Dreaming of You

By Lukeanadian

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This story begins months after the collider exploded at the end of Into the Spiderverse, with miles losing hi... More

New meetings
Growing interest
Mystery girl
Just friends
Tour De Vision
Tour De Vision (2)
Silver Screens
Unseen Apologies
Unseen Apologies (2)
Making Up
Day out
Hidden Truths
Tangled threads
Tangled threads (2)
Spider-boy (2)
New horizons
Am I dreaming?
Yes, I'm a mess
Dรฉjร  Vu
Meet Gwen

You're My Sunflower

227 6 0
By Lukeanadian

— "Hey Miles, wanna get outta here?" Gwen's voice broke through my half-awake state as I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the drowsiness that clung to me. "What, now?" I asked, my thoughts still muddled from sleep. "Of course not now, doofus. It's late," Gwen replied with a chuckle, her sense of humor shining through even in the darkness of the night. "Anyway, we've pretty much checked out the whole place, though. Where else are we gonna go?" It was true. Over the past few weeks, we had explored Miguel's dimension extensively, leaving no stone unturned. It was like we knew the city like the back of our hands. "Mmm, how about my dimension?" Gwen's suggestion caught me off guard. I could feel the weight of the idea settle in, imagining the world in which Gwen grew up. "That actually sounds pretty good," I admitted, the thought of exploring her dimension piquing my curiosity. "Great! How does tomorrow sound? Meet up in the living room at 10?" Gwen's enthusiasm was palpable. "Sure thing," I agreed, my energy slowly returning as I began to embrace the idea. As Gwen looked at me with an air of anticipation, we stood in silence for a moment, the unspoken connection between us bridging the gap. "Umm, goodnight...?" I said, a touch of confusion in my voice, wondering why she lingered at my door. "Oh, yep. Goodnight," Gwen replied, her voice carrying a subtle hint of sadness as she finally walked away.

— Once Gwen had disappeared down the hallway, I quickly closed the door to my room, returning to the comforting cocoon of my blanket. I couldn't help but wonder why she had hesitated at the doorway, leaving me with a sense of curiosity that lingered as I drifted off to sleep.


— As I waited for Gwen in the living room, my heart danced with anticipation. The soft, warm glow of the morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a gentle radiance across the room. Every passing moment felt like an eternity, constantly checking my phone for the time. And then, as if straight out of a dream, Gwen Stacy entered the room. My breath caught in my throat as I took in the sight before me. She was wearing a white sundress that seemed to capture the very essence of summer. The dress flowed gracefully, accentuating her every movement, and delicate lace patterns adorned it, adding a touch of elegance to her ensemble.

— Gwen's platinum blonde hair shimmered in the sunlight, framing her face like a halo. Light blue sandals adorned her feet, complementing the simplicity and charm of her outfit. Her presence filled the room with an enchanting energy, making the entire space come alive. Her radiant smile lit up her face, and it felt like the room brightened even more in response. I couldn't help but be in awe of her. The world around us seemed to fade away as she approached, leaving only Gwen, resplendent in her white sundress and light blue sandals. She looked like a vision of beauty, and I was captivated by her presence.

— Gwen was like a breath of fresh air. Her beauty and grace were a testament to the extraordinary person she was, both inside and out. As she came closer, my heart raced with the joy of being near her, and I couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky. I'd only ever seen her in her punk clothing, so this new side of her took me by surprise. This dress revealed a different side of Gwen, one I hadn't seen before. My mind blanking for a moment. "Earth to Miles! You there!" Gwen's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "Well, what do you think?" She spun around, letting the dress sway in the air. "Umm..." I stammered, momentarily at a loss for words. "Oh, I guess I'll go change then," Gwen said with a hint of disappointment, turning to leave. "Wait!" I called out urgently as she turned around. "I think you look really..."

