Unlikely Heroine (Volume 3) ―...

By lucidwaterlily

624 28 0


act 2 - prepossessing
act 4 - astray
act 5 - recess
act 6 - found
act 7 - cognizance

act 3 - phony

37 4 0
By lucidwaterlily













(1.15 speed recommended)

The third match of the first round within the Fortune Cup was about to begin. Yusei, (Reader), and Jin were in one room at the Duel Stadium.

The protagonist was getting ready for his upcoming duel whilst his two comrades stood beside his vehicle. (Reader) stood idly with a dazed expression on her face. She thought, 'I am starving for frozen yogurt. If only Utage could take me to a frozen yogurt shop, I would order a coffee-flavored frozen yogurt with strawberry popping boba. Or, maybe we can go to a ramen restaurant, and I would order shio ramen or tonkotsu ramen.'

The dazed woman had an idea, 'Or, maybe... I can ask him to cook me orange chicken with jasmine rice! He did tell me that he cooked it before! Hopefully, he would make some if I asked...!'

'No, no,' she shook her head, 'I'd be taking advantage of him. Plus, his knee is recovering right now. I'll ask him when I visit and his knee is recovered, especially when he's in the mood for cooking!'

She snapped out of her daze when she heard Yusei mention, "'Shinigami Reborn'"?

Jin elaborated, "People who duel against him are too afraid to ever duel again. He's a cruel D-Wheeler that's professionally known."

"Is that right?" remarked (Reader).

"Yes. I also heard that he's a man who can sense someone's presence through fear."


The two watch Yusei ready his desk and inserted the deck inside the Deck Slot. Jin inquired, "Are you using that card?"

Yusei answered, "I'm not using Stardust. I'll only use Stardust when it's time to settle things with Jack."

(Reader) knew who Jack was, but she chose to play ignorant and realize, "Oh. You mean that stranger from yesterday."

Jin whispered to his female comrade, "He's the King, Sekiguchi. You should know this by now."

The woman silently mouthed to her muscular friend that she knew. Gradually found out of what she had implied, the deadpanned Jin thought, 'She doesn't like him that much, does she?'

The adult then told his young friend, "Anyway, Sekiguchi and I should head back to the stands with the others."

(Reader) hummed in thought before she suggested, "Actually, Jin. You can go on ahead without me. I'll meet you there once I'm done talking with Yusei."

Jin raised his eyebrow, "Are you sure?"

The outlander confirmed, "Yep! I'll be with you after I'm finished!"

Jin studied (Reader)'s eyes, which held no ill intent or deception. He nodded and approached the door. Before he exited the room, he told her, "Be quick."

"You got it!" the woman understood while she watched the teal-haired male leave the room.

Yusei queried, "What is it, (Reader)? Is there something important you want to tell me?"

(Reader) went up toward him and reached her dominant hand to the top of his head. She lightly gave his head a light pat, catching him off guard. The second Yusei's heart skipped a beat, his cool disposition faded away. The male protagonist's flustered eyes unconsciously met (Reader)'s earnest gaze. He blushed red, "(Reader)...?"

"You got this. I believe in you, Yusei," those words of encouragement rendered him breathless. He could hear the loud sound of his beating heart that it left him in a trance. The more he stared at her, the faster his heart raced. 

"Anyway, I should head out now," (Reader) put her hand away from her duelist friend. (Reader) approached the door. She bid farewell, "See ya in the arena, pal."

The second she left, Yusei snapped out of the trance. He found out that she already left to the arena to find Jin and the others.

The flustered protagonist reached his hand toward his chest, specifically where his heart was. He thought, 'My heart is still beating fast, even when she left. And yet, at the same time, it's sad; because, she immediately left. It's as if... I didn't want her to leave.'

Had found himself with those kinds of thoughts, Yusei shook his head and used a couple of seconds to regain his composure. Once his still demeanor returned, he told himself, "I'm in over my head. It's wrong of me to think of such things."

Outside the Duel Stadium, a particular man with orange hair and sunglasses was on his D-Wheel, staring at the building before him. He proclaimed, "King... The one who'll beat you will be yours truly."

He started the engine of his vehicle and started to drive past the crowd and toward the entrance, "Here I come!"

His sudden action alerted Sector Security. They attempted to stop the orange-haired driver, but their attempts were futile, for he used his D-Wheel to jump over the group of Security.

The man resumed to drive inside the stadium, alerting the other people to move away quickly as possible. Luckily for them, the driver took a turn and drove somewhere else. The group of Security decided to head toward the turn the driver took and run there, "After him!"

In that path, a Security appeared in front of them and informed, "Quick! He's down that way!"

The other Security ran toward the direction the Security pointed, which was away from one dark corner of the corridor.

Little did they realize that the very Security who gave the direction was the driver they were chasing after; only, he was in a Security uniform. He smirked of how he was able to fool the law enforcement.

Just then, he heard footsteps. The driver quickly hid in the dark corner of the corridor. He heard voices from outside. 

There, Yeager was talking with Shira, the cloaked man. The former spoke, "You understand, yes? You must rough up that fellow as best as you can in order to collect data."

"However, you mustn't let down your guard. He is the man who defeated the King," that surprised the disguised driver. He mouthed, "The man who defeated the King?"

