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By illyaxsviel

1.1K 51 33

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147 11 1
By illyaxsviel



𝐉𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 dumb that was sure, but to try and fix the internet router all to impress some girl? That was idiotic even Jace wasn't that whipped but it just came with the territory of being Clarke Kent's son who was head over heels for his wife Lois Lane.

But whatever the cause of the incident was Jace was happy they were both okay but it seemed they weren't. And they were right in a sense, the drop and the weight of the poles should've seriously hurt them but they were completely fine, without a scratch - it was suspicious.

"You're saying all we have are mild concussions?" Jordan asked sceptically, a look of suspicion on his face. The paramedic nodded as he packed his belongings up and stated, "You two were lucky."

A moment of silence came over the family of five as the paramedics said their goodbyes and condolences to Clarke. Jace looked over his younger brothers with a suspicious raised eyebrow.

"Come on, boys. Let's get upstairs, you've all had a long day," Lois stated softly, a hint of worry in her voice. Jordan and Jon shared a glance and without saying anything they left the living room and headed upstairs to their bedrooms leaving their parents to talk.

Jace stopped at the top of the stairs when his phone buzzed and he reached for it and pulled it out to see a message from Silas.

'Yo man there's a bonfire tmr night and you have to come I wanna introduce you to some people. It's at the old schuster mine. Also how are your brothers?'

Jace mulled the idea in his head and smiled, it would be good to go to a party before he went back to Metropolis and started school. So he responded, 'They're fine, just a little concussion. I'll be there at 7 :)'

Jace put his phone back in his jacket pocket and walked into Jordan's room where Jon was also in teasing Jordan about his new crush, Sarah.

"Okay, no, that is a Vulcan salute," Jordan defended himself, snatching his phone back from Jon and Jace smiled at his words. Jordan was a nerd and loved playing games and watching fantasy series while his brother didn't believe in any of it.

Similar to Jordan, Jace believed in everything, he had seen a man flying in a red and blue outfit saving people so it was hard not to believe any of it. Especially when he himself had done something impossible before.

"I gotta say, that's even worse. You're kind of a freak," Jon snided, shaking his head at his socially inept twin brother.

"If she doesn't understand the salute than I gotta say, no deal," Jace said making them look at him and Jordan smiled at his brother for his support. They used to watch reruns of Star Trek when it came up on TV.

Jon visibly rolled his eyes and Jordan said and snapped, "You know what? Something a lot freakier than me happened to us in that barn. Something we're not being told about. And it's up to us to find out what that is."

Jace watched Jon open and close his mouth, unsure of what to say but he just shook his head, patted Jordan on the shoulder and said, "Okay. Whatever, weirdo." He then walked out of the room and into his own and Jordan shucked his hands up exasperatingly.

"What do you think happened?" Jace asked as he sat on his bed, indulging his brother, the whole incident didn't sit right with him but he was also too happy they were okay to question it.

Jordan sighed and sat next to him and shrugged, "I don't know but something happened and it starts with the barn. Those poles should've killed us, but we just walked out fine? Yeah right and plus dad and mom are acting suspicious about it."

Jace couldn't help but agree, he had seen the looks they passed each other when they thought one of them wasn't looking. But when he lifted the pole off them alongside Clarke, it felt like it was as light as paper so he wasn't sure how heavy they really were.

"Well I can come if Jon doens't want to figure it out but it'll have to be in the morning because I'm going to this bonfire at the mine tommorw night." Jace told his brother as he ruffled his dark head of curls and Jordan laughed lightly but pushed him away and swatted his hands.

"Yeah Sarah invited us and thanks for you know beliving me," Jordan replied softly, his parents treated him like glass when they found out he had social anxiety but Jon and Jace were the only ones that treated him the same. Jon's teasing did go a little far sometimes but they were twins so Jordan knew whatever Jon said it was just the heat of the moment or a joke but Jace had always been soft, just there leading an eye to the both of them. He had been the one to get them ready for school, helped them with bullies and homework and played football with them on the weekends when his parents were at work or too tired to function.

"Of course," Jace said pulling his brother into a hug as he looked outside with a frown on his face. Jace wasn't sure what happened but something was up and if it was what he thought it was then maybe he wouldn't be so alone anymore.

𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐍 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝐉𝐎𝐍 to come along with them to search the barn for an explanation but that didn't mean Jon was convinced something actually happened. "You really think Dad's hiding something from us?" Jon asked dubiously with a raised eyebrow at Jordan.

