In love with the teacher 2: J...

Bởi sweetytweety8

185 8 2

A sequel to In love with the teacher. It's spring break, and Jane and Maura are on a vacation in L.A. Xem Thêm

Day 2
Day 3

Day 1

100 4 1
Bởi sweetytweety8

AN: I have two announcements to make. The first one is that I started writing a continuation of the story "In love with the teacher"! As I have mentioned, I honestly didn't intend to make a sequel, but then I thought why not. Since so many of you wanted a sequel, I decided to give it a try.

The second announcement is that I've recently published my first eBook. I am very excited to share my book with you. If you like my stories, my writing, or just want to check it out, please visit this page:

The first chapter of this new story is ready, and I hope you like it as much as the previous one. I am not sure how often I'll be able to post new chapters, so you could follow me to get notifications whenever I publish a new one. I am looking forward to your feedback. Also, please support me with my first eBook, it would mean the world to me. Thank you in advance.

Day 1

"I still can't believe that your parents let you spend the summer with me, all alone at this beautiful place," Maura said and smiled contently, eagerly looking around the room that we've just checked in.

"Not the whole summer," I corrected her. "Just a week. One tiny little week. Just seven days, Maura. That's not fair! I want to be with you all the time."

"We see each other every day in Boston," she replied, pointing out the obvious.

"But it's not the same!" I whined.

"You should be glad that your parents trust you enough."

"Well, I think they trust you, and about me... they have no choice. Plus, I am going to college after the summer anyway. They can't stop me."

"But you've got to admit that your parents are really cool."

"You think Ma is cool?" I snorted with laughter at that thought.

Maura and I have just arrived in L.A. We checked in at the reception of the hotel that we were staying, and then we both looked around eagerly to see our beautiful apartment which was going to be all ours for the next seven days. We were going to be all alone for an entire week, miles away from Boston, and I couldn't help but feel really happy about it.

Maura had unpacked most of our luggage because I was feeling really tired from the long ride, so I couldn't say that I helped a lot. But she did great job because she was very neat person. Then she suggested going to the beach the minute she was done with the luggage. I wanted to stay as enthusiastic as Maura, but I was tired and wanted to get some sleep first. But since I couldn't say no to her, we decided to go with her plan. I didn't bother telling her that all I wanted to do was fling myself on the comfy bed and get some rest.

Before we headed to the beach, Maura went to the bathroom to get dressed, and I took advantage of it by resting on the couch for a few minutes. I was already dressed, so I enjoyed a few moments of a total bliss until Maura was done. It took her a while to get ready and when she got out of the bathroom all dressed, I looked at her outfit. Her white bathing suit was really revealing and didn't leave much to the imagination. I suddenly wished we could stay in the hotel room and do something else instead of going to the stupid beach, but I knew she really wanted to go. Apparently, Maura couldn't wait to see the beach so much, and perhaps because she was in such a big hurry to go there, she seemed to have forgotten some vital parts of her bathing suit. At least that must be the reason she was dressed that way.

"I'm ready," she declared and I looked at her skeptical. She couldn't go outside dressed like that.

"Don't you want to change?" I asked, hoping she didn't mean she was ready with her outfit.

"No. Why?"

"I could wait for you to change, Maura. I don't mind."

"No. I'm good," she smiled and looked at me curiously, as if I was insane for making her change her revealing bathing suit.

"But I'm not!"


She probably didn't have a clue why it bothered me so much.

"Look, don't you have a whole bathing suit or something? I think it's a bit cold out there," I pointed at the big window, looking outside.

"What are you talking about? It's very warm. Actually, it's really, really hot, so I can't wait to take a dip in the sea and cool myself off," Maura replied.

"No, it's not that hot, Maura. I think you should change."

"What's going on, Jane? Is my bathing suit bothering you or something?" she asked, bemused.

"Yes," I admitted the obvious, but she still seemed clueless.


Did she really need to ask?!

"Because... Maura, just look outside. The beach is full. See," I pointed at the window," there are plenty of men who are just waiting for you to go out there and drool all over you, ogling your body like some piece of meat."

"But I don't care about that," she shrugged nonchalantly as if it wasn't important at all.

"Well, but I do," I responded, hoping she would understand me and change her revealing outfit.

"Then what am I supposed to do? Wear a burka to make you feel better?" she asked, irritated at me.

"That would be great. Thanks," I joked, but she obviously didn't like it. She was annoyed with me, I could tell just by the way she looked at me. Maura just turned her back to me and started folding and putting some towels in her backpack, getting ready to go. And as she did that, I noticed she was wearing thongs. I was flabbergasted by her outfit even more than before. I was going to have a stroke. She was going to be the death of me.