Shira stopped in his tracks and threw a card toward the dark corner like a weapon. Unexpectedly, a mouse came out from the corner and fled.

He muttered, "A mouse, huh?"

The duelist assassin began to move ahead. Yeager stood idly for a couple seconds before catching up to Shira. The former commented, "I thought it was a man."

Once they were gone, the driver in disguise muttered, "The man who defeated the King..."

Three and a half minutes before the third match, Jin and (Reader) were walking in the corridors to head to the arena.

(Reader) commented, "I thought you were going to head to the stands without me."

"I did, but only for the old man to tell me to come and get you, so you would be safe," responded Jin.

"How are he and the kids?" she inquired.

"They're okay. Lua is pretty excited for Yusei's match," he answered.

"I see," she nodded.

Eighteen seconds passed. Jin side-glanced at (Reader) before his gaze returned to the entrance. He started, "You seem to know a lot about what's going on here. You mentioned and I quote, 'The Public Maintenance Department wouldn't host a competition for fun. They would immediately cancel it if they invited anyone who loved dueling, regardless of reason.'"

"By that quote, you do believe that the Fortune Cup is a setup," he suspected.

(Reader) was quiet, not responding to his suspicions toward her.

The teal-haired adult next claimed, "Moreover, during the second match, you laughed. You laughed at Jill for thinking that he would win against Izayoi. Before the second match ended, you walked away. That's because you knew from the beginning that the match was over. You were also the first person to figure out that Aki Izayoi and the Black Rose Witch are the same person, and it was during the Daimon Area incident. Before the Fortune Cup."

"Am I wrong?" the outlander stayed silent, yet it didn't mean that she denied his theory.

He continued, "Sekiguchi, tell me. How did you know that this tournament is a front? If you have any proof, then show me."

The two stopped in their tracks. (Reader) beckoned her friend to come closer. The male leaned foward. The woman began to whisper something inaudible for anyone around them but loud enough for the shocked Jin to hear. Whatever she told him had the man drop his jaw to the floor.

(Reader) stepped back with her hands inside the front pockets of her pants. She turned away and told Jin, "Come on. Let's go. We shouldn't keep our friends waiting."

Jin nodded and walked behind her. The two continued their way to the arena, pretending that the conversation never happened.

At the arena, Jin sat with Lua and the others in their row at the stands. The boy remembered, "Now then, Yusei's up next, right?"

Tenpei became worried, "I hope he does okay."

"Bro ain't gonna lose!" assured Yanagi.

Jin stared up at the building far away within the arena, wondering of what the Public Maintenance Department had planned under their sleeve.

The announcer exclaimed, "Everybody, listen! Up next is what you've all been waiting for! A Riding Duel!"

Everyone in the crow got excited for the upcoming duel.

"The first D-Wheeler chosen for this prestigious Fortune Cup is... Yusei Fudo!!" the mentioned competitor enter into the arena and drove to the race track. The protagonist pulled over to his spot of the track and glanced afar.

One person from the crowd jeered, "Get out of here, you marked punk!"

Another mocked, "Don't try and act cool!"

Lua cheered, "Good luck, Yusei!"

"And the D-Wheeler he faces is the Shinigami Reborn, Shira!!" the mentioned competitor drove into the race track of the arena and appeared next to Yusei.

Someone cheered, "We're counting on you, Shinigami!"

"Don't lose to that guy with the marker!" another shouted.

"Take him down a peg or two!"

Lua frowned at the people around him and his friends, "Everyone's being a jerk. They don't have to hate the guy so much..."

In the race track, Yusei took one glance at his opponent, wondering the kind of duelist his opponent is.

(Reader), just then, recalled something, 'Oh. That reminds me. He's here now. And I have to say, he really has ways of getting close to him, so he can fight him.'

The announcer called, "It's almost time to duel!"

"Set the Field Spell, Speed Word, on!" the said spell card was activated. The surroundings around the two duelists changed into monochrome purple.



NAME: Speed World


EFFECT TYPE(S): Continuous


If a player activates a non-"Speed Spell"

Spell Card, they take 2000 damage.

Except during the first turn of the Duel,

during each player's Standby Phase,

each player places 1 Speed Counter

of their own on this card (max. 12 each).

When a player takes damage,

remove 1 of their Speed Counters

from this card for each multiple

of 1000 damage that player took.

The AI from their vehicles monotoned, "Duel Mode, on--Auto Pilot, standby."

The announcer reminded, "The field has been affected by Speed World. This means Spells other than a Speed Spell can't be activated!"

The cloaked duelist became eager as he revved his D-Wheel. Yusei was confused, not understanding his opponent's action.

On the other hand, from Rex's box, Jack noticed that action and had recognized the D-Wheel.

"Ready! Riding Duel, Acceleration!!" exclaimed the announcer.

The first second the two duelists started to drive, the cloak came off from the second driver, surprising everyone, including Yusei and Jack.

The second driver was the orange-haired opponent Jack challenged last time. He loudly introduced himself, "Sorry to keep you waiting, folks! Here's Mukuro Enjo!"

