ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ɪꜱ ᴛʜɪᴄᴋᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ...

By thedeathofdysis

70 3 0

ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ɪꜱ ᴛʜɪᴄᴋᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ Tells the story of a half french girl known for her love of drinking,her cold dem... More

before we start
𝑭𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒚
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒖𝒅𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚
𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒔
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝑸𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝑻𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝑺𝒐𝒖𝒍

𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌

7 1 0
By thedeathofdysis

Arien's Pov
There I was sat in a car with
my three sisters wondering
what my friends would
think about my new hair cut

But then BAM I heard a big arse explosion and the last thing I saw before I passed out was my three sisters running out of the car, Xeleste taking out her wand, Ambrosia rushing to get me
and Kamari disaperating
not even taking a second glance

But let me explain what happened before that

I got up in a good mood I jumped out of bed realizing that today
I was going to diagon ally
To go shop for my supplies
And I was hit with the realization that I was going into third year

I was finally catching up to
My sisters, after all I looked up to them in fact I bet everyone at Hogwarts does
Especially the boys

You see me and my sisters Ambrosia and Kamari, Xeleste have pretty privilege
I would never say that out loud but even so they always pass
all there classes,and all the boys are always at there feet, so because of them I have a lot high
of expectations from mother

Anyways I was just walking down the steps when I got the first mood spoiler of the day

As I took my slow time down the very unnecessarily long steps
I heard Xeleste voice down stairs

That was the first shocker because Xeleste graduated Hogwarts some time ago
And was currently traveling in Australia

She had recently sent me
Muggle pictures of some of the animals, so something must be going on if she would waist her
time to apperate from there to here, and if there's one thing
I know about Xeleste is that she does not like to waist time

Next shocker I heard Kamari's voice shouting as I neared the end of the stairs I caught a snippet from there argument

"Mother can't keep going off like
this, there is a war going on and
our family has chosen it's side,we made our choice and we have to stick with it" Xeleste argued,
she took a long pause before continuing

"And...I'm worried especially about Arien she's in third year and big things are happening this year
I just don't want her to get hurt,
And if she does I am putting the full blame on you Kamari"

"Everything thing bad that has ever happened in this family
Is because of you and your fucking manipulation!"
Xeleste burst out

I had no idea what she was talking about and I have no idea why she was blaming Kamari,
and...we're was Ambrosia
I haven't heard her talk yet
And she is usually the big mouth who starts to argument

As I stood on the last step I made contact with my three sisters
Xeleste on on side of the kitchen counter and Kamari on the other both looking at each other with malace

while Ambrosia sat on the end of the table sipping a cup of coffee while looking between them both looking amused

Upon seeing me Xeleste clapped her hands and said "there you are Arien did have you a good sleep" she asked with a slight Australian accent while Kamari avoided all eye contact

"Ummm....I don't know what's
Going on here but can we please go to diagon ally" I said annoyed about earlier

She looked around then focused
Her piercing blue grey eyes on me and said "looks like everyone is ready so let's get going, Mother told me to take you guys in the car she doesn't want any of us getting splinched" with a small
Smile on her face

So again there I was thinking about my hair when I heard an explosion and saw death eaters
appearing wands drawn

I watched as Xeleste eyes grew wide with supprise,distracted she turned the wheel and crashed

The last thing I saw before I passed out was a flash of silver blonde hair coming from under
one of the death eaters hoods

I later found out it was supposed to be a planned assassination of my family

^•^^°••° °°•°°•°^•^^°••°°•
Back to Hogwarts

Ambrosias Pov

Usually I would get up late
and lay in bed for a while,
and when I finally got up I
get coffee mixed with
a bit of my special ingredient and go find a good book or go sharpen one of my daggers

And it was the same for today
as I was drinking my coffee
When i saw Kamari coming down the
Oh so grand stair case in her Ravenclaw uniform and shiny prefect badge pinned on the collar

with Arien following suite,I was none the less concerned

"Why are you guys dressed like that, it's the last day of summer school isn't until tomorrow,
why are you guys dressed in uniform?" I asked, wondering if they finally went mental

"If you've even bothered to keep
time you whould know that today is indeed September 1st
And that you are late and still not ready"

I jumped upon hearing mother's
Voice and then my eyes opened as I prosessed what she just said

"Your bluffing " I asked in all seriousness "not at all" my mother said calmly while Arien was trying her best not to laugh

I immediately jumped off the stool and rushed up stairs to get ready thank, Salazar I already took a bath

I pulled on my robes which were
'Thankfully' pressed and steamed
And started to use a muggle contraption that Xeleste sent me
To curl and blow out my hair

While doing so I cast a charm to
make my trunk pack it self

And rushed downstairs as soon
As I was finished glad with what I had accomplished in such short time

As I turned now the last step
I saw mother tapping one of her heels impatiently on the floor

While Kamari was reading
Hogwarts:A history and Arien was just looking around while
Playing with her hair

"So what are you guys waiting for are we going or not" I said flashing a sly smile as my sisters is rolled their eyes at me

