Crushed Chimere

By Mxxnchild07

857K 55.7K 11K

The world lays at his feet but his world is her. The king bows to no one except his queen. ☆°•°☆☆°•°☆ " How c... More

00. love the connection we can't explain
01. Things go wonderfully right (or horribly wrong )
02. 50 shades of pain.
03. Grumpy beginnings
04. How to escape from the mess you didn't made.
05. T is for Trauma.
06. spoiler alert: you will see me in pain.
07.Emotions? how about no.
08.Bee stung heart
09. Cactus flowers
10. The God of Mischief
11. Mr bright side pleasing the storm.
12. Cupid screwed up
13. Thanks, I hate it.
14. Shadows and Secrets
☆Author Note☆
15. Bittersweet
16. Sour endings
17. The art of miscommunication
19. Ferris wheel of emotions (1)
20. Ferris wheel of emotions (2)
21. Veil of darkness
22. The twilight of Innocence
23.lessons learned, bonds forged
24.In the grip of envy
25.Hard feelings
26. elle est un rêve
27.Glimmers of past
29. Paint the town red
30. Is that a coping mechanism?
32. Colour me red
33. Drunk words=sober thoughts
34. Pretty boy
35. Reverse icks
36. Make me blush
37. Me, him and the moon.
38. Show me.
39. Glazed breaths
40. The way I loved you.
41. Draped in your love.
42. Let me show my love.
43. Body language cheat sheet
44.I bet u think about me
45.Mouths smashed,

18.Mis(understanding) each other

17.6K 1.1K 133
By Mxxnchild07

♡Inayah's pov♡

The sun casts a warm, golden glow on the rippling surface of the lake.

Tall, swaying grasses line the banks, their green hues mirrored in the calm. A gentle breeze carries the sweet scent of lilies that dot in the water.

Rays of sunlight dance upon the wings of the birds sitting between treetops gracefully.
As I look in the lake, I see few fishes occasionally breaking through the surface causing delicate concentric ripples to radiate before they disappear back into the depth below.

The water itself glows with a deep, sapphire hue, reflecting the clear blue sky above with a distorted image of my face.

An Image of a figure forms next to me, As I turn to look who it is, I see Arhaan standing in front of me.

He was breathing a bit heavily like he just ran to be here.

I raise my eyebrows as I glance at him. Questioning him for his reason to be here with my gaze.

"Inayah?" he had a look of determination, like he was mentally preparing himself to say something to me.

"yess?" he walks next to me, as I turn back to look at the lilies in the lake again.

The sky is slowly transforming into shades of orange, pink and purples, casting a dream like haze above.

We are standing in silence, trying to absorb the comfort the nature is providing.

" I love lilies." I say randomly trying to clear the tension which kind of always stays between us for some reason.

A gasp of surprise leaves me as I see Arhaan going in the lake.

"what are you doing?"

He slowly makes his way in the centre of the lake which is covered with abundance of vibrant lilies.

His movements are slow and deliberate. His arms glidding through the water, causing the lilies to sway back and forth.

What is he doing?

As I bend down to touch the water, its freezing cold.

After few minutes he swims back to where I was standing.

Getting out of the water, I see how his clothes are now fully wet, the white shirt he was wearing before now clungs tightly on his chest. Water dripping from his hair.
But an unexpected sourness erupts in my heart. As I see him holding a bunch of lilies in his hand.

Lilies are often associated with love and devotion towards someone, did he do all that to bring those lilies.

I know I shouldn't feel this, but this feeling of bitternes still appears in my chest as I imagine him giving them to his 'lover'.

His eyes flickers to me as he lifts his hand to give me the lilies.


"why are you giving it to me?" my eyes furrow as I ask him.

"um, why? That is a very good question." Fidgeting with his fingers he hesitated, thinking for an answer.


"Maa, asked me to bring them for some puja and all. Hold them for sometime I guess." He was looking everywhere except my face.

"you could've asked someone else to do that though, right?"

"I could've."

"so?" I muttered . looking at the pretty lilies in front of me.

"why are we even talking about this anyway. I want to tell you something." He began with a sudden seriousness in his voice.

"ok, go on."

"um, As you see there is some misunderstanding."

"hmm." I insisted him to continue.

"so umm, you I mean it was my mistake but like you think that Aditi is the one I love. But its not true" he replied in one breath.

"I know."

His eyebrows creased with confusion as I say this.

"Wait. What?"

"yeah. Dhruv told me who your real 'lover' is."

"h-he did?" he whispered, searching my eyes. He looked very pale and scared and a little....hopeful?


"look I wanted to tell you this myself but it was to hard and you know."

"I know Arhaan, Dhruv told me everything about Aditi. You don't need to explain yourself."

Flashback scene :

As I was back to my room I saw Dhruv moving back and forth in his room, a paper in his hand and a clear distress expression on his face.

