Parenthood - A Journey [COMPL...

By TereBin_

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Sometimes a love story starts from parenthood. Cocer by : @chupkaroswaraaa More

1. We collide again
2: Pregnant
3 : Worth
4 : Trust?
5 : Leave
6: Conversation
7: Your dreams are mine now
8 : Fight
9 : Tumhare Alawa koi ni hai
10 : Shohar
11 : Engaged
12 : Insecurities
14: Be mine
15 : Unsaid Confession
16 : Love Vs Fear
17 : Meerab Murtasim Khan
18 : Meerab's POV
19 : Selfish?
20 : Confession
21: Hospital and Pregnancy
22: First kick
23: A perfect Mismatch
24 : God Bharai
25 : Delivery
26 : Meri Meesam
Epilogue ❤️
BONUS ( First Step)

13 : Wild Life Photographer

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By TereBin_

Leap of 5 months

Meerab is sitting on the bed thinking about her moments spent with Murtasim. He is a light to her dark life. She never thought somebody would love her so much that she would crave a mere touch. She is 6 months pregnant and her baby bump is growing. Murtasim takes care of her like a glass doll and treats her like a queen which makes her too lazy and habitual of his pampering. He sits with her daily and tells her about his day which she loves because in thier relationship Murtasim is the one who speaks a lot and she keeps listening to him. Even though he always asks her to speak as he wants to listen to her she loves hearing his voice. Whenever he talks with her baby bump, she feels blessed to have him with her and admires him. She knows he will be the best father.

For the past 5 months, Murtasim never moved forward in thier relationship which sometimes makes her feel insecure and sometimes she feels blessed to have a husband like him. With a growing belly, her Insecurities grew more which was creating havoc between them as Meerab stopped arguing with him. She either left the room or acted sleeping to avoid a further fight with him as she couldn't bring herself to ask Murtasim to sleep on the bed. They are yet to know eachother completely enough to reject an order. Most of the time it is Murtasim who forgets to fight and start a conversation with her.

But now everything seems difficult for Meerab as her belly is growing and she feels Murtasim will lose interest in her. Malik Zubair added fuel to her growing insecurities as he called Murtasim more often and Murtasim never rejected which scared Meerab as Murtasim seemed tense from the time he came back after meeting Malik Zubair. She feels that if she is happy and everything starts getting normal in her life then something worse is meant to happen. Just like last time when she was about to accept Murtasim and Zubair called Murtasim back. She thanked Allah that they didn't move forward in thier relationship otherwise she would have lost her Murtasim. Murtasim didn't tell her what Zubair wanted from him which tensed her more as every day she lived with a fear of losing him

This time they fought because Murtasim went to Haveli for a month for Haya's wedding with Muneeb. She doesn't know how Haya agreed but she is happy that finally she is getting married. She wants to slap Haya and punish her but Murtasim is not answering any calls which boils her anger. How can he ignore her?

"This man is testing my patience", Meerab thought and heard a knock on the door. Soon she heard a door opening sound and noticed Aneela's face. Her face fell thinking of another night without Murtasim. She passed a smile to Aneela and gestured for Aneela to sit beside her. Her relationship with her parents became strong as slowly she understood that they were helpless and now she love them a lot now. She placed her head on Aneela's lap and closed her eyes missing him. It's been a month since they talked and met. Sometimes they talked on phone calls but for meant it meant nothing because he didn't meet her. She was craving for his touch and was feeling insecure. The fear of losing him was taking a toll on her head and she felt very low.

"What happened to her? ", Murtasim asked entering the room. The door was open and he became worried when he saw Meerab sleeping on Aneela's lap. He ran towards Meerab and touched her forehead softly to check her fever but flinched in fear when Meerab sat and shot a glare at him in anger

"Maa you can go now", Meerab said and waited till Aneela went and pushed Murtasim away from bed angrily

"Why you came now?", Meerab asked twisting her lips in anger. Murtasim chuckled seeing his cute grumpy wife and kneeled in front of her

"To meet my wife and to take her back where she belongs. Don't you want to go back?", Murtasim said which melted Meerab's anger. She wondered if she was ready to go back or not.

