You Changed My Story

By ShaneekaBarnett02

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OH MY GOD! There's nothing quite like being trapped with the one man you can't stand .. egotistic, pompous, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28|18+

Chapter 9

85 8 11
By ShaneekaBarnett02


*A week later*

Jacobson crossed his arms over his chest, eyebrows tightly knitted. "You're telling me that she's going blind."

I took a deep breath, my voice unsteady, "Yes. I was shocked."

He stared at me as if he was calculating algebra in his head. "This is quite problematic. If you replace her now, it will affect your public image."

My hands are clammy, unsure if it was nerves or the thought of replacing Olivet. "I don't plan on doing that."

The man scrutinized me, rubbing one finger against the scruff on his chin. "I can get someone to fulfill the contracts' requirements, you don't have to worry about public image. A friend of mine who works with the media can smooth that over for you."

Despite the pain and uncertainty that lie ahead, I don't want another woman to replace her. "That's unnecessary. I'll work something out."

"The girl is disabled." He waves me off dismissively, "It will be difficult for you."

"She's not disabled." I snarled. A muscle in my jaw ticked and my glare darkened. My blood was boiling.

"I have given you the best options Mr. Sylvan. Don't be stubborn." He checked his watch and grabbed his briefcase. "I'll be on my way."

I spun on my chair to gaze at the pinkish sky, enjoying the solace of my glassy floor to ceiling office. I've admired Olivets' strength and resilience from afar.

Memories of the moments we spent together flooded my mind, a tapestry of moments woven into timeline art. I kissed her and it left the reaction I'd expect, left me breathless, stopped my heart, caused my whole world to tremble, and scared the living shit out of me because all sorts of feelings surfaced. I shouldn't have kissed her like that, it's unfair to her.

She's the cause of my cold coffee mornings, my sleepless nights, counting fallen leaves on the cobbled pavement while the rain poured. I watched life behind a broken glass, the fog too thick, too heavy to picture anything. Only shadows and muffled voices. Nothing gets through. I left her when she needed me the most. I'm a terrible person. I didn't even f—king help her when she fell.

I unbuttoned the top of my shirt because now my damn lungs refused to perform their function. She hates me without a doubt, after storming out on her like that, why wouldn't she?

Even if she has a slither of feeling toward me, I don't deserve it. I'm a sinner, I wear the cross. Not because I'm worthy of it but because I need it more than anyone else.

My phone buzzed and I fished it from my pocket. Madeline, why is she calling?

I connected the line, "I'm at work about to leave for a meeting with the Russians. I've told you —"

"Olivet was taken to St. Paul's hospital," she rasped.

My heart thumps hard, almost painful, "What happened to her?" It felt as if someone shoved my head underwater, refusing to let me come up for air.

"She instructed me not to tell you anything," Madeleine sniffled on the other end. "But I was worried so I went behind her back."

Her vague response worked on my anxiety, building a whole mountain of worries.

"Is her condition severe, answer me."

She disconnected the line and I cursed under my breath. I dug through my desk drawer for my car keys, a thousand bad scenarios going through my head. Strands of hair stuck to my forehead while I ransacked the entire thing.

"Dammit." I told Sable to organize the stuff here! Is she incompetent?

I located my keys and thanked God silently. Outside my office, I hastily slipped into my jacket while striding to the elevator.

"Mr. Sylvan." Sabe had a box in hand, her ankles wobbled in those high ass heels. "I've notified the client of your meeting, please be in the conference room by ten."

"Reschedule," I growled and stabbed the button, almost damaging its core.

She stood there with her jaw hanging open as the doors closed. I clamp my eyes shut, listening to the trashy elevator music. My heart pounded with a mixture of fear and apprehension. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. Olly, I thought you trusted me enough to let me know what you're going through. As I walked out, my joints jangled and shook as if they were disconnected.

The fire inside me was dying, her smile kept me sturdy. Grounded. I'm afraid I might not get the chance to see it again.

Mrs. Fairway greeted me, "Good morning Mr. Sylvan. She tilted her thick-framed glasses down her chubby nose, "Heading out?"

