Strike It Right (Louis Tomlin...

By CarolmSimon

86.2K 1.5K 127

Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't, Tried hard to fight your feelings but you just couldn't... More

Strike It Right
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
*Finale* Chapter 33
The Sequel : My Lucky Strike
The Soundtrack

Chapter 18

2.2K 39 1
By CarolmSimon

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I’m sitting at the computer after I ate breakfast and reading news on the Internet. Of course most of them are written about me and the team or… about me and Louis…ugh. I remember Maria’s words about fan club and start wondering about what they are talking in there. I go to Google page and type in it Louis and Navishaa. I press enter and then a lot of pages jump in front of my eyes with various titles: Navishaa/Louis , Navishaa and Louis– happily ever after and many others. I roll my eyes and feel sorry for those naïve people who believe what newspapers are saying.

I move the cursor on that one with our both picture and press it. It opens a page where my and his photos jump in front of the screen with probably this fan club’s slogan: We love them as much as they love each other!
Ah, come on! It’s ridiculous. I laugh and press the x button and look further at the page. You can find here everything: from photos with articles to even created stories of our love by members.
“Geez…” I whisper nervously and go out of this page and sigh deeply.

>>>>Louis< <<<

“Your turn.” I say to Zayn as I throw the card on the table. Card games are a good thing. It helps you to relax and forget all your problems at least for that period while you’re playing.
Suddenly the telephone rings in this room and everybody jumps scared. It’s been a while till I heard this telephone ringing. When I calm down and everybody laughs I stood up and pick the phone.

“Hello.” I say and look at my cards thinking about another move.
“Louis?” I hear a woman’s voice… A very sweet and familiar woman’s voice.
“Jessica?” I say confused and drop the cards on the floor.
“Yes, it’s me.” She says somehow sad and I frown.
“What’s wrong?” I ask immediately and go with the telephone a bit further from guys.
“I…I miss you.” She says sadly and smile rises on my face “I tried not to think about you and imagine you as a total bastard… but I can’t. I want to forgive you.” She says and I laugh in a relief.
“Of course if you want that.” She says carefully.
"Of course I want that honey. It’s amazing.” I say excited in the telephone “I miss you too.”
“Just promise me one thing, ok?” she asks.
“Okay, anything.” I say happily.
“Please talk with her only as much as your profession requires. I don’t want you two to see together.” She says and smile jumps off my face for a strange reason. I mean she wants to be my girlfriend again. That’s good, isn’t it?

“Oh…ok.” I say a bit strangely and frown.
“Ok. Well I have to go now, we will talk later, ok?” she says happier. I can say that from the voice.
“Ok. Bye.” I say and hang up the phone and look at the guys.
"Jessica called.” I say strangely. Not as happy as I should be.
“And?” asks Zayn impatiently.
“She wants to come back to me.” I say frowned.
“So, that’s great!” says Zayn happily and Charles agree with him.
“Yeah.” I say and laugh nervously. I scratch my head and frown “I am going…to the toilet.” I say and go out of the room…

>>>>Zayn< <<<
“To which toilet he is going?” I ask confused as we all lead Louis with our looks.
“He really looks happy.” Says Gerard sarcastically and the same confused like I am.
“Shouldn’t he be happy that Jessica forgave him? I mean he was so depressed when she left him.” I say and look at guys.
“He was happy for some time when he was talking with her, but then suddenly his smile disappeared.” Says Charles and I nod “Probably she told something.”
“It would be good to find out what.” I say and think about what she could have told to Louis…

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I’m sitting and looking at that lion which team gifted me. Probably I’m really too harsh with them… well except some of them. But they are trying to do what I tell them to do and I’m still angry with them. Probably I should apologize or at least be nicer with them because if we want to reach something more we need to have a good relationship… It’s a really important thing.
That is what I will do immediately. I stood up from the sofa and prepare to go out of the room when I hear a knock on my door. I go and open it and it’s Santiago. I look at him confused.
“You’re still here?” I ask surprised and Santiago smiles.
“Yes. I was watching your relationship with your team’s members all the time. It’s good that you didn’t notice me. That means I’m a good stalker.” He says and laughs and I a bit uncomfortably laugh too. I don’t know if it’s such a good quality. Anyway…

“Oh…” I say a bit confused and he laughs again.
“Well, I think that everything is safe in here and you didn’t break any rules at least while I was here so now I can go back to England. I just wanted to say goodbye.” He says politely and I just smile awkwardly and nod.

“Well then… goodbye.” I say strangely.
“Good luck in the match against Portugal.” He says and says goodbye to me and goes away.
I just giggle in confusion and then sigh. British guys can be strange sometimes.
Well, now I can go and talk with the team. I go out of the room and close and lock the door behind me. I happily walk in the corridor… I don’t know why but today I’m strangely happy. Maybe that little lion affects me so much.

