Starstruck Secrets

By eye_greeshma

241 4 1

She was everything she needed. Arranged, Controlled, Assured, Stable She was much more. Yet her beliefs wer... More

Character Aesthetics
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

26 0 0
By eye_greeshma

-Silver lining-


"One Mojito, no alcohol." She props herself on the stool, placing her wallet on the counter. The bartender nods, his gaze sprawling down her figure. She smirks, peering her eyes off him and whirling towards the dance floor looking at the sweaty bodies engaged in one or another bustle. She tosses her hair, tucking away a few strands behind her ear, covering the Bluetooth device that she had fixed to her ear.

Her eyes darken, a poised smirk dancing on her lips as a familiar body shows up.

"He's here, copy."

"Aahana, are you sure you are doing this?" She grumps, tired of hearing the same shit.

"God, not again, Sid." She whines, annoyed.

"Aahana, I still don't think this is safe."

She leers, as her eyes clash with a pair of ebony eyes of the man she desired for that night. The man, her prey. His eyes stay stagnant on her as if he is allured by what he saw, tempted by how arresting he just saw.

Too late

"Your order." She nods at the bartender, picking up the glass, enjoying the attention she was basking in, her eyes not for once leaving him. She swigs down a small sip, her senses curling up at the raw taste of alcohol that hits her palate almost immediately, mentally cursing that bartender for swindling her. She was sure she didn't want alcohol, not for a night like this. She wanted to stay sober, for she had things to do.

Her eyes deride when she finds him calling for a server and whisper something to him while pointing towards her. The waiter walks towards her, fumbling down the way, getting past the wasted bodies on the dance floor. Upon reaching, he gives her a tissue.

"He gave this to you." She looks up over his shoulder, finding her prey smirking at her.

Can I buy you a drink?

She scoffs, tearing the paper into shreds and putting them into the waiter's pocket. She then turns around, bracing the glass counter and putting away her Bluetooth device. She had done her part, now it was his turn. She knew that he would oblige to do whatever she wanted him to do.




"Playing hard, I see." Her nose scrunches up in revulsion, as the odour of whiskey that was reeking of him infuses around her. She could feel him dip his head closer to her side as he spoke. "I like that."

Oh, you would love that real soon

She darkens her derision as his palm rests on her thigh, his fingers skimming against her bare skin. She calms down the impulse to knock him off right at that very moment and turns to her left, smiling at him, her eyebrows perked up as though she was amused. "And why would I do that Mr-?" She trails off, shrugging her shoulders.

The man grins, quaking his head "Vihaan, just call me that."

As if I don't know

"I feel like I have seen you somewhere." She fakes her inquisitiveness, her eyebrows creased as though she was trying to recall roughly. "Is your father Manish Rajvanshi?" Vivaan smirks, the corners of his lips twitching with pride.

"Of course, who wouldn't know about the only son of one of the richest businessmen in Mumbai." She fakes a smile.

"Correction." She undertones, gripping his hand and squatting it away. "Who would know about the son when his father is the one who is rich." He stares at her, clasping his jaw, controlling the urge to snap at her.

"Feisty. I like that." He pauses, sloping closer towards her "Only when within the four walls."

Cocky bastard

She grits her teeth, infuriated at the waste of time it was to even have a conversation with him. She lifts her glass, her fingers wrapped firmly around the glass as she tumbles the liquid down on her dress deliberately.

"Shit." She stands up quickly, masking a look of distress, as she tries to clean the remnants. "I'll just come." She grabs her wallet and walks away immediately, bothering no look at him knowing what exactly she was leading him to do.

She gets into the washroom swiftly taking out her phone and rummaging through her messenger trying to find someone whom she texts instantly.

A: Anytime now, get quick sent

She puts her phone away, finding herself standing in front of the mirror, her heart thumping fretfully. No matter how confident she looked and felt, she knew she was frightened by the possibility of her getting battered. But she had to do this, she wanted to do this.

Just as the air around her had gotten suffocating enough for her to brace her hands on the sink, the door to the bathroom had burst open.

Aahana's head snapped up, ebony eyes meeting her own in the mirror. She gasps, her eyes widening only for a second before they go back to their usual state. No matter how much she knew what was going to happen, she shuddered as the door clicked shut.

"What are you doing here?" She counterfeits being staggered.

"You'll know." Before she could process anything, she was backed up against the wall as his arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She didn't miss the way his eyes flickered to her lips, his eyes rancid of lust. She lurches her head away, making his lips fall on her jaw, closer to her ear. He smiles "Told ya, feisty much." He dips his head in, placing his lips on her neck, biting her flesh.

She winces, clenching her jaw, placing her hand on his shoulder, trailing it up and looping it around his neck, her fingers twitching with an urge to choke him but chose otherwise.

"What if someone walks in?" She whispers, her fingers constricting around his neck.

"I looked into it." He pulls back, his eyes drowning in lust. "No one's disturbing us." She nods, smiling shyly.


