My Bloody Francia (DISCONTINU...

By katrezi

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Male Reader X Maria Renard. [WARNING: This story contains plenty of narrative elements that are far more sini... More

0. Dying Flame
1. Conviction
3. Freedom Is The Sweetest Thing
4. Nightmares Of Reality
5. Requiem
6. A Path To The End
7. In Bloom
8. Don't Fear The Reaper

2. Dawn Before Darkest

343 11 21
By katrezi

Heads up. I'm going to write the next chapters and the future Season 2 chapters in Microsoft OneNote from now on. I hope pictures can be copied and pasted from there. So there's that. I know I'm still on break. But I had this tucked away in the drafts, so here it is.



As the sun sets on a village in the deepest parts of the France wilderness, a younger Viessa is seen walking with her Master, Garza Belloc. Garza keeps his Cane Sword close to him as he and Viessa scout the outer areas of the village.

Viessa: Master. I don't see anything. 

Garza: Stay on alert. These blood drinking bastards love to hide.

The two continue to trek through the woods, owls are heard alongside the other natural sounds of the wildlife. As they walk, they hear the sounds of rustling in the bushes. A vampire lunges at Viessa from behind, but she draws her flintlock pistol, twirling it around in the air to land backwards on her shoulder as she fires, wounding the vampire as they fall on the ground, dying.

Garza: Excellent. 

Garza then notices Viessa's uneasy look of mental imbalance. 

Garza: Viessa? Is something the matter?

Viessa: Actually... yes. It's Y/N, and the rest of the Sorcerers. Are you sure he's going to be okay?

Garza: They will. I'm certain of it. That boy is powerful in his own right. I wouldn't worry at all when it comes to our people.

Viessa: Are you sure?

Garza: I am. We've stood strong for 400 years, and we'll remain as the shields for the innocents.

The vampire however, coughs up blood as he laughs.

Vampire: What foolishness...

Garza goes over to the vampire, unsheathing his sword from cover, and stabs the vampire in the chest. He grunts out in pain, but he still laughs.

Garza: You vermin all need to exterminated. One by one. 

Vampire: Ha... I can say the same to you Sorcerers, always bleeding for livestock. Your Regiment has been played like a fiddle. And now, all of you will burn...

The vampire's head slumps over as he turns to ash.

Viessa: Master Belloc, what did he mean by that?

Before Garza could respond, screams are heard alongside gunfire at the village. Garza and Viessa quickly return to the village. Once they arrive, they find 3 vampires and their men ruthlessly slaughtering the innocent as they're either shot, cut down, or trampled by horses. But none of the aforementioned vampires look like any lowly fodder. 

(ignore all that extra stuff on the sides.)

Garza uses his sorcery to toss a crate at the armored vampire, but he slices it in half. Staring back at Garza, he looks at him with disgust.

Xer: Pitiful fucking human. Do you really think you can defy us? You livestock are nothing to us.
(Xer Voice Claim: Adam Smasher)

Garza: It matters not what you think of us, the only thing that does matter is seeing all of you wiped out for the betterment of humankind!

The blonde haired vampire steps up next to Xer.

Qieti: Silence human, you live in the walls. Pazimir, take care of them. 
(Qieti Voice Claim: Laura Bailey, but in the Uncharted 4 Nadine / Vex'ahlia voice.)

The fully armored vampire Pazimir, looks at Qieti.

Pazimir: With pleasure, my dear. 
(Pazimir Voice Claim: Troy Baker)

Viessa sees a few villagers backed into a corner as Qieti runs up to them. Viessa fires at Qieti but she changes into a bat, dodging the bullet. She then returns to normal and simply swings her clawed hands, killing the villagers. The rest of the vampire's men proceed to feed on the rest of villagers or kill them as they whimper and cry. The crying villagers are met with Qieti ending them violently.

Viessa: NO!

Pazimir then speeds into Viessa at a breakneck speed, knocking her down. Garza rushes in to assist his apprentice, but Xer flies in front of Garza, and knees him in the stomach. He falls down and quickly rolls out of the way. Viessa kicks Pazimir off of herself.

Garza: Viessa! You have to run!

Viessa: I won't leave without you!


With hesitation running through her mind, Viessa decides to run away. As Garza duels Javin and Qieti, he soon finds himself overwhelmed in seconds. Garza still proceeds to put up a fight, punching Qieti in the face, sending her flying into a wooden wall. Pazimir, after seeing his beloved become endangered, enrages him. He savagely swings his clawed hands, roaring like a beast. Garza dodges and blocks his claws, but Xer comes in, shoulder charging Garza into a stone wall as his back hits it. Garza lets out a yell of pain as his back hits the wall, but he quickly rolls out of the way of a violent kick that shatters part of the wall. And instead of cutting Garza down with the axe he has, Xer balls his fists, and jabs Garza in the chest a few times, followed by Xer landing blows on his face, the last hit Xer connects to Garza's face sends him tumbling away. Garza grunts, and uses his earth sorcery to fling human sized rocks at Xer and Pazimir, knocking them away. 

A few other vampires armed with rifles come in, shooting at Garza. He creates spikes of wood to shoot at the vampires, killing them. One of the vampires gets the drop on Garza from above, but he tosses them into a stand. Garza violently makes the explode as if it was a grenade while he closes his fist, sending the vampire's blood, guts, and bones everywhere. Many upon many more vampires flood in, Garza uses his sorcery to send projectile after projectile to hit them, but he grows exhausted. 