"Really?" She prompted smirking. "Pretty," I mumbled, barely finding my voice. "Playboy," Gwen playfully interjected, nudging me with her fist. "Hey," I protested, and Gwen giggled at her own joke. "I feel like I should change," I said, looking down at my usual outfit with the jacket and Jordans. I suddenly felt like I needed to spruce up a bit for our day together. "You don't need to. I love the way you look just as you are!" Gwen replied with an affectionate smile, causing a blush to creep onto my cheeks. "So, where are we headed first?" I asked, attempting to change the subject. "What about a walk in the park?" Gwen suggested. "Starting off strong, are we?" I teased. "Shut up, you'll like it. Trust me," Gwen replied with a mischievous grin as she activated her watch creating a portal on the wall as we headed into the portal.

— Exiting the portal, I couldn't help but let out a sigh and leaned against the wall of the unfamiliar alleyway. "Ugh, I can never get used to that," I admitted, feeling a bit disoriented. Gwen stood beside me, offering a reassuring smile. "It takes a little while, don't worry about it." "How long did it take you?" I asked, curious about her experience. Gwen chuckled softly, "Well, I was fine at the start, so..." She left her sentence hanging, not wanting to make me feel uncomfortable about it. "But it doesn't matter. Come on!" She exclaimed, pulling on my sleeve, and her enthusiasm instantly brightened my mood. As we began walking through Gwen's city, I couldn't help but notice an oddly nostalgic and familiar feeling. Her dimension was surprisingly similar to mine. The layout of the city was the same, with only minor differences such as shop locations, street names, and architectural details. It felt like I was walking through a slightly altered version of my own home. While heading to the park, I spotted a peculiar graffiti on the wall. It was a stunning depiction of Gwen in her Spider Suit, captured in all her heroic glory. "I see that your city likes you," I teased, noting the artwork. Gwen rolled her eyes playfully and replied, "Shut up, come on!" She tugged on my sleeve to urge me forward, but I caught a glimpse of her lips curling into a small smile before we continued on our walk to the park.

— After strolling through the city, we eventually reached the park. The weather was perfect for our little outing, with a gentle, cooling breeze and fluffy clouds that acted as a natural sunshade, allowing the area to be brightly lit but not overly hot. The sounds of children's laughter filled the air, emphasizing the peacefulness of the park. I couldn't help but remark, "This is nice." "Told you," Gwen replied with a smug grin as we found a bench to sit on, taking in the relaxing atmosphere. It was a welcomed escape from our regular responsibilities, just to be able to enjoy the moment. As we sat there, I suddenly felt Gwen's head leaning on my shoulder, causing me to tense up a bit, uncertain about how to react. However, before I could say anything, a loud gurgling noise came from Gwen, making her quickly pull away from me, surprising both of us.

"Was that you or the monster behind us?" I quipped, laughing as Gwen's face turned a bright shade of red, and she playfully hit me. "Alright, alright. What do you want to munch on?" I asked, trying to make amends. Gwen replied with a pout, "There's a really good food truck just a few minutes from here." I extended my hand to her and playfully suggested, "Shall we slay that dragon, milady?" "You're so dumb," Gwen retorted, her smile returning as she took my hand to help herself up. Together, we walked towards the food truck, putting our playful exchange behind us.

—The food truck had a massive line that curved into the park itself. People of all ages patiently queuing up. "Wow, that queue is nuts," I remarked. Gwen grinned and proudly proclaimed, "Best hot dogs in NYC, or at least my NYC" I sighed playfully, "This is gonna take a while." Gwen teased, "Oh, what a bummer. You have to stand here next to me and talk to me while waiting." "Har har, very funny," I said with a playful eye roll, to which Gwen responded with a satisfied smile. Time seemed to pass quickly as we engaged in light conversation, our patience rewarded when we finally got our hands on the delicious food. We walked away from the food truck, savoring the flavors of our hot dogs as we strolled down the street. "This is nova!" I exclaimed after swallowing a large bite. "Glad to hear!" Gwen replied, matching my enthusiasm as we continued our leisurely walk. I asked, "Where are we headed now?" Gwen answered with excitement, "Thinking of heading to the mall, there's a bunch of stuff for us to do!" "Sounds like a plan," I agreed, eager to continue exploring.


