Easy To See(Sequel to 'Didn't...

By NetflixFanfix

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Megan Kline is in short...an internet sensation. She has millions of views and thousands of followers, which... More

Chapter One: Its Easy To See
Chapter Two: There's Something In The Air
Chapter Three: We'll Make It Work
Chapter Four: Aunt Cass
Chapter Five: Complete 180
Chapter Six: Jennie and Zackey
Chapter Seven: All For One
Chapter Eight: Can't Have Everything
Chapter Nine: Part Of Our World
Chapter Ten: The First Step
Chapter Eleven: The Cast List
Chapter Twelve: Overreacting
Chapter Thirteen: Valentine's Day
Chapter Fourteen: I Could
Chapter Fifteen: What Is Wrong With You?
Chapter Sixteen: Be Our Guest
Chapter Seventeen: Goodbye Party
Chapter Eighteen: The Climb
Chapter Nineteen: Tears and Explanations
Chapter Twenty: Things I Wish You Said
Chapter Twenty-One: Home Is Where The Heart Is
Chapter Twenty-Two: Forget About Me
Chapter Twenty-Four: Like Clockwork
Chapter Twenty-Five: Seize the Day
Chapter Twenty-Six: Spring Break
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Granola Bar
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Can't Win
Chapter Twenty-Nine: No One Else
Chapter Thirty: Easy to See
Chapter Thirty-One: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter Thirty-Two: Act Two
Chapter Thirty-Three: The Music In Me
Go My Own Way

Chapter Twenty-Three: The Mob Song

178 17 1
By NetflixFanfix

I walked into the costume shop with Gina, only to find EJ basically frozen in the doorway, and Lily, Antoinne, and one of our dancers, who I believe was named Grace. 

"Hello Wildcats." Lily greeted menacingly. 


"Antoine stop, you're not even really French." I said, moving over to stand beside them. The East High kids all looked at me with that same heartbroken betrayal that they did the night of Carlos' Birthday. 

"I don't know why you keep saying that. I am, how you say, definitely French."

"Then why do you keep saying 'how you say' followed by exactly what you mean to say?" I asked, crossing my arms and shooting him a look. 

"What are you all doing here? Scoping out the competition?" Lily questioned. 

"They're looking for their Beast mask," I said, keeping my eyes trained on the Wildcats, "They think we took it...understandably, its something we would do." 

"Padon me, but our costumes are most excellent. Why would we steal your mask when it is so, uh..." Antoinne trailed off. "I...we do not have a word for this in France, but in America, I believe you say...'fugly'?" 

"You wouldn't know that word unless you were American." I argued. 

"What did you call my work?!" Kourtnee exclaimed. 

"Quoi?" He looked at Grace pretending to be confused.

"Look, I'm sure your mask is supes cute," Lily said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "But we're just in different leagues. I mean, we're literally a quasi-pre-professional theater company, housing a real internet celebrity, and you guys put on shows based on made-for-TV movies, and think 2500 hits counts as 'viral'." 

"35,000 now." I corrected, glancing at Nini. "Its a great song, by the way." 

She smiled at this. 

"Now, maybe you should listen to your precious High School Musical and stick to the stuff you know." Lily concluded. 

"Oh yeah?" Seb asked. "What if we bop to the top?"

"Honey, no." Carlos whispered.

"Let's just wait for the Menkies," Ricky said, "We'll see who's in what league then." 

"Or we could find out now." Lily said, holding her arms out. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking over at her. 

"What does that mean?" Big Red questioned.

"We challenge you to a good old-fashioned dance-off. "

"A what?"

"A school-versus-school dance-off to a Beauty and the Beast song chosen at random." She explained. "You'll do your version and we'll do ours. We'll see which school has what it takes. No costumes, no makeup, just talent." 

"I don't want to do that." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry no," Ricky agreed, "That's weird."

"Super weird." Ashlyn threw in.

"Even for me," Carlos added, "Let's go, guys."

"Classic East High," Lily called after them, "Walking out of here with your tail between your legs, just like your Miss Jenn did when she gave up on Broadway. Its no wonder Megan here traded up. And you know let's just be honest, maybe your Belle just can't cut it."

