Treasure [h.s]

By PapSmeared

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Brinna Harper has worked too hard to overcome the downfall of her addict parents, until one night of fun turn... More

| Welcome to Treasure |
| 01 - Sin City |
| 02 - Hotel Room |
| 03 - One Of Them |
| 04 - Dallie |
| 05 - Bank Man |
| 06 - Bad Fucking Energy |
| 07 - Prove It |
| 08 - Begging |
| 09 - Pony |
| 10 - Leave A Mark |
| 11 - Common Denominator |
| 12 - Chronic |
| 13 - Needy Puppy |
| 15 - Lover Boy |
| 16 - The Monster |
| 17 - Feel Real |
| 18 - Just Friends |
| 19 - Use Your Words |
| 20 - Front Page |
| 21 - Caveman |
| 22 - Pepper |
| 23 - Law of the Jungle |
| 24 - Dramatic Nap |
| 25 - Buy Love |
| 26 - Dance With Me |
| 27 - Always |
| 28 - Just Say Yes |
| 29 - New Debt |
| 30 - Walking Secret |
| 31 - Diamonds |
| 32 - Senile Old Woman |
| 33 - Ocean Of Yellow |
| 34 - Birthday Girl |
| 35 - Killers Don't Knock |
| 36 - Weak |
| 37 - Branding |
| 38 - Sugar And Salt |
| 39 - Tongue Fiasco |
| 40 - Cornered |
| 41 - Munchies |
| 42 - Colette |
| 43 - Family |
| 44 - Bears Eat Honey |
| 45 - Bachelor |
| 46 - Bachelorette |

| 14 - House Of Mirrors |

317 20 93
By PapSmeared

Is this our second date? Or our third? I don't know, but I'm fucking nervous.

For a lot of reasons really. Not all of my nerves are bad, in fact, I'm kind of excited to go somewhere with him again. He keeps taking me to places that don't match the vibe of Vegas at all, at least not what I thought it was. I expected the entire thing to be nightclubs and drugs but he's proven me wrong time and time again.

I like the feeling he keeps giving me. I know I'm too forgiving. I don't like to see people sad because of me. Was it smart to agree to go to lunch with him? Probably not. Was it smart to then agree to go out somewhere tonight? Definitely not.

But he keeps drawing me into him and I just can't tell him no when he starts with his touching and sweet fucking mouth. I'm not as strong as I claim to be apparently because it takes no effort for me to cave.

As much as I enjoy him, the logical part of me is incredibly nervous that he's going to disappear again, and I don't know if I can handle that. He hurt me when he did it the first time and the type of hurt he left is something that I've felt for a majority of my life already. I don't need it from him too.

As silly as it sounds, I don't have many people in my life that make me happy. Actually, it's just Grace. She's all I have, and while that choice was intentional, it doesn't make it any less difficult when someone else comes and goes like it's nothing.

I crave validation and I don't like to be left like my existence is transactional and not something people genuinely want. I already meant nothing to the people who put me on this earth, and I can't think about the fact that no one else here wants me either. I don't know if I like Harry or the feelings that come with him, but I can't deny to myself that I want to keep feeling them.

"What're you thinking about over there, pretty girl?" Harry's thumb is grazing over my thigh and his smooth voice sends a chill through my body, goosebumps erupting on my skin.

"Honestly?" I turn to look at him, my eyes previously focused on the sky starting to set.

"Lay it on me." He smiles and glances at me before focusing back on the road.

"I'm worried about tomorrow," I admit.

"Tomorrow?" He questions.

"You know, the after. What happens when we leave here? When you drive away from my house," I mumble, shifting in my seat slightly.

"Well, usually I would say don't think about tomorrow." He sighs, which makes a pit of doubt grow in my stomach because it sounds as though he's confirming my worries.

"Usually..." he says again. "But this isn't very usual for me. If you're worried that I'm going to flake again, Brin, I'm not. And I'm sorry that you have to think about that when you're with me now." He squeezes my thigh and then turns his hand so his palm is now facing the roof of the car. His fingers flutter, inviting me to hold his hand.

I uncross my arms and put my hand in his, laying it on top instead of intertwining our fingers. "This isn't usual for me either," I reply. "I shouldn't have even said anything, I'm sorry. That was a strange thing for me to say right now, I shouldn't be expecting anything from you."