"Arcade first?" I asked as Gwen led me into a large, bustling arcade, the space filled with dozens of machines, their sounds and lights creating a lively atmosphere with people's excited yelling filling the air. "Yep! Let's start with that!" Gwen exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she ran over to a massive machine with the title 'Time Crisis' prominently displayed on its side. It was one of those first-person shooter games where you used fake guns to take down enemies on the screen. "It's been a while since I've played one of these. I could barely peep over the counter back then," I remarked, a sense of nostalgia washing over me as I picked up one of the replica guns and aimed it at the screen. Gwen turned to me with a playful smirk. "How about we play a round? The one with the higher points wins." I hesitated for a moment and then responded, "You know, I want to say yes, but I feel like I'm going to get smoked again." Gwen, clearly not one to back down from a challenge, teased me. "Oh, come on, you chicken?" "Boy, you suck," I retorted playfully, giving in to her taunt as I inserted some coins into the machine. "Ready for your redemption, Morales?" Gwen replied with a mischievous grin, deftly spinning the gun around her finger. "You're so going down." I replied as the cutscene on the screen started to play. We both aimed our barrels at the screen, and the game began.


"Haha, that was fun! Still couldn't win though," Gwen teased, stretching her arms as we walked away from the Time Crisis machine. "One day your luck will run out," I retorted, still annoyed about the score. I had lost by just a few hundred points. "Sure~," Gwen replied playfully as we continued our exploration of the bustling arcade. As we wandered through the arcade, I noticed Gwen's gaze kept drifting towards the photobooth machine. "Hey Gwen, wanna get our picture taken?" I asked, gathering the courage to suggest it, as it seemed like something she really wanted to do. "Sure!" Gwen replied with excitement, eagerly pulling me toward one of the arcade photobooths. We stepped inside, and the machine greeted us, asking us to select the type of photo we wanted to take. "I've never actually done one of these before," I confessed, feeling a bit out of my element. Gwen reassured me, "It's fine, it's real easy." She pressed a button on the screen. "Is there going to be a countdown? How do I know when it's going to-" Before I could finish my question, the machine's flash went off, causing Gwen to burst into laughter. "Oh crap. Okay, I missed that one, but the next one-" Another flash interrupted me, and Gwen couldn't contain her amusement. "Oh come on. This thing is quick! Okay, now I'm ready. Okay, you looking? Let me see-" 

— "Ah! I wasn't looking!" I exclaimed in frustration, and Gwen continued to laugh uncontrollably, her laughter filling the small booth. "Lemme give you a hand," Gwen offered, giving me a quick peck on the cheek as the machine took a photo. "Wha-" I jumped back in surprise. "It's done!" Gwen exclaimed, stepping past me out of the booth to wait for the photos. As the photo strip emerged, and I got a glimpse of the pictures, I couldn't help but cringe. Most of them showed me, slightly blurry, freaking out, with Gwen laughing in the background. The only one that wasn't a complete mess captured Gwen giving me a kiss on the cheek, and my expression was one of pure surprise. "I look so dumb," I sighed, feeling a bit embarrassed. "You look cute!" Gwen replied, sliding the photos into her pocket. "Come on, let's go!" She tugged at my arm excitedly, leading us away from the photobooth and further into the arcade.


— We spent about another hour in the arcade, and I couldn't manage to win a single game. The closest I came to victory was in a racing game where I was neck and neck with Gwen, both of us at first place, about to hit the finish line. Just as I was about to cross the line, a random car rammed into me, causing me to spin out of control and ultimately costing me the game. After that, I was ready to leave the arcade and never return.

— Once we exited the arcade, we continued to explore the mall. "Hold on, follow me, I need to grab something," Gwen said as she walked into a nearby lingerie store. I awkwardly stood behind her, trying to find a place to avert my eyes, but everywhere seemed to be a danger zone. "Gwen, hurry up, I feel weird just standing here," I pleaded with Gwen. "Haha, it's fine. Just sit down here and act like a boyfriend who got dragged here by his girlfriend," she giggled as she led me over to a line of chairs next to a wall. I sighed in defeat as I slumped into the chair. It felt incredibly awkward, and I could feel the stares of other women around me. About half an hour later, Gwen was finally done, strolling over to me with a shopping bag in her hand. "I'm done~!" she chimed. "Finally, that was hell," I muttered, as I stood back up ready to leave. "Couldn't have been that bad," Gwen replied, raising an eyebrow. "Trust me, it was," I insisted as I took the shopping bag from Gwen to help her carry it as we walked out, surprising her. "Something happen?" I asked, noticing her blank stare as we continued walking. "You're smooth," Gwen commented. "Okay?" I replied in confusion as we passed by a clothing store.

