Shattered Reflections (Azurla...

Bởi ShizuneMurasaki

4.1K 131 28

"πšƒπš˜ 𝚜𝚎𝚎 πš’πš˜πšžπš› πš›πšŽπšŠπš• πšœπšŽπš•πš 𝚊𝚝 πšπš‘πšŽ πšœπš‘πšŠπšπšπšŽπš›πšŽπš πš–πš’πš›πš›πš˜πš›. πš’πš πš˜πš—πšŽ πš•πš˜πšœπšŽ 𝚝�... Xem ThΓͺm

Prologue: Lost but Found
Chapter 1: Place To Call Home
Chapter 2 Sakura empire (april fools)..

Chapter 2: Sakura empire

221 10 1
Bởi ShizuneMurasaki


Bold: talking through communications

Italic: Thinking

"Bold": "Split personality talking"

"Bold Italic": Split personality Talking in mind

Bold Italic: Split personality thinking.

Underline: Talking in mind


Amagi Pov

After taking the girl from Shimakaze's ship bedroom, I guide her down the ship and onto the docks. I am still a bit shocked after seeing what the girl looks like but I hide it. My beloved daughter, I remember her face when she was still small. I shake my head before regaining my composure and I start guiding her through the docks.

Me: I should probably reveal to her the truth, but not now. I do hope she still remembers me when I reveal the truth to her.

Y/n Pov

I am walking through the Sakura Empire base docks with a shipgirl named Amagi. She holds my hand the entire time like a mother. She shows me around the docks while walking out of the dock area, there are so many shipgirls in the area doing their duty. Some are cleaning their ship, repairing, moving boxes, etc. Some of the shipgirls are also looking at me, a curious look is present in their eyes.

Amagi: You seem fascinated with the things around the docks.

Me: It's fascinating to see, what shipgirls do other than that lab wall every day.

Amagi: I see, that's understandable. I want to ask how long you have been stuck inside that lab.

Me: Around five to six years I think, I don't remember.

Amagi: That's understandable. By the way, do you have other clothes besides those you wear?

Me: No, I don't have any other clothes besides my clothes.

Amagi: Then, after we are done with the talk we can get clothes for you.

Amagi and I then continue walking out of the dock area and passing by the market area of Sakura Empire passing by several shops. I see a lot of shipgirls buying groceries and other stuff from the market stand. We keep walking through the market area of the Sakura Empire to get to the main base area where Nagato will meet us. Amagi holds my hand the entire time so I don't get lost.

Amagi: Hey, wanna know something?

Me: Yeah, what is it?

Amagi: These market stands are owned and managed by shipgirls of the Sakura Empire.

Me: I see, that's pretty interesting.

Amagi: You can explore later, we should get going toward the imperial palace since Nagato is waiting for both of us.

Amagi then led me out of the market and headed toward the imperial palace. She tells me that the imperial palace is located in the middle of the Sakura Empire near the big Sakura Tree. During our walk to the imperial palace, many shipgirls are looking at me and it makes me very nervous. Using my fox ears I heard shipgirls whispering about me.

???: *whispering to ??? 2* Who's that new kitsune?

???2: *whisper back* Is she even a shipgirl?

???3: *whisper to her friend* She doesn't look like a shipgirl, could she be a siren?

I keep no mind of the whisper and just keep walking alongside Amagi until both of us reach in front of the imperial palace. During our walk, to the imperial palace, we passed by the academy the housing area of the Sakura Empire before arriving at the imperial palace. Suddenly Amagi stopped me from walking any further into the imperial palace.

Amagi: Before we enter the imperial palace, I need you not to touch anything or do anything stupid, and be respectful because Nagato leads the Sakura Empire.

Me: Understood.

Amagi then leads me into the imperial palace, I see several things that I haven't seen before. Then we enter through a door and see a big Sakura Tree in the middle of the place and a pavilion in front of it.

Amagi and I then start walking toward the pavilion that is in front of the sakura tree. The closer we get to the pavilion, I see some shipgirls from the rescue mission earlier. Once Amagi and I arrive I sit like how the other shipgirl sits.

???: Hmm, it seems you have arrived Amagi.

Amagi: Yes lady Nagato, I bought the girl like you ask.

Nagato: Good, since everyone's here we can begin the meeting. Zuikaku and Shoukaku you may present the lab report of the girl and the case containing the cube.

