The Super Mario Bros Movie x...

By Fearmaster101

26.7K 377 319

In this story you, Mario, and Luigi have been friends for a long time and you all became plumbers. But what h... More

The Commercial and the first job
Family dinner and the mysterious pipe
The Mushroom Kingdom & The Princess
The Rainbow Road
Battle for the Mushroom Kingdom & Epliouge

The Long Journey and the Jungle Kingdom

2.8K 43 80
By Fearmaster101

At far beyond the Dark Lands, we get a massive floating platform filled with lava and a massive castle traveling across the kingdom. Inside were hundreds of guards, living turtles that act like humanoids, those who have wings, giant plants with mouths and sharp teeth and even more monsters. Atop of the throne, the King of the Koopas, also known as Bowser, watched as the Koopas of the stage played full metal music. He began to stand up from his seat as a spotlight shined on him.

Bowser: MY ARMY! Koopas!

Bowser: Goombas!

Bowser: Whatever those things are!

Bowser: After years of searching for the Super Star, it is finally ours! And now, the most powerful turtle in the world! *Everyone cheered* Soon we will arrive at the Mushroom Kingdom! For after years of being sworn enemies, I will ask their princess to marry me in a fairy tale wedding!

Everyone seemed to have stopped their music and stared at their king. All of them seemed confused at what he said.

Koopa Troopa 1: Yeah.

Koopa Troopa 2: Did he say married, the princess?

Koopa Troopa 3: Doesn't she hate you?

Bowser: Of course, she hates me! But that makes me lover her all the more.

Bowser: Her heart-shaped bangs. The way she floats in the breeze. Her immovable tiara. Once she sees this star, oh-ho-ho-ho, Wedding bells!

Koopa Troopa 4: What if she says no? *Gets
burned by Bowser and becomes a dry-bones*

KINGDOM!! *The army cheers for his idea if the princess says no and the music continues to play* Prepare yourselves for the best wedding ever. IT'S GONNA ROCK!

In the other area of the Dark Lands, Luigi has been captured by a group of shy guys having been tied up as he gets into an air balloon. As they got into the air balloon and flew off, Luigi looked at the fortress and started to have a flashback of a fortress being built by him as a baby. Just as he was finishing it, a blonde kid took a small flag from him, make raspberry noises, and kicks his fortress causing Luigi to fall and the kid laughed at him until a baby version of Mario and Y/N came by and kick the bully to the ground as Y/N grabbed the flag from the kid's hand and gave it back to Luigi.

A/N: Pretend your standing next to Luigi and you'll still have your outfit colors like your adult form is.

The blonde bully gets up and run away from them as Mario and Y/N both smiles at Luigi as he smiled back. We get back to the present as Luigi looks toward to where he is going.

Meanwhile at the Mushroom Kingdom, horns begin to play a fanfare as Mario, Princess Peach, and Y/N exit the castle to a crowd of Toads who are cheering for them.

Mario: *Gasps*

Y/N: Wow...

Princess Peach: They're all counting on us. No pressure.

They all pass through the crowd, who gives Mario and Y/N curious looks.

Toads: *Cheering*

Mario: *Chuckled nervously*

As they were passing through the crowd, they all stand next to the Warp Pipe as Princess Peach gives an announcement for the Toads.

Princess Peach: "My Toads! Our days of terror are almost over! With the help of the Kong army, we will stop--"

A blue Toad raises his hand causing her to stop.

Blue Toad: Uh... Who are they?

The blue Toad pointed at Mario and Y/N as Princess Peach gives him an answer.

Princess Peach: "They're not important!"

Then they enter the pipe and it took them out of the kingdom.

Princess Peach: "Nervous?"

Mario: Who, me? *Scoffs* Yes. A little.

Y/N: I'm just as nervous as you, but also excited.

Princess Peach: Excited to fight Bowser?

Y/N: Yeah.

Princess Peach: *Giggled*.

As the group continues walking, they heard footsteps from behind. As they turn around, they all saw Toad who was dancing behind

Toad: 🎶We're goin' on an adventure!🎶 *Normal* Come on, guys! "Scatting* Hey, Mario and Y/N!

Princess Peach: *Looks at Mario and Y/N* You know this guy?

Y/N: Yeah actually, he helped us out to get to your castle.