"Ooh! I wanna try on some clothes," Gwen said excitedly, pulling me into the store. We weaved back and forth between various aisles as she grabbed various articles of clothing before making her way to the changing room. "Stay here, I'll be right back!" she said as she stepped behind the changing curtain. "Also, no peeking~" "What?! Of course not!" I replied flustered, and I could hear Gwen's laughter behind the curtain. After a bit of rustling behind the curtain, Gwen swiped it open, revealing her new outfit. "Ta dah!" she said, anxiously fidgeting, awaiting my response. She was wearing a white crop top with a black jacket, a checkered skirt, and tights that emphasized her figure. Honestly, it was hard to admit, but anything would've looked good on her, and I was captivated by her beauty.

"So, what does Mister Boyfriend here think? I'm sure your pretty girlfriend would want a compliment," the female clerk standing next to me commented. "What?! I'm not her boyfriend," I exclaimed, instantly denying her claim as I looked back at Gwen and noticing her slightly disappointed expression. "You look... good," I mumbled in embarrassment, turning away and scratching the back of my neck awkwardly. Gwen started grinning and closed the curtain again, giggling faintly behind it as I covered my face, blushing with embarrassment, feeling my face burn up.


"Are we going to carry all this the entire time?" I asked, motioning to the line of bags on my arms as we walked down the street. Gwen had bought all the clothes I ended up saying looked good on her. It wasn't too hard to carry, but it was more of a hassle than anything. "Nope, I've got a portal linked up to my room on my watch, so all we've got to do is toss it in and be on our merry way," Gwen replied. "That's mad convenient," I said as we walked to a nearby alleyway to activate the portal. After a quick hop through the portal, we found ourselves near the next location. As we walked back out into the city, Gwen suddenly stopped dead in her tracks, her gaze fixed on a building a little way from us. "Hey, mind if we head in there?" she asked. "Sure, it is your tour after all."

— The place was a hidden gem in the heart of the city. Tucked away in a historic brick building, it exuded an aura of mystery and intrigue. The entrance, a modest yet captivating red door, was adorned with an intricate wrought-iron sign that read 'The Luminous Note' in elegant, swirling letters. As I stepped inside, the cold and dark room greeted me, dimly lit by a few stage lights. It was a spacious concert hall-style room, with a large stage that was a sanctuary for performers. Multiple stage lights hung over the stage, with stands and various instruments scattered about - a few guitars, microphones, and a drum set with the words 'Mary Janes' written across the front. The audience area was filled with rows of plush, crimson-cushioned chairs, all facing the stage in rapt attention, only separated by the walkways between. The room had an undeniable sense of history and a vibrant atmosphere that hinted at countless performances and shared moments of music. It was the kind of place where music came alive, and I couldn't help but feel the excitement building in the air.

"Wow, what is this place?" I asked as my eyes wandered around, admiring the venue. "It's the place I used to perform at, with my bandmates," Gwen replied as we walked further into the venue. Before I could ask more questions, a voice rang out from a dark figure on the stage.  "Oh. My. God. Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy? Is that you?" It slowly approached us, revealing a red headed teenage girl. "Emmy!" Gwen exclaimed as she ran towards the girl and jumped into her arms for a hug. "Haha, miss you too, girl," She said, patting Gwen on the back. "What's with the cute look? I've never seen you dre-"

"It's nothing!" Gwen quickly interrupted her friend, who looked confused. "Who's that?" She asked, turning her attention toward me. "Oh, it's just a friend!" Gwen quickly replied. "A friend, you say, huh?" She replied with a grin. "So, Mr. Friend, you got a name?" "Oh, uh, Miles," I replied. "Nice name you got there," Emmy commented before shaking my hand. "Em Jay Watson, but you can call me Em Jay." "Thanks," I replied with an awkward chuckle.