"Lily, stop." I tried, stepping up to get into her line of sight. 

"No, I'm sorry, but nobody, out-Belles our Belle," Gina said, stepping up in front of her, "Not even Megan...no offense."

"No, none taken." I agreed, glancing at Ashlyn. She gave me a sad smile and I sighed taking a step back. 

"We're doing this."

"Good. Ten-minute warm-up, then we settle this, street-style."

"No!" I exclaimed, causing everyone to look at me. "You guys do what you want, but I'm not competing against East High."

"Oh honey, you already are," Lily argued, "In the Menkies, remember? But if you don't think you can handle it then I am your understudy. I'll go on in your place."

I shrugged.

"Fine. Whatever." I turned, leading the way out of the shop and down the hall towards the auditorium. 


The two groups started warming up and I took a seat in the audience. I was only there for a few seconds though, before Ashlyn appeared in front of me, stretching her arm across her body. 

"Why aren't you dancing with them?" She asked. "Do you not think I can beat you either?"

"I know you can beat me." I said simply. She furrowed her eyebrows. "Ashlyn, I meant what I told you before. You are Belle, and that authenticity comes out in your performance, and goes hand-in-hand with your mindblowing talent. I can't compete with you...and I'm really sorry if I ever made you feel like you were less or like I thought I was more talented than you because I promise, that was never my intention-"

"I know that," She said, sitting down beside me and grabbing my hands, "Megan, I never thought that you felt superior to me. I don't think you feel like you're better than anybody." 

"Really?" I asked.  "I mean, I was so upset that I didn't get Belle that I transferred to another school." 

"You and I both know that had nothing to do with me," She said, "You had your own stuff going on, and your own insecurities. I know that now...I'm just sorry I didn't realize it sooner." 

I shook my head, squeezing her hands.

"I've really missed you." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. "That video you sent me was beautiful, I was sobbing."

She laughed, crying now as well. I laughed too, and we both leaned forward, wrapping each other up in a hug. I pulled back, wiping my eyes with my thumb. I felt eyes on me, and glanced up to see EJ, mid-stretch, staring at me with sad eyes. I sighed, and Ashlyn followed my gaze. 

"I really hurt him, didn't I?" I asked, averting my eyes to my lap.

"Yeah" She admitted, "But he hurt you too. People make mistakes, its unavoidable. What matters is if we can make it up to them...and if they can find it in their hearts to forgive us." 

I nodded.

"I don't think he can," I reasoned, "I...I told him that I couldn't ask him to wait for me. I still have a lot of work to do, mentally, and I can't...I won't drag him into that again."

"But what if you don't have to ask?" She questioned. I bit my lip, glancing over at him again. He still hadn't looked away from me.

"Ok everyone! Warm up is over, gather around!" Lily called from the stage. "I will now press shuffle to choose the song." 

"After which, I will prepare a dance remix of the song," Antoinne added, "since I, on occasion, DJ." 

"Of course he's a DJ!" Big Red exclaimed.

"Non, Monsieur, I DJ but I would not say I am a DJ." He laughed condescendingly.

"Kind of like how you speak with a French accent, but you aren't actually French!' I called. He shot me an annoyed look, but I shrugged. 

"Everyone Ready?" Lily continued. "And its..."

She held her phone up dramatically, bringing her hand down to tap the button. 

"The Mob song."

Everyone groaned, but EJ pupped his fish excitedly, causing me to smile in spite of myself. 

"I knew you all didn't like the Mob Song." He said dejectedly. 

"Its not really a dancing song."

"its boring." 

"Well I mean-"

"Its fine, guys," Gina said, "We're East High. We can make anything work." 

"Open the curtain!" Lily shouted. 

The curtains opened, revealing North High's impressive set as well as Howie in his High Tech Beast costume, much to the mortification of the East High cast. 

"May the best school win. Places, please!" 

Antoine set up his DJ stand, and East High set up on one side of the stage, while North High stood on the other. I blew out a breath, sinking lower in my seat. 