"Thongs, Maura? Are you kidding me? You might as well go naked!" I exclaimed, highly irritated by her bold choice of bathing suit.

"I don't mind going to a nude beach, Jane. I would feel much better naked, and I would get an even tan," Maura replied calmly.

"But we are not on a nude beach, Maura. And there are small children out there. At least put something on your waist," I said, trying to seem cool about it, even though I was very bothered by her revealing outfit. How could she go out like that!?

"I don't have a one-piece swimsuit, Jane. But I do have a cover-up," she replied, taking it from the bag to show me. She took the cover-up and put it on her waist. "See?" Maura said as she tightened it up, but it was so thin and see-through that it made no difference whatsoever.

"Muuch better," I retorted, pressing my lips together.

"I don't know why it's bothering you, Jane. But I am not telling you how to dress, and neither should you. I don't understand, are you jealous or something?"

"No, of course not. Let's go," I said, cutting the conversation short, or in other words, the heated discussion we were having, not leaving her any time to start questioning me about jealousy or about my feelings. She didn't need to know how insecure I felt. Maybe I screwed up by showing my jealousy, but I just couldn't help it.

Without further questions, we went to the beach, looking around to find a free spot that was also close to the sea. The beach was full, and I didn't like it. Everyone was looking at Maura, and I simply wanted to go back to our room. Then a man came near us.

"Can I offer you a free full body massage?" he turned to Maura, and he even dared to smile at her in the end.

"Are you a massager?" I asked because he didn't seem like a pro or something. He was obviously hitting on her.

"It's called a masseuse," Maura corrected me, like that was the most important thing in the world at that moment.

"No," the guy answered truthfully, saying it so casually like it wasn't such a big deal. "But the offer is still on."

"Oh, that's very sweet of you," Maura said and smiled at him.

"No, she doesn't want a massage, you jerkass! Let's go," I grabbed Maura's hand and pulled her away from that pervert. I still couldn't believe how nice she acted around him. He just pissed me off.

"Your daughter is very grumpy today," I heard him say, and I stopped and turned around again. "Kids these days are very ungrateful," he yelled over his shoulders, slowly walking away.

"What did he just say!?"

I couldn't believe my ears and the audacity of that stupid jerk. His comment infuriated me so much that I was ready to go back and punch him in the smug face.

"He said that kids these days are very ungrateful," Maura repeated for me, as if I didn't hear him for real. Didn't she get what I meant? How could she be so clueless sometimes!?

"Okay, thanks, Maura," I said through gritted teeth. It wasn't her fault she misunderstood me. I tried to swallow my anger and just leave the man alone. He wasn't worth it anyway.

We finally found a free spot that was near the sea, and then we unpacked our towels, sitting on them.

"I think he's right, Jane," Maura said after a few minutes, looking at me.


"The guy. And I am not talking about the kids part, you know, but about you. You look very grumpy."

"Yeah, why can't I be happy about it? I mean, I just saw my girlfriend flirting with some douchebag."

"I didn't flirt, I was just being nice."

"Of course, you were." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, agitated. "You know what? You sit here and be grumpy all day if you wish, but I came here to swim, so I am going in. Are you coming with me or what?"

"No, I am not."

"Okay, miss grumpy. I'll leave you alone," she said and left me alone, running towards the beach.

I let her go alone because I really wasn't in a mood to swim. I felt such frustration. I wasn't so frustrated with Maura - I was just jealous. But I didn't want to admit it. As I watched her swim in the sea, I relaxed a bit and tried to forget about the douchebag from earlier. I liked that she was so happy and relaxed. Maura seemed to be enjoying swimming in the sea very much, so I was happy for her too. Maybe I could join her later.

While I was watching her having fun, I started relaxing. She looked so sexy in that bathing suit. I just hoped that the dry spell would be over soon. I was grumpy, and she was right - part of the reason was that dry spell.

After our close call when my mother almost caught us in the act, we haven't been intimate at all. Maura said she didn't want to rush things, and I agreed. We decided to postpone the big night and take things slowly, and I was okay with that. Maura wanted it to be special and back then I was kind of afraid of embarrassing myself somehow, so we weren't in a hurry to have sex. We would still make out, but we haven't gone all the way yet. And now it was driving me crazy. But I blamed my mother for it. Perhaps it was partly her fault.