^•^^°••° °°•°°•°^•^^°••°°•

Soon we found ourselves making our way to platform nine and three quarters

The whole ordeal with making our way through the crowd of muggles was quite amusing due to the fact that mother kept glaring at them so harshly that they were forced to move out of the way

I looked around in mild admiration as I saw the familiar red and black train I held back long enough to see mother kissing Arien on the head and ruffling her hair before pulling her into a tight hug

while Kamari stood
At the side watching them with a weird look in her eyes

Know that I am really looking at her I just realized how tired and different she looked compared to last year

Her once perfect porcelain skin was now looking like a deadly pale with dark bags under her eyes and her hair was unruly which was unlike her and she definitely got more quiet compare to the loud and bossy Kamari I was used to

But I'm not complaining it's better she stays quiet than to run her mouth

When mother was done she looked over to me and gestured me to come towards her with her hand

I walked over towards her wondering what she would have to tell me

"Ambrosia dear, big things are happening this year at Hogwarts as i have explained to you,
I know I usually ask a lot from you, but please look after your sister and your self this year"She trailed off with a determined look in her eyes

"I will have daisy send over dress robes for you as soon as you arrive at Hogwarts"

I didn't answer after a few seconds I looked up to meet her eyes

"I'll try my best" i hesitated,i turned to take one last look at her but all i saw was her retreating figure walking through the barrier


On the train

Ambrosias Pov

I took a deep breath as i looked around the train,mothers words still on my mind

I took in the familiar sent of chocolate frogs and dewy september air. The train was buzzing with noise and i noticed people stareing at me as i walked down the compartment,most of them gossiping about the attempted assassination at Diagon Ally and the death eater attack at the world cup

One compartment was the noisiest of the whole train. I rolled my eyes fondly as soon as i heard loud obnoxious laughter coming from it

I pulled open the compartment door to find Pansy on the floor laughing hysterically along with Blaise while
Draco sat looking through the window

"She's backkkkk!!!" I heard Pansy exclaim as she got up and rushed to hug me i returned the hug greatfully as i greeted Blaise and Draco

Care to share the reason you two were on the floor laughing like school
girls? I asked,as Blaise looked at me
with amused eyes

"Well" Pansy started "We went out to look for the trolly because Draco here
Was getting hangry,and we saw potter and his sidekicks coming out the
compartment" Pansy ranted

"Long story short" Blaise interupted "We
Saw potter ranting about him practically running for his life at the world cup and how Wesley tripped over a stump trying to get away"

I cocked an eyebrow at the thought a smirk grow "must've really made you're night"
I mocked turning to draco

Draco who was looking out the window didnt respond

"Have any of you seen Dysis or Apollo" I asked, curiosity takeing over,she whould usually be the first in the compartment"

"Dunno" Blaise responded "I havent seen much of Dysis lately,must be cause
Of her new boy toy Rei" he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively

I watched as Draco rolled his eyes a scowl on his face "And no we have not seen your boyfriend"
I thought i heard a pinch of disgust as he said the word boyfriend

"I'll probably see her in the great hall"
I replied trying not to worry

I was worried about how her new boyfriend was being too controlling
even though they just recently met at
the world cup they acted as though
they were together for years

I let my worries slip away as i saw my boyfriend Apollo open the compartment door

He definitely changed since i last saw him,his hair got more curly and he got
a sort of summer tan and merlin dont get me started on his jawline,he really lived up to his name

"Hey babe i thought you whould come looking for me" He said looking around
the compartment weirdly

"Malfoy,Zabini,Parkingson" he
acknowledged,they all gave a curt nod in his direction

they didnt particularly like the fact that he was a Gryffindor

"You know i was busy" I said as i lighted a cig,a habbit i developed when i was in third year

I smirked as Apollo watched in disscust as i blowed out the smoke

"May i see you privately" he asked and i noticed him fidgeting his fingers

"How'd you even find me, im literally in the last compartment on the train"
I asked as i got up

"I asked Arien" he responded impatiently

"I'll be back guys,best change while im gone" i said before sliding out,i felt Draco's eyes on me as i did so

We walked in silence to a empty compartment i watched silently
as he shut the door

I hastily put out the cig i was smoking as
noticed him eyeing me expectantly

"So what did you want to talk about" i drawled already tired

"I wanted to ask tou to the yule ball"
He exclaimed looking at me expectantly

I looked at him shock written in my eyes
"Was that all" i asked amused at his advance

"If so" i continued "I'll get back to my friends"

I glared at him as he pulled me back to sit

" Firstly you didnt answer my question" he said as he smirked "second, i dont understand why you hang around that group"

"I know Dysis is a Hufflepuff but that doesn't exuse the rest of them" he retorted anger evident in his face
"Their still snakes" the muttered under his breath

"There you go again,all you Gryffindors
are fucking biased" i snaped as i stood up getting irritated

"and in case you havent noticed im a Slytherin but you dont have a problem with that do you" i rambled

"But your different" he answered getting up to face me

I looked at him in disappointment
"Maybe you should consider asking me
to the ball when you get your priorities strait" i could practically feel the anger radiating off him as i left the compartment


This chapter took way too long to write 😭

Anyways luv you guys stay safe and drink water🥸

Wrd. Count 2191

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