"I'll get it erased."

"Now." He frowns "Get it erased now." She whispers leaning in, pressing herself to him. He smirks, finding himself nodding at her, leaning in and kissing the corner of her lips before turning on his heels and getting out of the restroom.

"Turn off the CCTV and leave, every one of you."

"But sir- "

"Do what you are told." He roars "Don't forget, it is me who pays you all. So, pack your stuff and leave in 5 minutes"

"Y-Yes sir." And they obliged his command, leaving the premises in less than what they were given.

He picks up a bottle, not bothering what it is and gulps it down. He was exhilarated, those dark eyes filled his senses with brooding lust, making him want to do all the sinful things with her body. She is his to ravish and he was going to mark her his.

He opens the door, shuts it close and walks in, his eyes reprobate down her body as he takes trivial steps towards her.

"No one's disturbing us now."

That's what I wanted

His steps faltered slightly as he was drowning in the liquor, he cursed himself for having so much of drinks. He watches her, as she smiles shyly, her back pressed to the wall, her shapely body blistering under the golden lights looking smashing.

But then, there was something in the way she looked, her eyes, that mystified him. She was looking sundry, her eyes hooded with something he couldn't decipher. He nerves his head, wiping away the obnoxious feeling that arouses in him, smiling at her.

"What's your name by the way?" He walks up to her, pulling her closer.

"Zoya." She chirps, coiling her fingers around his neck. "Zoya Qureshi." His smile falters.


She smiles, running her finger down his jaw and grating it with her nail. "You know who Zoya is right?"

His irises dilate, fear crippling in his gut. "Wh-Who are y-you? I- "He staggers back, his throat parching up with sudden dread. He wheezes when he feels someone block his way, turning back at a well-built man who looks like he is in his twenties.

"Easy there boy." Vivaan shudders as the man lets out a rusty chuckle. Vivaan looks back at the lady he lusted, suddenly repugnant of her presence over there. He snarls, springing at her, lifting his arm as though he was going to hit her. Aahana steps back, alarmed, but before he can even touch her, he is pulled back and thrown over the floor, his back hitting it roughly. A yelp lets out from his mouth, as he squirms in his place groaning in pain when the man stamps his leg on Vivaan's arm, squeezing it.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" He yells, his eyes narrowed angrily, his body struggling to catch up.

Aahana kneels to his level, her eyes boring into his as she leans forward. "Shhh" She undertones, her fingers grabbing his chin. "Feisty much, I like that." Vihaan grimaces, shoving her hands away. She frowns, gripping his chin and meeting his eyes, a disappointed look swirling in her own "Only when under my clutch."

Her eyes fell on his neck and onto the nerves that were throbbing visibly. "Easy there boy, else you would die." She pats his cheek. "Now tell me about Zoya's case and the documents of her that you have hidden."

Vihaan chuckles callously, his head falling back in mirth before looking back at her. "How naïve of you to think I would tell you this easily." He grits, narrowing his eyes.

"Arghh Sid, he needs you I guess." Aahana sighed, getting back on her feet and nodding at the man who was behind her and was smirking with glee. He steps in front, stretching his arms leisurely, with a bored look featuring his face.

"That would be a great workout for me, Ana."

Sid clumps on Vihaan's knee, which was previously curved, making a crack noise to echo along with the raucous yelp of the latter in pain. Vihaan hunches forward and tries to hold his twisted knee but before he can move Sid wads his hand and thumps his face. Vihaan closes his eyes instinctively and stumbles back slightly, reeling from the hit.

"Sid, we don't have much time."

Sid chuckles, dragging his fist and punching his jaw for one last time as Vihaan collapses on the ground, crying and shaking, as fear etches into his form knowing there is no escape.

"What d-do you want from me?" Vihaan cries, helplessly. "I promise I'll give you whatever you want but please let me go." Aahana clenches her jaw as she watches his withered form shuddering in pain.

"You seriously think anything can be bought, isn't it?" She scoffs. "Isn't that what you did with Zoya?" She derides, having no answer from him in return. "You want us to leave you, right? It's simple, admit your deed and we will leave you."

Vihaan looks at her, mortified, believing she was dismissive. But, nothing on her face gave away that she was anything near in a playful mood. He gulps, sweat trailing down his temple, at the consequences he will have to face shortly for his concession. Aahana infers his thoughts and raises her brow, prompting him to agree to her demand.

"B-But even if I admit, you will be left with nothing," Vihaan admits. "My father will make sure nothing is trickled anywhere and so does my lawyer."

"Lawyer?" Sid probes, keenly. "Who are they?"

"Anjali Kapoor."

Aahana fists her hand at that mention. Even though she knew who his lawyer was when she came across the details of Zoya's case, him saying her name made her feel curbed.

"That's none of your business." Vihaan flinches as she screams, her eyes raging with fury, "Do what you are told to or fucking die." She takes out a sabre and places it near his neck, its edge coming in contact with his skin, sending chills down his spine.

