You are such a drag (A Shikam...

By tweNtyonEpiLots6

129K 3.6K 2.4K

Kruno Inuzuka was kidnapped when she was six years old from her home in the hidden leaf village. Now, six yea... More

An Inuzuka Returns!
Girls are a troublesome type!
Team 10, Unite!
We try to be strong for those we love.
Chunin Exam Begin!
Chunin Exams, The Forest Of Death!
Maybe, Just Maybe.
The Ass-Kicking Type
Crutches Are A Pain
Kruno Goes For A Swim
Fall In Love With Me
The Final Part Of The Exams
A Goodbye

Oh shit

5.4K 178 190
By tweNtyonEpiLots6

Kruno's POV

It had been one month since the kiss between Shikamaru and I, and I'm pretty sure everyone knew about it. Ino had been screaming it one day when we were walking down the streets, because she was pissed off at Shika and I for not wanting to go help her at her family shop. So she skipped down the streets of Konoha, yelling "SHIKAMARU NARA KISSED KRUNO INUZUKA AND THEY'RE IN LOOOVEE." About five times at the top of her lungs before I got mad, and hit her in the back of the head, causing her to fall forward.

Shikamaru and I were currently sitting with our squad, watching as Choji and Ino sparred with Asuma-sensei. We had already fought Asuma, and obviously won. When the two of us were put together to fight against someone, we typically always won.

He leaned against me, and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck with a small chuckle, placing a small kiss against the skin of my neck. We were not dating, but we might as well have been. We were always together, holding hands, kissing, cuddling, anything you would do as a couple, we would probably be doing.

"Do you want to go get food later?" Shikamaru asked, and I nodded my head slightly.

"Sure." I said, and Shikamaru smiled, leaning up and gently pressing his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss, and he placed his hand on my cheek, letting it cover our lips as Ino began to squeal like a small fan girl.

"I love you." He whispered, and I smiled.

"I love you too." I said, kissing him gently again. We pulled away from each other and stood up, walking over to our sensei as he called us over.

"Okay guys, so today we are going to go on a C-Rank mission. It's a real simple one, and it shouldn't take more than about two hours, okay?" He asked, and we all nodded in response.   Asuma-Sensei placed his hand on our head one by one, and ruffled our hair slightly. Ino groaned loudly, and Choji gave him a weird look, Shikamaru glared up at our sensei playfully, and I just shrugged as I looked over at Shika.

"I think this is going to be my new look." I said, pointing at my hair that was pointing out in at least twenty different directions. Ino looked at me like I was stupid, but the boys laughed. I smiled before smoothing down my mane as Shikamaru called it, before we started to get ready for our mission.


So, what Asuma had said about the mission only lasting about two hours, was completely false. Currently, it was five hours later, and we were lost. We were walking down the right path, when we were ambushed by a group of rogue ninja. We were suppose to be delivering medicine to a medic half way to Suna, a very simple mission, if it wasn't for the fucking rogue ninja.

We were sitting on the side of a creek at the moment, the dark slowly setting in. I huffed out a large breath as I walked over to a tree, focused the perfect amount of chakra to my feet and began to scale the tree until I was at the top. Once at the top, I began to look around for Konoha. Finally, I got a glimpse of it, but there is no way we would make it back before they lock the gates for the night. I sighed softly as I jumped down from the tree, causing my entire team to scream except Asuma. Once I was close enough to the ground, I placed chakra in my feet, landing perfectly on them fairly lightly.

"What the hell, Kruno?!" Shikamaru asked, and I shrugged my eyes slightly.

"I was trying to see how close home was from here. It's quite far, we won't make it home before they close the gates, so I guess we have to camp out here." I said, looking at Asuma. He nodded his head slightly, and I sat down on the stump of the tree I had climbed, Shikamaru soon following after me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and gently kissed the side of my head lightly, his eyes resting shut.

"You ready for a camp out?" I asked, and I glanced down just in time to see him smirk.