Thinking quick, and tossing a tree at a few vampires, they get hit and die. Garza is then shot from behind his stomach once by a sniper. As he bleeds from his mouth, Garza roars with all of his might, running up to the vampires and knocking them off the cliff with his sorcery as they yell.  Xer then jumps in, dueling Garza. The two proceed to fight once more with all their might, Garza ducks under Xer's axe several out of many times as the environment is used during their fight, but Garza ends up worse for the worse as Xer is in pristine condition. Headbutting Garza, Xer kicks him back, dazing him.

Garza readies his blade once again, but he senses a sinister force. When he turns around, he sees Pazimir and Qieti, but what really catches his eye is Erzsebet Báthory, The Vampire Messiah, looming right in front of him. And she is not impressed by what she sees, a puny man in her vision who's on his last legs.

He grits teeth in anger.

Garza: You.

Erzsebet only smiles.

Erzsebet: You certainly are stronger than most. But I simply have no time for roaches like you. However, it's time for you join the rest of your rabble who are all over Europe, dying for nothing.

Garza yells and attempts to put an end to The Vampire Messiah as he jumps in the air ready to cut her down, but Erzsebet simply stops time, strutting over to Garza, and bites him in the neck very deeply puncturing a vein. Erzsebet removes her mouth from his neck and lets Garza go as he gasps for air while his cane sword and its sheathe are taken by Qieti as a trophy. Garza tries to move, but Pazimir stabs Garza in the stomach, and Qieti stabs Garza right in the center of his chest with his own cane sword, severing a heart valve.

Pazimir: You humans. Always so predictable.

Qieti: You Sorcerers fell for the biggest trick in the book. It's a shame you were all so gullible to never realize we had agents in your little High Council. It was a matter of time, really. Which means we can all feed on the populace freely you and your kinfolk, rot and die. Farewell.

Garza is then flung off the cliff by Erzsebet, he goes plummeting into the woods below the village as he hits the ground, wounded to death. Viessa senses her Master, and goes over to find him, only to find him laying on his back. Viessa rushes over to Garza, holding him as tears brim from her eyes.

Garza: Viessa... Never give in to these bastards...

The life leaves Garza's eyes as Viessa proceeds to cry softly, followed by Viessa letting out pure sobs of pain while she clutches Garza's lifeless body. Her cries and sobs echo throughout the night.

Present time, 1792.

At night, in front of Notre Dame, the people are waving around french flags on sticks as they shout and holler, the rain patters on all of them the thunder roars. Up on a wooden platform, a guillotine is seen as 4 adults are kneeling next to the announcer, and another man has his neck in the swift wooden tool of death. The blade then swoops down, putting an end to the man's life. 3 other people are forced up to the platform. One of them tries to run away, but they shot dead instantly. The 2 others are put their knees, and on their chests.

Abbot: (narration) This so called revolution... it is not a struggle for the right of man. It is an abomination. An affront to the natural order. To common decency. 

A man looks up at the guillotine, knowing there is no other way out for him. 

Abbot: And above all, to God and his church. My own holy order, the Knights of Saint John, were founded to protect pilgrims in the wars for the holy land, has been commanded to submit to the blasphemous, Godless state. 

Elsewhere, not so far away from the crowd, a carriage pulls in. Other vampires are seen escorting the carriage, even Xer, who is on his own horse. In the carriage, Qieti, Pazimir, and Drolta are in it, gazing out at the ongoing execution. 

Abbot however, is in his church, talking to the people as his knights watch on. 

Abbot: We would rather die. But whatever horrific acts they commit, in the names of their sacrilegious future, the days of this abomination will soon be over. A deliverer is at hand. A new Joan of Arc. A mighty warrior queen to lead us from salvation. 

The carriage convoy soon enough strolls past a bridge, and stops at another luxurious looking building. 

Abbot: She will raise a holy army of the righteous to crush the blasphemers. 

The carriage stops as Abbot does the cross sign with one hand, and grasps his hands together in a praying stance. 

Abbot: Au nom de Dieu.
[In the name of God.]

His knights follow suit,  doing the same praying pose as Abbot.

Knights: Au nom de Dieu.

As the vampires, with their hoods up, looking at the approaching soliders walk up and stop to the carriage in front of another crowd, the soliders speak.

French Solider: State your business in the Commune of Paris. 

The carriage door slowly opens, as Drolta, Qieti, and Pazimir step out. Pazimir however, isn't in his armor, yet he is still wearing a robes with a hood.

Drolta: This is Paris, isn't it?

French Solider: I'm a representative of the Insurrectionary Commune of Paris. State your business. All of you.

Drolta: We're representatives too, of the Messiah. Isn't that right, Pazimir? Qieti?

Qieti simply nods her head.

Pazimir: Yes. (Looks at the troops) Now move out of our way, we have matters to attend to. 

French Soldier 2: Religious Orders need to register with the National Convention. 

Drolta simply chuckles.

Drolta: Not that Messiah. The real one. 

Qieti, Pazimir, Xer, and the rest of the vampires simply watch on as Drolta puts her hand through the first solider, killing him. The second solider attempts to aim his rifle at her, but Drolta cuts the soldier's neck, he drops to the ground, bleeding out as he grasps his wound. As for the final solider, he is bisected in half at the waist down, the contents of his body spill out onto the cobblestone. Drolta licks her blood covered hand as Qieti giggles.