"Dhruv?" I called him, concern clear visible in my voice.

I haven't talked to him in a while and now seeing him worriedly racing in the room is a little concerning.

His eyes widened as he sees me walking towards him.

"what are you doing here bhabhi ? I thought you were helping Kamla aunty." He faltered a little saying that. His hand moving behind him, hiding the paper he was holding.

"yeah, I was helping her before. How are you? Haven't heard you bugging Arhaan in a while.' I teased. Trying to crack a joke to clear up the awkward atmosphere around us.

I am clearly failing at this.

He shifts a little, he had a closed expression on his face. His eyes rims were also oddly red.

Was he crying before I came here?

My eyes furrows at that thought, Dhruv is usually a bubbly, golden retriever kind of guy.

"Dhruv what's wrong?" I asked.

There is no need to ask him if he is ok, because I know he isn't.

"uh, w-what's wrong? Nothing is wrong." he stammered in his words. The screwed up terror expression making it more evident then it was before.

He is clearly not okay.

I tilted my head, raising my eyebrows a little as if questioning him for lying to me.
His eyes glistened again.

"I know you are hurt Dhruv, and its okay if you don't want to tell me what the reason is but you can always come up to me if something is bothering you. Bottling up your emotions doesn't end up in your favour."

As if my words finally hits his hardened, closed expression finally cracked up. tears shrone in his eyes as he was fighting them back.

"It's ok, I'm here." I reassure him.

Sighing and finally trusting me for what he was about to say, I see him walking to sit on the floor next to the bed.

I walk and slowly settle myself next to him.
"I haven't been able to sleep well for three days. Its just t-that I am so tired. All the time." He whispered, fidgeting with a colourful charm bracelet he always wears.

Its pretty, but not something I would Imagine Dhruv wearing. With different figures on it. when I saw him wearing it for the first time I thought it was probably a gift from someone.

"And what thing got you sleepless?"

"You should ask who got me sleepless at night." He joked.

" well who is he or she who made you so sleepless?" I teased back.

His eyes fluttered close. His expression transforming from an awe to saddened one.

"The one who is too well tangled in my soul, the one whose thunder I'd pick. Whose rain I'd choose over anyone's sunshine. Any day."

A saddened recognition dawned on my face.

Love is a tragic thing. And the love sick fool siting next to me have fallen for someone in ways he doesn't know he could.

" And who is the one you see and realise what love is?" I questioned, exacerating a little at the 'love' part.

He suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils twinkling from the tears coating them.

A nervous expression laces his face as he debates on telling me who that person is.

I give him a reassuring look again. Lifting his hand which was holding the folded paper, he passes it to me.

Taking it softly from his hand, I open and start reading the letter. My eyes furrowing at the similarity of the one I heard Arhaan  confessing to Aditi.

As my eyes skims the last part, my eyebrows creases as I see for whome the letter is.
Glancing back at Dhruv I give him a questionable look. How can he love the same girl his brother loves?

"Aditi?" I ask him as I see how a line appears between his brows. Probably because of the tone in which I ask him.

"yeah." His eyes surveys my face.

"but, Arhaan also like her, doesn't he?"

"what?" his eyes blazed with confusion.


"what are you saying bhabhi? Aditi is like a younger sister for Arhaan bhai."

"but I heard him and-

Then it finally hits me. Like the dominos falling my senses gets best of me as I put everything together. Arhaan doesn't love Aditi. That's why he was confused when I asked him about her.

"omg did you thought that Arhaan bhai likes her?" he snorted. Probably crackling up at my stupidity.

"but the letter" I hold the letter in front of him.

"yeah Arhaan bhai helped me write it, he is kind of poetic and good at these things." Wiggling his brows he teased.

I close my eyes sinking how stupid I can be sometimes. I just convinced my self that Arhaan was in love with Aditi whereas in reality he was helping Dhruv write the letter for her.

"how did you even came up with that idea bhabhi?" still laughing he asks me.

"trust me you don't want to know" I joked back a bit embarrassed.

As our conversation drifted away, an another struck me. If Aditi is not Arhaan's 'lover' somebody else is.

"who is the girl, Arhaan is in love with?" I ask him directly as I see his eyes widening at my question. He suddenly stops laughing, his mouth pressed shut like he was serious all of a sudden.

"Bhabhi, I can't tell you that." He directed like an oath.

"But why?"

I mean even if I like it or not I am still Arhaan's wife. I should know who my so called 'husband' is in love with.

"I-I just can't, Arhaan bhai will kill me." His voice pitched a little higher when he said the last sentence.

My expression closed up as I glared at him. Finally sighing after what? 3 hours his eyes shuts close. And I just know that I won this war.