Zuikaku and Shoukaku then slide the lab report and the case containing the black cube before Nagato. Nagato then opens the lab report and the case. ??? and Nagato starts reading the lab report. I can see both of them reading through the lab report, and not missing a single detail of the lab report.

???: Hmm, Nagato onee-chan this girl has been through many things.

Nagato: Indeed Mutsu, Zuikaku can you report how's the raid?

Zuikaku: Well, everything ran smoothly until one of the high-rank sirens kind of chased Takao, me, and Shoukaku around the lab for the reports and the cube.

Shoukaku: We still don't know why the siren is very interested in this girl.

Nagato: Then we will have to do more research about the girl, what about the cube? Is there anything we know about it?

Kaga: A suggestion lady Nagato, the girl here might be able to tell us things in the lab.

The shopgirls in the meeting then all of them look at me, and I start to get very nervous from all the eyes on me. I scratch my head in nervousness from all the eyes on me.

Me: Uh, where do I start.....

Nagato: Take your time, we won't force you to tell everything if you are uncomfortable.

Me: Well, truth be told I don't remember that much... I only know the constant pain and torture every day.

Nagato: I see, is anything you remember?

Me: All I know is every day we are bought into a room, each test subject a different special room. My room is with that cube in the middle and I get daily exposure to it.

Mutsu: That isn't very good how long have you been exposed to it?

Me: I think around five or six years I don't remember that much.

Akagi: Takao-san did you find anything else inside the lab besides the lab reports and the cube?

Takao: We saw bad things... I will not say it now but later when Y/n is allowed to leave.

Akagi: *look at me* Then, can you go wait for a moment at that walkway?

Me: Very well.

I then stand up politely excusing myself from the meeting and walking to the pointed walkway by Akagi. I stand at the walkway while the meeting continues. I decided to look at the big Sakura tree in front of me while waiting.

Takao Pov

After Y/n left for the pointed walkway, I looked at the others in the pavilion. They can be seen waiting for me to start talking.

Me: *Sigh* Shoukaku, Zuikaku and I saw a lot of bad things... When I say bad things it's very bad.

Kaga: How bad are we talking?

Shoukaku: It was traumatizing... We saw many dead subjects'' bodies in testing rooms.

Zuikaku: Most of them are under 18... Their bodies are twisted etc. I am not sure if some are still alive since the glass tanks are off and some are on.

Akagi: Oh my...

Nagato: That's very bad... anything else?

Me: Lady Nagato, we did search the lab a bit before escaping and you might not like it.

Nagato: Tell me.

Takao: From the handwriting of the lab report and the letter stamp.

Shoukaku: We have concluded that the scientists are a part of Azurlane and some Sakura empire from the R&D lab.

Everyone in the pavilion except Shoukaku, Zuikaku, and me: WHAT ?!

Me: Lady Nagato, Lady Mutsu I recommend checking the lab report again.

Lady Nagato and Mutsu then start rechecking the lab report along with Kawakaze. I see their eyes slowly widen in shock.

Nagato: I recognize these writings... they do belong to those you said.


Nagato: I can't believe it...

Nagato: *having headache* Ugh, I am too young for this.

Akagi: That's one reason for us not to join that alliance and not trusting humans.

Nagato: I must discuss this with Yamato and the other high ranks. We will continue this meeting later, all of you are dismissed except Amagi.

Everyone: Yes lady Nagato.

Nagato: Also who wants to accompany Y/n?

Akagi: Kaga and I volunteered to do it, we both want to talk to her.

Nagato: Very well.

With the rest of the shipgirls in the pavilion, I stand up before bowing and excusing ourselves before we all continue our daily lives.

Y/n Pov

I keep looking at the big Sakura tree while waiting to be called back into the pavilion. I can't lie but looking at this Sakura tree feels familiar like a feeling missing from me all these years being trapped behind those walls.

Aurora: "Beautiful isn't it?"

Me: I can agree with you, this feeling is nice.

Aurora: "Don't get too immersed, we can't fully trust them yet."

Me: I know, although that Amagi shipgirl feels familiar to me.

???: Y/n... Y/n are you there?

Me: *snap out* Huh? Yeah, I am fine Akagi I am just too immersed in the sakura tree.

Akagi: Oh, I thought something was wrong. Lady Nagato decided to continue the meeting later since she needed to discuss several things with the other high ranks.

Kaga: Now, can you come with us? We have several personal questions for you.

Me: Very well, let's walk while chatting.