Mario: Uh-

Toad: Yeah, we're best friends.

Mario: But are we?

Toad: *Holds up his finger to Mario and turns to Peach* Don't worry. *Emphatically* I...
will...protect you.

Princess Peach: A Toad brave enough to join me.

Toad: I fear nothing.

Princess Peach: Well that settles it. You're coming with us.
Let's move!

They all began to run off, while Toad grabs a Biddybud and spins it around.

Toad: 🎶Ha-ha-ha! I said we're goin' on an adventure, woo!🎶 *Tosses the Biddybud behind him and runs after the rest*

Mario, Peach, Toad, and Y/N travel through various of lands.

A/N: Just imagine your in all of the lands.

As they continue moving, they end up climbing up a mountain as they looked by an amazing sight.

Princess Peach: Pretty incredible, huh?

Mario: Mamma mia.

Y/N: Mamma mia, indeed.

Princess Peach: I'll never let anyone ruin this.

A/N: Just imagine your standing next to Toad.

At the Dark Lands, stars appear around the area as Bowser plays a piano on a floating platform and sings a song.

Bowser: 🎶Peach, you're so cool~ And with my star we're gonna rule~ Peach, understand... I'm gonna love ya 'til the very end! Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches! I love~ yoouuu! Oh! Peaches!

Then Kamek teleported to where Bowser is.

Kamek: Sire.

Bowser: *Breathes in* What?

Kamek: We have been informed that the princess has met two mustachio humans who have arrived at the Mushroom Kingdom. She has been training them, they are up to something, sire!

Bowser: ...Sit. *Pats on the seat next to him*
Jam with me.

Bowser plays a familiar song, along with Kamek playing the light notes.

Bowser: These, uh, humans, where do they come from?

Kamek: We..... aren't sure?

Bowser: Does the princess. likes one of them?

Kamek: Sire! Look in the mirror! You have nothing to worry about.

Bowser: I know that. *Stops playing the piano*
I'm not threatened.

Bowser slams the piano cover onto Kamek's fingers.

Kamek: Ah!!! *howls in pain*

Bowser: FIND OUT WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY'RE PLANNING! *Walks out of the room*

Kamek: *In pain* I'm on it, sire. May I lift the cover, now?

Bowser: No! Pain is the best teacher.

Our heroes decided to take a break by resting at a field of glowing Fire Flowers surrounding a large tree.

Princess Peach, and Toad set up camp while Mario sits forlornly next to Y/N who had the same look.

Mario: *sighs*

Y/N: You're thinking about Luigi, huh?

Mario: We've never been apart this long.

Princess Peach: Don't worry. We're going to save him.

Peache walks up to a Fire Flower and touches it which caused her entire clothes to change as the undamaged fire cause her pink clothes white and red. She became Fire Princess Peach and began to produce a fireball and lights a campfire with it.

A/N: Just imagine your sitting next to Mario.

Y/N: I can tell you're not from here.

Princess Peach: I don't know where I'm from.

Mario: Really?

Princess Peach: Yep. My earliest memory was arriving at the Mushroom Kingdom.

The scene began to have a flashback of Princess Peach as a baby entering through the Warp Pipe and looked at the Toads.

Princess Peach: *Narrating* I was so lucky they found me... Raised me like one of their own, and... when I was ready...They made me their princess.

The flashback ended when Peach was crowned as the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom and we get back to the Fire Flower Garden, where Peach is in her Fire form.

Y/N: Maybe you're from our world.

Princess Peach: There's a huge universe out there... with a lot of galaxies.

Y/N: You know when we're done with all of this I thought.. I thought maybe you could come visit Brooklyn. I could show you around if you like.

Princess Peach: I'd like that. I'd like that a lot Y/N.

Y/N and Peach stared at each other for a bit until they both turned around to look at the night sky together.

Meanwhile at Bowser's castle, we see Luigi being led by the shy guys in front of Bowser's throne.

Shy guy: We found him in the Dark Lands.

Bowser: *Growls at Luigi who yelped* Leave him to me.

As Bowser begin to approach him, Kamek appeared and uses his wand to levitate Luigi into the air. They were developed with a pink, blue aura as they moved forward and held still from moving.

Bowser: *Circled him around* What is your name?

Luigi: Uh...Luigi.