He brings my hand up to his lips and plants a kiss on the back of it, rubbing his cheek over the place his mouth was. "What if I told you I don't want to leave? Didn't want to even when I did, and I don't plan on fucking up like that again. Is that strange too?"

"I guess we'll have to add it to our secrets." I turn my body to face him more with my hand still pressed to his cheek. "Are you going to tell me where we're going, or should I be expecting more strippers?" I tease him.

He drops our hands to the center console, lacing them together finally. "I happen to be a very good dancer if you'd like another show, but tonight is different. I haven't been to one of these since I was a teenager." He smiles excitedly and taps his other fingers on the steering wheel.

"Can I have a hint?"

"You're going to get dizzy, we'll be up high, and there will be a crazy amount of lights." He says vaguely. "And it's the exact opposite of Treasure Chest."

We kept on driving for a good twenty minutes until we were well away from the city. I asked him to put on music and show me what he likes so I wasn't trying to guess. To my surprise, he's into classic rock more than anything. I don't know much about it, but he seemed to lean toward Queen and Bon Jovi.

The road changed to dirt and in the near distance, I could see a large red tent with flashing lights on every point at the top. There are dozens of different-sized objects moving, each with its own color of light.

The sun setting behind it is making it hard to tell exactly what I'm looking at, but it must be something good because cars are filling the dirt lots on either side of us and people are pulling each other toward the attraction.

Harry finds an empty parking space and pulls into it, letting go of my hand to put the car in park and turn it off. "Eh, so? What d'ya think?" He gestures his hands in front of us as we sit in the car.

"A carnival? It's been forever since I've seen one. I didn't know they had these here." I smile at him, suddenly very excited about getting out of the car and kicking his ass at the cheesy games.

He chuckles and undoes his seatbelt at the same time I do, getting out of the car and walking around to my side to stand next to me. "Do you know the best part about it?" he asks me, his arm around my shoulder as we walk through rows of vehicles.

"That I'm going to drag you onto every single ride until you're throwing up?" I quirk a brow at him.

"There's no one to bribe here for special treatment, so we get to be completely normal people tonight. Doesn't that sound refreshing? No one here to know me."

I laugh at his statement. "I had an inkling that you pay off everyone in your path. But you're forgetting that I am a normal person, it's you with the power trip, Curly."

"Any time you're with me you're treated the same way I am. Only the best for my Bandit."

I guess he's right, if he's doing crazy things with his money and I'm with him, I look just as crazy. I'm not sure how I feel about that though, I'm not shy about having disposable income but not nearly as much as Harry does. I wouldn't even be able to guess how much money it takes for the entirety of Las Vegas to know him.

"Your Bandit," I say back, kind of questioning the phrase while also letting it sink in. "What does that mean?"

"That means that you point at whatever game you want, and I'll win you a prize." He avoids answering my question truthfully, pulling me into the lively carnival.

We walk through the arched balloon entryway and my senses are fighting over who gets to experience the scene in front of us first. Kids are laughing and running around with stuffed animals while game attendants call out rules and gather people to their booths.

Yellow lights are strung up over our heads and every ride is adorned with flashing bulbs in a rainbow of colors. Screams and laughs come from some of the scarier ones while the calmer ones have music playing from them.

It smells like popcorn and funnel cake, and in the distance like there's a petting zoo a ways away from the entrance. The sun is nearly completely set now, so the lights above us illuminate every crease in Harry's face as he takes it in for himself too.

I take a moment to study his features in all of their childlike wonder. I wonder what it was like for him growing up and where his parents are now. He's successful enough that I'm sure they would be proud of him. The nature of his life in Vegas does make me wonder if he ended up where he is because his parents are the complete opposite or the exact same.

He takes in a deep breath and looks down at me. I don't look away from him though, instead, I soften my gaze and smile at him. He smiles back at me and drops his forehead to mine, the two of us in our bubble while the rest of the world continues to move around us.

I find myself enjoying moments like these, where the two of us are connected in some way and everything around us seems to be shut out. I don't know how he does it, but he makes the voice in the back of my head stop. Situations like these are the exact ones I shouldn't be letting myself indulge in, yet he makes my internal conflict settle down.

