Abhiya: One shotssss????????

By Unknownsomeone_

29.6K 1.2K 411

This is a one-shot story about Abhiya, packed with love and passion. It explores their intense connection and... More

Kabab main haddi????
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Healing Hearts: The Abhiya Saga
Say Hiiii!!
Yeh collage ka pyaar
Expect the unexpected
Char Kadam - A Journey Back to Love
Mafia softened?
Then or now?- 1
Now or then?-2
Uff yeh argumentsssss🥲-1
The Unlikely Duo
Echoes of the Past-1
Echoes of the past-2
Unmasked Hearts
Drifting apart
Drifting apart-2
Mere bestf ki shaadiii
Kisi aur se shaadi?
Misunderstood hearts
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Karwa chauth🌙
Yahi Tak Tha Safar Humara
Kal ho na ho

Uff yeh argumentss-2

749 41 10
By Unknownsomeone_

She had taken a seat in the reception area, flipping through a magazine as she waited. Minutes turned into hours, and the clock on the wall seemed to mock her with its relentless ticking. Abhishek's assistant had informed her that he was in an important meeting and would be tied up for a while. Jiya had smiled and assured her that she didn't mind waiting.

As the morning sun streamed through the office windows, Jiya's patience began to wear thin. She checked her watch for what felt like the hundredth time and couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. She had been looking forward to this meeting, a chance to connect with Abhishek amidst their busy lives.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the assistant approached Jiya with an apologetic expression.

Ashish: (softly) I'm really sorry, Jiya, but Abhishek's meeting is running much longer than expected. He won't be able to meet you today.

Jiya's disappointment was palpable, but she masked it with a gracious smile.

Jiya: (disappointed but understanding) It's alright. I understand his work is important. Please let him know I stopped by.

The assistant nodded, feeling empathetic toward Jiya's situation. She watched as Jiya gathered her things and made her way toward the exit, her steps heavy with unspoken disappointment.

As she walked out of Abhishek's office building and into the bustling city streets, Jiya couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. Their careers had brought them success, but they had also brought challenges and sacrifices. She understood the demands of Abhishek's work, but that didn't make the ache of missed moments any less painful.

Jiya knew that they would have to continue navigating this delicate balance between their personal and professional lives. She couldn't help but hope that someday, they would find a way to prioritize their relationship amidst the chaos of their careers. Until then, she would continue to wait for those stolen moments, cherishing them when they did come, and understanding that love sometimes required patience and sacrifice.

The following days were marked by a somber routine. Abhishek would leave for work before Jiya even woke up, and by the time he returned, she would already be asleep. Their conversations had become scarce, and the rift between them continued to widen.

Three days passed in this silent and distant manner. Jiya's heart ached for the warmth and closeness they had once shared, but she knew that it would take time and effort to mend their relationship.

On the fourth day, Jiya woke up feeling a sense of unease. Something was different. She felt a strange mix of excitement and anxiety. The fourth day passed much like the previous ones, with Abhishek leaving for the office before Jiya woke up and returning long after she had gone to sleep. Their home, once filled with laughter and shared moments, now echoed with silence.

As the days stretched on, Jiya's heart grew heavy. She missed the warmth of Abhishek's presence, the sound of his laughter, and the feel of his arms around her. But she knew she had to be patient, hoping that time would heal the wounds between them.

On the evening of the fourth day, everything changed. Jiya discovered something that would alter the course of their relationship.

She had been feeling unusually tired and nauseous for a while, and a sudden realization dawned upon her. Jiya decided to take a pregnancy test, and when the result showed positive, a mix of emotions overwhelmed her. She was going to be a mother.

Excitement and anxiety surged through her. Jiya knew she had to share this news with Abhishek, to bridge the gap that had formed between them. She decided to surprise him when he returned home from the office.

With trembling hands and a heart full of hope, Jiya decorated their bedroom with pink and blue balloons, a symbol of their future child, whose gender they didn't yet know. She had laid out a tiny onesie, a baby rattle, and a note that read, "You're going to be a parent." She decorated everything with the help of nischay, only he knows about her pregnancy as jiya wanted to surprise the elders and abhishek in a unique manner...Vinay and Dimple aunty were on a party the same day!! As She needed help she told nischay about it

she decided to confide in Nischay, Abhishek's younger brother. She knew he was the only one around, and he had always been like a friend to her.

As Nischay sat in the living room, flipping through a magazine, Jiya approached him with a cautious smile. She was both excited and nervous about sharing her secret.

Jiya: (softly) Nischay, can I talk to you for a moment?

Nischay looked up, sensing the seriousness in Jiya's tone. He put the magazine aside and gave her his full attention.

Nischay: (concerned) Of course, Bhabhi. What's on your mind?

Jiya took a deep breath, her eyes shimmering with emotions she could barely contain.

Jiya: (whispering) Nischay, I... I wanted to share something with you. It's a secret, and I haven't told anyone yet, not even Abhishek.

