Abhiya: One shotssss????????

By Unknownsomeone_

29.5K 1.2K 411

This is a one-shot story about Abhiya, packed with love and passion. It explores their intense connection and... More

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Mafia softened?

709 20 11
By Unknownsomeone_

**(In the dimly lit streets of a gritty city, Abhishek, a mysterious figure in the criminal underworld, watches from the shadows as Jiya, a young and vulnerable woman, walks alone. He's been tracking her for days.)**

**Abhishek:** (to himself) There's something about her... something different.


**(Jiya, an orphan, finds herself at the doorstep of an old, rundown orphanage. She's alone in the world, with no family, and a longing for a sense of belonging.)**

**Sister Mary:** (kindly) Welcome, child. You'll be safe here.


**(As the years pass, Abhishek's infatuation with Jiya grows. He watches her from afar, fascinated by her strength and resilience in the harsh environment of the orphanage.)**

**Abhishek:** (whispering) She's a survivor.


**(Jiya, now a young woman, spends her days taking care of the other orphans. She's known for her kindness and compassion, a rare light in the gloomy world of the orphanage.)**

**Sister Mary:** (smiling) Jiya, you have a gift for caring for others.


**(One fateful night, danger arrives at the doorstep of the orphanage. A rival gang threatens to take control, and chaos ensues. Jiya is caught in the crossfire, injured and frightened.)**

**(In the dimly lit corridors of the rundown orphanage, Jiya found herself trapped, her heart pounding with fear. A group of menacing men had cornered her, their intentions clear. She was alone, vulnerable, and terrified.)**

**Men:** (sinister) You can't escape, girl

**Jiya:** (desperate) Someone, please help!


**(As the men closed in, their predatory eyes fixed on Jiya, Abhishek, the enigmatic figure who had been watching her from the shadows, couldn't bear to see her in such danger. He emerged, a dark and imposing presence.)**

**Abhishek:** (dangerous) Let her go.


**(Jiya, her eyes wide with shock, watched as Abhishek unleashed a fury she had never seen before. He kicked one of the men with brutal force, sending him sprawling to the ground. In an instant, a gun appeared in Abhishek's hand, and he fired, the sound of gunshots echoing through the corridors.)**


**(The men who had threatened Jiya fell to the ground, their sinister intentions extinguished forever. Jiya's heart raced, and she couldn't tear her eyes away from Abhishek, who had just become a dark savior in her eyes.)**

**(Abhishek's men, loyal to their leader, blocked Jiya's path as she tried to run. Fear and confusion gripped her, and she didn't know whether to trust this man who had just saved her or to run from him.)**


**(Abhishek approached Jiya, his expression unreadable. He had just committed a violent act to protect her, and yet, there was a vulnerability in his eyes that Jiya couldn't ignore.)**

(Jiya was bleeding...He scoops Jiya into his arms, her blood staining his hands.)**

**(Jiya's heart wavered as she looked into Abhishek's eyes. She was scared, confused, and grateful all at once. She didn't know the man before her, but in that moment, he was her protector, her savior from the darkness that had threatened to consume her.)**

**Abhishek:** (softly) You're safe now, Jiya.


**(Abhishek takes Jiya to a hidden safehouse, tending to her wounds. She awakens to find herself in an unfamiliar room, Abhishek by her side.)**

**Jiya:** (confused) Who are you?

**Abhishek:** (gentle) I'm the one who saved you.


**(As Jiya heals, she starts to see a different side of Abhishek. He's not just a criminal; he's a man who has known pain and darkness. Abhishek finds himself drawn to her, unable to resist her spirit.)**

**Jiya:** (softly) You're not like them, are you?

**Abhishek:** (reflective) No, Jiya. I'm not.


**(In the midst of chaos and danger, a forbidden connection blossoms between them. Abhishek, the dark and enigmatic figure, and Jiya, the beacon of light in the orphanage, find solace in each other's arms.)**

**Abhishek:** (whispering) You're my escape from this world.

**Jiya:** (whispering) And you're my protector.


**(In the dimly lit, opulent room that served as Abhishek's makeshift throne, tension hung in the air like a storm about to break. He was the formidable mafia king, a powerful figure in the criminal underworld, and today, anger burned within him like a raging fire.)**

**Abhishek:** (voice thundering) Jiya, I told you to stay out of this!


**(Jiya, standing her ground, her eyes filled with defiance, couldn't back down now. Abhishek's anger was palpable, but she refused to be cowed.)**

**Jiya:** (firmly) Abhi, I won't stand by and watch you do this.You are killing people for your needs, do you even think what are you doing'...


**(The argument that ensued was like a clash of titans, two strong-willed individuals with their own motivations and convictions. Abhishek, driven by a dangerous sense of responsibility, couldn't see the emotional turmoil brewing within Jiya.)**

**Abhishek:** (frustrated) Jiya, you don't understand. Why do you always have to interfere in my problems, I am killing people I am enjoying...Whats your role in this??? You're my responsibility, nothing else!


**(Jiya, her voice trembling with suppressed emotion, couldn't hold back her response any longer. Abhishek's words had struck a chord deep within her, and she couldn't let him believe that she needed anyone to take care of her.)**

**Jiya:** (tearful) Abhi, I don't need anyone to take care of me. I thought.... Well! Thanks for keeping me with you for these day, I am really grateful but now I think I should go! I don't wanna be someones responsibility...Dammit' I was wrong about having relations in my life...I m meant to be alone


**(Abhishek, his anger slowly giving way to realization, looked at Jiya with a mixture of frustration and understanding. He had been blinded by his sense of duty, unable to see the strength and independence that had drawn him to her in the first place.)**

Abhishek's eyes held a depth of emotion as he spoke, his voice filled with regret and longing.)

