DREAM GIRL | Pablo Gavi | (ON...

By samm1-

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𝑰𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉: Mila Martínez: One of the top students in her school and one of the best youngsters for her... More

Part One: Introduction
1. One of my many escapes
2. Gavi hate club
4. João day
5. Carnations

3. Tutoring?!

238 7 32
By samm1-


Mila's P.O.V.

"Hi Milo!" I said coming towards him. Right now we are in the cafeteria waiting for them to let us in. I said hi to everyone else sitting next to him and sat down next to him.

"Your father called me yesterday..." He said whispering in my ear. "He said that you didn't come home like he told you to. Where were you and why didn't you go home?" I think for a second. I can't tell him I was at Gavi's and Pedri's dorm as he might go crazy. I'll just lie to him.

"I was at Beatriz's house, and I didn't go back home because I fell asleep in the car."

"Are you sure?"


"Alright then." He said and then carried on with his conversation with his friends.


After listening to Milo and his friends conversation I got a message on my phone.

Jude my dude💂‍♀️:

get ur ass over here
u look bored asf😭

is beatriz there?

Jude my dude💂‍♀️:
yes now hurry up

"Go with you're friends." Milo said. I looked up from my phone and gave him a confused look. He nodded so I got up, gave him a kiss on the cheek and left.

"Good morning guys!" I said while sitting down at the table.

"Shut the fuck up." Said Gavi.

"Damn, the angry bird is real mad." I said. Diego and Kevin started giggling while Gavi gave a stare.



"That's why your still with you ugly ass boyfriend, all he does is-"

"Gavi?" Said Beatriz.


"Look at your phone." So he did.

"Fuck you." Said Gavi.

"I love you too!" Bea said with sarcasm.

"I wanna see." Said Kevin leaning over trying to see Beatriz's phone.

"No! Go do something with Diego or what-"

Beatriz got interrupted by some giggling. "Hi guys.."
"..Hi Gavi."

Everyone greeted her while she whispered something in Gavi's ear. He looks confused but still nods, she then stops and turns towards us.

"Have a nice day guys!" She looked at us and she saw everyone say thank you, and then her eyes landed on me. I didn't say anything or nod, just stared back at her while she gave me an ugly ass stare.

"Anyways bye guys! And i'll see you later." She said the last part directly to Gavi. When she left everyone dropped their smile and turned towards Gavi.

"You don't plan on dating her right?" Asked Jude.

"You better not. She may be pretty but she's a bitch." Whispered Kevin.

"No I dont, jeez." Gavi's said annoyed.

"Anyways y'all aren't gonna have a nice day right?" Ask Kevin.

"I am, I don't give a fuck if she told me to have a nice one, I have a test today and I can't have it go badly." Said Jude.

"Mila?" Asked Kevin.


"Did you see the bitch stare she gave you? Like what the fuck?"

"I don't really care."

"Anyways let's change the subject." I then turned towards João. "Did you get back with your ex?!"

Kevin and Diego gasped.

"No fucking way! You better have not!" Said Jude.

"No I didn't get back with her, I promise." I ignored what they were saying and focused on "her".

Here's the deal about her. Her name is Devina and plays for real madrids woman's team. She might seem nice at first but then she's a literal bitch. She makes fun of girls for not being perfect when literally no one is perfect. Not even her. She also tries to flirt with any, and I mean ANY guy. Doesn't matter if they have a girlfriend or not, she flirts with them. She sometimes tries to flirt with milo too, but I don't really care. Even though she flirts with every guy, she still have someone specific that she wants to date. Gavi. I don't know if they have anything going on but I hope they don't. Even though I hate him I wouldn't want him dating that bitch that can ruin him.

She also is very selfish and will do anything to make things go her way. I don't know why but she specifically hates me. Ever since she started going to our elementary she has hated my guts. I don't really care though. I have other things to worry abo-

The stupid bell interrupted my thoughts. I said good bye to everyone expect Gavi as I have this class with him.

"You know, I honestly really hate this period."

"You know, I honestly hate you." He said after me. I gasped.

"You're a bitch."

"I know." A really self observed one.

"Shouldn't be something you should be proud of."

"I don't care."

"Anyway, what are you doing after school?" I asked him trying to be nice.

"None of you damn business."

"Damn angry bird. Calm the fuck down it was just a simple question."

"Would you shut the fuck up?!" He asked me.

