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"Do you do this with every girl you think is pretty or am I special?" "You're very special. You're my sapphi... More

šŽšš„: Rekindling
š“š–šŽ: Harassment
š“š‡š‘š„š„: together
š…šŽš”š‘: Tears
š…šˆš•š„: Punish
š’šˆš—: pleasure
š„šˆš†š‡š“: Mothering
ššˆšš„: threats
š“š„š: Creepy
š„š‹š„š•š„š: found
š“š–š„š‹š•š„: babies
š“š‡šˆš‘š“š„š„š: Information
š…šŽš”š‘š“š„š„š: Scared
š…šˆš…š“š„š„š: Mad
š’šˆš—š“š„š„š: agony
š’š„š•š„šš“š„š„š: almost
š„šˆš†š‡š“š„š„š: soon
ššˆšš„š“š„š„š: Over
š“š–š„šš“š˜: Finale
š„š©š¢š„šØš š®šž VALENTINES DAY BONUS
ššŽšš”š’: stressed

š’š„š•š„š: family

211 9 0

HONESTLY, I don't want to see Marciano's family, at least not his dad's side of the family. I know his mom's side of the family is very open-minded. But I haven't met his dad's side of the family. I don't have any idea what they're like, so I'll try to be cheerful but I'm not really excited for this trip.

Every year Marciano's family goes on a two-week long vacation somewhere, and this year it's to the Caribbean. Me and Marciano are staying in his home there where his parents and grandparents are staying. Rosalie's parents are Laurel and Xavier. His dad, Marcos' parents are Salma and Pedro.

Marciano and I are already at the house and in bed, and he's drifted off to sleep because he was up all night working on contracts and he had to handle an issue with one of his suppliers. I need to use the bathroom. I try to get up but his arm wraps around my waist and holds me down tightly. "Where are you going, Hermosa?" His voice is so raspy right now. "I have to pee."

"Hold it."

If I hold it I'm gonna pee my pants. "If you make me hold it I'm gonna get kidney failure." He still doesn't let me go.

"I'll pay for your treatments."I stare at him in disbelief. I try to pull his arm off me but I don't have any luck.

"Marci." He hums "Let me go." He holds me tighter "please, baby." He slowly removes his arm and I get up. He's such a big baby. I didn't tell him this but I got my period a couple of days ago and I didn't want him to wake up with a blood stain on his thigh.

"I'm scared to meet your grandparents, are they nice?" me and Marciano are still in bed waiting for everyone to get here.

"They're....opinionated." So racist?

"So why did you invite them?" I say sitting up to look at him. Why would he invite 'opinionated' people over when he knows how they feel about black people?

"I didn't invite them, I won't put you in a position where you're uncomfortable and can't express how you feel. Diamond, I love you and I want to make sure you feel comfortable and safe, if you want we can stay somewhere else, But I want you to trust that if they say something disrespectful I'll handle it and get you out of that situation, Okay?" I just nod because if I say anything else I'm going to tear up.

He kisses me and pulls me onto his chest. "I love you so much, Marci."

"I love you too, Sapphire."

"So, Diamond what do you do for a living?" Salma asks me randomly. We're sitting at the dinner table and since she's never met me, she's curious.

"I'm an influencer and model." Here comes the criticism.

"So you...post videos of yourself?" I nod.

"Well, that's interesting. Can I ask you a question? and please tell me if this is disrespectful" Now Laurel is asking questions. I mean I guess. I nod again. "Does your hair take a long time to manage? I mean I can imagine with all those beautiful cultural patterns that it takes a lot of time and effort." I like her question. I like how she worded it, making sure to be respectful while asking it.

"It takes a really long time, sometimes up to 6 hours." She nods.

"Well, I just love you already. Marciano definitely knows how to pick 'em" I notice where Rosalie gets her humble kindness from. My smile is so big. First impressions are so important to me.

Salma hasn't said much to me besides her question., she doesn't even address me. She looks over at me for a split second and then goes back to talking. I feel left out and I just sit here awkwardly. The only reason I haven't gone upstairs is because I can tell Marciano's getting upset, and if I leave he's gonna start yelling at her. I asked him not to be mean to her earlier, he's been squeezing my hand and looking over at me. He's trying so hard not to lash out.

Pedro nudges Salma and she looks over at me before turning back to her husband and whispering something I could barely hear what she was saying but I only needed to hear ten words to know exactly what the conversation was about. I don't understand why Marciano would date a black woman

And that's it for me. Marciano didn't hear it because he was talking with his parents. I scoot back in my chair, creating a rough screeching against the floor, and I walk upstairs. I refuse to be criticized for my skin tone. Once I get to the room it doesn't take long for me to hear shouting. I feel out of place.

