•REINCARNATED• | Tower Of God...

By yuitheblackx

794 21 0

In a realm where imagination intertwines with reality, where the boundaries between fiction and existence blu... More

From The Pen Of SIU
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32 0 0
By yuitheblackx

Ark Of Knowledge

In the aftermath of the chaotic events at the Ark of Knowledge, Gustang remained surprisingly composed, his anger simmering beneath a facade of calmness. His sharp eyes scanned the scene of devastation, taking in the lifeless bodies and the sense of disorder that now enveloped the once meticulously controlled space.

Matte's death had clearly not been part of the plan, and the disappearance of Tiara only added to the growing list of unexpected developments. Gustang's lips curled into a faint, sardonic smile as he pondered the situation.

"It seems that chaos has a way of finding its path," Gustang mused, his voice carrying an eerie serenity. "But chaos can be... informative."

He knew that something significant had transpired during his brief absence, something beyond the mere clash between Baam and Traumerei. Gustang's intellect was always several steps ahead, and he had a knack for turning chaos to his advantage.

Gustang's gaze fell upon a trembling member of the Ark of Knowledge's research team, a survivor amidst the chaos. His voice remained eerily calm as he addressed the individual, his tone carrying a hint of curiosity.

"You needn't apologize for the protection of knowledge, my dear scholar," Gustang said, his words measured and deliberate. "It appears something... unforeseen has transpired. Tell me, what happened here?"

The researcher swallowed hard, fear still etched across their face. "It was... the melody," they stammered. "A haunting tune that echoed through the Ark. It was as if it came from nowhere, and the moment it reached our ears, people started... dying."

Gustang's expression remained stoic, but his curiosity deepened. "A haunting tune," he repeated, as if testing the words. "Tell me more. What did it sound like? And what happened next?"

The researcher hesitated before describing the eerie melody, a tune that sent shivers down their spine even as they spoke of it. "It was like a mournful dirge, sir. It felt... otherworldly. And as soon as it began, people began to collapse, life draining from them."

Gustang's mind raced with possibilities, his intellect working to piece together the puzzle. "I see," he murmured. "Thank you for your information. Now, remain here. I have matters to attend to."

As the haunting tune played once again, recognition dawned on Gustang's face, but disbelief held him momentarily captive. It couldn't be, he thought. Yet, the familiarity of that melody was undeniable, a haunting echo from a past he'd rather forget.

He followed the tune, his footsteps echoing through the desolation of the Ark of Knowledge. What he found at the source of the mournful melody left him aghast. A mountain of dead scholars, their lifeless eyes staring into nothingness, their pursuit of knowledge extinguished in an instant.

Atop the gruesome mound stood a boy, no older than a teenager, clutching a flute in his hands. The boy's eyes met Gustang's, and there was an unsettling calmness in that gaze. Gustang recognized the flute – an artifact of immense power, one he had encountered in his distant past.

But before Gustang could utter a word, Bellerir, his loyal son, rushed in, a look of shock and dismay on his face.

"Father Gustang," Bellerir gasped, "The entire library, it's been burnt down to shreds. The knowledge, the records, all gone."

Gustang's expression remained composed, but a storm of emotions raged within him. The destruction of the library was a devastating blow, and the boy with the flute held the key to this catastrophe.

Turning his attention back to the enigmatic youth, Gustang's voice held a chilling undertone. "Who are you, and what have you done?"

Gustang's reaction was swift and precise. As the haunting melody once again emanated from the boy's flute, he unleashed a surge of shinsu, his power manifesting as an ethereal tempest. The two forces clashed in a titanic battle of sound and energy.

The very air around them seemed to tremble as Gustang's shinsu met the eerie tune head-on. The discordant clash created shockwaves that rippled through the desolation of the Ark of Knowledge.

Gustang's resolve was unyielding, his mastery of shinsu unmatched. With each note of the boy's flute, he countered with calculated strikes, seeking to unravel the source of this mysterious power.

