Oleh megumisblkgf

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Megumi Fuhiguro x fem oc I do not own any jjk characters!! Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 5

411 15 4
Oleh megumisblkgf

"We're not getting any sleep tonight" Yuji said as the four of them walked out of the cinema, "it's only coming to four, you'll forget about it by night, it wasn't that bad" Yukari smiled
"Nah, this shit was terrifying" Nobara shuddered
"You two are just babies, it wasn't that bad just a few jumpscares" Megumi said

"No! Penniwise was so creepy!!" Nobara yelled as Yuji nodded his head profusely,Yukari shoving her head between them and staring at them with a sinister smile

"Hey" she grinned as Yuji and Nobara let out bloodcurdling scream
"Haibara don't scare us like that!!" Nobara screamed as Yuji teared up. "You nearly gave me a heart attack" Yuji sniffled as Yukari laughed, the four of them making their way inside the school

⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯

⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯

"You guys are overacting" Yukari sighed as her phone rang. "Hi shoko!" The brunette chirped "the school nurse?" Her classmates thought as she put her on loudspeaker

"Hey mini yu" Shoko said "I need to ask a favour"
"Do you want me to babysit Naoki for you?" Yukari questioned. "Yeah, if you're not too busy, hey, you can get the other fristvyears to help you out. As long as you're with him I'm fine" Shoko stated
"Alright, what time will you drop him off?" Yukari questioned "around like five? I'll pick in up around seven or eight, nine lastest, I'm just going for drinks with Utahime" Shoko said as Yukari hummed
"Alright, tell her I said hi" Yukari smiled

"Will do, see ya mini Yu" Shoko said as she hung up

"So we're babysitting today?" Nobara frowned as Yukari swiped through her phone
"Only for a little bit" Yukari stated as she put away her phone

"I'm gonna go change" Yukari stated as she got up making her way to the showers

"So fushiguro" Nobara said as her and yuji turned to their spiked haired classmate
"What's up with you and Haibara?" Yuji smiled
"She's someone I know" Megumi answered dryly

"Are you sure that's all, we've noticed your gaze tends to linger on her and you're pretty nice but also rude to her" Nobara sighed as she twirled her hair

"Is she your ex lover?? You fiancé??" Yuji gasped
"Bro what??" Megumi half yelled as he backed away from the two

"Come on tell us! Or we'll just ask her or Gojo!!" Nobara pleaded
"We knew eachother! That's it!" Megumi scoffed

"So you weren't even friends?" Yuji questioned not believing megumi
"Uhm, I'm not sure about that one" Megumi said lowering his head

"Huh?? What do you mean you're not sure??" Nobara questioned "I just don't know" the noirette mumbled as his two classmates let out long sighs

"Personally I don't think he's telling us the whole truth, he must've fumbled Haibara" Yuji sighed as Nobara nodded

"I can see that happening" she hummed placing a finger on her chin and the door swung open revealing a Yukari with no makeup, her hair still slightly wet and wearing a graphic black and dark blue top paired with grey joggers and a towel around her shoulders

"Hey" She sighed using the towel to dry her hair
"Is that the shirt I got you?" Megumi questioned as Tukari looked down at what she was wearing "oh yeah, it is" she hummed
"I didn't think you like it that much" Megumi noted as Yukari sat down on his bed "how come?"

"I don't know, I've never seen you wear it" He shrugged as Yukaris eyes became more dilated something that happened a lot when she spoke with megumi
"Dude I wear it all that time, I just haven't been around for you to see" She grinned resting her chin on his shoulder as the noirette physically stiffened
"When did he get it for you?" Yuji asked with a huge smile
"My fithteenth" yukari answered

"What about your sixteenth??" Nobara questioned
"I wasn't in the country for that, but he got me this" she smiled showing her phone charm "Awe its so cute!" Nobara smiled

"So are you two dating?" Yuji asked as Megumi slapped his hand against his face letting out a prolonged sigh
"God forbid" both said at the same time, looking at eachother and backing away from one another

"Mini yu! Can I come in?" Shoko voice said from Beyond the door prompting the brunette to get up and answer it

"Hey shoko" Yukari smiled as she opened the door. "Yukari!" Naoki smiled as he hugged the girls legs

"Is that little yu?? Ah, you've grown up to be so beautiful!" Utahime said as she hugged Yukari
"Afternoon, Utahime, how have you been?" Yukari smiled

"Wow, you've grown up" Shoko smiled as she looked the girl up and down. "You have the same eyes as Yu you know" Shoko said with a sad laugh. "Thank you" Yukari smiled as Naoki tugged on her leg

"I brought my iron man and spider man figures, let's play with them!" Naoki smiled. "Alright, I've got some friends that will also be babysitting you! They'd love to play aswell!" Yukari said as she gestured to megumi yuji and Nobara who greeted the little kid, Naoki immediately taking a liking to yuji