He pecks the tip of my nose and pulls away, bringing me back to the noise and excitement around us. "So what ride are you going to drag me on to first?" He asks, cheeks slightly tinted pink like his thoughts are making him blush.

I turn around, pressing my back to his chest, and scan my eyes over the rides I can see. I land on the giant red swings spinning around in the air. I grab the hand that he wrapped around my waist and pull him through the crowds of people.

He keeps up with my pace until I stop at the back of the line. "I'll start you off easy," I say, letting go of his hand and standing in front of him. He leans on the railing and looks up at the chairs seating people. He looks kind of uneasy as he scans the perimeter of the machine, but he doesn't say anything about it.

"You're not scared of heights, right?" I ask as we shuffle forward in the line. We step past the attendant holding open the gate and walk around to find an open swing.

"No, not at all." He shakes his head, still a little apprehensive about getting on with me. We find a seat that's a longer bench instead of two separate swings and I hurry toward it. It's a little taller than I can reach so I smile at him and wiggle my eyebrows, hoping he understands what I'm gesturing at.

"Do you need help, pretty girl?" He strolls toward me.

I nod my head and put my hands back on the swing. He grabs my hips and tells me to jump, which makes the swing move back away from me. I let out a squeal and wrap my arms around his neck, clinging to him so I don't fall straight back on my ass. He laughs into my shoulder and holds the swing steady behind my back so I can shuffle onto it.

He jumps up beside me, him being on the inner part of the swing nearest the machine. I see his eyes scanning the top of our seat where it's connected to the contraption, his nerves seemingly coming back.

"You can hold on to me if you're scared, Curly," I tease him, swinging my legs back and forth in the air to make us move.

He blows a laugh out of his nose and stretches his arm on the back of our chair, playing with a strand of my hair in his fingers. His other hand is holding the chain. "I'll have you know I'm not scared of anything," he boasts. "But these rides are put together by the people running them. They're kind of sketchy."

"Well, you look like you're about to shit your pants," I giggle, the ride starting with a creak that makes him jolt. It lifts us higher into the air and starts moving us around. I can see the entire fairground from up here, including all of the tents of food and games.

The sun has completely set behind the mountain, meaning that all of the lights are entirely illuminated and flashing like crazy. There's a slight breeze running through my hair and my eyes shut at the feeling of it chilling my entire body. I raise my arms up and throw my head back to fully submerse myself in the feeling of flying.

I can feel Harry's gaze on me so I peek my eye open to look at him. He's got a lop-sided smile on his face and his eyes are soft. I open both of my eyes, now tilting my head and lowering my arms to look back at him. "Why are you looking at me? Look at the view! It's gorgeous up here."

He nods his head slowly and his smile only deepens, "Yeah, it is gorgeous."

I scoff and playfully roll my eyes, "Oh, hush. You're so cheesy!" I nudge his shoulder and lean into him.

"I've got a lot of places I would love to show you, Brinna." He moves his arm to hold me closer to him. "If you think this is good, I promise you it'll only get better. I made a huge mistake walking away from you the way that I did, and I won't sit here and tell you that I had my reasons to because that doesn't change the fact that I hurt you."

I blow out a short sigh and lean my head further into him, waiting for him to continue. "One day I'll let you know why, you deserve the explanation, but I just can't right now. It's... it's hard for me. But for now, I can promise you that I'm not going anywhere. You don't need to feel the same way, but you have me. For anything, even if you don't want me like I want you, I'm not leaving until you tell me to."

I contemplate his words and try to analyze them the best I can. They make me feel good, but a feeling isn't enough to float on. I need consistency. I need someone I can truly rely on, and that's just not something I believe is possible. I like spending time with him, but to commit to something that's happened a handful of times with a month-long hiatus would be silly of me.

And because I can't commit to anything, he doesn't owe me an explanation as to why he had to leave like that. Yet the lack of reasoning leaves me to believe he'll do it again and when he does, it'll be too easy for him to fall back on some mystery reason and for all I know it's something like he got a cold and then forgot about me for a few weeks.

He wants me. But what does that even mean? Does he just want me as company to see these places with? Am I another warm body on his list of women he likes to sleep with? I can't read his mind, I won't ever be able to tell what he's really thinking, but it does strike me as sort of odd that he can come to the conclusion that he wants me after we've been doing whatever it is that we're doing.