"We had all those poles land on us. Besides, how did he get them up off of us so fast, anyway?" Jordan replied and Jace waved at himself and flexed his muscles and Jon sent him a deadpan look and said, "Adrenalie, maybe? Like a soccer mom lifting a car king of thing becuase no where else Jace could or would lift something heavy, he's too lazy."

Jace clutched his heart in offence, "Rude. Last time I'm saving you a pair of knuckle heads and he pulled Jon into him and ruffled his hair, ignoring his squak of annoyance.

Jordan sent the pair a look that said he was done with them and said, "Dad can't put up a Christmas tree without falling off the ladder. And what's the thing he says every single time we come here?"

"Don't put your finger in that"? I don't know," Jon replied after a deep breath when he finally pulled himself away from his older brother. "Don't blow the speakers or make grandma deaf?" Jace replied, remembering the times his father always told him to tread lightly on the cords. Martha loved to hear the boy play but he had a habit of playing music too loudly.

Jordan rolled his eyes and said, ""Stay out of the barn," dumbasses."

"Jordan, what are we looking for, anyways?," Jon asked, still unsure of what they were even doing in the barn again.

"Just something unusual. Something out of place," Jordan replied, shrugging clearly unsure himself as he walked around the barn trying to find something. Jace twirled the heavy crowbar around in his hands and looked around obliviously but stopped when Jordan paused and kept putting his pressure on a floorboard that was making a noise.

"You hear that?" Jordan softly asked looking up at Jordan and Jace who nodded at the sound of the wood thumping, meaning there was something under them,

"The poles, they must have shifted the floor," Jon - the ever-skeptic, said but Jace stepped forward and suggested, "A trapdoor for a basement?"

They all kneeled and brushed away the old hey and dust and revealing a wooden door with an old lock shutting it so Jace put the crowbar under the latch and pulled up making the lock break. He pulled it open easily and the others stepped back and they all slowly walked down the crickety staircase with flashlights in hand.

"Is this how Nancy Drew feels?" Jace asked with a smirk looking at Jordan who smiled back, seeing how the plot was thickening and Jon rolled his eyes. "This is literally just an old cellar. It's probably Grandpa's old tool storage or something."

"You have no imagintaiton," Jace muttered as he looked at all the jars of random things on the shelf next to him while the others investigated more.

"Jace, Jon?" Jordan muttered and Jace looked through the empty space of the shelf to see a large covered object and if they weren't in a basement Jace would've thought it was a car hiding under there. Jordan and Jon pulled the sheet off it, revealing a sleek grey metal ship that hummed as Jon and Jordan took a step back. Jace came under and stood next to them protectively seeing as the metal seemed to shift like a wave.

"What is that thing? What are you doing? Do not touch that!" Jon rambled seeing his twin walk forward with his hand out and touch the ship while Jace pulled him back seeing the spot Jordan touch shift and shiver.

Jace started at in curious awe, similar to Jordan but Jon was freaking out - loudly. "Be careful," Jace muttered to Jon who stepped forward again and raised his hand and as the metal shifted like particles an orange stone revealed itself.

"What the fuck," Jace whispered as Jordan pulled his hand back staring at the yellow glowing rock in his hand.

"What the hell is that thing?" Jon asked, stepping forward and shining his flashlight on it, making the orange stone glow like amber.

"Whatever it is...It's not from Kansas," Jon uttered looking up at him and Jace scoffed looking back at the ship with a keener look, he had some practice working on cars and this was nothing he had ever seen before, in person or theory.

"Try this world," Jace said as he ran his hand over the ship and it shivered, the layer of metal contracting like a wave of particles.

They quickly made it out of the basement of the barn and with anger and confusion clutching at their hearts as they made their way to the parents who were talking in the family red truck unaware of the problem now falling in their laps.

Jordan led the charge as he stomped his way across the farm with Jace and Jon following behind him, looking for answers.

"So that's why? Why you never wanted us in the barn? 'Cause you keep a freakin' alien ship in there?" Jordan started yelling after their parents came jumping out of the truck.

"Look, I can explain," Clarke rushes out but Jordan doesn't listen and says, "Yeah, can you? Can you explain how I fell 30 feet and nothing happened?"

Jon tried calming his brother down, trying to give their father some time to talk but Jordan wasn't having it and Jace was looking at his father, waiting for the answers his been silently looking for over the past year but was too afraid to ask.

"All you said is that we got lucky," Jordan said, pointing his finger at Clakre while Jon said, "Just give him a chance." Jon's pleas went through one ear and out the other while Jordan accused, "But that was a lie, wasn't it?"