When Ma allowed me to date Maura, she established some ground rules. Rule number one: no meeting Maura without my mother's knowledge and permission. Ma knew that Maura's house was close to my baseball practice, so perhaps she feared that I would skip practice just to be with Maura, or I could just stop by for a quickie before going to the baseball field. Well, her fears were right because I have skipped practice by calling in sick, but that was just a couple of times when I was desperate or feeling really bold, so I was spending time making out with Maura instead of going to my baseball practice. If Ma didn't want me to break that rule, she had to track me with a chip like a pet, so she knew my whereabouts 24/7. It's not my fault Maura is so irresistible. The first time I did that, I told Maura the truth that I skipped my baseball practice just to be with her, but she scolded me for that. So, the next few times, I just told her that it was canceled. That was just a white lie, but I still wonder how I got away with it. I didn't get in any trouble by some miracle.

Rule number two: I wasn't allowed to sleep over at Maura's. She could sleep at our place, but not in the same room. That meant I had to sleep with my brother, so it wasn't the best option I had. The rule was really lame and unnecessary. Perhaps Ma didn't want me to sleep over at Maura's house so that we wouldn't do anything inappropriate, but we could hang out during the day (which sometimes we actually did). What was the point of the rule then? It made no sense at all. I've always wondered about it and I've always wanted to ask her, but I didn't want to have another talk about the birds and the bees and STDs with her. When I told her about my sexuality, I had a second talk with her, and that was so unfair. I didn't need another one.

That rule was also pointless because even if Maura slept in my room, I wouldn't want to have sex when my parents were in the house anyway. In Maura's house where we were alone, yes, but in my place knowing that Ma could burst into my room anytime she wanted was a total mood killer. She didn't even knock sometimes, so I didn't want to risk it.

The third rule was no kissing in the house. That rule was kind of tricky, and we bent it a little. We did kiss, but secretly. We called that rule "no kissing in front of Ma". So we would steal kisses when Ma wasn't around. It was very exciting to sneak out and hide around the house, so Ma just made things more interesting between us with that rule. But when she was around, my mother was a total buzzkill anyway. Every single rule seemed stupid, but I did my best to follow them all because of Ma.

So as it turned out, Maura and I decided to wait, but we didn't have much of a choice anyway. And after that, I have regretted my decision a thousand times. Actually, every time I see her like that, I just can't help it. Sometimes I just want her so badly that it aches me.

To be honest, I expected that the minute we stepped into our hotel room, Maura would pounce on me. I was surprised and a bit grumpy that it didn't happen as I expected. But since she didn't do anything of that sort, I was hoping we would have sex that night, so I couldn't wait for it, and time was going so slowly. It was taking too long. I was really frustrated and kind of impatient. That's why I was grumpy, but I had my reasons, even though Maura was probably clueless about it. I didn't know about her, but she seemed fine with the agreement to postpone the big event. I couldn't wait, but she was probably a very patient person. And maybe she wasn't as horny as me. The day seemed way too long. I had to wait a couple of hours, but I was hoping it would be worth it.

When Maura finally got out of the beach after swimming for so long, she was dripping wet. I was deep in thought, but when I saw her coming near, I noticed something, so I instantly got up and gave her a towel.

"I don't want a towel, Jane. I want to get a tan," Maura said, pushing away the towel.

"Just get the towel," I insisted, pushing it back into her hands.


"Did you know that this bathing suit is see-through when it gets wet?" I whispered, trying to reason with her. "I can see your nipples, and so can everyone else."

"What?" she exclaimed, looking down.

"Just put the freaking towel on." I got pissed off pretty quickly because she wasn't listening to me. "You're drawing attention, Maura. You see this man and the way he's looking at you," I whispered, pointing at the man not with my hand, but by giving him a dry look. "He's obviously married, and his wife and children are right next to him. And yet, he's drooling all over you. Shame on you!" I yelled at him for staring at Maura in front of his wife and children.

"Now you're drawing attention, Jane. Let's go," Maura put the towel around her body and we quickly headed back to our room which was actually close by.

"Would you stop being like that?" Maura asked when we got to our room, seeming agitated.

"Like what?"

"You're acting very immature, Jane."

"Well, you know what? Next time just go around naked, see if I care."

I tried to calm down, but it wasn't working. I was pissed off because everyone saw my girlfriend, and most of them were drooling over her body. It was driving me crazy, couldn't Maura understand that?

"I will get some sleep, I am very tired." I made an excuse because I really didn't want to pick up a fight. I wanted to be calm and patient with her, but I simply couldn't at that moment.

"But I'll change my suit, and we could go back and swim," Maura suggested. "I want to get a tan."

"You can go, but I am staying here."

"Then who would put suntan lotion on me?" she tried to lighten up the mood, but it wasn't funny at all. Not to me.

"Why don't you ask the douchebag who offered you a free massage? I bet he'll do it."

"Come on, Jane. Aren't you coming?"


"All right then."