Hours later, day time.  

Maria rests under a tree holding her deceased red bird as you're next to her, an arm around the back of her neck to comfort as your other hand is holding your father's stopwatch, it ticks without a problem. Currently, both hands are on the 12. Off to the side, Tera approaches from behind, holding Maria. 

Maria: I don't know if I should bury it...

Tera offers up the most softest, gentle tone to her daughter.

Tera: Come on, I need help with breakfast. 

Getting up with Tera and Maria, you tuck your pocket watch away, going back to the house.

Minutes later.

Richter kicks the corpse of one of the night creatures into a ditch, he then tosses a torch into the ditch, burning the corpse while Richter goes over to the shovel.  Maria is carrying a basket and a plate of food, putting it down on the table. Madeline, Viessa, Edouard, Annette, and you are at the table, while Kalafri is under the same shady tree with her robes on. Tera walks down the rear staircase leading up to the house from behind.

Maria: I've heard about the revolution in Saint-Domingue, of course. But the papers only reach here sometimes. And then about six months late. 

Viessa: Uh, what exactly happened over there?

Maria turns over to look at Viessa.

Maria: The slaves rose up, burned all the sugar plantations, and killed all the bastard slave owners.

Y/N: I'm proud of the slaves, really.

Madeline: Aren't we all? Freedom isn't something that should be tampered with. You take that away, the people will fight back with all of their might.

Maria: And they have, as they should. 

Viessa: Damn right.

Annette looks slightly conflicted at the table.

Annette: Not quite all. One escaped. Many white colonists were vampires. 

Tera pours some tea into a cup as Annette continues to talk. 

Annette: The island was teeming with all kinds of evil. And it's not over yet, our revolution. We're still fighting.

Tera smiles at Edouard, and she smiles back. 

Maria: Then I'll call a meeting. It will be so inspiring. Many representatives from another revolution. 

Viessa: The best thing we can do is hope they have our interests at mind.

Maria: I they will, don't worry.

Tera then pours tea into your cup and smiles at you. 

Y/N: Merci.
[Thank you.]

After drinking your tea, you look at Annette and Edouard.

Y/N: And you two were wrongfully in chains?

Edouard: Annette was. I was an opera singer. 

Y/N: Annette, I'm sorry you were dragged through something so horrid, and so... unnecessary. 

Annette: It's fine, Y/N. It only made me more... stronger as a result.

Richter: I'm glad. 

Richter smiles at Annette, and she smiles back. Tera however, looks over at Kalafri.

Tera: Kalafri dear? Would you care for some tea?

Kalafri: Of course.

Kalafri steps out of the tree, gloves over her hands as the robes are still covering her entire body. Kalafri sits down next to Viessa, and grabs her fresh tea that was poured, and she takes a sip.

Kalafri: Thank you.

Tera: Anytime, dearie.

Once Edouard takes a bite out of his bread, his eyes widen in surprise.

Edouard: Oh mon dieu. This bread is.. fantastic.
{Oh my God.]

Tera offers Edouard another smile.

Edouard: We've been living off of nothing but ship rations for the past few weeks. I'd never eat another strip of dried meat for as long as I live. 

Viessa: Amen.

Richter: Yeah, and only God knows what kind of meat they were making you eat.

Edouard: Have you spent time on a ship?

Richter takes a bite out of his bread.

Richter: (cracking a small smile) I sailed here from Boston when I was a boy. (small laugh) Worst few weeks of my life.

Edouard chuckles as a response while Tera sits down at the table. 

Edouard: I didn't think it was humanly possible to vomit so often. 

Annette: Nor did I.

Edouard: And just so you people know, Annette found my suffering hilarious. 

Annette: (holding in a laugh) Everything's an opera, even puking over the side of a ship.

Y/N: Then God help the poor fishermen who decide to go fishing at sea. 

Edouard, Viessa, Madeline, Tera, Annette, Tera, and Maria all laugh at your joke, while Richter laughs, only a little bit. Moments like this are moments that you wish you could live in forever, but such is not case in a world as changing like this. The laughs eventually die down as Richter speaks up.

Richter: Annette, tell us what you know about the Vampire Messiah. 

Annette looks down quite a bit as Richter tosses throwing knives into a tree.

Annette: In Saint-Domingue, there's a mambo, a priestess, my teacher. She's a powerful sorcerer and seer. It was she who told me to find you. (looks to You, Madeline, and Viessa) The same goes for the three of you as well. She had friends in the Regiment.

Viessa: Well, we get around a lot.

Richter: And you're sure she knows of this Messiah? 

Annette: She said; "Something is changing out here in the Old World." 

Richter then uses the Belmont Whip to flick one of the knives back into his hand.

Annette: For centuries, vampires have lived coiled around the old house of Europe like vines.

Kalafri: That much is true.

Richter: Kalafri, anything you know as well?

Kalafri: Not much, sadly. In all truth, I'm not full vampire. My father was a human, and mother was a... you could already guess what.

(FYI Kalafri is powerful on her own but she is not Alucard levels of powerful. You're welcome.)

Madeline: Then why wear the robes?

Kalafri: Pretty obvious why I do. It kept me safe from many wary humans.

Madeline: Hm. Point taken.