The announcer also couldn't believe who he saw before him, "This is one unexpected surprise! Out of the cloak comes the Flame D-Wheeler, who made it his life mission to defeat the King! Mukuro Enjo!"

The shocked Jin gasped, "What's going on!?"

In the director's box room, Yeager informed Rex, "Director, Shira is out of commission."

In one room of the Duel Stadium, a beaten Shira laid on the ground with nothing but his boxers and his Duel Monster cards on the floor. There was tire marks on his body and all over the room. A group of Security crowded around him. The beaten assassin muttered, "T-T...That flaming devil...!"

At the arena, Mukuro Enjo, the driver who fought off Shira, challenged Yusei, "You'll be facing yours truly! I'll show you what a real Riding Duel is all about!"

Yusei was unfazed, not saying a word.

Mukuro encouraged, "What's wrong, Yusei? If you're a D-Wheeler too, then accept Mukuro Enjo's challenge!"

By those words alone, Yusei smirked, "All right. I'll take you on!"

With the announcer, he was still muddled by the sudden turn of events, "W-Well, actually... eerm, uh..."

"This should make for good entertainment," the announcer heard Rex's voice from the video call. The director nodded in approval, which brought a huge smile to the announcer's face. The latter announced, "We got approval from the sponsor himself! The duel will re-commence!"

(Reader) commented, "It's been a while since I last saw Yusei duel. This one should be good."


Mukuro Enjo - 4000 LP

Yusei Fudo - 4000 LP

"I'll take the first move! Draw!" Mukuro drew a card from his deck, "Then, I summon Burning Skull Head from my hand!"



NAME: Burning Skull Head

ATK/DEF: 1000/800


LVL: ★★★


Monster Effect - When this card is

Special Summoned from your hand,

inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.

"I set three cards and end my turn!" finished the male duelist with sunglasses.

Yusei began his turn by drawing a card from his deck, "My turn!"

Speed Counter

0 ➝ 1


"I summon Speed Warrior!" the mentioned monster was summoned onto the hero's field.



NAME: Speed Warrior

ATK/DEF: 900/400


LVL: ★★


Monster Effect - During the Battle Phase

of the turn you Normal Summon this card,

you can double its original ATK until

the end of the Battle Phase.

The announcer commented, "Yusei has already thrown down the gauntlet! Speed Warrior will have its attack points doubled for the Battle Phase once it's summoned through its Monster Effect!"

As he said, Speed Warrior's Monster Effect activated.


Speed Warrior

900 ATK  1800 ATK

Yusei declared, "Battle!"

"And there goes Speed Warrior!" the monster moved toward Burning Skull Head to attack it.

Mukuro called, "I activate the trap Zero Guard!"



NAME: Zero Guard



Activate only when an opponent's

monster declares an attack.

Select 1 face-up monster you control.

Until the End Phase,

its ATK becomes 0, and it cannot be

destroyed by battle.

"By reducing the attack points of a monster on my field to 0, it cannot be destroyed by battle in this turn!" he elaborated.

Due to Zero Guard's effect, Burning Skull Head's attack points decreased down to zero.


Burning Skull Head

1000 ATK 0 ATK

"Sonic Edge!" Speed Warrior attacked Burning Skull Head; however, the latter was not destroyed.

Even so, Mukuro's Life Points decreased by 1800.

Mukuro Enjo

4000 LP ➝ 2200 LP

The announcer gasped, "Oh, my! Mukuro Enjo has already been damaged for 1800 points!"

In the stands, Yanagi called out, "Hey, wait! What's he doing?"

Tenpei explained, "He reduced his own Life Points to protect his monster."

"Plus, once he takes that 1800 points, his Speed Counters...," when Lua looked at the screen, he gasped, "...won't decrease!?"

Mukuro activated another card from his field, "I activate the trap Doom Accelerator! When I receive damage by battle, this can raise my Speed Counters for each interval of 500 points of damage."



NAME: Doom Accelerator



Activate only if you would

take Battle Damage from

an opponent's monster's attack.

During damage calculation,

you do not lose Speed Counters,

and gain 1 Speed Counter

for each multiple of 500 damage

you took.

The trap card activated its effect, increasing Mukuro's Speed Counters by 3.

Mukuro's Speed Counter

1 ➝ 4


"His Speed Counters have risen by three!" one person from the stands shouted.

Mukuro boasted, "See that!? This is my mighty invincible Speed Accel Deck, built by none other than Mukuro Enjo!"

The annoyed (Reader)'s lips twitched, '...I want to punch him.'

"Way to go, Mukuro! Kick his ass!" another person yelled.

Yusei was unfazed, yet he was raring to fight his opponent, "You want to match Speed Spells? I'll take on that challenge."

"I set two cards to end my turn," he finished his turn.

Mukuro drew a card to start his turn, "It's my turn! Draw!"

Mukuro's Speed Counter

4 ➝ 5


Yusei's Speed Counter

1 ➝ 2


"I activate the Speed Spell - Summon Speeder! When I have four or more Speed Counters, I can Special Summon one Level 4 or lower monster from my hand!" he added.



NAME: Speed Spell - Summon Speeder



Activate only while you have

4 or more Speed Counters.

Special Summon 1 

Level 4 or lower monster

from your hand.