"WHY can't you just accept that I'm happy with her?" I don't understand why she doesn't like her. Diamond hasn't said or done anything inappropriate or offensive.

"I just wasn't expecting a girl..like her." More like a girl that looks like her.

"I know what you were expecting but that's too bad because I have no intention of ever leaving her. That woman has been nothing but kind to you and you've been disrespectful and rude the entire night." My grandmother is not going to get off easily just because she's my elder. She's been rude.

"I just don't understand why you would date a black girl." She's still trying to get me to agree with her.

"Because I fell in love with a black woman! I love her more than anything else, and I plan to marry her someday so stop being rude and get your shit together." I walked upstairs after that.

My son is in love and he wants to get married. This is such a good thing for him. He needs a girl like Diamond. I'm very happy for him. Diamond is a very mature young woman.

"Estrellita, I'm so sorry. I know how uncomfortable you must've been, I promise we'll leave I'll book an earlier flight just don't be upset with me."

It's okay. "It's fine we can stay but I don't want to stay in this house." He nods "We can stay at a different home but it's smaller than this one." How many houses does he have?

"I don't really care if it's small or not I just want to leave."

We got to the house a couple of days ago, now Marciano left for a party but I can tell he's annoyed and doesn't want to go. But I didn't want him to go, I wanted apology sex. I'm horny, that's been happening a lot lately. I haven't told him about that though. I think I just have a high sex drive or something. Would I be punished for masturbating? Probably. Would it be fun? Hell yes.

Motion detected I pull over and I pull my phone out of my phone , unlock it. The cameras are there strictly for protection but I'm assuming it's just diamond, but I'll check anyway. I open the camera app and scroll through the cameras until I see Diamond in the bed moving her fingers in and out of her wet little pussy the sound is on so I can hear her soft gasp and her talking to herself. "Please hurry, Marci I need you to hurry up." It feels like my pants are tightening.

I get back on the road and drive faster. I made it to my house in a total of three minutes. I open up the door and close it slowly. I still hear her moans and talking I walk upstairs, to my room and the door is open so I walk in. "Fuck, Marci you scared me." She pulls her fingers out. "No, don't stop keep going or would you rather me do it?"

"I want you to do it." I lean down and press my lips against hers. "Were you feeling needy for me, Dolcezza?" She nods.

I plunge my fingers in and out of her. Her moans flow throughout the room. This action is always torture for me because the louder she moans the harder I get, but foreplay is important for getting her ready for sex.

She gets so much louder when she's about to cum, I can tell when she's close. She feels amazing, she clenches and unclenches on my fingers. She's slick and tight. I love how this feels, and she does too. Her moans get a little louder and I pull them out.

My hand wraps around her throat. "Use me." I get on the bed and scoot back until my back is pressed against the headboard. "Come ride me, Sapphire."

I pull down his pants and boxers and slide myself down on him, using his shoulders for stability. I moan out. His hands rest on my hips, he just stares at me, waiting for me to be ready to move. He lifts my hips before slamming them back down. "Is this better, me being inside you fucking your tight little pussy over and over? Fucking you til you pass out while crying?" I nod rapidly "I want to hear you say it, am I better?" He says slamming his cock into me again.

"You're better, so much better." He smirks.

"Wasn't that easy?" He continues lifting my hips and slamming me down. "That's it, baby, you can take it, you're taking me so well" his praises set me over the edge so much. "You're my sapphire, that means that no matter who they are anyone who lays a hand on you will take a bullet to the chest." He hasn't taken his eyes off of me once. "You're mine, that means your mine to love, mine to touch, mine to kiss, and mine to fuck."

"I need to- I'm close." My pleading won't work I don't even know why I do it.

"You don't need to do anything, you want to. Which is why you're going to hold it for me like a good girl," I shake my head and try to keep my composure. He continues slamming into me.


I can do this, he's made me beg to cum before and I could hold it. But he's never gone this long. "That's it sweetheart, you're doing so well." I shake my head

"I'm gonna die, you're gonna kill me." He chuckles

"You're okay, you're not going to die. You'll be fine just relax, your legs will stop shaking in a minute." I cry out because he keeps talking but he's not saying the words I need him to say.

"I can't hold it anymore."

"Okay, so cum for me. Show how good I make my good girl feel." My orgasm causes my whole body to jerk and I clench around him, causing him to groan and grip my hips harder. He releases himself too and the warm liquid shoots into me. He pulls his out of me, leaves the room and comes back with a towel. He wipes between my legs and I get a towel and do the same for him.

"Was this my apology sex?" I'm only asking because he's not usually this kind during sex.