Annette: And when it comes to the vampires who have existed in Europe for so long, they're close allies with the dukes, the barons, the principalities, and even the royal courts themselves. 

Richter whips another knife back into his hand. 

Edouard: And that's... troubling.

Y/N: Very. The citizens don't know the half of it.

Annette: They don't. But many vampires resented their reliance on human kings and princes. This Messiah promises to make them unquestioned masters of the world. 

Richter: Won't that be fun.

Annette: In turn, they'll leave the kings and princes in place, but with vampires pulling the strings. Which means first, they have to crush the revolution, and every person against it. Including would be rebels us.

Maria: How surprising. The evil Messiah is on the side of the old regime. 

Y/N: And how many times have we hard this type of story? One too many for a single lifetime.

Madeline: You have a point. The sooner we put a blade through the Messiah, the better. 

Kalafri: I'm afraid it won't be that easy. I heard stories on the wind, she comes with unprecedented power beyond our wildest dreams.

Viessa: Figures...

Annette looks at Richter.

Annette: Asides from the Sorcerers at our table, the priestess told me you could do magic. 

Richter whips the final knife back into the air, once it falls back down, he whips it back into the tree. He then looks at Annette.

Richter: I did. When I was a kid.

Annette: What happened? 

Richter only looks to the side, not wanting to open up on the "how". 

Annette: Never mind, we'll make do. 

Y/N: I hope we will. If what Kalafri said is true, we'll have to tread lightly.

Maria: We'll be careful, don't worry Y/N.

Maria gives you a soft hug, and you return the hug., holding Maria with care. 

Richter walks over to retrieve his knife. 

Annette: The Messiah was a monster before she was a vampire. 

Tera looks over at Annette, hanging onto every word.

Tera: She?

Annette: Even as a human, she tortured and murdered young boys and girls. 

Something in Tera's mind snaps, and she slams her hands on the table with wide eyes.

Y/N: Miss Renard?

Tera: What's her name? 

Annette looks at Tera with a stern look.

Annette: Erzsebet Bathory. 

Tera gasps with hands to her mouth, then runs off.

Maria: Mum! 

Maria goes after Tera, which prompts you to follow, as does everyone else. 

Elsewhere, Paris.

After stepping out of a carriage with a large umbrella over them, Drolta, Pazimir, and Qieti step into a private home. Three hooded vampires are holding three whimpering women in place. Drolta faintly laughs and bites into the middle woman's neck as Qieti and Pazimir do the same to other two women. Drolta holds the face of the middle woman as she chuckles.

Drolta: Oh yes. She'll do nicely. 

Drolta then looks to Qieti and Pazimir, who also have their mouths full of blood.

Drolta: The Messiah will be pleased.

Qieti: As she will be, Drolta. As she will be.

Back to you.

Behind Tera, You, Richter, Annette, Viessa, Madeline, Maria, Kalafri, and Edouard approach. Tera is standing in front of a small stream with her back turned to all of you. 

Tera: I... never really told you why I fled from Russia. 

You and Maria walk up to Tera.

Maria: You said you had no choice. 

Y/N: And that it was a "do a or die" situation. 

Tera: That is true. But I never really told you who I had to leave behind. 

Maria gently holds Tera's hand, as you hold Tera's shoulder. 

Tera: I thought... I hoped... that it was locked away in the past and far away in the east, and that you all were safe from it.

Richter walks up to Tera, as does Madeline. 

Tera: But, of course you're not safe. Not currently.

Y/N: Tera, you can talk to us. We won't belittle you for opening up.

Tera smiles at you.

Tera: Thank you, chérie.

Tera then inhales and exhales, looking at the others.

Tera: I was born 4,000 miles to the east, in Russia. By the banks of a great river.

As Tera thinks back to her past, a snow covered village comes to mind.

Tera: People were poor, cruelly treated. So, my family, a clan of Speakers, settled there for a while to help ease their suffering. And for a while, we were free. But, of course, our freedom couldn't be tolerated. 

On a dark night, legions of horse are seen at the village, all of them having vampires on the backs of them. The horses ride into the village, killing villager who tried to run, down to the Speakers to themselves who attempted to fight back, but were also killed.

Tera: So the vampires came, many of them. None worse than Erzsebet Bathory, and her attack dogs, Drolta Tzuentes, Pazimir Jago, Qieti Halles, and Xer Surian. 

Once these few laid their eyes on Tera as they were circling her like a hawk, Tera's sister grabs her hand, and the two of them ran for safety. Far far far away from the vampires and their cruelty. 

Annette: So, you fled. 

Tera: Not yet.

Maria: I didn't know you had a sister. 

Y/N: Neither did I. What happened to her? Did she make it out alright?

Tera looks quite troubled as you ask her that.

Madeline: Tera?

Tera: I tried my hardest to save her. 

At a castle in the mountains, Tera, walks into a dark room as a cry is heard. 

Tera: Erzsebet Bathory doesn't simply kill her victims, 

Once she uses her magic to conjure a small fire at the top of her fingers, a horrific sight takes her vision. Many upon many girls and boys from the village are hung by their wrists on hooks as rope bounds their wrists, all of them are not looking pristine. 

Tera: She tortures them for as long as she can keep them alive. She rejoices in the most sickest agony she can inflict onto others. 