The boy, despite his youthful appearance, displayed a formidable control over the flute, his expression unwavering. It was a battle of wills, an intricate dance of forces beyond the comprehension of ordinary beings.

As the confrontation raged on, it became clear that Gustang was not just fighting to protect his knowledge but also to unravel the enigma of the boy's flute and the ominous tune it carried. The fate of the Ark of Knowledge hung in the balance, and Gustang was determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost. "Shen Yeonwoo... That's who I am and I'll be seeing you quite alot I hope.",he introduced himself.

6th Ranked: Black Reaper

Shen Yeonwoo


The revelation of the boy's name, Shen Yeonwoo, hung in the air like an unanswered question. Gustang's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. Shen Yeonwoo, the wielder of that mysterious flute, was a name he hadn't expected to encounter.

But before Gustang could delve deeper into the implications of this encounter, a colossal thunderclap shattered the fragile calm that had settled in the aftermath of their battle. Lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the surroundings in an eerie glow.

And just as suddenly as he had appeared, Shen Yeonwoo vanished, leaving Gustang standing alone amidst the devastation. A sense of unease settled in Gustang's heart, a nagging doubt that refused to be ignored. "Eduan?" Gustang muttered to himself, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "No. That can't be right."

Gustang's son, Bellerir, looked puzzled and concerned as he asked, "Father, why would Eduan do something like this?"

Gustang sighed, shaking his head. "It can't be Eduan," he replied, his tone resolute. "The thought had crossed my mind, but it doesn't align with his usual behavior. Eduan is unpredictable, yes, but not destructive in this manner."

He paused, considering the possibilities. "No, this feels like the work of someone very close to Eduan. Perhaps one of his numerous Khun Family descendants. You know how vast his lineage is, Bellerir. It could be one of his own children, or even a member of the Khun Family with their own motives."

Bellerir nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. The Khun Family was known for its intricate web of relationships and rivalries, and the Tower was a place where allegiances could shift like the wind.

As Gustang and Bellerir stepped out of the wreckage of the Ark of Knowledge, they were met with a scene of utter devastation. The once-hallowed halls of knowledge lay in ruins, and the remnants of the scholars' pursuit of enlightenment were reduced to rubble.

Gustang's expression darkened as he surveyed the destruction, a storm of emotions churning within him. It was a grim reminder of the power unleashed by Shen Yeonwoo and the mysterious flute.

"Hide," Gustang commanded, his voice low and filled with urgency. He knew that their presence here was no longer safe, and whoever had orchestrated this massacre might still be lurking nearby.

Bellerir's request for more information was abruptly interrupted by an extraordinary event. Above them, a torrential downpour of Shinsu, tinged with a mesmerizing shade of purple, cascaded from the heavens. It was a phenomenon that defied explanation, an unknown force of immense power.

Before they could fully comprehend this mysterious Shinsu rain, chaos erupted once again. From the distance, the deafening roar of Shinsu Bangs filled the air, and a barrage of around 12,000 of these deadly projectiles hurtled toward them.

Gustang reacted swiftly, conjuring a protective shield of Shinsu to shield himself and Bellerir from the impending onslaught. The Shinsu Bangs exploded against the barrier, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

Then, from the Gladiator Ship, a figure emerged. It was Riyu, known for hiz formidable Shinsu control and mastery of combat. His presence was a harbinger of danger, and Gustang's voice held a note of recognition as he addressed his.

"So that is you? Son of Iris Plunotenium," Gustang remarked, his gaze narrowing on the powerful warrior before them.

As Shen, Sylphy, Riyu, and Leo vanished in a warp, leaving behind a disoriented Bellerir, Gustang's mind raced with questions. The mention of "Iris Plunotenium" had stirred memories and associations that added to the intrigue of the situation.

Bellerir looked puzzled, having never heard of that name before. He turned to Gustang, his curiosity evident. "Who is Iris Plunotenium, Father?"

Gustang's expression remained enigmatic, but he didn't immediately answer Bellerir's question. Instead, he inquired about the major casualties caused by the recent events.