Murtasim sat beside Meerab when he realized that she was not angry anymore as he was tired and his legs pained when he kneeled. He now knows very well how to calm his wild tigress. He knows about her anger issues and take them normally as not only men can get angry on silly matters, but even woman can.

He held her hand and intertwined thier fingers softly. Meerab took a long breath when his fingers brushed her hand gently yet sensually. How can she tell him that she missed him and his touch? From when she started to miss someone? She chuckled at herself as she thought she would fight with him but she forgot everything when she saw his concern towards her. On seeing him, she forgot the world and her thought of lecturing him for ignoring her. All she is doing is just staring at her man.

"It's enough now Meerab. I can't lie anymore. There Ma begum asks me every time why I smile a lot. I can't act sad when I'm happy. She asks me to marry someone else. It is getting difficult for me too Meerab. If you want to stay here then please allow me to tell the truth to Ma begum", Murtasim requested which shocked Meerab as she realized all the while she was hurting him in this process. Just like last time when she faked pregnancy and now when she is pregnant in reality, she kept ma begum in the dark. She knows she will push Murtasim into a big problem if she continues this lie.

"Ok Murtasim Khan. We will go back tomorrow", Meerab said with a smile and looked into his eyes to see a pool of emotions for her. His eyes are filled with desires and she feels shy under his gaze. She felt her cheeks heating up when she noticed Murtasim looking at her and his eyes darkened when she pressed his hand firmly which was holding her hand. His strong gaze made her body shiver and she tore her gaze away from him feeling shy. Her cheeks turned red with the thought of shifting to the same room that she hated before and the same bed where they slept together twice. That would be interesting because they will enter their room together like a happily married couple. But the main problem is ma begum. Will she accept her? How she will react after knowing the truth?

"Don't worry I will handle everything Meerab. We need to face her someday and we should not delay hana?", Murtasim asked rubbing the back of her palm with his thumb as he noticed Meerab lost and assumed that she was tensed thinking about Ma Begum. Meerab hummed in response with a smile as he understood her without her asking for the first time. He came closer and she breathed his strong scent after a month and his fragrance was intoxicating her. She is holding herself from hugging Murtasim tightly and jumping because he came back for her. But couldn't as the doctor advised her not to hug anyone and stay healthy.

"I missed you Meerab but couldn't answer your calls as most of the time Ma begum or Anwar chacha were sitting with me. Today Haya went and I came back here now", Murtasim said and kissed her forehead. He let his lips linger on her forehead for a while and then joined thier foreheads. He felt thier breath mingled with eachother which looked beautiful to him. Also, he is taking his pain out with her support. First Malik Zubair and second Haya who was not ready for marriage and at the last he had to force ma begum for Haya's marriage. He threatened her to get married as his own marriage was at stake because of Haya.

When Haya is out he falls into a new problem called Zubair Malik. Just because of others he was unable to meet his wife. How he would have taken out time when he was dealing with many problems? He was yearning to meet Meerab but couldn't because he was not getting time for himself. Now seeing her happy on seeing him made his heart flutter with joy.

He then kneeled again and lifted her dress upward to see her small belly visible. He smiled and touched her abdomen which made Meerab shiver. She allowed him to touch herself 5 months ago and from that day he stopped asking permission to talk with thier child and lift her dress because he won Meerab's trust. He moved his hand softly made a circle with his hand and kissed her belly

"Baba missed you, baby. How are you?", Murtasim asked softly which made Meerab's eyes tear up as she missed his talks and was yearning for him to lift her dress to talk with thier baby

"Our baby is fine. Now go and change into comfortable clothes. Do you need anything? like coffee, tea?", Meerab asked to which Murtasim shook his head

"No, you should take a rest. I can't wait for these 3 months to pass. I want to hold our baby. I'm going to be a father soon. I'm very excited Meerab ", Murtasim said excitedly and left for the washroom after kissing her cheek softly. Meerab wiped her happy tears and leaned onto headwall dreaming of holding their first child in her arms. Just then she got images of their fights just after the day when she was happy with him. No, she should not stay too much happy otherwise destiny will snatch him away just like it did in the past when Murtasim met with an accident, she saw him with Haya, Murtasim saw her with Rohail in Rohail's flat, and when Murtasim confessed his feelings and she was so happy after hearing his confession.

