The Cupid Project

By storiesby_li

460 159 493

Dayna Carter is a self-proclaimed love master. At the age of 10, she managed to save her parents' dying relat... More

Introduction/Character List
Part One:
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Rock Bottom
Chapter 3: The Love Doctor
Chapter 4: The Perfect Match
Chapter 6: Operation: T.C.P.
Chapter 7: Flirting 101
Chapter 8: The First Meeting
Chapter 9: Game Time

Chapter 5: Love to Hate Me

30 10 33
By storiesby_li

"Love is a choice you make from moment to moment." – Barbara De Angelis

"So, you spied on two teachers' private conversation?"

"Liz, why is that your main takeaway from this story."

We sat on a bench in Liz's grandmother's garden. This has been our go-to gossip spot since we were kids. I don't know how to explain it, but there was a natural serenity to this place. When I wasn't getting attacked by mosquitoes, that is.

"I'm sorry; what do you want me to say?"

"Wow, Day. You're so smart and lucky to have landed on this absolute goldmine!"

She gave me a disapproving look.

"Listen, it doesn't matter how I got the information. What matters is I got it. Mr. Dawson is Ms. Abney's perfect match. I just know it."

"Okay, fine. I'm very proud of you," she finally said, rolling her eyes.

I smiled at the praise.

"Girls, it's getting hot out here! Are you sure you don't want to come indoors," Liz's grandmother called out from inside.

"We're good, Grandma. We'll be in, in a few!"

"Okay, be careful! The UV index is pretty high today. I just got an alert about it on my mini telephone box!"

"It's just called a phone, Grandma!" Liz responded.

I giggled and watched endearingly as Liz's grandmother rolled her eyes and shuffled back inside. The old woman was very small and frail, with big blue eyes that mimicked her granddaughters. In a lot of ways, she reminded me of my own grandmother.

Nana Lily was everything to me. We were always super close. She was, in a way, like a second mom to me. I remember the smell of her cinnamon perfume and how her jewelry clinked together whenever she entered a room. I remember her honey-warm voice as she read me bedtime stories to fall asleep when I was small. All her advice, stories, gifts, and never-ending sass. Everything about her was forever ingrained in my head.

I was a mess when she died a couple of months ago. I'm still getting used to her not being here.

I guess Liz sensed sadness in my eyes because she gave me a consoling look.

"I'm sorry. Should we have not met here? I know it's been rough ever since-"

"It's fine," I reassured her. "I like being around your grandma. She reminds me of her," I said gently, fidgeting with the antique golden ring on my finger that Nana Lily gifted to me right before she died.

"Alright," she said softly. "Back to business. What do we know about Mr. Dawson."

"Well, he's in his 40s, like Ms. Abney. He's single, and...they are so into each other. You should've heard them in the teachers' lounge."

"But how do you plan on getting them together? It's not like you have any classes with him."

This was true. I'd never been musically inclined. The last music class I took was in elementary school. I'd never liked those damn recorders.

"You know who would be helpful?"

"Liz, do not say his name."


"God dammit, Liz."

"I'm just saying. He is his son. If there were any way to get close to him, it would be through Mac."

The worst part about it was I knew she was right.

"Never again put the words 'helpful' and 'Mac' in the same sentence," I warned.

"Come on. When will this rivalry between you two end? It's been like forever. I mean, we're practically adults now."

"Correction, I'm practically an adult. He's still a slimy little man-child with the maturity level of a toddler."

"I'm not saying you two have to be besties. What I am saying is that this would all go a hell of a lot smoother if you would just ask him for hel–I mean assistance."

I looked at her begrudgingly but ultimately knew what had to be done. It pained me to do this, but I had to put my pride away. I had to do the unthinkable. I had to ask Mac Dawson, of all people, for—

"—Help. I need your help."

I had spent all afternoon and night mentally preparing for this moment. I thought I was ready. But as I stood there by his locker the next morning, staring at his smug little face, I knew I'd made a grave mistake.

"I'm sorry. Am I dreaming? Is Dayna Carter asking me for help?"

"Don't piss your pants, okay. I wouldn't be coming here if I wasn't desperate."

"Damn, Night. You sure know how to make a guy feel special," he smirked.

"Will you help me or not?"

"Hmm. Let me think. Whenever I'm around you Night, and don't take this too personally, I feel three main things: hatred, detestation, and contempt. In simpler words, I do not like you."

"Don't worry, the feeling's mutual. Here's the thing, though. I don't really give a rat's ass what you think of me because what I'm about to ask you is bigger than whatever feelings of hate we have for each other."

Mac raised an eyebrow, his interest slightly peaked. "Walk with me," he said, motioning me to follow behind him.

"Um, okay. Well, I know you won't help me unless there's something in it for you," I started, trying to keep up as he quickly walked through the halls.

"Smart girl."

"So, if you help me with this project, I'll make sure you get a glowing letter of recommendation from Mrs. Fernandez."

Mac stopped in his tracks for a second before continuing to walk. "Impossible. She only writes two people's recommendations a year."

"Yeah, and I'm one of them."

He fully stopped this time, looking at me suspiciously. "You?"

I scoffed, offended that he was even surprised. "Yes, me. And I can make sure that you're the second rec. If you agree to help me."

"Okay, fine, I'm intrigued. What do you so desperately need my help with?"

I sighed deeply before saying, "I need your help setting your dad up with Ms. Abney."

He looked at me for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.

"What? What's so funny?" I hissed, looking nervously around at the people who were starting to stare at us.

"I'm sorry," he said in between laughs. "It's just that–My father? And Ms. Abney?"

"Listen, I don't expect you to understand–"

"Yeah, I don't. I'm not sure if this whole match-making business is really your thing, Night."

"Oh, yeah? Then why did I see the two of them flirting in the teachers' lounge yesterday."


"Mhmm," I said, grinning at the fact that I caught him off-guard.

"Wait, what do you mean you saw them? Were you spying on them or something?"

My smile dropped. "Why does everybody keep focusing on that? Jesus, a girl can't sleuth?"

"You better not be lying to me," he said, suddenly very serious.

"Why on Earth would I lie about this?"

"Because you're crazy. Or bored. Or bored and crazy."

"I'm telling you. I know when two people are into each other. And your dad is totally into Ms. Abney."

Mac was silent for a few moments before he sighed. "Okay, I'll bite. What do you get out of setting the two of them up."

"The satisfaction of helping your father find the love of his life," I said innocently.

Mac glared at me.

"And I think it'll distract and/or loosen up Ms. Abney so she'll stop being such a sucky person. You'll thank me when we have higher grades and less homework because of it."

"You really think finding 'love' will help Ms. Abney stop being a bitch."


"Damn, you really are delusional."

"Listen, will you help me or not?"

Mac stood deep in thought before finally answering me. "Fine. If you get me that recommendation from Mrs. Fernandez, I'll help you set my dad up with Ms. Abney."

My eyes nearly popped out of my socket from surprise. I really didn't think that would work. "Really? Okay, great!"

"Don't piss your pants, Night. I just really need a good rec if I'm going to get into Stanford."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling the start of first period.

"Dammit," I swore. "We're going to be late."

"No, you're going to be late. I'm," he said, motioning towards the nearly full French classroom we stood in front of, "Right on time."

"Are you serious?" I exclaimed. I'd been so busy trying to convince him to help me that I failed to realize where we were walking to.

"Hey, thanks for walking me to class," Mac said as he sauntered off.

"I hate you!" I responded.

His back was turned, but I could sense the evil grin that was plastered on his face.


Thank you such more for reading!

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