Bowser: Not sure if you know who I am. But I'm about to marry a princess and rule the world.
*Flicked his claws and touch Luigi's chin with a finger*

Luigi: Wow, uh heh heh...yay.

Bowser: But there's one problem, Luigi. There are two humans traveling with my fiancé. Has a mustache just like you. Do you know them?

Luigi: No! Absolutely not!

Bowser: Tough one I see, "Begins to smile* maybe this will get you to talk. *Grabs a piece of Luigi's mustache and started to pull it*

Luigi: Do you think I know every human being with a mustache wearing an identical cool outfit with a hat with a letter of his first name on it because I don't.

Bowser started to get upset. Once he pulled the piece of hair from Luig's mustache, he grabbed onto Luigi and begin tug on Luigi's whole mustache.


Luigi: STOP, STOP! STOP, STOP, STOP! I know them! Yes, I know them! Yeah, they're my brother and best friend, Mario and Y/N and they're the best guys in the world!

Bowser: Do princesses find one of them attractive?!


Bowser furiously yanks a chunk of Luigi's mustache, causing him to shriek in agony.

*Throws Luigi to the ground* We'll see how tough this Mario and Y/N is when they watch me kill their brother and friend.

Luigi, now trapped in a cage, is dropped down into a dungeon where the other prisoners hang suspended over a pool of lava.

Luigi: *Quavering* Where am I? *Hears a child laughter and gasps*

In another cage, a blue star creature, who's named Lumalee, spins the cage around.

Lumalee: Home.

The Penguin King from the Ice Kingdom sits in a cage with two other penguins.

Penguin King: Pay him no need. He's cute, but he's... *Cuckoo whistle*

Lumalee: In an insane world, it is the sane who is called crazy. *Pulls out a pinwheel and blows it which caused the propeller pops off and floats away*

Luigi: How long you guys been in here?

Lumalee: *Swings his cage back and forth*
Time, like hope, is an illusion.

Penguin King: Please! We're already depressed enough.

Luigi: There's gotta be a way outta here.

Lumalee: There is no escape. The only hope is the sweet relief of death.

Prisoners: WHOA!!

Penguin King: Oh, you've got to be kidding me!

Luigi began to groan as he put his head in his cage, thinking about his brother and best friend. Back to our heroes, they finally made it to the Jungle Kingdom as they are approaching the gates.

Princess Peach: You ready?

Y/N: Yeah.

Mario: Eh...sure?

Peach began to knock on the door. After a few seconds of silence, a Kong wearing a Sports Coat burst through the doors and roars at them.

Toad: AH! *gets behind Peach and gets a quick glance at what he's looking at* Whaaaaaat?

Mario: How you doin'?

Princess Peach: We're here to see the king.

The Sports Coat Kong walks up to them, glared at them for a moment and then he answered.

Sports Coat Kong: Follow me.

Mario: *Stuttered* That gorilla's wearing a sports coat.

Y/N: I know right.

Toad: *Shrugging* Feeling underdressed.

They looked over and saw the Sports Coat Kong, on top of a kart, and puts on his shades.

Sports Coat Kong: Hop in.

They all got into the kart, and the Sports Coat Kong begins to drive it to the bridge really fast which caused everyone to actually hold on as they began to be flown across the ramp and onto the other section of the bridge. They all looked and saw a village full of Kongs.

As they drive through the village, the Sports Coat Kong drove past the Kong vendor and took a banana from him as he ate it in one bite and then threw the peel on the road that causes a another driver to slide into a village hut and exploded but luckily jumped out before being caught in that said explosion. The Sports Coat Kong started to shift to high speed as they wounded up to the top of a mountain and right off the ramp. Peach grabs onto Y/N and Mario grabs onto Toad. Then the kart started to turn into a paraglider as it soared in the air. They finally landed inside the mouth of the cave as it opened up. They all landed on the stone ground as the Sports Coat Kong dropped them off. They began to look around and saw something on the throne as torches began to light up the dark temple.

???: Oh, by all means, come in.

They begin to walk up to him and bowed down to him. This was Cranky Kong ruler of the Kong Kingdom.

Princess Peach: Great and mighty Cranky

Cranky Kong: So, I heard that you wanted my army.

Princess Peach: Yes, your... highness. Without your help, the Mushroom Kingdom will be annihilated.