It cannot attack this turn.

"Come on, Skull Base!" a upper body skeleton monster in a container was Special Summoned onto Mukuro's field via the Speed Spell's effect.



NAME: Skull Base

ATK/DEF: 800/600


LVL: ★★★


Monster Effect - If this card is Tributed

for a Tribute Summon, 

you can draw 1 card.

"I release Skull Base and Burning Skull Head to Tribute Summon Skull Flame!" the first two mentioned monsters were tributed, Special Summoning a skeleton necromancer monster on Mukuro's field.



NAME: Skull Fame

ATK/DEF: 2600/2000


LVL: ★★★★★★★★


Monster Effect - During your turn,

you can Special Summon

any number of "Burning Skull Heads"

from your hand.

This card cannot attack during

your Battle Phase the turn

you activate this effect.

You can add 1 "Burning Skull Head"

from your Graveyard to your hand

instead of conducting your

normal draw during your Draw Phase.

"When Skull Base is released for an Advanced Summoning, I can draw one card," the duelist with sunglasses drew a card from his deck.

Next, he declared, "Let's battle!"

Skull Flame attacked Speed Warrior, defeating the latter. That resulted Yusei's Life points to decrease by 1700 and his Speed Counters by 1.

Yusei Fudo

4000 LP ➝ 2300 LP

Yusei's Speed Counter

2 ➝ 1


The announcer shouted, "Mukuro Enjo, with that beautiful combination attack using his Speed Spell, has brought their Life Points right back at an even heat!"

Someone from the crowd cheered, "Way to go, Mukuro!"

The challenger was not done with his turn, "I'm just getting started! Everyone, watch and be amazed!

"I activate the Continuous Trap, Speed Booster!" a pair of huge engine boosters appeared onto the boosters of Mukuro's D-Wheel.



NAME: Speed Booster

PROPERTY: Continuous


Apply these effects while

you have more Speed Counters

than your opponent:

● During your opponent's turn:

You can negate attacks

from monsters 

your opponent controls

up to the difference 

in Speed Counters.

● During your turn:

Once per turn, you can inflict

damage to your opponent

equal to the difference

in Speed Counters x 100.

"What's that thing!?" Lua shouted.

Yusei was shocked toward his opponent's move.

"This is the best part of my Speed Accel Deck!" Mukuro smirked, "But the best has yet to come, Yusei!"

At Snoozing Nights, a peeved Keito came out from the hotel room. He walked down the hallway as he grumbled, "When I made her lunch, she didn't bother to touch her food. She didn't even look up or asked me if I cooked it."

"Now, she demands me to go get her takeout, despite the fact that she could put down her phone and blog later...!" he seethed.

He put his hand on his forehead, "...Ugh. I don't know if I can put up with her anymore."

Out of nowhere, Keito bumped into a female bellhop. The former apologized, "Ah. Sorry about that."

"It is okay, sir. I apologize as well," she politely responded.


"Oh! You're Keito, right? This is for you!" the bellhop held out a white envelope. On it had a stamp and the words on the envelope that spelled his name and the address to his hotel room. From the upper left corner revealed Utage's name and his address.

Keito took the envelope and thanked, "Thank you, ma'am."

"You're welcome! Have a nice day, sir!" the female bellhop turned away and left Keito.


(This is an intermission. If you would like to take a break from this chapter, feel free to do so. Otherwise, enjoy this random short skit.)

Jack: *sneezes*

Rex: Is something troubling you, Atlas-sama? Are you ill?

Jack: *narrows his eyebrows* I'm fine. However, I feel like someone is making fun of me.

Rex: Pay no mind. I assure you that it is not the case. Now, pay attention to the match.

Jack: Fine. *thinks: Still, who's talking about me behind my back?*


At the main lobby of Snoozing Nights, Keito and Riona met with the receptionist at the desk. The receptionist counted the stack of yen. Once he was done, he nodded, "It's official. You are free to leave."

"Good. We overstayed our welcome here," smiled Keito.

Riona groaned, "Finally!"

The two picked up their suitcases and exited the hotel building. They entered the parking lot and found a red SUV. Keito unlocked the vehicle by pressing the unlock button from the remote of his car keys. He and Riona moved into the car and put their seat belts on.

Riona questioned, "Hey, Keito, honey. I have to ask. How did you get the money?"

Keito ignored her. He turned his key to turn on the car. After he shifted the gear to Drive, he drove out of the parking lot and left the area.

Utage's wife repeated her question, "Keito, how did you earn the money in one day?"

Her side guy didn't listen, which worried Riona.

Meanwhile, back in the Duel Stadium's arena, the duel between Mukuro and Yusei resumed.

"This is the best part of my Speed Accel Deck!" the duelist with sunglasses proclaimed. He revealed, "Speed Booster is a Continuous Trap card, which can activate if you have more Speed Counters than your opponent does! It can negate any opposing monster's attack on my opponent's turn equal to the difference in Speed Counters, and once per turn, it can inflict damage equal to the difference in Speed Counters times 100!"

In the stands, the bewildered Yanagi queried, "W-What does he mean by that!?"

Jin explained, "What he means is that the wider the gap in their Speed Counters gets, the more it works in Mukuro's favor."

