liar-Jason Dilaurentis

By varbariz

2.1K 30 1

Pretty little liars Ava Noelle Bennet the hot blue eyed brunette in her friend group, a high school mean girl... More

02-the Jenna thing
03-to kill a mocking girl
04-can you hear me now?
05-reality bites me
06- there's no place like homecoming
07-the homecoming hangover
08-please,do talk about me when I'm gone
09-the perfect strom
10-keep your friends close
11-Moments later
12-salt meets wound
13-know your frenemies

01-they found her Avie

240 3 0
By varbariz

Remember me, little liar?- A

Rosewood, Pennsylvania 2010

The first day back to school it's always shity, doesn't matter what year you are starting, believe me, it's always shitty. What can make it less shitier are your friends, at least that used to work for me, back then.

I never realized how hard could be with no one by your side, I do know that now, I tried not to think about it a lot. I even wrote them letters, but never really sent them. They weren't meant to be sent, they were for me. I wanted closure so I wrote them, but honestly didn't do shit. Fuck all of you psychologists, yall methods don't do shit. I rather mine.

When your best friend goes missing everyone thinks they can help with words and a warm hug, and by saying" anything you need I will right here".Fuck off, no you won't.

If they didn't stay why would you?

But honestly as sad as it might sound and even wrong I got used to this life. It's been an year, they didn't found her so it was time for me to try and forget it too, mrs.Dilaurentis had told me that before, and I didn't listened to her back than.

"Ava you are gonna be late for your first day"My mom yells from downstairs.

"On my way" I yell back, picking up my leather jacket from the closet.

"That's what you gonna wear?" My mom asks looking at me up and down. I wasn't expecting her to like the outfit, she liked my old style better, and honestly so do I, but nowadays my life stylecould never go with my old clothes.

"Thank you for the kind compliment mom, I really appreciated." I smile sarcastic before leaving towards the kitchen.

"Good morning" Greets my father Cristopher.

"Hey" I replie while pouring some coffee on my bottle.

"Do you need a ride to school?" He asks finally turning his attention from the newspaper to me.

"It depends are you in the police car?" I ask sitting down at the table next to him.

"I am" I tap him on the shoulder and smile at him before repliyng" Than I'm good thanks dad".

Dad and I have always had a great connection, but after last year everything went down.Dad was one of the officers working on Ali's dissapirence, but just like that he stoped working on it, mom and dad said it was because they were afraid thats could be messing with me. Even Brian, my older brother thought it was super weird. But that was always the excused they used.

Along side the Dilaurentis family was always mine and eventually the Hastings family joined us.Mom used to say to me that us three were the most important and well respected families in Rosewood, I never knew why, mom saidit was because we helped the town a lot, now I call it bullshit. 

"Alright, i'm leaving fam. See you all later, bye" Not a very affectionate family I was born in.

On my way to school I tried my best not to rip apart every paper I saw with her face. It was everywhere, newspapers, flyers, tvnews, everywhere. Even the people around town keept looking at me like I was the one who was missing, the curse of being the best friend of the girl who dissapeared.

What was the most messed up was the fact that life now was a lot more peacefull, last school year was a lot more chilled, there wasn't fights or bullying in everycorner of the school, and all because Alison wasn't around.

"Oh My God, I can't wait to turn sixteen."grunts Alison. Arms linked around each other, Ava and Alison walked down the road.

"No, but same. My life would be so much easier." Ava agrees.

"Oh My God, next school year, at the beginning let's ask for a car. We can say like it's for us not to get late to classes or whatever." Ali says, making the other girl laugh.

"Why are you laughing Avie?"

"Ali, thats the most stupid reason ever, we will never have cars if we use that excuse" Giggled Ava.

"Okay fine, but we will have cars next year Avie, you just wait." Ali says with a smirk on her face.

An year later and there I was with no car, no best friend, no nothing. Just the old boring Rosewood, I never realized how much I hated this place until this was all I had.

Arriving at school and just staring at the entrance for a moment I regret not walking slower.I keep on looking around see if I can spot some familiar faces, and for my surprise I see a familiar face that I haven't seen in a year. Aria Montgomery.

She walks with Spencer over to the two big door just above the stairs, and running right behind them Emily. Did they three keep in touch? Was I the only left out?

Aria was the first to leave the group, she went to Europe with her family for last year school year, and aperently now she is back.

"Hey pretty face" Noel Kahn says hugging me from behind.

"Noel I swear eventually I am gonna punch you in the balls, don't scare me like that " Noel has this habit that whenever I'm by my locker he either hugs me or whispers in my ear whatever all from behind, scaring the shit out of me.

"Don't be so agressive baby" He replies.

"I'm not your baby." I say closing the locker behind me.

"Party tonight?" She smirks at me

"Not happening lil kahn" Not the I wasn't a fan of parties, I am, but today I just want to forget this day exists.

" Oh come one, it will be good for you angel" He says placing his hands on my shoulder and making a small massage there, while I walk over to my class.