"Thanks mini yu! I'll buy you and your friends something for doing this!" Utahime smiled as the two women waved goodbye "time to get drunk!" Utahime cheered from the end of the hallway
"Why don't we bring Gojo since he'll be able to drive us back" Shoko suggested
"Do we have to?" Utahime grimaced

"How old are you?" Yuji asked as the four of them circled the kid. "Six and a half" the boy grinned

"Am I pretty?" Nobara questioned as she crouched Down "say I'm pretty" Nobara grinned

"Stop it kugisaki" Megumi sighed as Yukari sat on her bed

"Naoki do you wanna watch something on my phone?" She asked as the kid nodded "Do you still have Roblox?" He asked "Yup, I'll sign into your account for you" Yukari smiled

"He doesn't pick his nose for a six year old" yuji noted "six and a half!" Naoki corrected him

"What kind of reaction is that?" Megumi grimaced

"Kids these days seem very mature" Nobara hummed
"He's a good kid" Yukari smiled applying her lip balm

"When I was his age I used to pick my nose, but my grandpa used to get mad at me for it" Yuji explained

"Obviously" Yukari said
"That's why I decided to pick my nose this way, I thought it was perfect" Yuji said
demonstrating how he would cover his nose with his hands

"Did you seriously think he wouldn't find out that way?" Megumi scoffed as the three teens listened to yuji explain his story, Naoki being busy playing underground war

"Until one day...one girl figured me out!" Yuji gasped, Yukari smiling at his silliness
"Busted! After that I stopped picking my nose" Yuji sighed

"Remember kid! One man's fault is another man's lesson" Yuji smiled proudly
"Don't become like this" Megumi said to the kid

⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯

"Tonight! On love island!" Iain Stirlings voice bellowed from Yukaris computer as the four sat around it eating the Korean fried chicken they'd ordered, ordering four wings and chips for Naoki who was still glued to her iPad

"Hey!" Yuji pouted as Nobara took a wing from his box Yukari handing him one from hers as megumi held up his fork. Letting her take a bite of his as nobara handed her one of her chickens

"Fushiguros got the best one" Yukari hummed as she swapped her flavour for one of his making Megumi give her a look, yuji and Nobara trying to reach their hands into his plate as he slapped them off

"Emo bitch" Nobara muttered making yuji and Yukari laugh.

"Wait are we gonna ignore what Haibara said to the second year teacher?" Yuji questioned as Nobara burst out laughing

"He was so confused! I felt bad for him!" Nobara howled

"Why would you say that anyways?" Megumi sighed as Yukari shrugged "he needed to know he looked good" she said defending herself

"So you like older guys then?" Nobara winked as Yukari thought

"No..I like boys that are kinda boring, and loser-ish" she shrugged

"What kind of type is that?!" Nobara questioned

"Wait like fushiguro?" Yuji questioned as Yukari and megumi side eyed eachother
"I guess, but I'd never be caught dead with him" Yukari stated pointing her fork at him
"You act like I'd want to be around you in the first place" Megumi rolled his eyes

"I know you love having me around" Yukari smirked resting her head on his shoulder

"I'm still think about penniwise" Yuji frowned "it's probably sukuna purposefully reminding you about it so you stay scared" Megumi stated

"I can't lie, I would've definitely survived if it was me in the movie" Yukari shrugged
"How?" Nobara questioned

"I'm a jujutsu sorcerer! I've seen things way worse that some big foreheaded clown" Yukari said kissing her teeth.

"The only way he's catching me off guard is if it's 3:00am and I'm home alone and he just shows up, like that would spook me but I'd still be fine once I gain composure" Yukari stated

"That's so smart!" Yuji gasped "I know" Yukari said with a evil laugh as her friends backed away from her

⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯

"Our window verified the cursed womb three hours ago, Once 90% were successfully evacuated they made the call to deal off the centre. Citizens within a 500 meter radius have been evacuated aswell." Ijichi said as Yukari put her hair into a ponytail, leaving her bangs out

Mr Ijichi, I have a question. What is a window here?" Yuji asked raising his hand as Nobara gave him a side eye

"A window is a member of jujutsu tech who can see curses but aren't sorcerers" Ijichi explained, yuji giving him a hum in acknowledgment

"Let's continue, Detain Block 2. At present, five detainees remain there with the cursed womb. If the curse womb is the type that metamorphoses we predict it will become a special grade cursed spirit" Ijichi stated making Nobara and Megumi gasp

"Hey so...I still don't really understand what a special grade means" Yuji said casually causing Nobara,Yukari  and Megumi to sigh

After Ijichi explained it to Yuji he let out a dramatic gasp "That's really bad!"