Tera's eyes widen as she sets her sights on her sister, also hung by her wrists. Her sister looks up to Tera and musters up a normal smile. This comforts Tera, and Tera runs over to her sister, but her sister suddenly smiles sinisterly at Tera with a fanged smile, which frightens her. Tera gasps, and the doors behind her open up to reveal Erzsebet standing in the doorway. Tera thinks quickly, drawing a knife and stabbing her sister in the chest as she growls. Tera sheds tears.

Tera: I fled. Leaving her, and everyone I ever knew.

Tera jumps out of the window, falling into the cold blizzard.

Tera: West, and further west, to places I didn't even know existed. Until I finally found refuge here, in France. I know I should have told you earlier, and I'm sorry.

Upon hearing Tera talk about her past, you hug Tera. And she hugs you back with a smile. 

Y/N: I'm glad you made it out of there. But your sister... she deserved better.

Tera: Our whole village did, Y/N.

You let Tera go, and Richter looks at Tera. He holds her hands.

Richter: There are things I don't talk about either. 

Y/N: Well, there is one thing I have to talk about since we're all letting our feelings out. Based on what my father told me, he said I was born from the intestines of a night creature that ate my mother, and out from the skeleton of my mother was little old me. Being robbed of a mother's love at birth isn't something most people can handle. But I did. Felt completely helpless without mother being here, but... I managed at least. 

Tera and Maria appear disturbed after hearing about this.

Tera: Oh ma douce... I'm so sorry, Y/N.
[Oh my sweet...]

Y/N: It's okay, Tera. I live with whatever this world throws at me. Bad or worse. When it comes to Erzsebet, we will stop her.

Maria then hugs you in the efforts to comfort you, and you hug her back. 

Tera: She will being horror beyond nightmares. Suffering and pain beyond endurance. She won't simply want to crush the Revolution, she will drain it slowly of blood until there's nothing left, and she grinds its bones to dust. 

Annette: But we will defeat her.

Viessa: You know it, Annie. No way in hell are we letting her triumph. Besides, I'm not only worried about your people here, but I'm also worried about my people in America. Blotting out the sun is something we don't need to happen. The last thing any of us need is Erzsebitch marching over to North America and the other continents outside of Europe, and taking over everything with little effort. 

Annette summons a large sword shaped shard of metal in the air after it comes into form from sand and earth, it goes flying into a tree, and pierces it like nothing. 

Richter: Don't you worry, Viessa. We're going to fucking to kill her. 

Richter walks off, everyone else follows suit. Out from the bushes, a figure in a blue hood and a red haired women watch the group leave. On the man's hip however, is a glowing sword that hums.

???: A bloody Belmont? At a time like this? I thought they were all but gone.

??? 2: Not exactly. They've been around longer since your Creed, you know.

???: Right.


You kneel under a tree with Richter, Maria, Annette, Tera, Viessa, Madeline, and Kalafri. Maria is looking downwards at her dead bird as it rests in a small ditch, right next to a shovel.

Y/N: Maria. I'm sorry. 

Maria looks at you with a pained look, she then holds her dead bird in her lap, her eyes barely looking away from the bird.

Maria: I am too. If I was more quicker, more faster...

Y/N: Maria, don't blame yourself for this. Instead, blame the vampires who are out to plunge us all in eternal darkness. 

Maria: But-

Y/N: Maria. I know you're stronger than this. Me, Tera, Richter, Mae, Annette, we're all here for you.

Maria musters up a smile laced with agony as you pat her shoulder, and Edouard looks at Maria.

Edouard: Do you feel close to these creatures?

Maria: They... come when I call. They do what I command. Well, ask. I don't force them. But yes, it feels like for a while, they're apart of me.

Madeline: You're right Maria, once you spend so much time together with someone, they become apart of you. And when the world takes them away, we do whatever we can to replace what once was.

Maria: But he shouldn't have ever died.

Viessa: Madeline, after I... lost my Master during the purge, losing him felt horrible. It did. But, in time, I moved on. Even though it was painful. It's what Y/N said, we're here for you. We promise.

Maria looks back at Viessa.

Maria: Thank you, Viessa.

Viessa: Anytime. 

Edouard looks at Maria still.

Edouard: So part of you has died. (Looks at Tera) Like part of you has died with your sister. (Looks at you, Viessa, and Madeline) And like parts of the few of you have died alongside all of your masters, friends, and family from the Sorcerer Regiment. 

Viessa: To this day, losing my master still hurts.

Y/N: Besides. That's a... soft spot to talk about, Ed. It's hard for us to even open up about it at all. 

Edouard: Hey, there's no need to worry, Y/N. We're all friends here. We won't belittle you or the others for tragic events that were out of your control. You were only children then, there's no blame to be passed around. And Y/N, I only wish you truly had a better start at life rather than being born in the stomach of... something so abhorrent as a night creature.

Y/N: And said night creature took away my only mother at birth, then the rest of his friends took away my father. And my human friends. And parts of the entire Regiment, and my friend's mother as well in one night. We didn't deserve this. Nobody did.

Madeline: And... watching my mother die right in front me... it hardened me. In a way. Made me more prepared for how heartless this world really is.

Edouard: I know. And I'm sorry to you both.

Madeline looks to Ed.

Madeline: Thanks, Edouard.

Kalafri clears her throat.

Kalafri: Since we're on the topic of loss, I had a mother. We were a normal family, living in the middle of nowhere. But, once my father fell to an illness, and passed away, it drove my mother insane. All the way up to the point where she simply imprisoned me for not feeding off of humans, and only dead animals. I... I lost her the night The Sorcerers fell.