"Pretty face than baby and now angel, watch out kahn you will run out of words in only one day" I joke, making him turn me around so that I am facing him.

"Why not Avie?"He asks

"Noel, do you know what today's day is?" I ask, or he forgotor he is just and asshole. Honestly I think both.

"Oh shit, Im sorry Avie" He apologizes, and quickly gives me a strong hug.

"Jesus, I'm good man, just forget about it, alright?!" I smile back at him, he is sweet but too emocional. Don't do the same mistake two times I remember myself, last time I tried to forget about my problems with Noel Kahn ended in Noel kahn obessed with me for months, let's not do that again.

"I will see you later Noel" I say, kissing his cheek before walking into the classroom.

"So I heard the new teacher is really hot" Commented Emily that was sat in the middle of the classroom, next to her Aria and just a couple tables infront Spencer. I on the other hand made my way to the back, just a few tables away from the girls.

"Woah, is that Avie?"I hear Aria ask Emily, she looked shocked and confused.

"Yeah, big difference right?! Emily ask rhetorically " She hit rock bottom after Ali, doesn't speak with any one of us, nor even Spencer and their families are always together." I mean at least she didn't lied, all that Emily said was the truth.

"Wait is that Hannah?" Asked Aria. I was enjoying my place in the back, hearing Aria's reaction to everything was quite comforting in a way.

"She is the 'It girl' now. And where's Hannah there's Mona" Emily said. It was nice seeing that some things didn't actually change like Emily, she was still the girl that would keep everyone in like. Listening to her explaining everything to Aria was like realiving some moments we all once lived together.

"That's Mona" Aria asked in shocked.

"Can you believe it?"

"Woah, talk about a make over" Aria said, looking back and forth between Hannah and Mona. Hannah noticed and waved slightly at her once called best friend.

MR.Fitz is the first thing the new teacher writes in the board before turning to look at the class. He exhales before scaming the room, for a brief moment his eyes landed on Aria and thats when he said "Holy crap" still looking at her. That's intriguing.

Aria's phone starts to ring and she quickly apologizes before Mr.Fitz starts his leason. I can't help but to laugh at this situation, at least don't make it that obvious, amateurs.


"Can you believe they sold it?" My attention gets turned from the house to the person speaking next to me. Emily, it's Emily.

"Yeah, Jessica told me not long after Ali dissapeard that she wanted to do that.Jason didn't let her though" I say, we are both standing in front of the house looking at her, so many memories we have there.

" Oh, I didn't know that. Do you still talk with mrs.Dilaurentis?" She asked, I look slighty at her but quickly look away.

" Not as much as I used too" I replie. We stood there for a moment just in silence, what are you supouse to say to someone you used to share everything with and just like that is like you are strangers again.

"You want that?" A girl asks, she somes from the inside of the house, probably the daughter of the news owners. Emily was the one who got closer to the boxes they are leaving outside.

"Maya st.Germain, a.k.a new girl" She introduces herself to Emily " Hi" And now to me as well.

"I'm Emily, welcome to the neighborhood. That's my friend Av-"

"Ava, I'm Ava" I say, introducing myself.

"Thank you" She says after recieving Emily's basquest. My mom probably already sent them one of those the second they got here.

"You are a Bennet right? My mom told me I would reconize you the second I saw you, she also saidthank you for the welcome gift." Maya said to me, and like I saidobviously my mom had already sent them presents. That's just who she is.

"That stuff was in my room, you can keep anything you want." She starts. Her room? That's Ali's room not her's.

"Is she a friend of yours?" Asked Maya once again.

"It all belong to Alison" Emily replied.

"She was, a long time ago" I say, still in the same spot since a got her.

"That's all I get? No details?" Maya asked. Is it just me or this girl is pissing yall of.

"She went missing, never found her, claimed her dead" I say once again, but before I could continue Emily cut me off.

"There were five of us,who used to hang out but we don't anymore". Emily said looking back at me. I just give her the'whatyouknowiwasright' look.

"Would be outrageous of me to ask if you'll help with our last few boxes?" Asked Maya.

"Yes"I relied in my head, at least that's what I thought I did.

"I don't mind it" Emily said, smiling sweetly at the new girl. They both turn to me with a smile.

"Nah, not happening I can't" I say before leaving.


 "Ava" Asked my mom once I walked inside the house.

"I see you already showed yourself to the new neighbors" I comment walking inthe kitchen where my mom was with a pile of files on the table.

" It's just welcoming our new neighboors Ava, it's not showing off" Sasha said not taking her eyes from the files .

"Well, she already knew who I was, not because of you I suppouse" I say sarcastly.

"Of course not, but you are a Bennet it's in your blood. People look at you and see me and your father sweetie, it's not a bad thing" For you, for me it's a freaking nightmare.

"Is Jessica Dilaurentis in town?" I don't know what came over me to ask.But thankfully I did, because that got my mother's attention.

"Why do you ask Ava?"

"No reason, just the house it's been sold and I haven't seen her in a while. Just wanted to chat." My mother gets weirdly quiet after that.

