Battle Of The Spoiled (BoyxBo...

By Insane_MindRL

3.7K 207 101

What happens when two of the richest kids in all of Winhistler want the same thing, or someone to be exact. O... More

But It's Cold Outside
The Battle Begins
Saints and Sinners
Games begin
New found friend(s)
Moves of the century
Sleep Over! (Prt-1)
Shattered Peace
Aftermath Heat
Dinner Plans
Into Us
Food and First Kisses
Understanding Nothing

Sleep Over! (Prt-2)

135 9 0
By Insane_MindRL


There was a war brewing in Connor's basement and everyone knew about it. Once the twins arrived the room was divided between the two sectors. Grant declaring the left side consisting of the best sleeping spots and the only escape, the stairs. Finn had the rougher end of he stick being inexperienced with the layout of the room as he stuck himself in a metaphorical corner as he had grabbed the right hand side which only contained the tv and bathroom. Grant eyed the opposition wearily as Josh merrily talked to Amber, unaware of the unrest, "honestly I couldn't care less about what she thinks."

"To be honest she has always been a bitch" Amber laughed as they gossiped about some girl. Grant couldn't have been bothered to join in as he found gossiping stupid and pointless, but also cause there was movement on the right side.

Growing tired of the feud Connor decided to try and diffuse it by bringing food down. Excusing himself from the conversation he made his way into the kitchen upstairs and snagged a bag of chips. He had no idea what it was as it was to dark to tell and he couldn't have been bothered to turn on the lights. Heading back downstairs he placed the unknown bag on the table, "help yourselves guys!"

Suture was the first to attack the food, in a blue he was down from the rafters and on the bag. Shaking his head and clawing at it with one foot he desperate attempted to open it before he was spotted. "Ooh baby" Grant laughed, "you son want those, those are gross."

Connor was surprised of this statement, Grant loved nearly all food. However the brand he chose fell in the nearly zone. In 5th grade Grant had been eating sour cream and onion chips much like the ones he chose when he accidentally ate an ant that was on it. This was obviously much more unpleasant for the ant then Grant, but that didn't matter when it latched onto his gums and refused to let go for an hour. "Well you know wee the kitchen is. Just don't eat my parents tuff."

"Yeah, yeah i know how it goes" Grant hushed as he got up to retrieve the bird then head upstairs.

"Hey would you mind if I tagged along? I don't really like sour cream and onion as well" Jack asked sheepishly running his arm.

Grant wasn't particularly a fan of Jack, mainly cause of his direct tie with Finn, but at this point he was to hungry to care, "sure, Amber you coming?"

"You haven't put it in yet" Amber joked getting up.

"No I did, there has just been so much traffic through there it doesn't feel like it" Grant teased back while he coaxed the determined bird onto his hand.

"Or maybe a one inch pinch just doesn't satisfy a woman like her" Jack joked trying to fit in as he joined the two.

Amber laughed hysterically at this, "got 'em!"

"Ooh he didn't ask you if you had crabs or not honey" Grant sympathized with the red head before the trio disappeared upstairs.

Josh joined Connor on the couch, seeing as he was left alone, and picked at his onesie. Finn smiled, "I like your batman PJ's man, there pretty cool."

Josh looked up at Connor thinking the comment had actually come from him, but then realized it was from Finn, "err thanks."

"No problem man" Finn sat up and stretched, "do you guys mind if I change?"

"Go right ahead" Connor smiled turning to Josh suspecting the boy to leave to change. "So Josh how do you like it here so far?"

"It is a hell of a lot better than my old school I can tell you that much" Josh laughed, "my old school was shit."

"Well you'll learn how shitty this school is soon enough" Connor sighed, "soon enough."

"Wait your new?" Finn questioned bringing attention to the fact he had not in fact left, instead only in boxers feet away from Connor, "I would have never guessed cause you blended so well in unlike some of the other kids."

"Yeah" Josh laughed awkwardly at the nearly naked boy. "So you work out I assume?"

"Someone has to carry the school team" Finn smiled cheekily, "you can tell can't you?"

"Just a little" Josh turned to Connor who's eyes were glued to Finn, "hey what's the homework for math."

"Ooh thanks for reminding me!" Finn snapped his fingers and dashed upstairs towards the laughter, still not clothed.

"We had homework?" Connor squinted letting a shaky breath out.

"No" Josh smiled, "you were just drooling so I figured I would help you out."

Connor gulped, "do you think Finn noticed?"

"I would hope so" Josh leaned back in to the couch, "maybe something will finally happen then."

"What will happen?"

"You two are definitely into each other, I can't blame you honestly besides for the personality, but still. It's obvious that he's into you as well, unless things have changed so changing in front of people doesn't mean what it used to mean" Josh laughed smirking at Connor.

"Well" Connor blushed furiously, "well I don't know what to say really."

Shouting soon echoed through the house as Finn assumably entered the kitchen. The shouts mostly consisted of 'get clothes on' and 'that's just nasty' that made Connor smile. It reminded him off a small child prancing around in his underwear and all his older siblings are scolding him for it, but that smile would soon vanish.

"Your just jealous of my god like body" Finn mocked at the group.

Grant responded, "and the brain of a mentally disabled goldfish. There's just to much to be jealous of!"

"Coming from the one failing the same class I am in" Finn's voice was laced with aggravation.

Grant could only imagine Grants wicked smirk when he responded, "sorry that I don't have my daddy buy my grades, maybe then we would have something to compare to. We can't even compare friends as you bought those as well!"

Connor was up the stairs in a matter of seconds frightened at the thought of a fight, but was surprised when he heard Finn chuckle, "I don't think so, but what ever floats that ego of yours."

Grants eye brows squirmed as he thought about his next move before deciding that he wouldn't push it any further at due to their location. Whistling to the black bird that promptly flew to his shoulder before he went downstairs. After such a close call the group fell silent as they all gathered downstairs, one by one eventually falling into an uneasy rest.


Grant awoke by an uneasy poke to the side followed by a low cackle from the opposite side. Confused on why he was being awoken at such an earlier hour by someone besides Suture he painfully opened his eyes. Dim streams of morning light filtered in through the glass panels in the door above illuminating the figure, "trust me this hurts me more to ask, but could I sneak in there?"

The figures deep morning voice showed the unrestful night of sleep they have gotten, but also gave away the coldness of the room as their breath was in clouds. Grant was aware of how drastically cold it would get at the Franta's house as there was 'no need for heat over the night, you are asleep then' making the temperature plummet to nearly what it was outside. Grant was unsure of how he felt about letting someone in with him, especially him, but he knew he had to, "fine."

Lifting the covers and pushing himself against the wall, careful of the bird who had also seemed refuge under the covers, he allowed the teen to climb in, "thanks, I'm sorry for asking, but it's so fucking cold! I know it's weird to ask you of all people, but you had the most room and I feel more comfortable with you."

"More comfortable? We kinda get in fights and all that" Grant laughed as Finn moved so they were facing each other, both wrapped in the same blanket. "Unless you haven't noticed."

"No I have" Finn laughed, "it's just that you are the only person that fights me, which is a nice change of pace. I'm so used everyone just pretending to be my friend or doing whatever I wanted just because my dads rich and I'm the most popular kid in school. But to you I'm just some stuck up dude, not giving two shits about my social status or anything else besides what I do to you and your friends. While that's annoying as hell at times, it's also a nice thing."

"Okay" Grant responded not really caring even though he should, it's just to early to care, "well I'm going off to bed, stay or go I don't care as long as you don't let the cold air in."

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