"As long as I'm with you, I don't care." I playfully smacked his arm, and he sat up to glare at me.

"I'm just trying to be cute, gosh!" He shouted, and I glared at him.

"Do not raise your voice at me, Shikamaru Nara." I said, pointing my finger in his face, which he rolled his eyes to.

"Babe, I am not trying to be mean, but you are about as scary as a puppy." He said, and I growled, snarling my nose at him slightly.

"I am a mother fucking puppy!" I screamed, hitting him on top of the head before laughing lightly, leaning against his chest.

"You are so beyond troublesome." He said, and I smiled, looking up at him.

"Yeah, but you love me."

"And I always will." He said, placing a kiss to my forehead. Asuma chuckled slightly at us, and I looked over at him with a confused look. He gestured to how we looked, and my cheeks turned slightly pink.

"So, you two are not dating?" Asuma said, and we both shook our heads.

"Shikamaru, you gotta ask this one out. You don't want her to slip through your fingers."

"Oh trust me, I know I don't."

I sat up in a huff, crossing my arms over my chest in a child like manner. They both looked at me before rolling their eyes, and Shikamaru pulled me even closer against him. Asuma-Sensei stretched his arms up over his head, yawning loudly which caused me to chuckle.

"Alright, who's taking first watch?" Asuma asked, and I raised my hand.

"I will." I said, and Asuma nodded as Ino, Choji and himself laid out something to sleep on from each one of their bags, and Shikamaru looked over at me.

"I'm going to stay up with you."

"No you're not. Go to sleep now, Shika." I said smiling, leaning over and kissing his lips gently. He grumbled under his breath, but reluctantly went over to our squad, placing a jacket on the ground and went to sleep almost as soon as he laid his head down. I sighed heavily, and started to look around the forest from boredom. I didn't know why I offered to take first shift, but I wasn't going to back down now. This gave me more time to think about everything.

I looked at the river that we were staying at, and smiled slightly as a few memories invaded my head from when I was about seven years old.


"You can do it, Kruno!" The guy who I was standing by the water with said, and I looked back at him with narrowed eyes.

"No! No I cannot! Who the fuck wants to walk on water?!" I asked, pouting at him.

"Me!" He said, before his feet began to glow a slightly blue color. He walked to the edge of the water and began to walk along the beautiful blue water. I crossed my arms over my chest and gave a childish grunt, which I heard a chuckle too.

"You act like it's impossible, Kruno. Just do what I taught you and focus your chakra to your feet like you do when you climb trees without your hands. Do that, but on the water instead. I will not let anything bad happen to you, I promise." He said, and I looked at him with the 'do I have to look.'  "And before you ask, yes, you have to."

I grumbled under my breath as I walked to the end of the grass, and stood in front of the water. I focused my chakra to my feet with a small gulp, before I placed my foot on the water. I gasped when It did not sink into the water, and slowly placed my other foot on the water. I started giggling loudly as I looked at the swordsman before me.

"I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" I squeaked, and he walked over to me, placing his hand on top of my head, ruffling my hair slightly.

"I told you that you could do it, pipsqueak." He said, chuckling so hard that the sword on his back began to move with him.


I missed those days sometimes. The days that I got to leave, and be a child with everyone around. Of course, I was still a child at the house, or the base that we were staying at, at the moment,  but it was when I got to go outside that everything seemed a little bit more peaceful.

I began to scan to scan my eyes over the area of forest slightly, before my eyes caught two glowing yellow orbs, and I couldn't help but smile. At least I knew whose chakra I was picking up on, which was weird because normally he did a lot better job at hiding his chakra.

I glanced away from the orbs of yellow, and down my team. They were all sleeping soundly, and it made me smile. Times like these I wanted to hold onto forever. I wanted to hold onto memories with them for as long as I could so that I would never forget them, no matter what happened to us in the future. I began to tap my fingers against the fabric of my pants before I pushed myself up and walked over to the lake that we were standing by. I smiled before I focused my chakra to my feet, and gently placed a foot against the water. It floated on top of the water, and I smirked before I moved onto the water with both feet, freely moving about the lake.