My faithful secretary. Other than my mother, she pays keen attention to me.

"Yes." Gazing out at the dark heavy clouds, a crack burst right through my heart. How lonely she must be.

She stares at me like a freshly wounded puppy. I whined, hoping she wouldn't press questions.

"I'll hold the fort, go where you need to be."

"Thank you." Grateful for her more than anything, I slipped out the nearest exit.

Thunder crashed and the wind howled, taking tiny pieces of debris with it. The air stings my lungs, raising goosebumps over my skin. I inhaled and exhaled rapidly the scent of fresh dirt mixed with dried leaves as I strided to my car.

"Stormme!" The heavy thudding of footsteps made me turn. Caspian pulled his thick hood over his head, smirking like an old pirate dog the entire time.

I grit my teeth, unlocking the door. "I don't have the time to stay and chat."

He squeezed my shoulder. "Come on buddy, you look like you need a drink. I'll pay."

"I don't have time for all your shenanigans." I brushed his hand off and entered the car.

He gets in and shuts the door, "I haven't seen you since high school." he gave me a conspiratorial wink. "Now you're engaged. Didn't think you're the type to settle down."

Talk about bad timing. I ignored him, carefully reversing the vehicle. We did a lot of dumb shit in high school, released frogs in the girls' bathroom, and almost set the cafeteria on fire.

"As much as the girls disliked us as a team, they were all over you. I didn't stand a chance." He turns on the music, moving his shoulders to the beat. "Where are you going?"

Should have asked me that before you got in my damn car. I clenched the steering wheel, preparing for the worst.

He groaned leaning against the dashboard. This guy reeks of cigarettes and sex. I need to get him out fast.

"You're giving me the cold shoulder? I guess you got nothing to do with a guy like me." His lips curled with bitterness.

"I have my priorities, getting wasted or arrested isn't one of them."

Looks like a storm's coming. I need to get to the hospital before the rain pours.

"Because you're successful now, you think you're better than me?" He held his head down, shoulders tense. "I hate people like that."

My fingers burned and the veins in my forehead became more visible. A feral noise vibrated through my teeth, he deleted my contact when I informed him I graduated with honors. I don't owe this guy an explanation.

I parked by the curb, "Get lost."

He laughed, "Saw your fiancé on live TV." He opened the door, and with a voice laced with covetousness, he whispered. "She deserves better."

I shoved him out and he fell with a splash into gutter water and dog shit.

"What's going on over there?"

People started to gather and I sped off. Guys like you belong in a cesspool. With a heavy heart, I slapped the steering wheel, knowing well that he might be right. The Midas touched lingered in my hands, they destroyed everything they came in contact with. I wanted beautiful things, lavish things, luxury, and women. I wanted power, by rising to the top, I'd glorify in them.

Olivet wanted to carry the world on her shoulders, while I wanted to conquer it. She'd save a dying rose under a bridge on the verge of collapse. F—k, she's my opposite. I've found out she loves flowers, so I'd send her tender delicacies as a means of communication without words. I contracted a hellish fever a few weeks ago and she nursed me back to health, she never left my side and I found her fast asleep by my bed the next morning. Warmth spread through my heart in that moment our eyes met.


When I arrived, the nurses in the dimly lit hallway wanted to snap a few pictures. They took some and managed to slow me down.

"Stormme, when will be launching another conference for Green Leaf? My brother wants to be a part of it." The woman in the tightish blue iniform touched my arm, she gasped, her cheeks blushing.

"I don't have the time to answer your questions. Olivet Raizel stays in this hospital, take me to her."

They were quiet, their downcast expression made my stomach churn.

"I'm Bryn, her nurse." Walking towards me in a pair of scrubs that had seen better days, she gave me a tight-lipped smile.

Her uniform was disheveled and the dark circles under her eyes could haunt ghosts. Fresh cuts were all over her fingers and arm. I didn't want to ask about them, afraid that It might be more than I could take.

"Come with me." She ambled away and I trailed behind her, my heart was about to shatter my ribcage. "We had to tie her ankles to the bed."

My eyes failed to register anything as they were overcome with tears.