"Where's Glory and Bets? I wanna say hi to them too," Gwen exclaimed. "The girls are busy today, unfortunately. You know how school gets," Em replied. "That reminds me, hey, Gwen, mind heading backstage? I found more of your stuff and figured you'd want it back." "Ooh, sure! I wonder if you found my drumsticks I lost." Gwen replied. "Don't say anything weird to him," Gwen warned Em, as she scurried off behind the curtain.

— "Hard to see our girl all grown up," Em said, taking a seat on one of the empty chairs, nonchalantly pulling out a cigarette case and lighting one. "Be honest with me, what do you see in her?" Em asked, exhaling a puff of smoke, the wisps curling around her as if to emphasize her question. I scratched the back of my neck, considering the question. "Well..." "Don't get all shy on me," Em said, raising two fingers in a mock scout's salute. "I'll keep it between us, scouts honor." "Were you even a scout?" I couldn't help but chuckle. "No, but the sentiment is there," she replied with a smirk.

— After a momentary silence, I decided to respond. "I-I really like her personality," I began, my voice hesitant but earnest. Em Jay gave me a look that seemed to say, 'you can't be serious right now.' "Okay, I know what you're thinking, but hear me out," I defended, taking a deep breath. "I like how smart she is, her ability to easily banter with me, the aloofness she has that seems to crumble when she talks to me, revealing how sweet she can be. The way she smiles and laughs whenever I tell a joke, no matter how lame it is. Her baby blue eyes that seem to stare right through me, the little gap between her teeth that she's overly self-conscious about, even though it's extremely cute. And her infectious laugh that sends my heart aflutter-" "All right, all right, I get it, jeez. You're making me blush here, kid, save the rest for her," Em interrupted, her hand covering part of her face as she chuckled. Her chuckle slowly died down as she took another drag.

"I've known that girl since the sixth grade," Em Jay continued reminiscing, her tone more serious. "Since day one, I knew she would be a handful. We actually fought a lot at the start..." As Em Jay reminisced, she chuckled to herself. "Yet we still became best friends. Although, she becomes a pain in the ass when she doesn't talk about her feelings." She commented, as I nodded my head in agreement. "But, she's a sweet girl, and her heart's in the right place. Just that her brain's all funky," she joked, taking a long drag from her cigarette, her eyes sparkling with nostalgia.

"Don't hurt her, alright?" Em Jay's expression turned serious as she stared at me. "I don't plan on it," I replied without any delay, looking her dead in the eyes. "Quick response, I like it," she replied, smiling.

— "Em, most of the stuff wasn't even mine!" Gwen whined as she appeared through the curtains, a playful grin on her face. "Oh, sorry, must've been my mistake, haha," Em replied, chuckling at Gwen's reaction. "Hey, didn't you stop smoking?" Gwen nagged, noticing the cigarette in her hand as she approached us. "Old habits die hard," Em replied as Gwen sighed. "Stop by more often, will you?" Em Jay requested. "I'll do my best." Gwen replied, smiling. "Oh, and feel free to bring your little boyfriend around too," Em said teasingly as she walked off. "Hey!" Gwen replied, flushed as Em retreated behind the curtain.

"J-just ignore her, she's stupid," Gwen said, quickly turning to face me as I laughed at her reaction. "She didn't say anything weird while I was gone, did she?" Gwen asked nervously. Man she's cute. I thought to myself. "Nope, nothing at all," I replied, the conversation I had with Em Jay playing in the back of my mind. "Hey, it's getting kinda late. Should we head back?" I said, checking the time on my phone and realising it was approaching 6pm. "Hold on, I've got one last place I want to show you."

Chapter 23!!! Hey I know it's been awhile and I just wanna say I'm so sorry for the delayed chapter, I'm nearing the end of my course so it's kind of hectic with a lot of different tests and activities so I'm sorry abt the time delay. The schedule should get back to normal after 2 weeks when my course ends and I get posted, so in the meantime I hope you guys and gals enjoy the long chapter and dont miss me too much.

Also I tried to add more stuff from Gwen's universe so I hope I incorporated it fine, do let me know what yall think, always open to getting more feedback to help me improve on my writing!!

I think we all know what this chapter is and what's coming!!! But once again hope you enjoyed my story and I hope you guys and gals have a wonderful night/day! Cya!!! <3333

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