"N-No No, I will. Please, I will do as you say." Vihaan nods at her, gulping the lump formed in his throat.

"Sid." She turns to him. "Start the recording."

Sid gets surprised at her tone, nevertheless, he takes a step forward and starts to record Vihaan's statement.

"Listen, and listen carefully," Aahana warns him. "You should sound as if you are willing to confess. Don't try to act smart."

Vihaan nods, taking a deep breath as he looks into the camera. "I-I am V-Viha-Vihaan-"

"Fucking asshole." Aahana curses. "Don't fucking stammer."

"I'm Vihaan Rajvanshi. I want to confess something that I deeply regret having done." He gulps. "My bar runs an underground market for drug dealers from which I get shares of revenue. Zoya Qureshi, a news reporter wanted to expose this racket, hence I-I had t-to-" Aahana glares at him, making him stir at his place. "I arranged false evidence against her and allegedly filed a case so she would keep shut." Aahana lifts her palm, asking him to stop. She nudges Sid who stops the recording and stands on his feet.

"The rest will be taken care of." Aahana glances at him. "Beware, if you open your mouth, you will see the worst." She leans forward, placing her palm on her bent knee, the slit of the dress revealing her glistening skin underneath her dress. Vihaan gulped, she was looking like a seductress, if only she wasn't threatening him, he would have- "Get it." He nods, looking at her.

Aahana signs Sid as she walks out of the place. Sid gives him a last glance, warning him to obey what he was told.

Once out, Aahana takes in a deep breath, fumbling down as her knees shudder. Cradling her face in her palms, she knew what she did was not morally ethical but she couldn't care less. It was necessary. It was her profession to fight for truth and she did it.

But what if this gets her into trouble? What if this gets her into trouble?

"Don't worry Ana." Sid kneels beside her, rubbing his palm on her back. "Nothing will happen."

She gives him a small smile, hoping for the same. "Look at who's saying it."

Sid gives her a sheepish smile, rubbing the nape of his neck. He knows what she was thinking, he knows her inside out.

"And don't worry. I'm sure Aunty- "

"Let's leave." Aahana derides, getting on her feet, and clenching her jaw. She walks out of the place, her mind discerning with things that she tried to bury deep within the crevices of her heart, yet, they keep stumbling back into her present, pulling her into the abyss. Sid sighs, regretting even mentioning something that he knew would bother her, he rushes out to catch up with her but it is all futile as she spares him no glance as she gets into her car and drives off.

Within the next few moments, she drives her silver sedan into the parking lot, carefully steering the car, her gaze focused on the space of her flat. Pulling up the hand break, she takes a moment to gather her belongings, checking her rearview mirror one last time to ensure the car is parked just right. Her car's headlights cast a warm pool of light onto the dark ambience. Sighing, she steps out of the vehicle and locks the vehicle with a beep of the remote. The soft click of the car doors closing echoes in the stillness of darkness.

She takes a moment to look around her surroundings, her breath forming small white puffs in the crisp night air. The distant hum of the city provides a comforting backdrop to the scene, yet, she is uneasy. She adjusts her bag over her shoulder and takes a deep breath, preparing to make her way to her flat.

As she walks towards the entrance of the apartment building, she follows a meandering path illuminated by the soft, ambient glow of the lampposts. The gentle rustling of leaves in the nearby trees and the distant chirping of crickets create a serene soundscape. Everything was so peaceful, yet, her mind couldn't process anything apart from her past.

Approaching the building's entrance, she inserts her key into the lock and turns it with a quiet metallic click. The heavy glass door swings open, and she steps into a well-lit lobby. The warmth of the lobby's lighting and the plush carpet underfoot create a stark contrast to the darkness outside.

She proceeds to the elevator bank, her footsteps muffled by the luxurious carpet. The elevator doors slide open as she approaches, revealing a mirrored interior that reflects her image as she enters. She presses the button for her floor and watches the digital display count upward.

As the elevator ascends, her reflection gazes back at her, her eyes carrying a hint of weariness, suggesting a long day. The soft, instrumental music playing in the elevator adds to the atmosphere of tranquillity.

The elevator comes to a gentle stop on her floor. The doors slide open again, and she steps out into a quiet, well-lit corridor adorned with tasteful artwork. Her footsteps echo as she makes her way to her apartment door.

Finally, she reaches her door, inserts her key, and turns it with a familiar twist. The door swings open, revealing a warm, inviting interior. Soft lighting and cosy furnishings greet her, providing a stark contrast to the world outside. She steps inside, the door closing behind her with a reassuring click.

She slumps down on her couch, rubbing the nape of her neck wearily.

She glances at her phone when it rings. Her eyes tapered at the contact, her heart wheezing with pain.


Of course, she knew this would happen. She knew why her mom was calling. She must have found out about what has happened already. After all, wasn't she one of the most successful lawyers? Ms.Anjali Kapoor

And that's Aahana Kapoor for you. I just love her.

Do let me know your thoughts.

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