**Abhishek:** (softening) Jiya, I didn't mean...
You are really nice...I was just! I am sorry....(emotionally) Jiya, you have to understand... I've never had anyone in my life who cared about me the way you do. This world I live in, it's cold, ruthless. And when I see you in the middle of all this chaos, it scares me. I lashed out because I thought I was protecting you, but I see now that I hurt you instead. I'm sorry, Jiya...And about the responsibility thing, I just said that without thinking...please don't leave me

(Jiya, her eyes softening, listened to Abhishek's heartfelt words. She could see the vulnerability in him, the cracks in his tough exterior.)

Jiya: (gentle) Abhi, I know you care about me, but you don't have to bear this burden alone and what about killing people, Imagine someone like you killing me? How would you feel? Anyway, thats your decision to make but let me help you We're a team, remember?


**(Jiya, her tears finally flowing freely, stepped closer to Abhishek. In that moment, their arguments, their differences, faded away, leaving behind the undeniable connection they had always shared.)**

(Abhishek's shoulders seemed to relax as he absorbed Jiya's words. He realized that he didn't have to carry the weight of the world on his own, that he had someone who would stand by his side, no matter what.)

Abhishek: (grateful) Jiya, you're right. We're a team. And I promise, from now on, I won't let my fears drive us apart.I love you, I really do

Jiya: I love you too abhii

(They both hugged each other....)

**(Their love, once overshadowed by the darkness of their world, had weathered another storm. Abhishek had learned that Jiya was not a burden to be protected but a partner to be cherished. And Jiya had realized that her strength was a beacon of hope in Abhishek's world of shadows.)**

After 6th month of their confession
One evening

**(In the dimly lit room, with a soft, sultry ambiance, Abhishek couldn't take his eyes off Jiya. She had a magnetic allure, and he found himself drawn to her, his usually tough exterior giving way to a more tender side.)**

**Abhishek:** (smirking) You know, Jiya, I can't help but wonder how I got so lucky.


**(Jiya, aware of Abhishek's intense gaze, felt a blush creep up her cheeks. She couldn't deny the chemistry between them.)**

**Jiya:** (playful) Lucky? You, Abhi? I think it's me who's lucky.


**(As the night wore on, Abhishek and Jiya found themselves lost in each other's company, the air thick with unspoken desire. Abhishek's tough, mafia exterior had given way to a more vulnerable, affectionate side.)**

**Abhishek:** (whispering) Jiya, you're like a flame in the darkness, lighting up my world.


**(Jiya's heart skipped a beat as Abhishek's words washed over her. She had never imagined that the notorious mafia king could be so unabashedly romantic.)**

**Jiya:** (softly) Abhi, you have a way with words.


**(The night continued, they had **sex** for the first time)**

Later that week!

**(One evening, as Abhishek and Jiya sat together in their private sanctuary, an unexpected silence fell between them. Abhishek had noticed subtle changes in Jiya, changes that raised his suspicions.)**

**Abhishek:** (concerned) Jiya, is there something you're not telling me?

**(Jiya hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixed on her lap. She knew she couldn't keep it a secret any longer.)**

**Jiya:** (nervous) Abhi, I... I just found out. I'm pregnant.

**(Abhishek's world seemed to come to a standstill. He stared at Jiya, a whirlwind of emotions surging through him. Shock, fear, and ultimately, a sense of responsibility.)**

**Abhishek:** (softly) Pregnant?

**(Jiya nodded, her eyes filled with a mixture of anxiety and hope.)**

**Jiya:** (teary-eyed) Yes, Abhi. I didn't know how to tell you. I thought you'd be angry.

**(Abhishek reached out, gently cupping Jiya's face in his hands. His tough exterior gave way to a tenderness he had never shown before.)**

**Abhishek:** (gentle) Jiya, I may not have all the answers, but one thing's for sure—I'll do whatever it takes to protect you and our child.

**(Jiya's heart swelled with emotion as she saw the sincerity in Abhishek's eyes. She knew that despite their complicated world, they would face this new chapter together.)**

**Jiya:** (smiling through tears) Thank you, Abhi. We'll figure this out, just like we always do.


Abhishek, tormented by the world he had been a part of, finally made a decision. He couldn't let his past destroy the chance at a future with Jiya, who was now carrying their child.)

Abhishek: (determined) Jiya, I can't keep living like this. I need to leave the mafia world behind and start anew with you.

(Jiya, just 23 years old and pregnant, looked at her husband with tears in her eyes. She had always believed in the goodness within him, and now, it seemed that goodness was fighting to emerge from the darkness.)

Jiya: (hopeful) Abhi, I want that more than anything.

(As Abhishek and Jiya held each other that night, they knew that the path ahead would not be easy. But their love, once lost, had found its way back to them. It was a love worth fighting for, a love worth leaving the shadows behind for.)

**(In that moment, Abhishek and Jiya's love was sealed by the impending arrival of their child. Their journey, once shrouded in darkness and danger, was now illuminated by the promise of a new life.)**

**(Their love defies the odds, two souls entwined in a world of shadows and secrets. Abhishek, once a ruthless mafia leader, finds redemption and purpose in Jiya's love, while Jiya discovers that even in the darkest corners, love can bloom.)**

Yeaaaa!!! So that was it for todayyy!! Kesa lagaaa "mafia love" mene try kiya😭 baaki idk how it turned out to be

Acha laga tohhh comment zaroorrrr karnaaa

Suggestion jaldi se dedooo
Aaj ke part ka suggestion was fromm one_vedika
Thankkk youuuu🩷🥺


Love love lovee🩷

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