"The fuck did I do to you?!" I said while entering the classroom.

"Forget it, damn bitch." Damn.

He sat down in his seat while I sat in mine. I don't have any of my friends in this period except Georgina, but the teacher separated us so I'm always quiet.


Our teacher taught us the lesson for today and made us do a worksheet that was due by the end of class. I was the last one to finish. I finished early, but not earlier than everyone else...

My thoughts got interrupted when I felt something hit my head. I looked down on the floor and noticed a paper airplane. Great.

"The fuck were u and gavi arguing abt?!" Oh. So its Georgina.

"he was being a bitch when i asked him a simple question."


"What did u ask him?"

"What he was gonna do later in the afternoon."


"damnn, no way he really got mad bcs of that."

"righttt like jeez i was js wanting to start a conversation with u."


"his bitch ass better apologize."

"i dint think he won't.  it's not like i want him to anyway."


"whatever. ugh this class is boring asf."

"real. i wish i was at lunch rn."


"realll. ya no quiero estar aquí." Right when I read that the bell rang. I made my to the door when my teacher stoped me.


"Yes Ma'am?"

"I need to speak to you after school so please come by to my room." The fuck? What for?

"Yes Miss, thank you." And with that I left and went to my second period.


My jaw just dropped. No fucking way i'm gonna do that.

School for today just finished and I am currently in my math teachers classroom, trying to get myself out of this.

"Is there not someone else who can tutor her?!" I asked.

"Unfortunately for you, no. Everyone else is already busy or tutoring someone else. Besides you already agreed on doing this."

"Yeah, but I didn't know I would be tutoring her!"

"Why don't you want to tutor her so badly?" Miss asked me confused.

"Because it's her!" She looked at me weirdly.

"You know, I could just talk to your coach. I'm sure he can get you out of this but of course there's a punishment."


"I can." She said simply. I looked around thinking of what I should do. I really don't want to tutor her but if coach hears about this he's gonna get pissed. I guess there's only one choice.

"Fine. I'll do it." I said. She looked at me happily.

"Thank you! She'll be here any moment." After a minute of waiting she knocked on the door and entered the classroom.

"Hi Miss..." Half way through her sentence she looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Hi Mila! I'm gonna do this quick so the both of y'all can get out of here." Miss teacher said.

"The both of us? What does this have to do with him?" Mila ask.

"That what I'm gonna tell you right now. So Mila, your an excellent student, you always do your work and you always do it right but it has come to my attention that you sometimes struggle with some questions and take a long time to solve them, and that's okay of course, I just feel like some extra help can help you, so that's why I asked Pablo to tutor you!" Mila's jaw dropped.

"Him?! Tutor me?!"

"Yes him, I know that for some reason y'all don't get along but this can also help!"

"Isn't there someone else who can tutor me? I don't care who they are as long as it's not him." Damn. I know i'm not as bad as she makes it seem. Right?

"I'm sorry but no. Everyone else is busy or tutoring someone else."

"But what about our futbol practices?"

"I already talked to your coach's about this and they said it was fine that you guys missed."

She sighed and then looked at me thinking.

"What days are tutoring?" Mila asked.

"Monday, Wednesday and Friday." Miss teacher answered.

"Alright fine." Is my hearing okay? Or did she really just say that?

"Okay great! Y'all can go ahead and leave then."

"Okay thank you. Wait, when do we have tutoring today?" Mila asked.

"Oh! Good thing that you brought that up. So no there's no tutoring today but I want y'all to get to know each other better since y'all will be seeing each other often. So how about y'all go out and talk for a little?" I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders.

"Alright then. Thank you Miss." And then we left. It was quiet. To quiet. So I spoke up.

"Where do you want to go? If you want we can go to my dorm and I can ask Pedri if he can cook something for us." Then I remembered he went out. He didn't say where though.

"Never mind he's not home. Do you want to go to Mc donald's?"

"Sure but why are you being nice to me?"

"What do you mean?"

"In the morning you were being so rude."

"Ohh um I don't know." I said while holding the door for her. I am so glad we are out of that awful school.

"Well anyway, what did you need to do right now?" I look at her confused and then realize what I told her in the morning.

"This is what I had to do."

"Ohh." I looked at her and it seemed like she wanted to say something else so I gave her a confused look.

"Oh um didn't Devina say she was gonna see you later?"

"Yeah she did, but I'm not showing up."