"What were the major casualties?" Gustang asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Bellerir sighed, his gaze troubled as he revealed the information he had gathered. "It appears that the primary targets were not here. Hwaryun, Vicente, and Aria, the friends of the Irregular, they all managed to escape."

Gustang's eyebrows furrowed at the mention of those names. "Perhaps the ones who attacked were indeed after them," he speculated, his mind working to piece together the motives and identities of those involved.

As Yool, who had seemingly been forgotten in the chaos, piped up with his intention to complain to the Captain. Meanwhile, Bellerir took a different approach. He approached Rachel, a figure with her own enigmatic history, and inquired about the name Iris Plunotenium.

"Rachel," Bellerir asked, his tone earnest, "have you ever heard the name Iris Plunotenium?"

Rachel's expression remained inscrutable as she considered the question. Her knowledge of the Tower of God's intricacies ran deep, and she possessed her own secrets. After a brief pause, she replied, "Iris Plunotenium... the name doesn't ring a bell. But in this Tower, names can hide many truths."

Bellerir nodded, understanding the cryptic nature of Rachel's response. It was a reminder that the Tower held countless mysteries, and each revelation only seemed to uncover more layers of intrigue.

Air Shaft

In the Air Shaft, a tense exchange unfolded between Baam and Elbaba, the Gray Wolf Family head. Elbaba pleaded with Baam, desperation in his eyes, asking him to marry his daughter Elaine. He believed that this union could help cleanse the stain that had befallen his family's name.

Baam's response was firm and unwavering. He called out Elbaba for trying to blame his own daughter, Elaine, for the tarnished reputation of the Gray Wolf Family. Baam refused to accept such a scapegoating and confronted Elbaba's unjust accusations.

Lilial and Shilial, the twin sisters, watched the interaction with amusement, their banter light and teasing. They seemed to find humor in the situation, their comments further unnerving Elbaba.

However, behind his outward façade of desperation and frustration, Elbaba harbored darker thoughts. He contemplated the idea of eliminating the twins, Lilial and Shilial, in secret to rid himself of potential liabilities.

The Air Shaft became a battleground of hidden agendas and conflicting interests, as the Tower of God continued to weave its complex web of power, intrigue, and betrayal.


On The Gladiator Ship, Leo, with his usual eccentricity, delivered a quirky and theatrical introduction to welcome the newcomers aboard his vessel. His flamboyant demeanor and charisma added a unique touch to the otherwise tense atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Hwaryun, the enigmatic guide, addressed Riyu with respect, calling her "Lord." She sought answers about their presence on the ship, questioning why they had been sent there in the first place.

Sylphy, who seemed to have knowledge of the situation, explained that their presence on the ship was due to Mirchea Luslec's orders. Hwaryun was surprised that Mirchea had dispatched such a large group of them for this particular mission.

Aria, one of the newcomers, felt uncomfortable on the Gladiator Ship, sensing the unfamiliarity and tension in the air.

Vicente, on the other hand, stared at Leo, his gaze filled with curiosity and suspicion. It was clear that this gathering of individuals from different backgrounds and motivations was a volatile mix, and the ship became a stage for a complex interplay of personalities and agendas.

As Vicente approached Leo and addressed him as the "Son of Arie," a sense of tension hung in the air. The Arie Family's legacy and its connection to the Slayer White were well-known, and Vicente's choice of words carried weight.

Leo, never one to shy away from a conversation, responded with a nonchalant question, "Are you what's left of the Slayer White?"

Vicente's expression remained guarded, but he didn't deny the association. Leo, in his characteristic manner, injected a note of humor into the conversation, suggesting that they should get along well because of their shared "incredible hatred" for their father.

White, known for his relentless pursuit of power to exact his vengeance, had one motivation – to kill his father, Arie Hon. Leo, however, chose to leave his thoughts on the matter unfinished, cutting off the conversation abruptly.

The unspoken history and emotions that bound these two individuals were palpable, and it remained to be seen how their interactions would unfold in the complex and volatile environment of The Gladiator Ship.

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