Did she just say, "All right"? I couldn't believe it. I thought she would insist some more and even beg me to go with her, or give up the idea and stay with me in the hotel room. Instead, she just said, "All right" like it wasn't important at all, and then she went back to the beach without me. I didn't want to argue more, so I decided to get some sleep for real. I was being truthful when I told her I was tired. And I wasn't in the mood to go back to the beach, not when every single man was staring at her like they had never seen a beautiful woman before. Everyone was drooling over her, and I hated the feeling so much. She was mine. They didn't have the right to stare. And yet, Maura wasn't fully mine, and it was really frustrating. But I tried to think about the night ahead of us. I started dozing off, dreaming about Maura.


After a few hours, Maura came back. I was feeling much better after I got a little nap. I wasn't so cranky anymore. We decided to take a walk around the city. It was a long and tiresome walk, but the good thing was that I rested in the afternoon, so I wasn't that tired anymore. By the time we got back to the hotel, it was time for dinner.

"Do you want to go to a restaurant or order something in our room?" Maura asked for my opinion.

"I am kind of tired. Let's order something." I flung myself on the couch, glad we were back in our room. I did get a nap, but my feet hurt from walking for so long.

I wanted to rest. I needed to save my powers for later.

"What do you want?" Maura asked, and I thought about what I wanted to eat. I was really hungry, so I wondered what should I have.

"I want pizza," I said, remembering the first time we ate pizza at Maura's house. It brought back so many memories.

"We should eat healthy, Jane. You can't always have pizza or a burger."

"I can, if that's what I want."

"I'll order just a salad for me. It's late for pizza. Don't you agree with me?"

"And I'll have pizza," I insisted, trying to ignore the rising irritation. Was she doing it on purpose or was I so horny and frustrated that everything was annoying me?

Maura didn't say anything else. She simply ordered a pizza and a salad for herself.

After a few minutes the order came. We sat at the table, and I started eating my pizza because I was really hungry after the long walk that we took.

"Do you want some?" I offered her a slice.

"No, thank you. I don't want to eat pizza so late."

"Come on, I know you want it."

The truth was that I remembered the first time we had pizza together pretty vividly. More specifically, I remembered her moans while she ate it. I knew she loved pizza, but she was stubborn.

"Maybe just one small slice," she finally agreed.

When she tasted the first bite, she moaned as if she hadn't eaten pizza for decades. Maybe she hadn't, I knew that, but I really enjoyed her sounds of appreciation.

"Are you doing it on purpose?" I was bold enough to ask her this time. I was far more shy back then, and I didn't know her that well, but now she was my girlfriend. Things had changed.

"Doing what on purpose?" She stopped and looked at me.

"Moaning like that," I clarified.

"I am not moaning I am just enjoying my food. There's nothing wrong with that."

"And I am enjoying your moans. Nothing wrong with that either."

We ate the rest of the food in silence.

After dinner, we decided to watch a movie and then go to bed. I couldn't wait to go to bed with Maura. I expected that this would be the big night, the special one. We had waited long enough, a whole decade if you ask me, so I thought we would finally go all the way. I had prepared myself for it, and I was more than ready. I felt more relaxed with Maura now. We had gotten to know each other even better. I wasn't as nervous around her as I was before. We had gotten really close after we started dating. I didn't feel her like a teacher I had a crush on; she was my girlfriend now. Things were different now.

After the movie was over, we finally went to the bedroom. I put on my pajamas and flung myself on the big bed, waiting for Maura to show up. When she got out of the bathroom, I saw she was wearing her satin red pajamas. The one I really loved. My favorite one. It brought me back a few memories again.

"A pajama? I thought you sleep naked," I teased.

"I don't want to tempt you," she said, joining me on the bed.

"Tempt me all you want. I have a strong will," I said playfully.

"Good night, Jane," she said and gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"What the hell?" I thought to myself. Just a minute ago I was pretty certain that we were going to have sex, but obviously, I thought wrong.

"Are you tired?" I had to ask. I was wondering if that was the reason why she didn't want to have sex with me.

"Yes," she nodded.

"I can offer you a free massage to help you relax," I teased her, trying to set a mood, even though I remembered our argument over the douchebag who offered her a free massage on the beach.

"I am really tired, Jane. Not tonight," she replied. "I couldn't sleep a wink last night because I was very excited about our trip. And really nervous for it too. You took a nap this afternoon, but I haven't slept for so long. I am very tired. Sorry."

"It's okay. Good night, Maura," I replied.

I was kind of disappointed, but I just let it go. I didn't want to force her. She was tired - I got that. And she was right about it. If I haven't gotten a nap, I would have been deadly tired after the long day. But it was very frustrating. That dry period was driving me nuts, but I had to act nonchalant in front of Maura. If she could wait for it for so long, so could I. It wouldn't kill me. Would it?

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