What even are we doing? We slept together once and he's taken me on a few dates. That's like nowhere near the I want you and I'm not leaving level, right? I don't know how any of this works, I don't know the right way to go about this or what to even say back. The only thing I know is that he can't be something that I commit to when I don't know anything about him.

I also know that despite all of that, I really enjoy spending my time with him and that even though every red flag is waving with bright flashing flares, I have nowhere better to be than with him on this swing. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I don't want to think about it.

So, I won't. I'll go along with whatever he's doing for now, and if the tomorrow ever comes that he leaves again, I'll have my answer about what we are. Maybe that's stupid of me to worry about him hurting me while I let him in enough to do it, but I haven't exactly made the best decisions for myself in the last few weeks.

The swings start to lower back down to the ground, my mind thoroughly dizzy from both the spinning ride and trying to figure out his words like they're hieroglyphics. I'm sure I'm overcomplicating this like I tend to do with a lot of other things in my life, but I'm a planner and Harry is very much the impulsive type.

Our swing is now back to the ground, swaying slightly. The attendant walks around the entire ride, slowing the chairs and unhooking the bars so everyone can get off. He unlocks ours and Harry hops down. Before I can follow his lead, he stands between my legs and inches his hands up my thighs before resting them on my hips. My head is well above his so he tilts his back to look at me.

"You don't have to say anything back to that, Brin. It doesn't need to be as deep as you're making it." He gives my hips a squeeze and urges me forward to help me off the swing. I give him a how did you know look. I swear sometimes he literally reads my mind.

"You spaced out after I told you I'm yours if you want me. I know what I want and that freaks you out. It doesn't need to be more complicated than the two of us just being. Do you want to just be with me?"

I jump down to the ground with my hands on his shoulders. "We can just be." I nod with a small smile. I like the idea of just being. That leaves both no room for interpretation and an entire book to fill with thoughts. That makes this an adlib instead of a contract and I can work with filling in the blanks.

"Good. Now let's go find you the biggest prize we can so I can prove to everyone else here how much better I am than them." He takes my hand in his, lacing our fingers together and walking us out of the swings.

I guess he was right about showing everyone up too, because I challenged him to a target game. We had to shoot down ducks with a laser gun and Harry hit every single one in a 45-second time frame. While it was super impressive, it was also kind of alarming that he knew how to do that. I wouldn't have ever expected him to handle a toy gun like that, but he said it was because he and his dad used to go hunting together a lot when he was a kid.

He seemed kind of apprehensive to say anything else about it and I honestly didn't feel like getting more into it anyway. It was clear that there was more to that than he let on and it definitely isn't my place to speculate or pry.

He did win me a very large tie-dye dolphin and as much as I loved it, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to give it to a little girl trying to win her own prize. Her little face sparkled at the sight of it and her reaction was better than the stuffed animal for both Harry and I anyway.

He wanted to take me to one more attraction after we spent some time walking around with a funnel cake and played a few more games. I don't know why he was so interested in it, but somehow, he dragged me into a house of mirrors, which sounds like a fun way to smack your head into glass for half an hour. These things are fucking creepy.

I'm currently clinging to the back of his shirt as he walks us through it. "There's a trick to these, you know," he says, breathing calmly in the eerily lit, red and black mirror house.

"Usually, my trick is to stay away from them, but if you know how to get us out, be my guest," I mumble, trying to keep my eyes down on my feet. I always feel like a clown is going to pop out of these, or one of my ten reflections is going to wave at me.

"Are you scared?" He chuckles.

"Not at all," I lie. My toes are practically walking on his heels and I won't look up, which I know he can see in all of the reflections.

He stops moving and turns around to face me. I look up at him with wide eyes and his smile is almost frightening. He walks a few steps toward me until my back is pressed up against the cold mirror. "Do you want to know the trick, Brin?" His hands rest on either side of my head and his hushed voice isn't calming my nerves in the slightest.

He pushes off of the wall and nods his chin for me to walk. "Keep your right hand on the right wall. If you get lost, follow the wall until you get to the exit. It'll take you there eventually." His voice is still low and deep, his steps behind me quiet as I do what he says. I don't dare to look up into the mirrors because I might actually shit myself if he looks as creepy as he sounds.