"Yes, because I wanted to make you feel happy again and I knew it would take more than words. But then again my apologies aren't over, we're going out tomorrow and you can't refuse." I smile at him

"What should I do about my daughter? She's been alone a lot lately and I feel horrible." Moon has expressed that she's not mad about me and Marciano's relationship but I don't want her to think that because we're in a relationship I forgot about her.

"I'm flying her out, she'll be here on Saturday." I smile up at him. He leans down and peaks my lips. "Now, we're going to take a shower because we're extremely sweaty."


"Yes, because we are taking a shower together." Bold

"Are you gonna tell me where we're going?" We've been driving for a while now but he still won't tell me where we're going.

"No, be patient, Estrellita." I am being patient if I wasn't patient then I'd be asking if we're there yet. "We'll be arriving soon." You said that thirty minutes ago.

The car stops and Marciano gets out before walking over to open my door and pulling my hand to help me get out. I look up at the big extravagant building in front of me the sign on the front says Diamond's sapphire. "Marci, you named a restaurant after me?" He just nods at me. "Is this your way of proposing because if so yes." He chuckles.

"My way of proposing will be a lot different than this."
I smile at the building. "You'll be the first person other than me and the contractors inside here, let's go inside." He has me smiling like a big fool right now.

He leads me inside and immediately I'm met with beautiful chandeliers and sapphires all around, modeling pictures of me, big luxurious windows, beautiful tables and chairs, and a stage for singing. That's not even the half of it, the interior is dark blue, white, sliver, and gold. "Do you like it? I hope your comfortable with the pictures if not I can replace-" I cut him off.

"I love it, and I love that you used my pictures." I walk over to a table and see nine plates of different pastas.

"I didn't know which one you would want." He walks up behind me. I turn around and plant my lips onto his.

"I am going to give you the sloppiest head ever." He smiles at me but it's more than just his regular happy smile. Filled with more emotions, love, lust, and a little bit of sadness.

He pulls out my chair and waits for me to sit down before pushing it in.

"How can I get a little closer with Moon? At least to the point that she can tolerate me." I look over at him gloomily.

"I'm sorry about her, she's just- your the first man I've dated, let alone let bring me home since me and her dad got divorced. I guess you can get closer to her by- I don't know maybe doing some art with her, asking her questions about herself. But you have to understand Moon never really gets close to people, she kind and caring, but she stays to herself, she doesn't have a lot friends who she can talk to, It's just Rosaria, who she talks to everyday. So basically what I'm saying is, just let her get used to you being around." He nods.

"I'm just asking because I don't know what to do, I don't want to be known as 'Mom's shitty boyfriend'." I put my hand over his.

"Moon doesn't see you that way, she's not that kind of person, to judge someone before getting to know them." He smiles and nods, still not completely convinced.

We've spent the past hour talking about ourselves "Something's on your mind what is it?" His questions catches me off guard because I do have something on my mind.

"I want to do some things with you."

"Okay what're they?"

"They're um.....sex things?" He shifts in his chair a little and his eyes can't focus on mine, I've noticed that he's been staring at my breast, but he catches himself almost immediately and stops.

"What, do you want to get kinkier?"

"I guess, I want you to choke me." I say it quietly and he almost can't hear it.

"Okay, I can do that."

"And I want to have sex on a..jet." His eyes widen a little bit. He nods. "Also, can we try CNC?"

"That's a little, different but you already have a safeword so it's fine."

"Is there anything that you want to do?"

"I mean what I wanna do kind has to do with choking....with your thighs." Oh. Honestly this makes me feel a little bit better about my thighs being thicker.

"You want your head to be in Between my legs and for me to try and choke you with them?"

"Yes,but only if you're comfortable with it."

"Okay, Would you try thigh play, like rubbing your.."-I don't want to say penis..Thigh play has always kind of been a thing I wanted to try before sex. "In between my thighs?"It's the arousal and idea behind it, and not to mention the anticipation.

"Sure, it sounds like fun, but would you get pleasure from it." I would be getting pleasure from it if he's close enough to my clit.

"Yeah, your dick just has to be close enough to rub against me." He chuckles.

"Okay we'll try these things together."

"Okay, but can we cut dinner short because Moon gets here tomorrow night, and I want all the rounds of sec I can get." I don't do anything with anyone or touch myself when she's home. I don't want her to hear that because I heard Shawn doing it once and it traumatized me.

"Okay, Estrellita."

𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐢 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. Also Moon will have her own book and when it comes it her
S/O will call her Estrellita. Don't think this is weird I just think it's cute.

Also I don't remember if I wrote what Estrellita meant so I'm just gonna tell you.

Estrellita is Spanish for little star

I think this is the longest chapter I've written. It has 2879 words

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