In the race track, despite of the circumstances before him, Yusei smiled.

Lua noticed that, "Huh? Yusei looks be enjoying himself."

Yanagi also recognized, "Hey, wait. This is bad, ain't it? So, why's he got that joyful look on his face?"

Jin and (Reader) smirked, understanding why their friend was smiling, regardless of the unfavorable circumstances.

"Quit all that smiling!" Mukuro frowned. He continued his turn, "I activate Speed Booster's effect!"

The second effect of Speed Booster activated, caused missles to launch upwards to the sky before hitting Yusei.

The hero's Life Points decreased by 400.

Yusei Fudo

2300 LP ➝ 1900 LP

The announcer shouted, "That last attack has flipped around the Life Points! Now Mukuro's points are higher!"

(Reader) looked down at the arena, only to be surprised at first until she started laughing.

"What's so funny?" the person next to the woman furrowed their eyebrow at her.

The chuckling (Reader) didn't listen. Her attention was solely of what happened in the arena.

"No one can keep up with my speed! I set a card and end my turn!" finished Mukuro. He started to mock, "How's that!? I must be so far in the lead that you can't even see me anymore! And---Huh!?"

Close to the duelist with sunglasses was his opponent, who he somehow was able to catch up with the former.

Yusei started his turn by drawing a card from his deck, "Draw!"

"You only have one Speed Counter, so how did you manage to...!?" Mukuro stopped himself when he looked down at his screen. He gasped at what he found out: Yusei had activated a Trap card. The orange-haired duelist blurted out, "Slip-Stream!?"



NAME: Slip Stream



Activate only when your opponent

activates a Speed Spell card

while your Speed Counters are

less than your opponent's.

During your next Standby Phase,

the amount of your Speed Counters

becomes equal to

that of your opponent's.

Yanagi repeated, "Slip-Stream?"

Jin elaborated, "Right. It's a Trap card that can be activated when your Speed Counters are lower than your opponent's and your opponent uses a Speed Spell. On the following Standby Phase, it can make your Speed Counters equal to the amount your opponent has."

Because of Slip-Stream, Yusei's Speed Counters increased by 4.

Yusei's Speed Counter

2 ➝ 6


Lua beamed, "Nice going!"

Tenpei wondered, "When did he activate that Trap card?"

Mukuro figured out, "I get it. It was then, wasn't it?"

(Reader) stopped laughing. She thought, 'By then, it was at the same time Mukuro activated Summon Speeder.'

"This is pretty fun, Yusei! But can you keep up with my speed!?" the duelist with sunglasses responded, "I activate the trap card Acceleration Zone!"



NAME: Acceleration Zone



Activate only when your opponent

gains Speed Counters, except

by the effect of "Speed World."

Gain 5 Speed Counters.

Mukuro suddenly began to speed away from Yusei.

The announcer gasped, "What incredible speed! His Speed Counters have suddenly jumped to eleven!"

Mukuro's Speed Counter

6 ➝ 11


Yusei didn't like how things were going for him.

"Acceleration Zone--when the opposing player adds on to his Speed Counters other than by Speed World's effects, it can add on five more Counters to mine!" explained Mukuro. He bragged, "You won't be able to keep up with this speed!"

His opponent continued his turn, "I activate the Speed Spell - Summon Speeder!"

"Ah! Yusei delivers with a Summon Speeder himself!" the commentator gasped.

Mukuro was not surprised by Yusei's tactics, though.

"Summon Speeder's effect summons Quillbolt Hedgehog!" Quillbolt Hedgehog was Special Summoned onto the hero's field.



NAME: Quillbolt Hedgehog

ATK/DEF: 800/800


LVL: ★★


Monster Effect - If you control

a face-up Tuner monster, you can

Special Summon this card from

your Graveyard. If this card was

Summoned this way, remove it

from play when it is removed

removed from the field.

"Next, I summon Junk Synchron!" a short droid with an orange uniform and boots and a white scarf was summoned onto Yusei's field.



NAME: Junk Synchron

ATK/DEF: 1300/500


LVL: ★★★



Monster Effect - When this card

is Normal Summoned,

you can Special Summon

1 Level 2 or lower monster

from your Graveyard in

face-up Defense Position.

That monster's effect(s) is negated.

(Reader) gushed at its appearance, "Junk Synchron is so adorable! I really want to hug it~!"

"Plus, Junk Synchron's effect will summon Speed Warrior from my graveyard! Arise, Speed Warrior!" Speed Warrior was Special Summoned in defense position onto Yusei's field.

(Reader) squealed, "Kya! Speed Warrior! So cool and adorable~!"

One woman next to the outlander was flabbergasted, "You find that monster adorable?"

"...Got a problem with that?" (Reader)'s drastic change from her fangirling to a threatening glare scared the woman next to the former.

Luca and Tenpei blinked at the outlander's behavior. The scared Lua quivered, "Sekiguchi-san is very scary...!"

Jin work an awkward smile, "She really finds Speed Warrior amazing, doesn't she?"

The smiling Yanagi added, "Goes to show that she really likes Bro's monsters!"