The dance off began with Ricky at the front of their group, playing the guitar. Howie stood on our side, also with his guitar, still hidden beneath his Beast mask. The others stood behind them, hyping up their representative and talking trash at the others. 

"Through the mist, through the woods, through the darkness and the shadows its a nightmare but its one exciting ride." Ricky sang.

"Say a prayer, and we're there at the drawbridge of a castle  and there's something truly terrible inside." Howie chorused. The boys moved, beginning to circle around each other.

"Its a beast, he's got fangs, razor sharp ones."

"Massive paws, killer claws for the feast."

"Hear him roar, see him foam." Ricky stepped towards him, making mim back up.

" Cause we're not coming home," Howie copied his movements, "Til he's dead, good and dead." 

"KILL THE BEAST!" Everyone shouted, as the lights began to flash and the guitars were abandoned. 

Kourtnee stepped up first, doing a one-on-one hip-hop dance battle with one of North High's dancers. The entire group circled around them before East High rushed over to the stairs. They stood on the small staircase at the bottom, falling into position to sing and dance together.

"Light your torch, mount your horse, screw your courage to the sticking place, we're counting on Gaston to lead the way."

I raised my eyebrows at their i\impressive choreography as they moved off of the stairs and began dancing towards the North High kids.

"Through a mist, through a wood, we're within a haunted castle, something's lurking that you don't see every day."

The North High kids squeezed through the gaps, running up the stairs while East chased after them. 

"Its a beast, on as tall as a mountain," North High fell into their section, and East took a knee in front of them, "We won't rest till he's good and deceased. Sally forth, tally-ho, grab your sword, grab your bow, praise the lord and here we go."

North walked up to the highest landing, and East stood up on the floor. While trying to be as unbiased as possible, I couldn't help but form the opinion that vocally, choreographically...

East High is better. 

"No one's safe until he's dead, he'll come stalking us at night." Antoinne soloed, walking down the stairs dramatically.

"Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite." Carlos said, moving towards him on the ground as the Lumiere's faced off. 

"He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free." 

They began circling each other on the ground, until Carlos started singing. He backed up to stand in line with East High.

"So its time, to take some action boys, its time to follow me."

With every note, East High strode towards Antoinne, giving him no choice but to back away from them. Once they reached him, EJ and Ricky bent down, grabbing his legs and hoisting him into the air, carrying him in circles in pursuit of Antoinne. 

They switched sides, and North High appeared through the downstairs doorway, joining Antoinne as everyone started singing in unison.

"We don't like what we don't understand, in fact it scares us, and this monster is mysterious at least." 

Both groups fell into a line, weaving through each other until North High ended up crowded in the middle while East circled menacingly around them. 

"Bring your guns, bring your knives, save your children and your wives, we'll save our village and our lives."


The groups switched places until they finished the line, and Gina faced off with the North High dancers, who unfortunately did far more than Gina could compete with on her own. 

"Hearts ablaze, banners high, we go marching into battle, unafraid although the danger's just increased." Lily soloed, strutting confidently up the stairs. Ashlyn appeared on the top floor landing, coming at Lily aggressively and looking just as confident, if not more. 

"Raise the flag, sing the song, here we come we're 50 strong, and 50 Frenchmen can't be wrong!"

Lily had no choice but to back down the stairs, and Ashlyn ran past her, crushing a high note as she walked backwards towards the lower landing. 


Ashlyn's heel fell off the step and she teetered backwards. Everyone gasped and I shot out of my seat just as Antoinne grabbed her arm and caught her with his arm around her waist. 

Everyone shared awkward looks, unsure exactly what to do next. 

"Let's get out of here, guys." Ricky decided. They all nodded in agreement, heading for the stage stairs. 

"Uh, for the record," Lily giggled, "We won." 

"Are you serious," Gina laughed, "Just because someone almost fell?"

I rushed up the stage stairs, standing between the two groups so I could see the both.

'And did you see Gina's moves?" Kourtnee asked. "No way you beat that."

"Maybe we should have figured out some sort of points system?" Seb asked. 

"Let Megan decide." EJ spoke up. Everyone looked at him, before turning their eyes on me. "She didn't participate, and she's been at both schools. I trust her to be impartial." 