Nischay's curiosity was piqued, and he leaned in closer, eager to hear what Jiya had to say.

Nischay: (intrigued) What is it, Bhabhi? You can trust me.

Jiya leaned closer to Nischay and whispered into his ear.

Jiya: (whispering) Nischay, I'm pregnant.

At first, Nischay didn't quite comprehend what he had just heard. His eyes widened in surprise, and he blinked a few times, processing the words. Then, it hit him like a wave of joy and realization. A big smile spread across his face, and he pulled back from Jiya, his eyes filled with happiness.

Nischay: (excited) Bhabhi, that's incredible! I can't believe it! You're going to be a mom, and I'm going to be a chachu (uncle)!

Nischay's excitement was infectious, and the living room filled with their shared laughter and joy. Jiya felt relieved to have shared her secret with someone, especially someone as supportive and caring as Nischay.

They spent the evening talking about the baby, their dreams, and how they could surprise Abhishek with the news. Nischay's heartfelt love for his bhabhi and the prospect of becoming an uncle had bridged the gap that had been forming between them.

As the evening turned into night, Nischay and Jiya decided to decorate the house to surprise Abhishek when he returned from work. They filled the space with baby-themed decorations, painting the nursery with love and anticipation. It was a bonding experience that brought them closer, strengthening the bond between Nischay, Jiya, and the new life they were eagerly awaiting.

Flashback endss


As the hours passed, Jiya sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Abhishek's return. She was anxious about his reaction but hoped that this joyful news would help mend their relationship.

When Abhishek finally arrived home, he was greeted by the sight of their beautifully decorated room. His eyes widened with shock, and then realization washed over him.

Without a word, he rushed to Jiya, sweeping her into a tight embrace. Tears welled up in both their eyes as Abhishek buried his face in Jiya's shoulder, overcome with emotion.

Abhishek didn't need words to express his feelings. He knew he had hurt Jiya deeply, and the news of their impending parenthood was a turning point. He held her close, apologizing silently for his behavior over the past few days.

Jiya, understanding the depth of his emotions, held him just as tightly. It was a moment of reconciliation, a silent promise to mend their relationship for the sake of the child they were going to welcome into their lives.

Abhishek's shock gave way to a mixture of emotions. He realized the significance of this moment, and regret washed over him.

Abhishek: (guilt-ridden) Jiya, I'm so sorry for how I've been acting lately. I haven't been there for you like I should have.

Jiya: (understanding) Abhi, it's okay. We both made mistakes. What matters now is that we face this together.

Abhishek: (holding her) I promise, Jiya, I'll be there for you and our baby. I don't want to miss any more moments in our life together.

Jiya smiled, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders. She led Abhishek into their decorated room, revealing the gender-neutral decorations.

Jiya: (excited) Abhi, I thought we'd find out the gender of our baby together. It's a surprise!

Abhishek was touched by her thoughtfulness and embraced her, his heart filled with love and anticipation.

Abhishek: (grateful) Jiya, you're amazing. I'm so lucky to have you.

Their past arguments and misunderstandings had faded into the background. They were now focused on the future, on becoming parents together, and on mending their relationship.

Over the next few months, Abhishek transformed from the young, angry man he had been into a loving and supportive partner. He attended every prenatal class with Jiya, helped decorate the nursery, and even learned to prepare some of her favorite dishes.

Their love grew stronger as they prepared to welcome their new addition to the family. The baby's impending arrival was a symbol of their fresh start, a chance to build a brighter future together.

As Jiya and Abhishek held hands, their eyes filled with love and anticipation, they knew that they were on the path to healing their relationship and creating a loving and nurturing home for their growing family.

And so, the once-angry young man had transformed into a loving husband and soon-to-be father, proving that love could conquer all obstacles and that second chances were worth cherishing.

In the warmth of their loving embrace, Abhishek and Jiya looked forward to the new chapter of their life with hope and excitement, ready to embrace the challenges and joys of parenthood together.

From that day on, the dynamic between Abhishek and Jiya began to shift. Abhishek transformed from the young, angry man who had left for the office into a devoted lover and soon-to-be father. Their journey toward rebuilding their relationship had begun, and the presence of their unborn child became a beacon of hope and reconciliation.

As they held each other in their arms, the unspoken desires and regrets of the past began to fade away, replaced by the anticipation of a new chapter in their lives—a chapter filled with love, understanding, and the promise of a family united in their shared love for the little one growing within Jiya's womb.
That was it for this storyy!! How was itttt, I wanted to end it at a sad note but thennnn I thoughttt lets make it a happy ending🫶🏻😂I would love if jiya and nischay would come together so i pen downed my imagination on themmm alsooo

How was itttt!!! Jaldi se comment down belowww 🩷 I'll love to hear your suggestions and opinions

And ideas bhi dedooo😭😭✨

Love love lovee🩷

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