories are coming from. And a vote of no confidence is completely unjustified."

"Are you going to resign?" A reporter asked as a telephone ring in the background but the Doctor and Celestia do not take their eyes off the screen.

"On today of all days, I'm fine. Look at me, I'm fine. I look fine, I feel fine." Harriet said, though instead of helping her situation, she looked and now sounded worse.

"It's Beth. She says go and look outside." Jackie said, as she answered the phone and listened to her friend.

"Why?" Rose asked her.

"I don't know, just go outside and look." Jackie told her as she hanged up the phone and sat it down on the table. "Come on, shift!" she ordered everyone. They all headed downstairs to see that the ground was covered with white flakes falling from the sky and streaks of light in the sky.

"Oh, it's beautiful. What are they, meteors?" Rose asked the Doctor and Celestia, not noticing their frowns.

"It's the spaceship breaking up in the atmosphere. This isn't snow, it's ash." The Doctor told the younger blonde.

"And those aren't meteors, those are broken pieces of the ship falling down onto Earth." Celestia added on as she stared at the sky. 

"Okay, not so beautiful." Rose grimaced.

"This is a brand-new planet Earth. No denying the existence of aliens now. Everyone saw it. Everything's new." The Doctor said in wonder as he looked around at the people who were walking around and enjoying what they thought was snow.

"And what about you? What are you guys going to do next?" Rose asked them. Celestia and the Doctor held each other's hand, looking at each other and smiled.

"Well, back to the Tardis. A brand-new adventure is waiting for us." The Doctor said, smiling.

"On your own?" Rose asked nervously, looking down at the floor.

Celestia turned to Rose, smiling politely at her. "Why, don't you want to come?"

Rose nodded anxiously. "Well, yeah."

"Do you, though?" the Doctor asked her.

"Yeah!" She quickly agreed.

"I just thought, because I changed." The Doctor said but Rose quickly interrupted. "Yeah, I thought, because you changed you might not want me anymore." She told him her fears.

"Oh, I'd love you to come." The Doctor said giving her a smile. "You can be the flower girl." He murmured, though it was not caught by Rose, who was busy smiling and growing excited for their next adventure.

Celestia looked up at the Doctor. "Flower girl huh?" she asked him.

The Doctor shrugged. "All proper weddings need a flower girl."

"You're never going to stay, are you?" Mickey asked his girlfriend, looking at her sadly.

Rose deflated a bit "There's just so much out there. So much to see. I've got to." She tried to explain to him.

Mickey gave her a sad smile. "Yeah."

"Well, I reckon you're mad, the three of you. It's like you go looking for trouble." Jackie told them.

The Doctor and Celestia skipped happily to Jackie. "Trouble's just the bits in-between. It's all waiting out there, Jackie, and it's brand new to me. All those planets, and creatures and horizons. I haven't seem them yet! Not with these eyes." He said before they walked back over to Rose. "And it is going to be fantastic." The Doctor said looking into Celestia's eyes.

"Oh how I missed that word." Celestia said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. The Doctor offered Rose his other hand.

"That hand of yours still gives me the creeps." Rose told him but she accepted it anyways. "So, where're we going to go first?"

"Er, that way. No, hold on. That way." The Doctor said, using the hand that was holding Celestia's to point up to the sky.

"That way?" she asked him.

"Hmm." He said, giving her a smile. Though there will be danger and issues heading their way, he was excited that he would be able to do all of that and more with his Starlight.

"Yeah, that way." He confirmed to her, giving her a grand smile. 

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