"Level 3 Junk Synchron tunes Level 2 Speed Warrior! The stars come together to call forth a new power! Become the path that lights the way!" chanted Yusei.

"Synchro Summon! Come, Junk Warrior!" a tall, large purple droid whose scarf was longer than Junk Synchron appeared on the protagonist's field.



NAME: Junk Warrior

ATK/DEF: 2300/1300


LVL: ★★★★★


SYNCHRO MATERIAL: "Junk Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters


"Junk Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Monster Effect - When this card is

Synchro Summoned,

it gains ATK equal to the total ATK of 

all face-up Level 2 and lower monsters

you control.

Yanagi, Lua, Luca, and Tenpei beamed, "All right!"

"Ah! That's Bro's card!" the old man gasped.

"Junk Warrior's attack points increase equal to the attack points of a Level 2 or lower monster on the field," as the hero pointed out, Junk Warrior's attack points increase by Quillbolt Hedgehog's attack points.


Junk Warrior

2300 ATK  3100 ATK

Yusei declared, "Battle!"

By his command, Junk Warrior aimed its fist toward Skull Flame.

Mukuro smirked as he called, "Speed Booster's effect activates."

Junk Warrior did strike its attack at Skull Flame; sadly, the attack had no affect on the latter, thanks to the first effect of Speed Booster.

Lua blurted out, "Junk Warrior's attack had no effect!"

Jin pointed out, "That's because Speed Booster can negate attacks equal to their difference in Speed Counters."

"Which would mean, since Mukuro has eleven and Yusei has six...," Lua used his fingers to figure out the math until he realized, "...it'll end up negating five of them!?"

Yusei frowned, "I just have to make due for now. I set a card and end my turn."

Next was Mukuro's turn, "My turn. Draw!"

Mukuro's Speed Counter

11 ➝ 12


Yusei's Speed Counter

6 ➝ 7


The commentator quaked, "T-T-There it is! Twelve Speed Counters! That's the max speed!"

Mukuro remarked, "That's right! He who wins in speed wins a Riding Duel! This speed will be my path toward the King! I've gone through training with that belief in mind!"

"All to attain this King-like speed!" he finished his monologue.

The orange-haired man started, "Here I come! I activate the Speed Spell - Accelerate Draw! This effect lets me draw two cards!"



NAME: Speed Spell - Accelerate Draw



Activate only while you have

12 Speed Counters and

your opponent does not

have 12 Speed Counters.

Draw 2 cards.

'Ah, shit,' the shocked (Reader) knew which one of the two cards he drew from his deck.

The man with sunglasses shouted, "I've drawn it! The Speed Spell - End of the Storm!!"

Jack became dumbfounded, "What!?"

Yusei was just as dumfounded as his rival, "End of the Storm!"

"This is the King's card! Allow yours truly to show you how to use End of the Storm! Show you how a King battles!" Mukuro was eager as he activated the Speed Spell, "I activate End of the Storm!"

The moment the Speed Spell was activated, an enormous storm appeared within both Mukuro's and Yusei's fields.



NAME: Speed Spell - End of the Storm



Activate only while you have

10 or more Speed Counters.

Destroy all monsters

on the field and inflict

300 damage to each player

for each of their

destroyed monsters.

The male with sunglasses explained, "End of the Storm can be activated when your Speed Counters are ten or moe, after which, it destroys all monsters on the field and inflicts 300 points of damage for each one!"

Skull Flame, Quillbolt Hedgehog, and Junk Warrior were destroyed by the Speed Spell.

Mukuro's Life Points were lowered by 300.

Mukuro Enjo

2200 LP ➝ 1900 LP

Whilst Yusei's Life Points went down by 600, he maintained of keeping his lane straight until the end of the effect's duration.

Yusei Fudo

1900 LP ➝ 1300 LP

"Yusei's Life Points are down to 1300 points in one feel swoop! However, since Mukuro has destroyed his one monster, he can't possibly attack! What will he do!?" the commentator yelled.

The confident Mukuro pointed out, "I had that all planned out. I'll banish the Skull Flame from the graveyard, and from this, there's a monster I can Special Summon!"

"Now, c'mon! Speed King Skull Flame!" a skeleton centaur with flames as its hair and tail was Special Summoned onto the orange-haired duelist's field.



NAME: Speed King Skull Flame

ATK/DEF: 3000/2300


LVL: ★★★★★★★★★★


Monster Effect - You can Special Summon

this card by removing 1 "Skull Flame"

in your Graveyard from play.

You can send this card to the Graveyard

to Special Summon 1 "Skull Flame"

from your Graveyard.

Once per turn, you can inflict

400 damage to your opponent

for each "Burning Skull Head"

in your Graveyard.

Yusei become astonished, "What!?"

Jin was shocked, "3000 attack points!?"

The commentator gasped, "Oh, my! Destroying all monsters on the field, in addition to dealing damage, and what's more, to think it was all alluding to the summon of a high level monster! What a perfect combo! His Speed Accel Deck is fearsome indeed!"

Regardless of everyone else's fears toward Mukuro's deck and tactics, Jack was unimpressed, nor he desired to be impressed.

"This will end it!" Mukuro claimed. He commanded, "Speed King Skull Flame, attack Yusei directly!"