Cranky Kong: What makes you think that the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom are worth fighting alongside the greatest army in the world?

Princess Peach: Because we have heart. And with your strength, we can win.

Cranky Kong: *Strokes his beard to think about it until he reaches his conclusion* Okay, fine.

Princess Peach: That's it?

Cranky Kong: No that's not it! The answer is no.

Y/N: Wait a minute! *Steps forward* If the Mushroom Kingdom falls, then your Kingdom is next Cranky Kong. Unless the Kong Army is too afraid of a giant turtle!

Mario: He's right! *Steps forward with Y/N* We're not leaving without an army!

Cranky Kong: *looks at them*
НАНАНАНАНА!! Who are these guys? They make me laugh. I like them. Alright, tough guys.
You both want my army so badly? Defeat my son in the Great ring of Kong!

Princess Peach: Give us a second. *Looked at Mario and Y/N* This is a really, really bad idea!

Mario: *Glared at Princess Peach* Look, do you have another way to save my brother?

Y/N: Relaxed. We got this and we will win. You just gotta trust us that's all.

Cranky Kong: *Got in between them* Are you three done whispering? It's a little rude.

Mario: You sire, have a deal. We will fight your son and win.

Cranky Kong: I'm sure you will. *Gets pick up by the guards and got in his own kart* Hahahahaha! *Drives to the Great ring of Kong while coughing*

We get to see Mario and Y/N heading to the Great Ring of Kong, where they see, the whole kingdom is gathered to watch as they were booing at both Mario and Y/N, Mario looks down to see him and his best friend standing on steel and way below them, is a very long drop to the ocean, which made him to know one thing, do not fall. They also saw Princess Peach and Toad watching them along with Cranky Kong, until they hear loud thundering booms coming from the other side, which reveals to be Cranky Kong's son, Donkey Kong.

Everyone started to chant his name rhythmically.

Donkey Kong: I am DK! I'm Donkey Kong!

He started to showboat to the entire crowd and waved to his dad who is watching.

Y/N: *Leaned next to Mario* This guy's a showoff.

Donkey Kong: Oh yeah! Hi, Dad! Hi!

Cranky Kong: No, no! Don't do that!

Donkey Kong: *Starts to flex* Dad, wave back!

Cranky Kong: Enough with the showboating!

Donkey Kong: What do you mean? They like it!
It's what they came here for! Dancing pecs!
*Starts to flex his pecs*

Cranky Kong: Okay, simmer down. I said, simmer down!

All the Kongs started to calm down except for one Kong who is still saying DK.

Cranky Kong: That means you Diddy Kong!

Diddy Kong: "D-- Sorry"

Cranky Kong: "Now, since I want this fight to last more than five seconds, I put power-ups around the arena. You're welcome, Mario and Y/N.

Donkey Kong: "I don't need anything special to break every bone in your tiny bodies! *Growls and went on all fours ready to make his move*

Y/N: *Looks at Mario* You ready?

Mario: *Looks at Y/N* Yeah, you?

Y/N: I'm ready as I'll ever be.

Mario: Alright... Let's-a-Go.

Then the fight begins as both Mario and Y/N ran and charged towards DK as he did the same. Mario and Y/N jump up and tried to punch the gorilla, but DK grabs both of their faces, pinned them down to the ground and started to slap them both.

Princess Peach: Oh!.

Toad: Oh, my- Okay.

Cranky Kong: Guess you're not getting my army.

Donkey Kong then throws both Mario and Y/N into the air and jump kicks both of them which causes them to nearly slide off but manages to get up.

Donkey Kong: Is this what you came for?!

Fanboy Kong: WE LOVE YOU, DK! *Sobs*

As they both get up and saw Donkey Kong distracted and saw a few Question Blocks above them.

Donkey Kong: Hi, Dad! I love you! * Heard some footsteps and see Mario and Y/N running at him* It is on like Donkey Kong!

Donkey Kong begins to run at Mario and Y/N and jumped to slam them with his fists, but Mario and Y/N dodged by sliding between his legs. They both climbed onto a block swung from a vine and punch the Power-Up block which pops out two small mushrooms.

Mario: You're about to pick on someone your own size!

Y/N: Yeah what he said.

Mario and Y/N both ate their mushrooms and begins to glow as they charged at Donkey Kong but they both appeared to be small as a mouse.