Akagi, Kaga, and I then walk from the walkway toward the door leading out of the great sakura tree area. Akagi then opened the door before all of us walked out and she closed the door behind her. We then started walking down the hallways of the imperial palace until we got out of the imperial palace. Akagi and Kaga then start giving me a tour of the base, while I answer some of her questions.

Akagi: So Y/n, I want to ask some personal questions are you fine with it?

Me: It's fine, if I am uncomfortable answering it I will not answer it.

Kaga: That's understandable, let's start from what you remember.

Me: Let me see, I don't know why but this entire place feels familiar to me in a way that I can't figure it out.

Akagi: Oh? You could be remembering something of this place.

Me: I am, it's just that everything is so blurry.

Kaga: What about the things in that lab?

Me: As far as I remember in total there are around 50 test subjects, and so far as I remember, there are 6 survivors... Wait...

I suddenly stop walking after realizing the other test subject survivors inside the lab. Akagi and Kaga stop in their tracks before turning around and looking at me.

Kaga: Is something wrong Y/n?

Me: The others... Did you rescue them?

Akagi: No? The mission was only to get you.

Me: I need to save them... The other 5 are my friends...

Kaga: Tell us something first, why the siren is after you in that lab?

After she asks that question I pull both Akagi and Kaga into a nearby alleyway to have a bit more private conversation.

Me: It's because I have a siren personality that gives me some abilities along with other abilities I have. The other 5 are the same as me, all of us have siren personalities.

Akagi and Kaga: WHAT?!

Me: Although, we can talk to each other through our minds. I don't know where exactly in the lab are they.

Kaga: This could be very troublesome. The sirens could be planning something really bad.

Akagi: Are the sirens aware of the other test subjects?

Me: I think they don't for now, they know because several months ago during my exposure session, I saw for a moment a siren-like base through my mind and heard a voice saying "found you" before passing out.

Kaga: I will go tell Lady Nagato about this as fast as I can. This is important information.

Me: Can you not tell anyone about my secret? I want to have a normal life...

Akagi: We won't tell we promise.

Me: One more thing, while I was waiting in that walkway the others described how they looked.

Kaga: Tell us.

Me: One of them still looks human but like me a human siren hybrid, two of them may look like meta shipgirl, One is fully a siren but still has human consciousness, and one is a shipgirl siren hybrid. All of them have a siren personality.

Kaga: What's a Meta Shipgirl?

Me: Uhm, I don't know. I only know that word from what the scientist said.

Akagi: I see

We walk out of the alleyway before continuing with the tour. I am still concerned about my other friends at the lab. Akagi then notices it and reassures me.

Akagi: Don't worry we will get your friend out of that lab.

Me: I know... All of us still retain our original memory, so we still remember that all of us are childhood friends.

Akagi: I see, anyways the building we are in front of is the academy.

Me: *snaps out* Oh, didn't realize we had arrived at the first location.

Kaga: You will be going here as a student after we finish up some papers.

Me: Isn't the academy for kansens?

Kaga: It is but the teacher can also teach other basic things besides for kansens.

Me: I see.

Akagi: I believe you can explore the other place by yourself. Kaga and I will now go back to the imperial palace to report the information you gave us earlier.

Kaga: And I think someone will be finding you to lead you to the house you will be living in.

Me: Understood.

After I said that Akagi and Kaga left me and I started to wander around the base by myself, from the academy, I walked around aimlessly until I reached the market area of the base. I enter the market area and see a lot of shipgirls selling and buying stuff from the shops.

Me: This will be interesting.

Earlier after Akagi and Kaga left the Great Sakura Tree Garden.

Amagi Pov

I see my younger sisters Akagi and Kaga leave the garden, I turn my head looking at Lady Nagato. Both of us have a serious look on our faces, knowing what each other will be saying.

Me: So, Lady Nagato what do you want to talk about?

Nagato: That Y/n girl, she does look similar to you doesn't she Amagi?

Me: I don't know what you are talking about Lady Nagato.

Nagato: She was your biological daughter before you became Kansen isn't she Amagi?

Me: And what about it Lady Nagato?

Nagato: Aren't you going to reveal yourself to her?

Me: I... Will but not now...

Nagato: Why wait while you can do it now? I already see in her eyes that she missed her mother.

Nagato: You already know only both of us and the high ranks still remember our memories after we are turned into kansen by those scientists who tortured your daughter. We both hated Azurlane including those Kansens who are on the scientist side.