I nod and keep walking until it hits me that I'm only hearing my own footsteps. I stop in my spot and look up. Harry isn't behind me. I turn around and look back despite all of the walls already showing me what's there.

"Harry?" I whisper out. I turn back around, suddenly feeling disoriented by all of the reflections. I pinch my eyes shut and take a deep breath in, trying to calm my nerves and not give in to his game. "I'm leaving without you," I mumble.

I keep my hand gliding along the wall, my steps being slow and careful to avoid bumping into anything. A shadow runs behind me, moving across all the walls around me. I whip my head around and look around frantically for any sign of Harry, or at this point anyone but a creepy clown coming to murder me. My hand falls off the wall as I look into every mirror around me.

"That's not funny. You're freaking me out." I turn around to the way I think I was going, my hand grazing over the coldness. Another shadow runs in front of me and down a hall I can't make out. My breathing picks up, making my chest rise and fall dramatically with every sloppy step I take to get out of this maze.

I take a few more quick steps and when I look up, Harry is standing behind me, arms down to his sides and legs spread open a fraction. He has a small smile on his lips and although it should be relieving, the sight of him is only making my stomach turn more.

I turn around to face him, ready to yell at him for freaking me out but when I do, he isn't standing in the spot behind me. My eyes widen and I glance around, trying to decide which one is really him. "Okay, you're really scaring me," I breathe out, looking at all of the sets of green eyes around the room. I take a few steps backward until my body collides with a hardness.

"Boo," Harry whispers into my ear, making me whip around once more and jump from being startled. He has a huge smile on his face and his dimples are flashing. I furrow my brows at him and cross my arms.

"That was not funny!" I huff and glare at him.

"It was a little funny." He holds my shoulders and rubs them, trying to soothe me.

"I was actually scared, these things freak me out." I grin at him and roll my eyes.

His hands move down my arms until he's unfolding them and bringing them up over his shoulders. His forehead drops to mine and he takes a step toward me until I'm against a wall again.

"No need to be scared. I'll always keep you safe, pretty girl," he coos, moving his head and resting it in the crook of my neck. His lips plant gentle pecks along my skin, making me gasp lightly. My fingers run up the back of his neck until I intertwine them with his hair.

His hands slip under my shirt and rest on the bare skin of my hips. He urges them to turn so I'm facing the mirror. He looks at me through the glass and grins, the feeling of his hands making my stomach quiver. He dips his head back down to my neck to bite and kiss the soft skin.

I don't know why I'm not stopping him but at least I'm not scared anymore right? He's got a way of making my emotions do a complete 180 and I think he knows that. I shouldn't be enjoying this like I am but the adrenaline of being scared is only making my senses heighten with those poisonous lips on me.

His hands lower to the waistband of my pants and his eyes are back on mine through the mirror. "Always gonna protect you and always gonna take care of you, Brinna. Do you want me to take care of you right now?" His chest rumbles on my back and I can suddenly feel a second heartbeat.

I look into his hooded eyes through the mirror and bite my lip. My head nods slowly in the darkness.

"Words, baby." He squeezes my hips and pulls me back to him harshly.

"Y-yes. Please take care of me," I pant out pathetically.

He hums into the crook of my neck and moves a hand to the button of my jeans. "Good girl." He presses a kiss on my shoulder. "I could listen to you say that all day, baby." He unbuttons my pants and pulls the zipper down. His leg moves between mine and kicks at my foot to tell me to spread my legs wider. I comply, earning a smirk from the siren behind me.

His hand slips into my pants and he rubs his fingers over my clothed slit, tsking into my ear. "I knew you weren't a nice girl, Brin, but I wouldn't have expected you to be so eager to let me pleasure you in public," he mumbles into my ear, pressing harder into my clit when I don't say anything back.

I whimper and grind my hips on his hand. My hands hold onto his biceps for stability and I can already feel my eyes trying to shut at the contact.

His hand slips into my underwear and his fingers go straight to my clit, rubbing torturous circles into the swollen bundle of nerves. My head drops forward with a whine and my back arches slightly at the contact. The hand on my hip reaches up to grab my jaw. "Watch yourself. Watch how much you like getting off on my fingers," he growls into my ear.