Edouard gives Kalafri a reassuring gaze.

Edouard: Then I shall sing for everyone you've lost. It is the least I can do to comfort such pained souls.

You're still next to Maria, still having a hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: Thank you, Ed.

Edouard smiles at you. Viessa then leans against the tree. Maria places her bird down in the small grave as Edouard starts to sing like an angel with almost heavenly vocal cords as his eyes are closed.

Edouard: ♪ When I am laid, am laid in earth, may my wrongs create, no trouble. No trouble, in thy breast, remember me, remember me, but...  Forget. ♪

Maria buries her bird as Viessa, Madeline, Tera, and Kalafri are driven to tears. As Maria herself is on the brink of tears as are you, you were born into this world in one of the worst conditions yet alongside losing the mother you never even knew, but you still pressed on regardless. Despite the trauma related pain you're feeling into your early adulthood, you still have a heart in the end. And you remind yourself that you're still human by comforting Maria by patting her back, and then hugging her. She hugs you back, faintly sobbing in your chest. 

Edouard: ♪ Forget. My fate... ♪

Edouard stops singing, he watches as you and Maria stand up, Maria is still holding onto you. Annette looks towards Richter. 

Richter: This Marquis, you believe vampires are gathering at his Château ? 

Richter: Yes.

Viessa: Where else would they be with their pompous asses?

Annette: It makes sense, it is where all vampires would go. We should investigate and burn it to the ground if we have to. 

You look at Annette.

Y/N: It's not and "if", but a "will", Annie. We will burn it to the ground, and we will burn every last vampire there until they are nothing but husks. Ever since my father was... missing, I knew nothing but hatred for them. One of these days, we'll stop them from taking people.

Tera places a hand on your forearm, you quickly look at her.  

Tera: My sweet Y/N, please... do not lose yourself to hatred. It is more destructive than anger itself. I know the vampires are nothing short of diabolical, that much is true. But it does not you mean you should become like them.

Y/N: I... you're right, Tera. I'm sorry.

Tera: It is alright. 

Tera softly hugs you, and you hug her back. Tera then looks to Annette.

Tera: It is getting late. You should wait.

Annette: (looks to Tera) For another attack? We needed to rest, and thank you for allowing us to do so, but we're wasting time. 

Richter: (also looks at Tera) We'll stay quiet. Just to get a sense of numbers is all. 

Tera: Then I'll come with you.

Richter and Madeline quickly hold Tera's hands. 

Madeline: Tera, I know you mean well. Truly, I do. But... we can't lose you to the vampires.

Richter: Besides, you have to rest, and we'll remain hidden. 

Richter to looks to the others. 

Richter: Frankly, eight is already enough. I promise we'll be careful.

Y/N: So go on, get to bed. We'll be fine. 

Kalafri: And I'll watch over Tera, just in case. 

Tera: No need to worry, I can handle myself if need to be.

Kalafri: That puts me at peace of mind. I can't bear to see another human, as kind as you, fall victim to my kind's misdeeds.

Y/N: We'll be with Tera every step of the way, I promise her that.

Tera smiles at you. You then kiss Tera on the forehead before taking off with the others. Maria hugs Tera before rejoining the path to the château. 

Night time.

You, Maria, Richter, Annette, Edouard, Viessa, and Madeline walk on the path to the château as Kalafri is flying in the air as a pale white bat. 

Maria: Thousands of years ago, before any church or anything, the people who built stone circles communed with what they called "the Otherworld."

Madeline: Huh. Sounds familiar. Ed, does this ring any bells?

Edouard: It does. It sounds like the spirit world, where Annette's ancestors live. Generation upon generation of ancestors back to Ogun, an orisha, or in better words, a God. The God of Iron and War.

Maria's eyes widen in surprise.

Maria: So she's descended from a God? 

Annette: That's on my father's side. 

Y/N: Meanwhile... us Sorcerers never really found out if we were descendants from a god. If anything, we all considered Sypha Belnades our Goddess, since she was the on who taught our founders everything. So... the church of Sypha isn't a bad thing if you think about it.

Viessa looks to Annette, and to Richter. The two look to Viessa before Richter and Annette's eyes are locked on each other.

Viessa: And if the fear of Sypha doesn't kill these vampires on the spot, I know guns will.

Y/N: Thankfully. 

Maria chuckles. As Viessa steps back, Richter and Annette continue to look at each other, as you and Maria begin to do the same thing as well. 

Edouard: From her mother's, it's the Orunmila.

Richter quickly averts his eyes back to what's in front of him. 

Edouard: An orisha of wisdom and divination. Apparently. However, it does give her power over metal and rock. 

Annette: We're all descended from Gods. I'm sure this "Sypha Belnades" was as well. We just have to learn how to draw from the god's powers. 

Richter: Well, I'm still content with my knives and my whip, thank you. Generation upon generation of my ancestors have killed vampires with just this whip. But actually, most of them could do magic, including my mother. But it's never been essential. 

Annette looks to Richter.

Annette: Where is your mother?

Richter slightly upbeat tone dies down a bit.

Richter: She passed away. Some vampires do magic as well. 

As the thunder starts to pick up, Kalafri lands back on the ground to avoid being shocked.

Kalafri: We're almost there, everyone. Keep your guard up. 