Amagi: I know... Maybe I'll tell her tonight.

Nagato: Then I'll set up for her to live with you and your sisters.

Amagi: Thank you Lady Nagato. One more thing can you do me a favour Nagato?

Nagato: Go ahead.

Amagi: I have a bad feeling due to my sickness, I will be scrapped soon since we are still a part of the azurlane alliance flag. If that time ever comes I want you and the other to take care of my daughter and raise her.

Nagato: I will I promise, if that's all you are dismissed. 

I then stand up before walking out of the Great Sakura Tree Garden into the hallways of the imperial palace before going out of the palace. I then start planning to tell Y/n the truth.

Me: She deserves to know, time to go pick her up. 

I then look to the sky to see it's already afternoon, I sigh before going to try to find Y/n who is somewhere on the base. On my walk I see my younger sister Akagi and Kaga walking towards the imperial palace.

Me: Akagi, Kaga where are you two going?

Akagi: Amagi onee-sama, we are going back to the imperial palace we have important things to tell Lady Nagato.

Me: Oh? What is it about?

Kaga: Y/n had told us some very important things that didn't get told during the meeting. 

Me: Very well, just be back by dinner. 

Akagi: We will Amagi onee-sama.

Me: By the way have any of you seen Y/n anywhere?

Kaga: We were with her until the academy the rest she wanders off herself. She most likely will either get lost in the market or the park. 

Me: I'll go now thanks. 

I then set off to the market first trying to find Y/n. 

Time skip brought to you by Y/n getting lost in the market while not having a sense of direction.

I finally found Y/n who got lost in the market. She looks very clueless like not having any sense of direction. I walk up to her before tapping on her shoulder.

Me: Is everything okay Y/n?

Y/n: *surprised* Oh, it's just you Amagi. Yes, I am fine. I just got lost.

Me: You know to exit the market you just need to walk back the way you come right?

Y/n: *scratching head* Well I kinda forgot the way... hehe...

Me: *Grab her hand* Anyways, you are coming with me. Nagato told me you are living with me for the time being.

Y/n: Understood.

Meanwhile Akagi and Kaga

Kaga Pov

Akagi onee-sama and I are walking back to the imperial palace to tell Nagato about the information about the other test subjects. But as we are about to enter the imperial palace we are stopped by Suruga one of the guards for the imperial palace.

Suruga: Akagi, Kaga why are you here this late?

Me: We have important information that has a connection with that Y/n girl.

Suruga: I see, I am afraid I can't let you in right now.

Kaga: Why may I ask?

Suruga: Lady Nagato is currently in a meeting with the high-rank shipgirls as we speak. But I could deliver the information to her, most likely you will be summoned to the imperial palace by tomorrow.

Me: Very well.

I then started to tell Suruga everything Y/n told me earlier about the other test subjects except her secret. She quickly takes notes of it writing it down on a piece of paper she got from thin air.

Kaga: And that's pretty much everything Y/n said.

Suruga: Very well, I shall deliver this to Lady Nagato. I will update you two by tomorrow.

Kaga: Very well.

Kaga and I then turn around and start walking back home.

Kaga: I do hope Nagato made the right decisions.

Me: Same.

At the island underground lab

??? Pov

I come out from my "room" in the abandoned underground lab hallway after all the explosions and sounds have stopped. I heard Y/n's voice earlier and I do hope she is fine. I walk towards Y/n's room next to my room and see her room's door blasted open and she is nowhere to be found.

Me: This is bad, they have taken Y/n with them... I need to find the others.

I then start rushing toward the elevator hoping it's still functional. My other friends are located two floors beneath my floor. I need to free them so all of us can escape. I decided to check the office area first for a keycard because I know the elevator requires a keycard to work. I walk slowly hoping no more scientists are still here and getting caught.

Me: *peeked into a lab and almost puked* Holy... Those raiders don't spare anyone.

I then walk into the office and start searching the keycard through the dead bodies. Eventually, I found it before walking out of the lab with the keycard in hand.

Me: *holding my nose due to the bad smell* Lucky that I managed to find this keycard, I can't stand the horrible smell of those bodies any longer.

I start walking to the elevator before using the card to call the elevator and access the two lower floors of the lab, hoping that the others are still fine. 

Me: I need to warn the others about Y/n being taken away by the raiders. I hope she is fine.


Word total: 3526

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