"fine, but I'll just give you a hint. She is present for the rituals and Arhaan bhai knows her since a very long time. And please don't ask me any more questions Bhabhi. Arhaan bhai will seriously kill me." He shudders a bit and starts to fidget again with his bracelet.

"Well I already knew that much info, Thank you so much Dhruv for this new knowledge." I say sarcastically as I see his mouth twitching up in a smirk.

Flashback over

Soon After I left as Dhruv said he was tired, I know he was still hiding something but I know I shouldn't force him, like I wouldn't want anyone forcing me to tell them about my traumas and all.

He will tell me everything when he is ready. It's not like I am going somewhere else.

As I finally come back to reality, A gasp escapes me as I look at Arhaan.

His Arm.

It was bleeding.

♡Arhaan's pov♡

For you love is Cynical.

For me, love is Inordinate.

Je t'aime, I would say. ( Translation: I love you)

Really? You would joke.

There is this fear that enlightens within me. Not the fear of rejection, but the fear of losing you. Losing the only precious person that I have.

That's why I didn't told her who is 'she' when she asked me after telling the conversation she had with Dhruv. I mean I am glad that the whole Aditi Drama is solved but now I have a new problem roaming over my head.

Cause how the fuck will I tell her that the person she is been asking about is HER.
I am currently sitting on the bed, waiting for Inayah to bring the first aid for the cut I got while bringing her the lilies she loves.

That was a close call when she asked me why did I put that little stunt but I used maa's excuse again.

I don't know for how long I can continue to tell a lie to Inayah in her name. like first about the cupcake and now the flowers.

My soaked shirt is thrown in the corner as I start to untie my shoes, careful so I don't  stain our new bed with my blood.

As I glance up again I see Inayah holding the bandage in her hand with an annoyed expression on her face.

"how could you be so careless Arhaan? You just could have asked somebody else to bring the flowers for Aunty. Look at your arm it's bleeding now."

Oh trust me for you I'd bleed myself dry.

"It doesn't hurt, trésor trust me. It just a small cut."

"oh shut up, you are hurt, let me fix it." she bickered taking my arm in her hands.

As the earth began spinning faster and faster, my heart floats in my chest. As her much softer hands touch my rougher ones.

She carefully applies the ointment and wraps my arm with bandage, I can't help but stare at her exquisite face.

I can remember a time when time itself seems endless.

To feel her hands upon my skin, a touch I crave more than anything. A touch that I need more then water to survive this colourless life.

A lover's touch.

My lover's touch.

She touched me and I felt as if the stars danced across my skin.

Finally tying the corners of the bandage she look back at me, and I fell in love.


Am I secretly hoping that I get hurt again so she can touch me?
Absolutely not that's so fucking dumb. I would never do that.

Walking towards the table she picks up the lilies I gave her

As she was turning to leave I finally call her.

"Inayah, where are you going?"

"umm to give this to Aunty, she asked for these right?" she asks me. Confusion darting in her voice.

" Don't, its to late. She probably asked somebody else to bring them for her." I try to convince her to keep the flowers which maa never asked for.

"So what should I do with them?" she questioned with a specktical look on her face.

"Keep them, I guess." I ventured. Trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

A small smile grazes her lips as she look at the flowers and my heart bursts like crimson fireworks on a new years night.

Fuck, I love this woman.

*Time skip*
The next day

I finally pack all of my stuff as we are finally going back to Delhi.

Finally. These whole fucking socialising days were absolutely traumatic.

My eyes falls on the covered bandage and a small smile grazes my lips remembering Inayah’s touch.

She may pretends that she doesn’t give a fuck about me but I know she cares, even if it’s just 1 percent it still there.

Yeah, that’s how I would like to imagine it.

Inayah was already downstairs talking to kamla aunty and maa as I walk towards them. But my way is suddenly blocked when Dhruv appears with 4 year old Aadish in his arms.

Aadish is my father’s brother’s adopted son. I could’ve just called him my uncle’s son but my lousy shitty uncle doesn’t deserve that much respect. I hate him just as much as my father. Both brothers are nothing but lowlife scums who I would love to kill but my mom and aunt are fucking hopeless.

I was about to rant more about my hatred towards them but I got distracted when Aadish jumped in my arms from Dhruv’s.

“Arwaan bhaiii” he called me giggling, his dimpled smile making my own curve up in a smile.

“Hello, Aadish how is my big guy doing?”

“I have a secret to tell you” he babbled, completely ignoring my question.

“Sure, what is it?” raising my eyebrows pretending to be in thought, I questioned.

“We are going to the carwnival.” He exclaimed not being able to pronounce the word carnival.

“Oh really.” I asked. Glaring at the person, who I know the idea is.

Dhruv shifted a little under my gaze being caught.

“bhai, seriously it’s really good and Aadish also wants to go there. Right Aadish?” Dhruv rambled looking at Aadish, who just innocently nodded his head when Dhruv asked him to.