Viessa: No need to tell me twice.

Once everyone makes it to the river, Annette recites an incantation in creole with her hands open and arms wide out, creating bridge made entirely of rock and stone. 

Minutes later.

You eventually make it to the château with the others. However, two other surprise guests join in as they're crouched down, and they are not vampires in the slightest.

Arno: Seems like we weren't the only ones who had this bright idea, Elise.

And on the hip of Arno rests the Sword Of Eden.

Richter: Huh. And you are...?

Arno: Arno. Arno Dorian. 

Elise: Elise De La Serre.

Madeline: Well, Arno, Elise, meet Y/N, Richter, Maria, Edouard, Annette, Viessa, Kalafri, and myself, Madeline.

Arno looks over to Kalafri. It takes him no time to realize that she is a vampire.

Arno: Are you sure your fanged friend over there won't bite into us? One day we were in the middle of a revolution, the next, nothing but vampires for every block.

Kalafri: I won't drain you like an apple, if that's what you're saying.

Y/N: Then we can all focus on what's in front of us.

Elise and Viessa take a peek over, as does Maria.

Maria: Ugh. It's like Versailles Palace emptied, and nothing but dregs washed up here instead. 

Viessa: Dregs that we'd rather not get caught by. There's one too many of them.

Elise: Agreed.

Looking at Elise's hip, you notice she too also sporting a glowing weapon like Arno is. Richter however, is scouting the area. 

Y/N: I'm hoping you know how to use that thing, Elise. Because we're really in it.

Elise: Don't panic Y/N, I've seen more battles since this revolution started. 

Y/N: That's good, we don't need to lose another person to these monsters over there.

Elise: I can agree. One day, I found the Templars chasing me and Arno all over France, and the next day, they're all killed. Imangine my surprise when I saw this particular red haired vampire make short work of this vile man called Germain as if he was nothing. It's... terrifying. In a way. 

Madeline: Truly. And, I have no idea where either of you came from, but we'll need as many hands on deck to fight back the vampires as we can get. 

Arno: Agreed. I went back to my Brotherhood as well, and found them all dead. So currently, knowing that we have no other friends left around France as some of them might be blood suckers in disguise at this point, we'll stick with the few of you.

Edouard: Welcome, Arno. Elise.

Elise nods, but Richter points out in the distance.

Richter: I found him. The Marquis is over there. 

Behind Marquis, a wheelbarrow full of dead bodies of citizens, sorcerers, and Templars are seen. One body falls off the wheelbarrow, it's Germain. His dead body is then taken away by night creatures around a corner to be eaten. Or worse...

Edouard: Poor devils. 

Suddenly, it begins to rain. A few night creatures can be seen, but one of them catches your eye. Apart from the night creatures that attacked the other day, you see... your father in the wheelbarrow as well. From the looks of it, he's been drained off every last bit of blood over the years, appearing as a husk. Shock and horror takes over your mind in seconds.

Y/N: Father?

Madeline looks as well, and she tries to hold back tears.

Viessa: Those bastards...

Kalafri looks to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

Kalafri: I'm sorry.

Maria quickly holds your arm in attempts to comfort you, but anger and hatred are clouding your mind.

Annette looks closely.

Annette: And he's giving them the corpses. 

Richter: Why?

Annette: To make more.

Madeline: Sick bastards... we'll make them pay-

Madeline is silenced by seeing Jacques held up in the air. Maria gasps well.

Maria: It's Jacques... he was just with us yesterday. No, no...

Despite your pain, you comfort Maria in return. Arno looks over, and sees the bodies of the Council for The French Assassin Brotherhood all jumbled up, apart from Mirabeau, who was poisoned, and was laid to rest peacefully.

Arno: Merde... I had my differences with the council, but not even I would wish this fate upon them.

Elise: This is all the more reason why these... monsters have to be killed, Arno.

Kalafri: I agree.

Annette gasps.

Viessa: What is it?

Edouard: It's the... vampire who enslaved Annette and murdered her mother. Comte de Vaublanc. He looks like he's found God. 

Annette: (Through grit teeth and pure rage) Papa Legba, open the gate.

Edouard quickly holds her forearm.

Edouard: Annette, not now.

As for you, your rage is driving you mad. It takes no time for red colored lightning to surround you. 

Edouard: (hushed) Annette!

Annette snaps back to her senses, but it is too late. The vampires and their night creatures look over as one screeches, and the violin music stops. Other vampires step out as well. At this point, everyone stands up as you draw Zhamkara, your teeth grit as lightning flows from your eyes. You step out from bushes, getting in front. And from your other hand, you cast an electric blade. You stare down the vampires with nothing but hatred. You slowly step up to them before stopping.

Y/N: I'll rip your fucking hearts out! Kidnap my father, huh? I'll make sure none of you fuckers see the sunrise!

The vampires smile upon you and the others before simply running forward, hissing. Richter readies his whip, Maria readies her animals, Edouard unsheathes a sword, Annette summons a blade from the air, Viessa draws her rifle, Madeline draws her sword, Kalafri readies her magic, and Arno and Elise draw their weapons of Eden.

Richter whips away three vampires, they die on impact as their blood hits the ground. Maria summons her animals to tear through the vampires as she kills a few others with her sword, further staining the grass with blood. As for Viessa and Elise, they're picking off vampires that get too close to her with pinpoint accuracy, all of her shots landing on their heads as the vampires who were hit all fall over like sacks of bricks. 