Clarke took a deep breath, nodded and answered, "Yes. Yes, okay? It was a lie....Look, that ship... brought me to Earth.Landed here in Smallville, right in those cornfields over there. I was sent here when my planet...Krypton, was destroyed."

"Krypton?" Jon repeated and Jace knew it wasn't a part of their galaxy, there weren't any planets named Krypton.

"Yes. Because I wasn't from here, I had certain powers. Your grandparents, they took me in. They raised me. They taught me how to control my abilities, and how to blend in until the day I was ready to leave and become who I was sent here to be." Clarke explained truthfully and Jace looked away from the genuinity in his blue eyes and looked down at his hands, clutching and unclutching them in thought

"You're saying you're Superman?" Jon asked with a scoff and Clarke nodded but Jordan didn't believe him and took a step forward and replied angrily, "No, I've seen Superman before. We've seen him."

As crazy as it sounded Jace knew Clarke Kent, the obvious reporter who always seemed so weak was Superman. It made sense, the times he would leave and reappear dishevelled and the tiny smile that came on his face anytime Superman was shown on the TV or when his kids would say how cool he was. It would also explain the things that were happening to Jace, it all made sense.

Their father didn't say anything just took a deep breath like he was overcoming a personal enemy and took his glasses off and handed them to their mother. With one last look at his three children, he walked to the back of the truck, standing behind it for a moment as the other Kents watched in confusion.

Then he did the unbelievable, he lifted the truck up with one hand and then he was flying as he carried it over his head. Jace could see he was at least a few feet off the ground and he was carrying the tonnes over his head without a flinch, a sweat or a tremble.

Jace looked at his father with an open mouth in amazement but besides the amazement was anger and sadness. To keep such a massive secret for seventeen years was crazy as if their father didn't trust them enough. Jace found himself closing his mouth and his blue eyes turning white with coldness, he thought he didn't know his father that well before but now he knew he never knew him at all. Jace could understand the weight of the secret and what it really meant if it got out to the general public but they were his kids, they had a right to know their father was a godlike powered alien.

"When your father first told me, I didn't understand either," Lois told her sons as they looked at their father coming down, lowering the truck gently back on the earth floor.

Jace ignored the argument happening before his very eyes, Jordan yelling and his mother trying to calm him down. He was looking at his hands once again in a new light, he had powers and it all made sense. He wasn't a freak or a lab experiment gone wrong, he was just the son of Superman.

"All the things I've been feeling. You made me think I was crazy. They put me on pills!" Jordan cried out in pain which grabed Jace's attention.

"Your mental health has nothing to do with who your–" Jordan quickly cut off his mother as he yelled in response, "And how do you know that? I'm half human, half whatever the hell he is!"

Jace sighed softly seeing his brother cry, he was afraid and confused but like usual their dad made it worse by cutting in, "Do not yell at your mother, okay? This is not her fault. I'm the one that didn't want you to know."

"Why?" Jace asked confused, looking away from Jordan to their father.

"Because I knew what kind of burden it would be if you all had powers. Or worse, if one of you had them, and the other one didn't." Clarke explained softly, his eyes lingering on Jonathan at the end.

Jordan and Jace caught onto the look and Jordan voiced up hurt, "You think he's the reason we survived yesterday."

"What are you talking about?" Jon asked cluelessly, he was always the last one to catch up on things.

Jordan took a step forward, his voice surprisingly soft but Jace could hear the pain in it, "Go on, Dad. Go tell Superboy here why he's really so perfect." Jordan stated, pointing at his brother, the golden boy of the Kent family and backed away.

Lois sighed and replied, "We thought your athletic talents could be latent abilities starting to emerge, and then yesterday..."

As Lois trailed off Clarke finished it, "The only way that both of you survived that accident is for at least one of you to be like me."

"You wouldn't have it any other way, would you, Dad?" Jordan said, shaking his head and he started to head back to the house but Clarke stopped him, calling out his name.

Jordan stopped then turned back around and yelled, "Don't try to talk to me, all right? You may have been sent here to be some hero, but you sure as hell weren't sent here to be a father."

With his peace said, he walked off and their father went to chase after them but Jon stopped him with a shake of his head and said, "Just leave us alone."

Clarke's clear eyes trialled to his oldest son, they were pleading and hopeful he didn't feel the same way the twins did.

"I understand but I feel as if I don't know either of you. And can you honestly blame us?" Jace asked softly, shaking his head in disappointment at his parents, he knew why but that didn't make it easier. He didn't wait for an answer as he walked away, following his brothers up to the house.


another update so soon??? 

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