She noticed his phone and thought to check his gallery for Haya's wedding pictures but saw nothing related to Haya. Still, she went on scrolling through his gallery as he looked very cute in every picture and she sent most of the images to her mobile number. She was scrolling when his images vanished and his images were replaced by pictures of birds and wild animals.

(PS. Found an I'd on Instagram who was a wildlife photographer and remembered Murtasim. So took screenshots and used them here❤️)

She locked his mobile and placed it aside when she heard the sound of a door. She recalled his dream to become a wildlife photographer and felt bad for him. She felt the pain of his broken dream and decided to do something for him as he was left with nothing. If not for this house and her, he would have come on the road as he lost everything to Zubair.

"Murtasim I am going with Ammi", Meerab said and ran from there to think of something on the terrace. She sat in one corner thinking about how to give Murtasim everything back.

Here Murtasim came out and noticed his phone beeped with a notification. On opening, he saw a picture of 2 tigers hugging eachother. He remembered that night when he was in the village and noticed two tigers close, he couldn't stop himself from taking a picture and smiled in victory when the picture looked beautiful. A tear fell from his eye remembering the time when he used to spend his time taking pictures of wild animals and birds. He saved these pictures as they all were precious to him and were a part of his hard work.

"Meerab... What you made me remember yarr", Murtasim thought and walked towards the terrace while lightening cigarette not knowing Meerab was also there. Meerab was lost in her thoughts when she smelled a cigarette and looked toward the door to see Murtasim smoking

"Murtasim Khan you can't smoke", Meerab said angrily pulling a cigarette from his hand and throwing it on the floor. Murtasim flinched on finding her on the terrace as he was not expecting anyone on the terrace at this time.

"Why? What are you doing here?", Murtasim asked

"B...because this... This is harmful. Do you want our child to live without father", Meerab asked and crushed cigarette from her feet and checked his pocket for more cigerette but found none. Murtasim smiled as her concern made him feel very special. He held her hands which were in his pockets and pulled her towards himself. Their bodies touched with eachother, Meerab looked down and rested her head on his shoulder as she wanted to hug him and now she used the chance because she missed his warmth

"What about you? Can you live without me? Will it matter if I die?", Murtasim asked in a husky voice which sent shivers through her body and Meerab looked into his eyes hearing his silly question.

"I will die without you or I will live like a corpse and I mean it", she answered with honesty as she can't think of a life without him and she is habitual of his presence now. She pulled both of her hands from his pocket and placed one hand on his chest and other hand encircled his waist

"Please don't say that. I don't smoke regularly. Whenever I'm stressed or craving to smoke I do and not more than one. I'm not addicted to it", Murtasim replied, he is not addicted to smoking but to remove stress he does otherwise his pain eats him and his eyes tear up again and again every time he thinks about his broken dreams and how he lost himself in the past

"Which stress? Did you lie to me before?", Meerab asked to which he shook his head

"Come I will tell you but please don't break me like before", Murtasim requested to which Meerab nodded. She didn't understand his meaning but said yes just to know why he was stressed. Soon they came downstairs and Murtasim noticed his phone ringing with Zubair Malik's call

"Why the hell he is disturbing you? After taking everything from you isn't he satisfied?", Meerab asked angrily and picked up his mobile phone to talk with Zubair but Murtasim snatched his mobile phone at the right time and placed his mobile phone aside

"Right now just you and me ok.", Murtasim asked to which Meerab nodded and looked down as another fear engulfed her. Why Zubair is still calling Murtasim? What if he snatched Murtasim from her?

"Tumhe mai khud se kabhi juda ni hone dungi", Meerab thought thinking about Zubair Malik. These days she overthink a lot and every problem comes to one conclusion of him leaving her which scares her.

Hope you now understand why Meerab was behaving strangely.

Meerab is short-tempered tempered that's why she gets angry on small matters and it will take time for her to change herself.

Sometimes short-tempered people never change and I can't change her suddenly without any realization from her side. You must have seen short-tempered people how they behave so take Meerab as one of them❤️❤️

They will progress soon and you will witness them madly in love with eachother but change takes time. Especially for that person who doesn't want to accept the change.

All these look photographs are nice na? Credit goes to Instagram

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