
By ravennadara

891 37 105

James Cromwell is a rich businessman who works for the government. Due to his work, he's often not at home to... More



56 2 1
By ravennadara


I open my eyes but I cant move, I'm tied to a chair in a dark room.

Where the fuck am I?

I try to scream but the sound is muffled by the tape that I didn't know was on my mouth. I instinctively pull my hands, but theyre taped too.
Fuck, where is Colby? I want to cry, tears sting at my eyes but don't fall. I begin to feel lightheaded which causes my heart to race.

I've seen plenty of slashers in my lifetime to know what I should do, but I'm so panicked that I can't think of any of it.
I feel myself shake as all of a sudden the reality of the situaton hits me. What the fuck is happening?! I aggressively take and shake against my restraints in hopes that they'll rip, but then I stop.

I think for a moment. I think back to all the true crime documentaries and how panicking--excactly what I'm doing--only got them all killed.
I take a deep breath, as deep of a breath I can with this tape, and then I begin to lick and chew at it. It should help loosen it up and tear it off. After a few minutes of doing this the tape loosens and comes unstuck from my mouth. Thank god!! I want to cry from excitement but I also know that this is only the beginning and theres still so much left to do. Though, the second that tape came off my mouth I felt my anxiety drift away, as if, since I got that tape off I could easily get the rest off as well.

My hands. The most necessary tool. My ankles were taped to the chair as well, but as long as I could undo my hands, I could undo everything else.

Twist, turn, pull. I shuffle my hands under the tape in a repetetive motin. Twist, turn, pull. The tape begins to loosen after only doing this for about 60 seconds.

Twist, turn, pull.
Twist, turn, pull.
Twist, turn, pull.

3 minutes, my arms are tired, but the tape is loose, not much longer and I'll be able to slide my hands out. It's no longer stuck to my wrists, but its still wrapper around them.
Twist, turn pull. A few more tries and I slip my hands out with a sigh. I bring them around to the front of me and the lean down, feeling for my ankles to undo them.

The room is pitch black, the only amount of light coming from what I assume is a door, but its not enough light to illuminate anything. I unwrap my legs and then stand from the chair, tears of excitement resting in my eyes. I look down at my watch to see the time, but its not there. Nor are my bracelets, necklaces, earrings, anything. They didnt want me getting away.

I shudder uncomfortably then hear muffled noises outside. I can tell that they're loud, but they seem so quiet in here. I walk toward the crevice of light, but my knees give out under me and I collapse to the floor. A quiet scream of agony escapes my lips as my body hits the cold hard concrete floor. I seethe, trying to stand back up but feeling lightheaded from whatever drug they gave me.

Surely they had to have given me a drug? I wouldn't be feeling like this if they hadn't, right?

I lay on the floor for a moment, letting the tears roll from my eyes. I'm not one to cry, especially not in front of people. I mean, I feel sad, I want to cry, I just don't. I get mad at myself when I do, but now feels like an ok time.

I collect my breath and dry my eyes, concetrating my line of vision before I send myself into a panic attack.
I stand, slowly, as to not disrupt the slight peace I've brought myself.

I feel around the room, touch being the only sense I can use right now. I slowly keep walking forward until I feel a wall. I walk along the wall toward the small amount of light I can see. Once I reach it I feel around for anything.


A door handle. I turn it, nothing. I pull it, nothing.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Of course they locked me in here, I was stupid to think they wouldn't have.

After walking around he rest of the walls, and feeling nothing other than a wall that feels slightly different, I decide that the only option is for me to either break the door down, or wait for them to come to me.

I'm too impatient for the latter. Break it down it is.

I walk up to the door prepared to put my all into it, I start by kicking, and to my surprise, after one kick the door softly creacks open. I resist the urge to laugh.

But then I realize... I'm still in my fucking house? I was in the garage...

I step out of the room, gently kicking the door closed behind me then begin to walk around.
I'm careful not to run into anyone but suddenly I see an unfamiliar man walking around in front of me. I quickly dive into the nearest room and hide, praying to god he didn't see me.

Mere seconds later I hear the front door open and a voice I recognize.
"Who the fuck are you?" Colby.


"Who the fuck are you?" I ask the strange man walking around in the livingroom.
A confused look plays across his face as if he wasn't expecting me.
"Who the fuck are you?" I repeat more sternly this time.
This time its a smirk on his face instead, and I immediately realize whats going on
"Where is she?" I ask, "Where is she?!!" I'm yelling at this point but I don't care. I pull out the knife that I carry with me everywhere and walk up to him.

"You have no chance of finding her" He tells me. I grab him and hold the knife to his throat.
"You're going to tell me where the fuck he is, or this won't be painless."
He laughs, "Ah, kill me, you will anyway. But you won't because I'm your only way of finding her."
I dig the blade into his skin, hard enough to draw blood but not hard enough to kill.
"All you're doing is standing in my way, so if you think that I wont kill you" I pull the knife away, "you're wrong" I roughly stick it into his arm, chuckling when he yells out.

"Now answer me, where is Y/n?"
"Find her"

I think back, the look of surprise on his face as if he didn't know I was going to be here. He wouldnt be here unless thats where she was, because he clearly wasn't expecting me. Her dad maybe? Maybe he had planned to hold her for ransom? I grab the man, and pull him to the staircase where I then handcuff his wrists to the railing.

"Don't fucking move" I hiss

"Y/n, where are you?!"
"She won't be able to respond" he says, and that fucking terrifies me. What does he mean by that?

I start walking around the house in a panicked frenzy, shouting out Y/ns name at every doorway, but I hear nothing.


I hear Colby yelling my name but I feel like I cant speak. I want to yell back but I have no voice. Footsteps proceed down the hallway until they're right next to the door.
It might not be him, it might be the perpetrator, but thats a risk I'm willing to take.

"Colby" I hoarse out, barely about a whisper
"Y/n?!" He mustve heard me because he stops walking.
I stand up, using the bathroom sink for support and then pull the door open and step into the hallway. He spins around, meeting my eyes and then walking toward me. I fall into his arms the second he reaches me.

"Oh my god, you're ok!" He sighs, holding me in his arms as if he's never going to let go. "Were you in there the whole time?"
"No, he tied me up in the garage."
"What happened? Are you ok?!" I'll tell you later, but, yeah, I'm ok. A little dizzy from whatever he knocked me out with."
"I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you"
"I protected myself, its ok. Thank you for being here now."
Colby hugs me tighter and I smile.

"Hey, can we not tell my dad about this?" I ask as I pull away. Colby smiles down at me, his eyes sparkling beautifully.
"Sure, sweetheart. I'm so glad you're safe" He kisses the top of my head and butterflies swarm my stomach.

"Who the fuck was that guy?" I ask
"Let's go find out" Colby walks me down the hallway.

We reach the staircase where he told me this man was, but all there is is a pair of empty handcuffs hanging from the railing...


I wasn't able to proofread this because I'm on the phone with my friend, but I needed to get a chapter out so here y'all go. The drama is getting stirred up, the next few chapters are gonna shock y'all istg.

I love you so much, you're beautiful, you're enough, and so much more. I'm proud of you luvs 💜

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