Lily put her hands on her hips, looking at me expectantly. I bit my lilp.

"Honestly?" I asked. "If you're looking at the performances as a whole, with vocals, choreography, the cohesiveness of the group...I'm sorry, but East High did it better."

They all cheered. 

"What are you even talking about?! They can't even sing!" Lily shouted.

I froze, the words sounding familiar in my mind...eerily like the first hate comment I got on YouTube. 

What are all of you even talking about? She can't even sing.

I slowly backed away from the group, going over to the DJ stand where Lily's phone was still set up. 

"You know what, this dance-of doesn't matter." Carlos interrupted. "The Menkies matter, and we're gonna win that, because we've got one thing you don't have." 

"The sympathy vote?" Lily retorted.

 I opened her phone, which had been unlocked so that Antoinne could use the music. I went to her YouTube app and clicked on the icon that would show me all the different emails saved to her device. My jaw dropped as I saw a huge list of fake email addresses, all of which had been plaguing my comment section for months. All of those terrible comments that had been destroying my confidence this whole time? They were almost entirely from Lily.

"No," Seb replied as Nini came up behind him, "Nini's Rose song." 

"Um," She said joyfully, "Sorry, not sorry, Wildcats, but if you perform her song in your show, you will be disqualified from the Menkies."

My head shot up at this, as I had not been informed of this information. 

"You can't alter the original Menken text." She said. Nini looked over at me and I shook my head.

"Nini, I swear, I didn't know that." I told her. 

"Well...let's just do it anyway." She said. "Stick to the plan and take the risk." 

"And risk letting them win?" Carlos asked. "Isn't there a sports metaphor for this?"

Everyone turned to look at EJ, whose eyes went wide.

"EJ, you had one job!" 

"I mean, what if the song didn't really fit in the show anyway, you know?" Ricky asked. "Seems a little heavy." 

Nini shook her head, turning around and storming off the stage.

"Let's go." Carlos muttered, turning around to leave the stage with her.

"Wait." Ashlyn said, causing them all to stop. They all looked at her and she turned her head to look at me. "Megan...come with us. Come back to East High...come home."

I raised my eyebrows at this, stepping up beside Lily. 

"I don't know if everyone wants that, Ash." I said, shaking my head.

"Of course we want that, are you kidding?!" Carlos exclaimed. I smiled at this. 

"We love you, Megan." Big Red chimed in. "And we miss you."

"We're all sorry about the way everything went down," Gina added, "And I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we're gonna start being a lot more conscious of each other's feelings." 

"You're still our playmaker." I swallowed hard as EJ moved up to the front of the group so that he was standing closest to me. "No matter what happened before...that never changed. Having you around...you make us better." 

"Exactly," Lily chimed in, "That's why she left in the first place? Megan wanted to be surrounded by equally talented people who actually pull their own weight. You can't expect her to carry you forever."

"So you admit that I'm talented?" I asked, turning to look at her. She furrowed her eyebrows and I held up her phone. 

"What are you doing with that-" She reached for it, but I held it out of her reach, glancing at EJ. 

"Remember all of those nasty hate comments I've been getting?" I asked, tossing her phone back to her so that she could catch it, "Turns out Lily's been making burner accounts and leaving comments pretending to be different people. 90% of those comments were from her." 

"You can't prove that." She spat.

"Tell that to the screenshots I texted to myself." I retorted. She glared at me. "But thanks for finally admitting that you think I'm talented." 


"Yeah, maybe that's true," I said, moving to stand beside Ashlyn and wrapping my arm around her shoulders, "But you don't need to beat me. You need to beat her, and trust me...you have got nothing on Ashlyn Caswell." 

Everyone cheered in agreement and Lily stomped her feet, storming off in the opposite direction. I laughed, turning to look at Ashlyn.

"So? You're coming back to East?" She asked, grabbing my hand on her shoulder. 

"Nah," I said, shaking my head, "I'm coming back home."

She giggled, crushing me in a hug and jumping up and down before we all walked down the stairs and out into the hallway. 

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