Suddenly I run into Vince and I sigh and roll my eyes. I want to pass by him but he roughly grabs my hand and drags into someone’s room… Well probably it’s his room.
“What do you want?” I ask nervously and take off his hand angrily but he puts he presses me against the wall and puts his both hands in both sides of my body.
“I want to play.” He says angrily to my face and I just bite my lip from anger.
“You need to show your worth in the trainings not outside them.” I say nervously and put my hands on his chest and push him away from me “Listen, it doesn’t matter that I’m a woman but I’m not weak understand?! I won’t let you to play with me like that.”
“I know I’m worth to play. I know I can do great job there in the pitch.” He shouts almost angrily.
“If you’re so good then why even the previous coach didn’t let you play from the start?” I ask laughing nervously and see how his face becomes more angry “Or did you threaten and to him?” I ask and see how his face with every minute becomes more and more red.

He suddenly painfully grabs my arm a bit upper than elbow and squeezes it. It hurts but I won’t show him that. I raise my chin up and swallow something from my throat.
“Don’t play with me, understand?” he hisses to my face and squeezes my arm harder.
“I suggest you to do the same.” I say and he roughly releases me and I get out of his room.

I lean against the wall and put my hand on the place which he was holding. It hurts. But doesn’t matter… I take a deep breathe and stood up normally. I still need to talk with the team because Vince… he’s one of those exceptions. I go further and suddenly I hear voices in the corridor around the corner. I stop and frown.

“She’s a woman, Charles. Why do you think he acts like that?” I hear I don’t know whose voice because I still don’t recognize them so well, but I think it’s Gerard's voice.

“Well, Louis could control himself a bit more… After all, she’s our coach.” Responds Zayn and I frown.
“Yes…but… because she’s a woman everybody feels the same about her…more or less, it’s like that.” Says the other one.
“You’re right… Maybe it was really not such a good decision to hire her.” He says and I frown nervously. And I wanted to say sorry… Once again I’m left in fool’s place.
I just rushed to my room. I close the door and grab that stupid lion in my hand.

“Because she’s a woman everybody feels the same about her…” I repeat his words angrily and squeeze that toy into my hand “If you hate then why you’re doing this?” I say louder and with a lot of hatred inside me throw that toy to a bin. I don’t need you if it was just another lie…
“I hate them.” I said and sat on the sofa. I ran my fingers through my hair and keep looking to one spot nervously.

>>>>Louis< <<<
I come back into my room after a long walk in the park. I was thinking a lot and I still don’t understand what I feel for Jessica and what I feel for Navishaa. I close the door and look trough the room. Zayn is not here and it’s good I think because I still have time to think for a bit. I go to the window and put my hands on the windowsill.
I have to be happy that I am back with Jessica. She’s an amazing person and I don’t want to hurt her. She was with me during hard times and she helped me a lot. I want to love her as much as she loves me… She probably loves me a lot if she was able to forgive me. Oh my God… she’s such a good person… What to do? I need to forget Navishaa… I can’t see any other option.

I move my head down and close my eyes.
>>>>Navishaa< <<<
I’m sitting in the stadium and looking at the pitch while they are changing their clothes. Few of them come outside and look at me. Gerard looks at me and smiles and I just nervously laugh in my mind but respond to him with my cold look. Sneaks… nothing more than a sneaks…
When everybody comes out I stand up and stand in front of them. I look at their faces which still believe that I swallow their bait with those candies. But they can think whatever they want… Soon I won’t see their faces and I will live happily without them in my life. I hope it will be soon.
“Today we will concentrate on running and mentality.” I say in my cold voice “At first 10 laps for warming up.”


“This is Mr. Garcia. Coach which will help you to trust each other in mental way.” I introduce a new coach which visited us also from England “Now you have to listen to him.” I say and show to the coach to talk.

“Firstly, if you want to reach good results in football, you need to trust your teammates. If you can’t trust people then go to tennis.” He says and I smile ironically. It’s good that they at least trust each other… “Now divide into pairs.” He says and the guys quickly stand in pairs. Mr Garcia turns to me and frowns confused. He takes my hand and drags me in the middle next to him “It’s important to trust not only the teammates but the coach also.” He says and I look at him confused while he looks trough the guys “Come here Mr.” he says and drags Louis into the middle next to me. Are you kidding me? “You will be in pair.” He says and I look at him unbelievably.

“I don’t trust him.” I say nervously and Mr. Garcia just shrugs his shoulders.
“Then you need to gain the trust.” He says and goes to other pairs.
I just cross my arms on my chest like a little stubborn girl and don’t look at him…

>>>>Louis< <<<
I look at her and see how she a bit immature crosses her arms on her chest and turns her look away. She’s like a spoiled kid who didn’t get what she wanted. I just chuckle ironically. And can you tell me why I feel something for her? Jessica is million times better and nicer than her… I really can’t understand myself with this decision.

“Now one from the pair turn your back to other and stand few steps away.” He says and Navishaa immediately turns her back to me and I just grimace to her back Sometimes she’s really annoys me.
“Now those who are turned around relax your body and let him fall to the ground. Let your partner to catch you.” Says Mr. Garcia and I notice how Navishaa looks over her shoulder and sighs nervously. I look at her nice body and prepare to catch her.
But she’s not falling!