Before Speed King Skull Fame could attack the opponent, the latter was quick to activate his set card, "I activate my Trap card! Scrap-Iron Scarecrow!"



NAME: Scrap-Iron Scarecrow


EFFECT TYPE(S): Activation requirement, Effect, Condition


Activate only when a monster

you control is attacked.

Negate the attack, and you can

Set this card face-down again

instead of sending it to the Graveyard.

This card cannot be activated the turn

you activate this effect.

"Yusei managed to dodge that one with his Trap!" the announcer loudly commented.

It was still Mukuro's turn, "Well then, here's Speed Booster's effect for you."

The second effect of Speed Booster attacked Yusei, inflicting 500 points of damage.

Yusei Fudo

1300 LP ➝ 800 LP

Tenpei gasped. Lua shouted in worry, "Yusei!"

"Speed King Skull Flame's Monster Effect inflicts 400 points of damage for each Burning Skull Head in my graveyard!" as Mukuro pointed out, 400 points of damage were dealt onto the struggling protagonist.

Yusei Fudo

800 LP ➝ 400 LP

Everyone in the crowd were not liking of how things were going throughout the duel. The announcer was no exception, "Now, Yusei only has a mere 400 Life Points left!"

As for (Reader), she was calm as she leaned forward and rested her fist on her cheek. She mentally commented, 'We're near the end of the duel. By now, Yusei should find a way to end it, even if he has to gamble his way out of that sitch of his.'

Yusei drew a card from his deck to start his turn, "It's my turn!"

Yusei's Speed Counter

7 ➝ 8


"I activate the Speed Spell - Shift Down!" the Speed Spell caused Yusei's Speed Counters to decrease by 6.



NAME: Speed Spell - Shift Down



Remove 6 of your Speed Counters.

Draw 2 cards.

Yusei's Speed Counter

8 ➝ 2


The announcer was surprised, "Oh, my! Yusei has decreased his own Speed Counters!"

Yanagi questioned, "What's he doing?"

Jin answered, "He's relying on chance."

The muddled Tenpei repeated, "On chance?"

The teal-haired male confirmed, "That's right. Shift Down is a Speed Spell which drops your Speed Counters down by six to allow you to draw two cards from your deck."

Lua understood, "I get it. He plans on trusting in his deck!"

Jin smiled, "Yeah, that is the guy's strong suit, after all."

"Right, Sekiguchi?" he looked up at (Reader), who nodded with a light smirk.

It was still Yusei's turn, "Shift Down's effect allows me to draw two cards! I summon Nitro Synchron!"

On Yusei's field was a droid monster that resembled an air compressor can.



NAME: Nitro Synchron

ATK/DEF: 300/100


LVL: ★★



Monster Effect - If this card

is sent to the Graveyard

for the Synchro Summon

of a "Nitro" Synchro Monster,

draw 1 card.

"And then, the Quillbolt Hedgehog in my graveyard can be Special Summoned when I have a Tuner Monster!" Quillbolt Hedgehog was Special Summoned on the protagonist's field via its Monster Effect.

"Next up, I activate my Trap card, Give and Take!" Yusei continued, "This will Special Summon one monster from my graveyard on my opponent's field in defense position!"



NAME: Give and Take



Special Summon 1 monster

from your Graveyard

to your opponent's side

of the field in Defense Position,

and increase the Level

of 1 monster you control by

the Level of

the Special Summoned monster

until the End Phase.

It was Mukuro's turn to be astonished, "What?"

Due to Give and Take's effect, Junk Synchron was summoned in defense position on Mukuro's field.

The hero next added, "It's at this time that a monster on my field increases its level equal to that of the Special Summoned monster!"

Quillbolt Hedgehog's level increased by 3.


Quillbolt Hedgehog 

LVL 2 ➝ LVL 5

Tenpei thought out loud, "With his new Level 5 Quillbolt Hedgehog and his Level 2 Nitro Synchron...!"

"There's gonna be a Level 7 Synchro Summoning...!" the excited Lua blurted out, surprising his glasses friend.

"Nitro Synchron tunes Quillbolt Hedgehog!" the two mentioned monsters began to peform the summoning, "The stars come together to call forth a new power! Become the path that lights the way! Synchro Summon!"

"Blaze on, Nitro Warrior!" a bulky, green monster with giant bull horns and a nitro booster as its tail appeared.



NAME: Nitro Warrior

ATK/DEF: 2800/1800


LVL: ★★★★★★★

EFFECT TYPE(S): Continuous, Trigger

SYNCHRO MATERIAL: "Nitro Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters


"Nitro Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Monster Effect - Once during each

of your turns, if you activated a

Spell Card, this card gains 1000 ATK

during its next attack, 

for damage calculation only.

Once per turn, if this attacking card

destroys an opponent's monster

by battle, you can change 1

face-up Defense Position

monster your opponent controls

to Attack Position,

and attack it with this card.

Mukuro taunted, "You're wasting your time! As long as I have Speed Booster, you can't attack me!"

Jin corrected, "But, when Nitro Warrior is Synchro Summoned, you're allowed to draw one card from your deck."

"So, that's what Yusei's after?" Lua guessed.

"Yes," the teal-haired adult confirmed, "it all rides on this next card."