My eyes are focused on his moving hand and my writhing hips. He's watching my face, but I can't look at him in fear I'll actually melt on this floor under his intensity. His fingers move down my slit and graze over my entrance, teasing me and collecting the wetness spilling from it. He pushes his two middle fingers into me and a moan slips from my mouth.

"Stay quiet, baby. Unless you want to get caught, you'd probably like that, wouldn't you?" He rasps, my hips rocking steadily against his fingers fucking me. I bite my lip to stifle any noises threatening to come out as he curls and pumps his fingers into me. The heel of his hand is on my clit, giving it a steady pressure while his fingers work me.

"Fuck..." I pant out, trying to keep my eyes where he wants them but the pressure in my lower stomach is making it hard to even stand, much less focus on what's happening. I'm surprising myself by letting this happen.

I don't want him to stop at all, and I think I should feel guilty about that, but my mind is too clouded by how good it feels. I do like the possibility of being caught and even though I would die of embarrassment if it happened, it's only adding to the ecstasy of the situation.

He works his hand harder in and against me and I can feel myself starting to clench around his fingers from being so close. It usually takes me so long to finish when I try myself, I don't understand how he's doing it so well like he knows my body better than I do.

I moan out uncontrollably as the pressure starts building quickly, my eyes pinch shut and my head rolls back to his shoulder. My hands tighten on his arms and I can't stop rolling my hips, trying to edge myself closer to releasing. His groans vibrate through me and his hand moves off of my jaw and up to my mouth to quiet my noises.

I gasp under his hand, trying to keep my legs up straight as a few particularly hard and quick thrusts push me over the edge and make my entire body tense up. He keeps massaging me with his fingers, driving all of my senses crazy and making me see stars. I'm a mess of strangled cries and moving hips, I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted to.

"That's right, ride it out on my fingers baby. Let me feel you come all over my hand in the middle of this funhouse. You like it when I make you feel good in public for anyone to see, yeah? My dirty girl." He kisses my now damp neck and pants over the skin like he's getting off from just watching me.

My whole body shudders against him, the peak of my orgasm hitting me full force. I cry out into his hand and squeeze my legs together and the sensitivity running through me. His fingers slow inside of me, trying to calm me down from my high while I catch my breath.

He removes his hand from my pants and brings his fingers up to his lips. He looks me in the eyes the entire time he sucks my cum off of his fingers, popping them out of his mouth with a smile.

My chest is heaving as I watch him, completely unable to form a complete sentence as I try to wrap my head around what I just let him do. He smirks and buttons my pants back up, giving my sides a gentle squeeze.

"As much as I would love to watch you do that over and over again, we should probably get out of here before they send someone in after us. Are you going to be able to walk, Bandit?" He teases, making me smile shyly at him through the mirror.

I release my grip from his arms and let my hand drag down one of them until our hands are laced together. "Let's go then, before you get us in trouble." He gives my hand a squeeze and leads us out of the maze.

We finally get to the exit and when we walk out of the door, a teenage boy is sitting at a table watching a screen. He glances over at us with an amused smirk before his eyes skim over my body and he turns back to the desktop, snickering like he's in on a joke.

Harry pays him no mind as he keeps on but my brows furrow at the interaction. I turn my head back to the boy, seeing the screen he's staring at is full of different camera angles of the entire maze.

My jaw drops to the floor and I tug on his hand. "Harry! They had cameras in there!" I whisper shout, my stomach now twisting with a bout of nausea at the thought of him watching us.

"Oh, did they?" He pulls me closer to him, wrapping his arm around my shoulder with a laugh.

"He just watched me get off!" I smack his chest with my hand, surprised at his calmness after putting on a show for someone.

"Mhmm," he breathes out. "And look, you're still here standing after it. Don't think about it too much, you probably made his entire week. I'm sure his friends are going to love hearing about the hot girl at his job." He shrugs.

I groan and shake my head, feeling my cheeks heat from embarrassment. "I need to repent after that," I grumble.

He laughs and continues walking us back toward the games. "Bandit can't leave here empty-handed." He says matter-of-factly. "Pick your favorite stuffed animal, you're gonna need something to cuddle when you miss me."