"Normally a jujutsu sorcerer on par with the cursed spirit would take on this mission, On a day like today it would be Gojo," Megumi said

"I see, so where is Gojo?" Yuji asked looking around

"He away on business,"Megumi stated
"He's not someone who would be loafing around at the school in the first place."

"Unfortunately we're constantly short-handed in this business. You'll often have to undertake missions beyond your power. The current case, however, is an abnormal one and most urgent. Do not fight under any circumstances " Ijichi said fixing his glasses

"If you encounter a special grade. Your options are to either run, or die. Please listen to you fears. Don't forget that your mission here is strictly the verification and rescue of survivors." The man was confused before a feminine voice interrupted him

"Excuse me! Excuse me, where's Tadashi?! Is my son Tadashi alright..?!" A woman with brown hair said in a panicked voice from the gate as a bodyguard held her back

"Please step away, there's a possibility that someone has spread poisonous gas throughout the centre, we cannot share any more details at this time Ijichi said, the woman's mortified face making Yukaris heart sink

"Fushiguro, kugisaki, Haibara...we have to save them," Yuji said seriously

"Of course we will" nobara replied "we'll be fine" Yukari yawned

The four of them made theirway into block 2 with one final good luck from Ijichi. "So how different do special grades look from normal curses?" Yuji questioned before being interrupted

"Haibara! Wait!" The four heard a voice say as they turned to see ijichi running after them. "The higherups have just requested for you to be sent on a more complex mission not too far from here, Nitta is coming to pick you up" the black haired man said as Yukari hesitated looking at her classmates then back at the man

"What are you waiting for? Do you want to give the higher ups another reason to suspend you?" Megumi sighed "stay safe" he mumbled
"See ya later Haibara !" Nobara smiled
"Are you sure you guys will be okay?" Yukari questioned as they all nodded

"Don't worry Haibara, we'll be fine, focus on saving as many people as you can" Yuji smiled as Yukari gave them a nod
"Don't die you three" she said as she waved goodbye to her classmates

"We won't" Nobara and yuji said
"Focus on not dying yourself" Megumi stated as he summoned his demon dogs which Yuji immediately went to pet

"Isn't it strange that the higher ups left three unqualified first years to deal with a possible special grade.." Yukari hummed as she looked out the car window

"It is quite strange, almost a suicide mission"Nitta said with a small chuckle as Yukari eyes widened at his last sentence

"A suicide mission?" She murmured. Could the higher ups be looking for a loophole to end yujis life? It was highly possible, then it would make sense why she had been sent away
"Wait but what about Gojo?" She thought before her eyes widened. "He's not in the country right now...that gives the higher ups a perfect opportunity to strike!" She relised as she sat up straight

"Nitta please turn the car around" Yukari stated "is something wrong Haibara?" The driver asked as Yukari  nodded. "My classmates are in much more trouble than they think they are"

⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯

Megumi had managed to land a hit on sukuna after composing himself and shaking off his initial fear
"Not bad, the brats still fighting back a b- " Sukuna began before he went silent his eyes becoming whiter as he threw up razor blades

"That can only mean.." megumi thought "Yukari !" He shouted turning to see the girl who was leaning on the fence "so we're on a first name basis now megumi?" Yukari smiled before looking at sukana

"Sorry I'm late. Give me a brief rundown" Yukari said in a cold tone as she stared at yuji, but was it even yuji? His heart was on the wet grass and he was taken over by sukuna, the large gaping hole in his chest oozing out both blood and nails she'd made

"That's a nice technique you've got" Sukuna hummed as he whipped him mouth "last time I checked, the Kamo clans blood manipulation technique wasn't that effective, so where'd you get that?" The king of curses smiled

"Sorry, but I don't have the time nor patience to talk to someone like you" Yukari stated as sukuna tried to land a punch on her, Yukari catching his elbow and pushing him back as he walked out un harmed

"I know I'm nice to look at but stop staring and help out" Yukari said to megumi who summoned nue striking sukana as Yukari amped upped her speed landing a punch square in sukunas face while booting him with her leg as she wrapped her arms around his back, flipping him over

Sukuna caught the girl off guard by making the ground around her crumbled using it as an opportunity to punch her across the face, Yukari facing him once more as she spat out some blood "Nice!" Sukuna said with a crazed face as he grabbed megumi and hurled him into a nearby building

"Megumi!" Yukari yelled as she rushed after the two, why did she hesitate to grab him? Was it because it was yujis face? She wasn't sure

"Hey Haibara!" Yuji smiled as the girl was about to cut her arm thinking it was sukuna before she heard her friends voice making her face go pale

"What's that face for? You'll make me sad" yuji frowned as he began puking blood
"Well, this is the end for me" he chuckled weekly

"I hope you all live, long lives" Yuji smiled faintly as he toppled over, Yukari slowly making her way over to his corpse as she looked at his misty eyes and no longer rising chest

"Well this sucks" she sighed as she let Yujis blood soak her skirt

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