The orange-haired duelist attempted to goad, "Yusei! I'll outstrip you with my speed!"

Yusei solely focused on the next draw. His hand on the card from his deck, he drew the card out. In that specfic moment, the corner of his lips lightly lifted up as he whispered, "Here it is..."

He resumed his turn, "I activate the Speed Spell - Gap Storm!"

All of a sudden, an enormous gust of wind took shape within both Yusei's and Mukuro's fields.



NAME: Speed Spell - Gap Storm



Activate only if there is a difference

of 10 or more Speed Counters

between you and your opponent.

Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards

on the field.

The stunned Mukuro faltered, "What's this?"

Yusei explained, "Gap Storm can be activated when my Speed Counters are ten or more than yours. It destroys all Spell and Trap cards on the field!"

"Then, that means, my Speed Booster too!" all of the Spell and Trap cards were destroyed by the Speed Spell.

(Reader) stated, "It also means that we've arrived at the finale of this duel."

Mukuro clicked his tongue, "Damn it to hell! Yusei...!"

"Up next is my Monster Effect!" the protagonist was not done with his turn, "Nitro Warrior increases its attack points by 1000 points when I activate a Spell card on my turn!"


Nitro Warrior

2800 ATK 3800 ATK

His opponent blurted out, "What!?"

"Battle! Go, Nitro Warrior!" Nitro Warrior started its attack, aiming for Speed King Skull Flame, "Dynamite Knuckle!"

The latter was destroyed, decreasing Mukuro's Life Points by 800.

Mukuro Enjo

1900 LP ➝ 1100 LP

The orange-haired duelist seethed, "Damn it..."

Yusei was still not done, "Plus, when Nitro Warrior destroys an opposing monster, it can switch a monster in defense position on my opponent's field, and then attack it!"

"What? To attack position? Then, that means, Junk Synchron--!" the second Mukuro found out what was going to happen, Junk Synchron switched to attack position due to Nitro Warrior's Monster Effect.

"Battle!" Nitro Warrior wasted no second to turn toward the Tuner Monster.

"The difference in their attack points is as clear as day!" even the announcer figured that the duel was over.

Mukuro shouted, "Oh, hell!"

Nitro Warrior destroyed Junk Synchron, decreasing Mukuro's Life Points to zero.

Mukuro Enjo

1100 LP ➝ 0 LP

Thus, the duel was over with Yusei's victory.


Mukuro Enjo - 0 LP

Yusei Fudo - 400 LP

WINNER!: Yusei Fudo

The announcer declared, "That settles it! Yusei has scored a come-from-behind victory with his beautifully executed combo!"

With Mukuro, his D-Wheel slowed down until the vehicle stopped and fell down, along with him.

Whilst Lua and Yanagi cheered for Yusei, (Reader) jumped out of her seat and walked down the stairs, so she get a closer look at the field, with Jin following her. The two looked down to find Mukuro on the ground. 

(Reader) verified, "He's all right. No broken bones or bruises. As for his mentality..., it depends."

In the race track, Mukuro slowly sat up as Yusei approached the former.

Mukuro greeted, "Hey there."

Yusei responded, "That was a great duel."

"Yeah. I may have lost today...," the duelist with sunglasses proclaimed, "but I ain't losing next time."

Yusei didn't reply, yet despite not showing it, he'd be looking forward toward another duel with Mukuro sometime.

In front of the stands, Jin whispered, "Sekiguchi, are you going to tell Yusei about you-know-what?"

(Reader) glanced back at her tall friend, "No."

"No? Why?!" the shocked Jin loudly whispered, but not loud for anyone else to hear.

The outlander casually whispered back, "I don't need to tell him anything. I trust him to let him know the truth himself. If I do tell him right now, he won't believe us; since, there isn't enough proof in his case."

"Is it related to the incident, or...? Wait... you mean...?!"

(Reader) nodded, confirming of what Jin was about to imply. He couldn't fathom of what he had learned, "Shit...!"

The woman put her dominant index finger in front of her lips, "This is between us, 'kay?"

Jin was reluctant at first. He wanted to tell Yusei the truth, yet he couldn't since he and (Reader), indeed, lacked legit proof. In the end, he agreed, "Okay. But we ought to tell him soon."

She affirmed, "We will."

"Hey, you two. What are you guys doing here together in this spot?" Yanagi walked down the stairs to meet the duo.

Jin and (Reader) looked at each other before they nodded.

Yanagi blinked, "Is something the matter, Himuro-chan and Seki-chan?"

Jin beckoned the elder to come closer. The old man leaned forward, and the muscular man whispered something that caused Yanagi to almost panic. Luckily, Jin helped calmed the elder down and inform him of his earlier discussion with (Reader).

In the director's box room, Rex's and Yeager's eyes were locked onto the arena.

The director commented, "So, he indeed lacked the strength."

His right hand replied, "Which then means that up next is..."

The two wore sinister smirks, had realized their next target.

Jack had enough with the duo's behavior. He stood up and snapped, "Damn it you two! What have you been doing behind my back!?"

The King wanted answers, and so did Yusei.


END "act 3 - phony".





BEGIN "act 4 - astray"!

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