Madeline makes short work of the vampires, utilizing her sword and her ghostly projections to slice right through the vampires like butter, their blood and entrails going all over the grass.

Edouard however, is slaying vampires left and right alongside Arno, who's using the sword of Eden's power to let out powerful blasts alongside Elise using a double bladed glaive of Eden. Both weapons turn some of the vampires into blood red mists.

Kalafri on the other hand, is using her magic on a night creature to control it, making it swing it's axe through the vampires, brutally dispatching them one by one.

As for you, blood is on your outfit. You're neck deep into killing the vampires, cutting through most of them like nothing. One tries to run up to you, but teleport above the vampire, summoning thunder down upon him. Other vampires get hit and electrocuted to death, but the rest are quick on their feet, and dodge a rather unpleasant death by being hit by lightning. As for the hearts threat, you don't bluff about it. With Zhamkara stowed, you teleport from Vampire to Vampire, ripping out their bloody hearts one by one. You glare upon the vampires, drunk off of ire. Some of them are frightened of you, while others try to uphold their threatening facades that crumble quickly in the presence of you.

Y/N: You're all pathetic! You should not have fucked with the innocent!

Silence from the vampires, apart from the ongoing fight and the thunder. Some of them are trembling in their boots.


You roar, continuing to brutally kill vampires as if they're afterthoughts. If anything... There's part of you that enjoys killing vampires at this point. In your mind, death is all they deserve for haunting and terrorizing humankind for centuries.

Soon enough, as the vampires are being killed, it takes no time for the rest of the vampires to make a run for it, as their friends easily overwhelm the humans. As for the night creature Kalafri is controlling, it too becomes overwhelmed and stabbed to death. 

Richter: We have to go! Now!

Arno: Richter is right! We need an exit!

Before you get lost in your blood filled hatred for the vampires, Maria quickly swoops in and grabs your hand, running away. Currently, You, Maria, Richter, Annette, Edouard, Madeline, Kalafri, Viessa, Arno, and Elise all retreat into the forest. The vampires continue to give chase. Viessa shoots them down as she continues to run, while you, Madeline, and Kalafri use your magics to slam trees down on a few of them, crushing them like pancakes as their entrails fly onto the ground. AS Richter stands next to the river, he shouts out.

Richter: Annette! Bridge!

Soon enough, after overusing your sorcery to slay vampire after vampire, you find yourself exhausted. Madeline, Viessa, and Arno help you run off as Annette creates a bridge. However, you spot Edouard in the distance, also running away. You break free of the people holding you, and you quickly run off to get to Edouard. Even as you're running low on fumes to use your sorcery, you still try to save a live.


Before you could even get close enough to save him, and invisible force holds you back. This turns out to be none other than Qieti, holding out her hand. Edouard quickly becomes swarmed by vampires in all of his might, he yells out to you and Annette, who looks back in horror.

Edouard: Leave me, Y/N! GO!

Y/N: I'm not leaving you here, Edouard!

Edouard: Forget about me, make sure our people get out here! NOW! GO!

You reach out to Ed, but Madeline summons projections to drag you away.

Y/N: Mae! Stop! LET ME GO! 

You watch over in horror at seeing Edouard with vampire hands all over his face, his eyes are freely seen as he himself watches in horror as well.

The bridge shortly crumbles apart, but Maria looks to the back quickly.

Maria: Richter! 

Annette looks at Edouard one last time before yelling out in pure agony. Everyone proceeds to cross the bridge, but Xer falls out of the sky, about to land on Viessa and give her rather brutal death. Arno, thinking quickly, draws the sword of Eden, and blasts Xer back over to the other side of the river as the bridge falls apart. Xer, who gets right back up after being blasted away, looks at Qieti.

Xer: Damned Sorcerer. At least we got his daddy and one of his friends though.

Qieti giggles.

Qieti: You are correct.

Everyone else is still running away, but you drop to your knees, utterly defeated. You don't even cry, you just stare at the mud, out of tears to even cry, all with a pained face. Annette however, proceeds to let out a few soft sobs, followed by cries. Viessa, Madeline, Elise, and Kalafri comfort her.


Edouard, and the other poor souls that were caught by vampires, are brought to a shore, and soon enough in front of the church. Abbot and Mizrak look on, but they simply let the night creatures walk right past them as they carry the bodies to the basement. Edouard finds himself chained up to a conveyor belt by his hands,  and brought over to a machine. This machine then closes up, and slowly turns Edouard, a man who you just called friend, into something you hate more than criminals, a night creature. Once the machine ends its process, Edouard emerges from the machine, not a man anymore. 

Up on the upper level behind Mizrak and Abbot, Olrox looks down. With a smile.

Olrox: Well, well. Glory be to God.


With Edouard abducted and transformed into something you abhor, your hatred of all vampires begins to slowly drive you mad. Even with Arno and Elise joining the fight, nothing goes right. As for Annette, she calls back to a time to when Edouard helped her out, and gave her a second chance at life after being in a life of chains. 

Next Chapter; Freedom Is The Sweetest Thing.


Author's Note;
I was close to giving Viessa the "Rebecca" treatment, (rip Rebecca) but I changed my mind because I'm not that cruel.
Or am I? : )

in other news, I hope you guys enjoyed this little chapter to keep you all busy. See ya

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