‘No, Dhruv we will be late if we don’t leave right now.”

“Please bhai the food there is amazing. Pleaseeeee.” He pushed Aadish lightly with his elbow as in reminding him to ask me again.

“pwleasee bhaiiyaa” Aadish sang. Both of them giving me the puppy eyes, but I already know this will not end well so I reluctantly denied again.
Putting Aadish down on his feets. Both of them stomped their legs like  5year old kids.

Well I guess it’s acceptable in Aadish’s case but this grown ass fucker is begging to go to a carnival. Like what the heck? Dhruv grow up.

“I know you are just saying this because you are afraid of heights and all.” Dhruv teased.

“Thank you for sharing this useless knowledge and wasting a good minute of my life. But the answer will still stay the same, NO. Do you want me to say it in French? Non ” I replied snappishly.
Dhruv only scowls in response before holding Aadish’s hand and walking towards maa.

As maa sees Aadish and Dhruv she calls out his name in greeting.


Inayah physically stiffens at that name, her eyes going wide. I walk towards them as Maa was talking to the little trouble maker but Inayah’s face is blank. Like she is in some kind of daze.

“Inayah Bhabhi?” Dhruv calls.

She finally blinks out of whatever trance she was in and turns to look at Dhruv.
But I could swear I saw her eyes turning glossy.

Maybe it’s just my misconception.


Aadish wiggles out of maa arms and walks towards Inayah shyly.

She bends down to his height as he start to whisper something in her ears.

After a few minutes Dhruv also joins their whispering conversation.

What are they talking about?

A waiter passes next to me as I take a glass of water from him.

Soon after Maa and Kamla aunty leaves us for packing some stuff.

All of a sudden all of their stares lands on me.

Aadish giggles, putting a hand over his mouth. Dhruv have a proud, egoistic look on his face and Inayah – uh s-she she is just walking towards me with a look I-i.

Fucking hell.

Her gaze held something I have never seen before. Like a magnetic allure, captivating me in seconds. Her smile holded mischief hinting a hidden motive behind them.

She finally stands in front of me, craning her head to look at me through her doe eyes.
And then she fucking flutters her lashes.

FUCKING FLUTTERS them as I choke on my water.

Still coughing I see a corner of her mouth turning up in a small smirk.

W-what is she doing?

With an effortless grace she moves a little closer.

She is close.

To fucking close.

And I can’t fucking breath.

The mischief in her eyes shifts. Making her eyes more doe. If that’s even possible, Innocence drips from them, I know that’s something she doesn’t possess.

“Arhaan” she whispers. Her voice pure silk.
My gaze drops to her lips. Her lips so invitingly full, I just know they promised a passionate rendezvous that would leave me breathless.

“Arhaan?” she calls again like a siren, and like the sailor lured by the sweet sweet voice I make the biggest mistake of looking back in her eyes. Electricity charged in my nerves making my heart beat a little faster.

“Hmm” I mumbled. Not finding the voice to reply her.

“I really want to go to the carnival. We all should definitely go.” Honey dripped from her voice. There it is, the motive behind this little act of umm seduction is what Dhruv wanted to get through her.

I glanced up to glare at him, he had closed Aadish’s eyes with his palm, probably thinking him to be too young for this.

Inayah snaps her fingers in front of my face gaining my attention.

“so?” her eyes twinkled with hope.


I close my eyes.

“Inayah” I clear my throat as the words come out a little softer then I intended them to come.

Now I’d wouldn’t want to blow my cover. Would I?

“Please Arhaan” she says suddenly tilting her head with a pout on her face.

A single word possessed an innate charm that melted my heart. A single word ignited my whole body, mind and soul leaving no doubt resistance futile. A single word wove a spell, effortlessly ensnaring my heart in a captivating web. This simple word such as ‘please’ can make me fulfil her every wish, even if it’s bringing her a piece of stars or moon. 

And I know this single word can bring me to my knees. Can make me do things I didn’t even thought of doing before.

My shoulders slumps as her’s rises a bit in triumph.

‘biwi hain meri, aabh inki khwahish sar anakho par’

Translation: She is my wife, her desire/wish is now my command)

An: This was the chapter!!
Not my favourite one but yeah whatever...

Thank you so much to everyone who take a little bit time out of their days to read this book

I am forever grateful ♡♡

Hope you guys liked today's chapter

Don't forget to vote you guys (☆) it gives motivation to continue writing..

Follow my account on instagram the link is in bio, I am regularly posting Crushed Chimere content there♡♡

I'll see you guys soon, and you can comment your views in the comments section, lets make this page a bit more interactive ♥️😚

Byeee humans 🪐🌩🌕
Peace ✌️
Treat people with kindness ( even the mean ones)

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