“Will you fall?” I ask a bit harshly and she looks over her shoulder again.
“I don’t trust you. How can I fall?” she asks and I just sigh.
“You have problems?” asks Mr. Garcia and I just show at her with my hand. He goes to her.
“Now Miss Brighton close your eyes.” He says and puts a hand on her back and I keep looking at them “Take a deep breathe… relax your body and…fall.” He says and moves away his hand and Navishaa falls and I catch her. Suddenly a strange feeling like electricity is running through my body…
“Good.” Says Mr. Garcia and turns from us and I immediately release her and she bumps with her ass on the ground.

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
S-S-Stupid. I stand up and brush my pants….
What was that? Why I felt such a strange feeling when he caught me? It felt like I would hit with the bolt and something would running in my blood and shivering.

I just take a deep breathe and turn my chin up.
Louis turns his back to me and in a second looks over his shoulder.
“I’m falling.” He says.
“Fall… I won’t catch you anyway.” I said and he turns to me.
“How then you want me to trust you?” he says nervously and I just blankly look at him.

“It looks like I have said something new.” I say nervously and then sigh “Okay… fall, I will catch you.” I say and prepare to catch him while he turns around and… he falls down. I catch him… but he’s too heavy for my arms and he falls on the ground and I almost fell on him. I look at his blue eyes and blinked for a couple of times. For some strange reason I don’t feel anger or hatred… I just feel the same pleasant shivering thing in my blood. I bite my lip and then wake up from everything and quickly straighten up and look around at everybody. Nobody is looking at that is very good.

“I see that you two need some work.” Says Mr. Garcia when he comes to us “You will be always in pair in my part of the training.” He says strictly and I just frown and want to argue but he just goes to the other pair.
Louis stands up from the ground and looks at me. I just looked at him angry and walkedaway…

>>>>Louis< <<<
I followed her with my look going to her stuff.
“Don’t tell me that you start from the beginning.” I hear Charles saying and coming to me.
“Hey!” I say angrily “Not I’m the one acting immature in here.” I say angrily and went away as well

>>>>Navishaa< <<<
Stupid Louis is dancing on my nerves… Ugh…and why he had to be in the team? Even Cristiano would be better than him… At least he knows how to treat a woman. I finish putting my make up on and but the mascara away. I few times brush my brown hair again and put the hairbrush away.
I sigh look at myself for the last time. I took my bag and went out of the room. I lock it, put the bag on my shoulder and went through the corridor. I meet Louis, Zayn and Charles in the corridor but just coldly with my chin raised up pass by them.

>>>>Louis< <<<
She passes by us proudly and her sweet perfume gets into my nose. She’s dressed up well and looks wow…normal, totally normal. That make up on her face which makes her eyes to look even more pure is totally normal either…
I lead her with my look and when she turns around the corner I swallow something and frown.
“Where is she going looking like that?” I ask nervously but the boys just shrugs their shoulders.
“She looks…wow.” Says Zayn and I frown more.
“She’s going on a date. I can assure that.” I say totally nervous “She’s going on a date? With whom is she going on a date?” I still keep questioning “She can’t go on a date.”
“Calm down Louis… or we might think that you’re jealous.” Says Zayn and I look at him nervously.
“Nonsense.” I laugh loudly…
Is she really meeting someone?!

>>>>Navishaa< <<<

“A bottle of champagne, please.” Says Cristiano to a waiter and when he goes away Cristiano looks at me with his famous smile.
“You’re not really paying attention to tomorrow’s match.” I say keeping our eyes contact.
“Now I’m paying attention only to you. It would be a crime not to drink champagne with you.” He says and touches my arm with his fingers.
“Another cheesy phrase.” I giggle and roll my eyes. I also move my hand further from his fingers.
“Sorry… You’re really different from other women which I have met.” He says softly smiling “And this time it’s not a cheesy phrase.” He assures me that and I smile.
“And what is the difference?” I asked.
“First of all… you don’t like cheesy phrases.” He says and I let out a small laugh  And probably the most unique quality of you that you’re a coach and that you control a men team.” He says and this time he courageous takes my hand between his palms and softly strokes my skin “You’re very beautiful.” He says and I blush lightly and wryly smile.
At the same time waiter brings us the bottle of champagne.
“Thank you.” Says Cristiano to him and I thank also.
“Let’s drink for us.” He says and fills the champagne into the glasses.

“Well… probably it’s time for us to go to our hotels.” I say and looking at my watch “Maybe we should ask for a check?” I ask and Cristiano quickly raises his finger and asks for a check.
“Maybe we should do something after we go out of the hotel.” He says and looks with his eyes at me. I frown confused.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“I mean that it’s the last time we’re together because after tomorrow you will be going home and maybe we could end this evening somehow special.” He says softly running with his fingers trough my arm.
I look at him unbelievably.
“I’m going home?” I ask like I didn’t hear properly.
“You or me…the root is the same.” He says like it wouldn’t be important but I nervously withdraw my arm from him and stood up.
“Sorry… but I just realized that I need to go back to hotel. I need to make sure that I wouldn’t go home tomorrow.” I say nervously and smile to him fake.
“Bye Cristiano.” I say to him and take my bag.
“Navishaa! Wait!” he shouts but I just got out of the hotel quick... All men are the same.

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