I look up at him confused but turn back toward the games to look for something that sticks out. I see a large green frog with big black eyes and guide him over to the game. It's a dart game and he has to pop three of the smallest balloons to win the prize.

He pays the man with a $100 bill and tells him to keep the change because he'll only need one round to win. I gawk at the interaction, but he doesn't look at me, acting like that was a completely normal thing to do. He picks up a dart and throws the first one, popping a small red balloon at the bottom of the board. "You should name the frog Harry," he states, picking up a second dart.

He closes one eye and aims at the balloon, throwing it straight into the middle of a second small balloon. My eyes widen at the board and his two perfectly lined-up darts. "You probably won't need him much because you have me, but for the nights I can't hold you, y'know." He shrugs and picks up the last dart.

He looks at me and smiles, cocking his arm back, and throws the dart without looking. I stare at him, not believing he's going to make it until a pop draws my eyes to the balloons. His eyes never leave mine as my head turns.

The third dart landed right in line with his first two, popping the final balloon. My mouth drops open and I whip my head back around to him. He raises his eyebrows with a wiggle and chuckles at my expression. He nods up to the frog and the attendant brings it down.

"One froggy for my pretty girl," he says, handing me the stuffed toy and putting his arm back around me. "You're going to catch flies if you keep this open any longer you know." He swipes my lip with his thumb on the opposite hand, squeezing my chin to snap me out of my trance.

"How did you-" I start to ask.

"I'm a very talented man, Brin. I should have been a magician, probably." He jokes. "Let's get you and Harry Jr. back home, you've probably got a long day at work tomorrow to prepare for."

Shit. Work. Jillian.

"She might actually kill me. She didn't come out of her office for the rest of the day after lunch and I think it was probably because she was plotting my death." I sigh and hold the frog closer to my body as we walk out of the carnival.

Our shoes crunch on the dirt as we walk back to the car. There's nothing out here to block the sky so all of the stars are out and shining above us. I shiver slightly, a chill running through my bones from the night breeze.

"If she says anything, you call me, and I'll come get you. You don't have to take shit from her, Brinna. You know that, right?" He looks down at me, turning into the row we parked in.

I wish that were true. I wish it were as simple as telling her to fuck off, but it's not. I have to work to survive, I'm not there for fun like Grace is and I'm not there to kill time while my business collects more money like Harry. I have to be there in order to get to my next step in life.

"I do though. She's just one bump in the road to my future. I'll be okay." We stop at the car door, his arm falling off of me to open it. I step into the car and sit, buckling the seatbelt while he stands in the doorway. His hand is resting on the top of the frame. He leans in and presses his forehead to mine, taking a deep breath in.

"Say the word and the world is yours, baby. Everything you've ever dreamed of, just for you." He plants a kiss on my nose and backs away, shutting the door and leaving me momentarily alone to ponder over his words while he walks around the car.

He drove me back to my apartment with his hand running soothing patterns over the leg of my jeans. I was dozing off with the warmth of my new frog cuddled into me and from the crash of today. He gave my thigh a squeeze, jolting me out of my half-asleep state.

"C'mon Brin, I'm walking you to your door," he says, unbuckling his seatbelt and cracking open his door. I do the same and hop out of the car, waiting for him to be by my side before we start up the grass to my door. I unlock it and step inside, turning slightly to see if he's coming in with me.

"I can't stay tonight." He kicks the ground around his feet. "I've got some things to take care of at Treasure Chest, but I'll text you in the morning." He grins at me.

I nod my head and whisper out an okay, leaning against the door while we stare at each other. "Goodnight, Harry. Thank you for tonight." I bite my lip to suppress my smile.

"Goodnight, Bandit." He smiles back, taking a few steps back away from the door and I shut it.

I turn around with my back pressed to the door and sigh a deep relieved breath of happiness. My heart flutters with nerves like a schoolgirl and I'm practically bursting at the seams.

I push off of the door and look at my frog, smooshing its cheeks in my hands. "I guess you get to be my cuddle buddy tonight." I hold it close to my chest and walk to my bedroom, ready to drift off to the memory of green eyes and soft lips.



Rereading my early smut makes me cringe and for that, I'm sorry LMAO

Treasure is almost at 8k!!!

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