"Cause I really don't want to. I only agreed this morning so she could shut up and leave." She laughed at that.

"Damn Gavi. You really don't give a shit do you?"

"Nah I don't. I'm not really interested in Devina.  She's a real bitch too."

"For real. Just like you actually." I gasped sarcastically.

"I am not as bitchy as Devina. She's wayy worse." The "as" before bitchy was needed. I know I can be one sometimes.

"That's true. You really are a bitch though."

"I know. It's not that I'm trying to be mean, I just don't like you if i'm being like that."

"You must really not like a lot of people."

"You're right. All these hoes annoy me." She was about to say something until her phone started ringing. She answered the call and put her phone up to her ear.

"Hola Pa. Qué pasó?" ("Hi Dad. What happened?") She had a happy look on her face until her "Father" Started speaking. I wonder what he said.

"Todavía estoy en la escuela. Es que mi maestra dijo que mi debo que quedar porque voy a tener tutoría." ("I'm still at school. It's cause my teacher said I have to stay because i'm going to have tutoring.")


"Esta bien. Y Oliver este en la casa?" ("That's good. Is Oliver at home?"


"No?...Bueno adiós. Te amo." And then she hung up.

"Sorry about that."

"It's fine. Who was it?"

"Oh, it was just my dad."

"Oh okay." I wonder how her dad is like. And also, who is Oliver? I'm not gonna ask cause I don't wanna seem nosy like Diego and Kevin.

After some minutes of walking, we finally made it to Mc donald's. We entered the restaurant and ordered our food and sat down.



"You look ugly." That's a lie. She looks more than beautiful.

"You do too, fat ass." She said laughing.

"I am not fat."

"Well then why did you order that much food?" I really didn't. She's just exaggerating. I think.

"Cause i'm hungry. Can I not eat?"

"Aren't you on a diet or some shit?" She asked.

"I am actually. Just don't tell Xavi about us coming here."

"I wont. If I did, he would tell Jonatan and I don't want that." She then looked at me straight in the eye.

"Did you always knew that you would be tutoring me?"

"No. I mean I new I was gonna tutor someone. I just didn't know who. Trust me, I didn't want to tutor you at all when I found out but I had to cause Miss was gonna tell Xavi."

"Your fake as fuck. Anyway, I wonder why she did that. Were literal rivals and all our teachers know that and she still decided for you to tutor me. I bet you're dumber than me." I forgot us being rivals for a sec. Oh shit, I also forgot that we're fighting for Valedictorian.

"That's not true cause If it was we wouldn't be here."

"Bitch, Fuck you!"

"Right back at you!" I said in a sweet girl voice. 

"Eres un pendejo." The fuck is a pendiejo?

"Un que?"

"Un pendejo."

"I dont speak mexican slang, dumbass. Anyway, aren't you half guatemalan?"

"Yeah but i've been to Mexico before. Also Diego and Kevin do exist to teach me y'know?"

"Rightt." After a few seconds I heard them call our order number. We got our food and then went to fill up our cups and sat down.

"What drink did you get." Mila asked me.

"Dr. pepper."


"I do. It's my favorite soda."

"Same. It's just that you don't seem like the guy to like it."

"You're blind then."

"I know." I heard I noise and I turned my head but there was no one. I then started hearing music. I forgot I had my airpods in.

I looked at Mila and noticed she was eating her french fries and dipping them in ice cream.

"Does that taste good?" I asked her.

"Yes, it's literally soo good. Here, have some." She said while handing me a fry. I ate it and she was right. It was sooo good.

I finished up eating my chicken nuggets while Mila judge me for eating them with sweet & sour sauce. It's really good, she's just got some bad taste.


Right now we are waking to Milas house. I look around all the houses. She lives in a nice neighborhood.

After walking for some 5 more minutes we finally made it to her house. While walking on the sidewalk I heard some yelling from inside.

I started walking on the concrete to her door until she stopped me.

"You don't have to walk all the way, here's is fine."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Thank you Gavi. Have a good night."

"You too." She walked up to her door and knocked. Someone opened the door, I think her father and started yelling at her. She said something to him and he then noticed me and gave me a death stare. He quickly entered her into their house and shut the door.



anyways i'm in guate rn while i wrote this and it's been funn

i miss my friends tho😕


am keeping count of how many barca jerseys i see here and so far i have seen 3

how have u guys been? i hope y'all liked this chapter❤️

love u all chikis

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