Y/N: Ah nuts.

Cranky Kong: I guess they got the wrong mushroom.

Donkey Kong: *Seth Rogen laugh*

Donkey Kong tries to squash Mario and Y/N, but they both jumped and Donkey Kong caught them with his hand and flickered them to the doors which causes them to be unconscious and grow back to normal size as Donkey Kong came charging at them both.

Princess Peach: Get up, Mario! Get up, Y/N!

They both heard Peach and then saw Donkey Kong in the form of a ball and roll towards them, Mario and Y/N jumps down, which made Donkey Kong threw a barrel at them, they swung on a vine and found another Question Block. Mario hits it which shows a Fire Flower, only to be blown out by Donkey Kong, who was right behind them. Mario and Y/N started to punch him but it didn't do anything which made Donkey Kong grabbed both of their hands, threw them around, body slammed them, hits them with a barrel and then hits their face with his hands together. Mario and Y/N collapsed and Donkey Kong picks them both up.

Donkey Kong: Had enough?

Mario: Not.....even...close.

Y/N: What he said.

Donkey Kong threw them and then punches them both into the air as time began to slow down.

Princess Peach: *Slowed* MARIO!/Y/N!

Mario: *Slowed* It's-a-me...

Princess Peach: *Slowed* THE BLOCK!

Mario and Y/N noticed that there are two question blocks atop the floating bricks, they both grab onto the ledge of the brick and looks at the question blocks as they both hit the blocks and jumped down ready to face Donkey Kong again, only this time they were wearing cat suits. Mario's cat suit was colored yellow and Y/N's car suit was colored black. They both began to purr themselves which causes everyone to be admired by the sight of their cute forms.

All: Aww.

Toad: They both look adorable.

Princess Peach: *Chuckles* They really do. *Peaches thoughts* Especially Y/N's. *blushes*

Y/N: *Looks at himself and realize it* What the?!

Mario: Oh, wha- We're cats?!

*Laughs hysterical as Mario and Y/N look at DK with a 'Really?' look* Oh my-! I'm sorry...heh. I'm sorry...I'm sorry..OK... Now you die.

Donkey Kong punches them, but they were able to dodge with their Cat Form reflexes.

Y/N: *Begins to realize why they we're quick enough to dodge* Wait a minute.

Mario: We're cats.

They both look at each other and nodded their heads for agreement thinking the same thing. Donkey Kong tries to grab and hit them, but they were just too quick for him. Then with one slick, Mario and Y/N both clawed his cheeks.

Mario & Y/N: Meow.

Donkey Kong then started to attack them, but they started to dodge him again and scratch him. Donkey Kong began to throw barrels at them, but they were able to grab one of them and throw it back at him. Mario and Y/N both jumps on Donkey Kong, punches and scratches him variously.

Toad: Woo-hoo!

Then they both pounced their way up to the top and began to have their claws readied as they launched down at Donkey Kong. As they crashed onto Donkey Kong, the three began to fall down to the bottom until they were stopped by the floating bricks. Mario began to pant as he pulled out his claws out ready to attack.

Mario: Had enough?

Donkey Kong began to get up but was dizzy as he tries to hit one of them but was too weak to look at who's he hitting.

Donkey Kong: Not.....even...close.

Donkey Kong was about to fall to the ocean, but Y/N grabs him by his tie so he wouldn't fall.

Y/N: We'll take that as a yes.

Donkey Kong began to fall forward and crash to the ground as Mario and Y/N leaps on top of him, making them the winners, which causes everyone to cheer triumphantly at the victory as everyone celebrated.

Toad: Those are my best friends!

The Kongs started to cheer for Mario and Y/N by shouting their names as Princess Peach smiled at them, and they smiled back. Princess Peach then smiled at Cranky Kong.

Cranky Kong: Yeah, yeah. *Returns with a grin*

Mario and Y/N have won the battle against Donkey Kong and now they know that the Kong army will help them fight against Bowser's army.

What happens next? Find out in the next chapter of The Super Mario Bros Movie x male reader.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if I made this chapter too long, but I just couldn't help myself as I was really enjoying making it. So stay tuned for the next chapter cause that's where the reader and his friends will be driving their karts onto the rainbow bridge and then eventually the final battle against Bowser. This is Fearmaster signing off.

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