Slightly open, she pushed the door further. "We have to keep sharp objects away from her according to Dr. Noland." My body froze. " Her hands were covered in blood when she got here."

Gasping for air, I went to her bed and my heart broke at the sight. Those beautiful strands that I adored, Once like silk that dripped through my fingers, were mangled. Red blotches covered her neck and her eyes were no longer the vibrant green that I knew well. They're pale and greyish, they lost their luster.

The chains rattled when she bent her knee. Unblinking.

My heart asphyxiates and I feel a massive drum beating in my throat. I bent over her, shaking.

"We wanted your permission first before taking her somewhere else for special care."

Misted tears were dripping on her forehead. The emotions that swarmed my chest were immeasurable.

"Bryn," her voice turned a spring of life to deserts. "The ceiling is leaking."

But then her nose twitched. It was as if the universe held its breath, preparing for what was to come next.

"Stormme — is that .... you?"

Those embracing eyes turned to daggers of endless hope, piercing the shattered remains of my heart.

"Yes. It's me." I brushed her hair back from her forehead and kissed her there tenderly. "I'm here."

The shackles on her hurt me even more, they left some dirty bruises. She's not in good care. My breath hitched when tears streamed down her face and I wondered how long I'd last on my two feet.

"I'm sorry I failed you."

Christ Olly, don't apologize. I prayed beyond this hope that we might spend lost days together. Taking your hand in mine slowly, entwining our fingers in secret.

"I can't see anymore," My tongue was broken. She turns her head. "You can find someone else —"

I growled, stopping her mid-sentence and I took her hand. "Why would I take another, you're my wife." A delicate fire runs under my skin when she guides her trembling fingers between mine.

"I'm happy you're here." She snuggled up to me.

"Take the bindings off her."

Bryn squeezed the clipboard to her bulging chest, "Dr. Noland told us not to."

"Get him in here." I snapped and she made haste.

I helped her to sit. I'm itching to take her home and away from here.

"I'm blind." She lifts her hands in front of her face. Panic, dread, and something near to visible pain crept into her eyes.

I cupped her face in my hand, stroking heat into her cheek. "Olly. We'll get through this." She nods, "Did you hurt yourself?"

"I didn't mean to, I tried using the knife to cut some fresh vegetables. Madeline wasn't home, she comes and goes with a man so I called Dr. Noland."

How dare she, and why would they use shackles? I'm concerned about the red blotches on her neck.

"How long have you been here?"

"Two days."

Madeline, she has some explaining to do.

The doctor made an entrance, but his face turned sour when his eyes landed on us.

"Mr. Sylvan, what a fiancé you are." He said and crossed his arms over that chicken chest.

"Don't push it," I warned him. Olivet trembled next to me as if a bucket of ice was thrown at her. Is she afraid of him?

"Please don't leave me." Her hold on my arm grew tighter.

This guy, I should have noticed it the day he walked into her penthouse. There's something off about him.

"I'm only saying this once, remove the bindings from her ankles."

"She hurt herself. It's too risky —"

I shoved him against the wall, looking directly into his eyes. "Don't F—k with me you snake. I'm taking my woman home."

He chuckled, smiling with his eyes wide. "She's blind as a bat. No use keeping her."

I can't believe he's a doctor. Olivet isn't staying another day here. I stepped from him and he fixed his coat.

"Stormme, you can't leave me!" She kicked off her feet, "Please." The pain-like boil about to burst swells in my chest at the sound of her desperate call.

"It's alright my little flower, I had no intention of leaving you." I gave the doctor my attention. "How much do you want?"

He rubbed his hands together, "Half a million and you can take her."

This sack of shit. His license should be taken away, "I'll wire the money to your account."

The shackles were removed quickly. I lifted her up bridal style and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

Doctor Noland came up behind me, "You're playing with fire."

"You'll regret doing this." I spoke under my breath."

I left him.

"Don't worry my little wife. I'll take care of you and we can discuss options for surgery." I cupped her head to my chest.

"What if it's permanent?"

"Let's not think negatively right now and please don't panic, it affects me too."

I'll do whatever it takes to fight for you.

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