I began to dance gracefully, something that the same man who taught me to stand on the water taught me. I was not one whose main charka nature was water, but with the help of him, I became alright at using water techniques. I smiled as I focused a little bit of chakra to my finger tips, and began to use the chakra to control the water around me. So as I danced, small strains of water followed my every move.

This was something that I used to do a lot when I was younger. They all taught me how to do something different on their days to watch me, since I was still considered a prisoner, but it was nice to be able to say that I learned a lot while I was gone.

"That's very beautiful, Kruno." Asuma said, knocking me out of my train of thought, causing me to fall into the water beneath me. I came out of the water, coughing up water and gagging. I threw up the middle finger to Asuma, who only chuckled and watched as I swam over and crawled out of the water.

"You are an asshole." I said, walking over to him. He smacked me on the back of the head. I glared up at him, before letting out a gentle sigh.

"Can I go to sleep now?" I asked, and he nodded. I walked over to Shikamaru, and laid down beside him. I was now freezing from the water I landed in, so I was shaking slightly. I placed my hand against Shikamarus back, my hand trembling slightly as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


"AW LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!" Ino's overly annoying voice called out, and I slowly peered my eyes open, looking at her through barely awake eyes. I noticed that I was tightly wrapped up in Shikamaru's arm, and I smiled softly as I looked up at him. He was starring down at me with the same groggy expression as he sat up, stretching his arms out slightly.

"You are such a drag, Ino." Shikamaru said quietly, and I giggled slightly as she looked at him with wide eyes, crossing her arms over her chest in a humph. Shikamaru and I stood up together, and I wrapped my arm around his waist, pulling him into a tight hug. He smiled down at me, and leaned down, kissing my head gently.

"I love you." He said, and I looked up at him with a smile.

"Who doesn't love me? I'm the fucking bomb!" I said, laughing before I leaned up and kissed his nose. "I love you too."


We finally got back to Konoha, and the first thing I did was go home and change out of the clothes I had on. They were still slightly wet, and it was driving me ape shit crazy! I groaned as I pulled the clothes off of my body, changing into my every day outfit.

I heard barking come from behind me, and I saw Watamote standing behind me. I giggled slightly as I extended my arms to her, which she leaped into. I placed her on my head, and she laid still as I walked out of my house. Shikamaru and I were still going on the date that we had panned yesterday, but because of the mission had to be rescheduled for today.

I arrived at Ichruka's ramen, and sat down at the bar top, waiting for Shikamaru. I ordered what I normally got, along with Shikamaru's food. By the time that he had gotten there, both of our orders had just gotten done cooking, and were being placed in front of me.

"Kruno, I am so sorry. I was helping my dad, and being yelled at by my mom because I didn't come home last night, I just lost track of time. I am sorry, what a drag." He said, and I smiled at him.

"It's okay, you're here now and that's all that matters." I said, smiling at him as he sat down beside me, leaning over and kissing my cheek gently. We ate our food and chatted about random things like normal. We never really had a conversation topic, just random subjects here and there. It was okay though, we had always been like that.

"The final part of the chunin exams are in two months, I'm nervous." I said, sighing softly.

"Don't be, I know you're going to kick some major butt." He smiled, and I sighed nervously.

"I hope so, I just don't want to get that far, and then have to do it all again next year." I said, watching as Shikamaru paid for our food. Once he was done paying, he looked at me and smiled his classic lazy smile.

"Kruno, you and Watamote know how to kick major ass. DO not put yourself down like that." He said, leaning down and kissing my head gently. "I have to go now, though. My mom still wasn't done yelling at me when I left." I chuckled, and nodded, leaning up and kissing him.

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you too." He said, and we turned in opposite ways, and walked away from each other.



This story will becoming to an end soon, but don't worry because there will be two more books on this lovely couple! So stayed tuned for those!

Don't forget to comment, vote, and follow. I love you my sunshines <3

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