"She used to always say that I was like a daugher to her, that's all"

"I don't know. Now if you excuse me I have some pacients files I need to organize." She grabs the files from the table and leads to her office on the upper floor.

As soon as mom leaves the kitchen my phone rings with the sound of a notification. 


You sure that's the only reason you want to speak with mrs.D?

Remember me, little liar?-A

Who was this? How could this A know ? Was it Alison? 

My head was filled with questions, I was scared for the first time in a year I was felling something besides sadness.


"Jessica what do we do now?" My heart was beating so fast I could swear it felt like I couldn't breath. My eyes were fulled with tears and my whole body was shaking.

I kept on looking between her and Jessica Dilaurentis, I didn't know what to do, I was paralized in fear. I wasn't even aware I was crying, just when she mentioned I realized it.

"Stop crying Ava, stop it. Look at me. You are going to do exactly what I tell you too, understand?" I nooded, my only reaction, I didn't know what to do.

End of Flashback.

How could this be happening ?

The sound of ambulances brought me back to real life time. I looked from my window to see the ambulance going in direction of Ali's house. What was going  on.

"Ava go open the door" My mom says in my bedroom door"Everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, everything is fine" I say whiping away the fallen tear.

When i got downstairs to open the door my dad is already attending the man. It's one officer from the police station, and I get there just in time to hear the conversation.

"Sir Bennet, I'm sorry to disturb you sir but it's important. It's about the Dilaurentis girl. Alison." I can't belive what they are saying I push myself out of the staircase and closer to my father.

"Ava get out" My father says.

"No it's about Ali"

"Sir, they found her. They found Alison Dilaurentis." Looking in between my dad and the officer I start to run down the street to the Dilaurentis house. They found her, I can't believe I heard it correctly, they found Ali. My best friend, my sister Alison.

 "Ava"Hannah's voice cathed my attention, she is by my side so is Spencer and Aria.

"You guys they found her. They found Ali" I say, my eyes full of water and my hands are still shaking.

"Avie" They said, the look on their faces is distante more than usually is.

"No, why are we here stoped. They found Alison, let's go" But before I can leave the grab my hand, I follow their eyes, a body bag. That's what they found, her body.

"They found her body Avie" Hannah said, still holding my hand.

"No, no it's not possible. He said- he said" The tears start to fall, I can't hold them anymore, I'm out of breath and my body fells weak. Like it's about to break in million pieces.

It's official I have lost my best friend.

Once I was able to control my breathing and stoped from crying, the girls and I reunited at the back of the street.

"I heard the cops to Hannah to the police station today" Aria said.

"You don't think she'd ever talk  about" Spencer started.

"The Jenna thing. We made a promise" Hannah said stepping next to Spencer and next to her was Ava


I think I need this funeral more than anyone else, and not because I was close to Ali, but because I have to apologize to her, and this is the only way I can do it.

I putted on a black laced dress and some back high boots, no make up, I could't even look at myself in the mirror for that long.

"Jessica" My mother greets Alison's mom.

"Sasha hi. Thank you for coming." She replied

"If you need anything we are here" My dad says, before leaving and sitting next to the other girls parents.

"Ava, I'm glad you came." Jessica says with a smile.

I can't help but the sudden hug I give her, I know she is not a very affectionate person but this was for Alison, and she knew that.

"I'm so sorry" I keep on repeting in her ear.

"It wasn't your fault sweetie" She says breaking the hug and looking me in the eyes "She really loved you as she sister, you know that right?" I nod my head.

"So did I" She pulls me for one more hug before gesturing me to go sit next the other girls.

I stay in front of the casket for a second, next to me is Hannah, she grabs and hand and smiles at me. I missed her as much as it hurts for me to say.

"Can you believe the scene this is" Hannah said.

"Alison would have loved this" Aria weakly laughs.

"Popular in life and death" Spencer smiles.

"It's immortality my darlings" I say smiling at her picture remebering all the moments we had together.

Aria's phone rings with a notification, making us all move uncomfortably in our seats. Would it be possible they also got messages from A.

"Anyone we know?" Asked Hannah. 

Oh for sure she wasn't the only one receiving them.

"No it's just my mom she-" Aria cuts herself up " Emily and I aren't the only ones receiving messages from "A" are we?" She asks.

"Oh my god, it's Jenna" Spencer speaks making us all turn our heads, to see Jenna Marshal at Ali's funeral.

"Did you see that Jenna Marshal was here. I didn't realized she and Ali were friends." Mrs.Dilaurentis says sitting next to me.

"They weren't" I mention.

"Emily, Spencer, Hannah, Aria and Ava".

"Do we know you?" I ask

"I'm detective Wilden. I understand you were all good friends with the victiam" He says wihile give a card to Spencer, that was in the middle of us.

"Yeah we were" Aria spokes.

"I'm gonna need to talk with each one of you" He says.

"We talked to the police when Alison went missing" Spencer respondes.

"And I intend to go over everyones statments, this is no longer a missing person investiagtion it's a murder" For a moment we didn't have anything to say, hearing it was scary. 

"Rest assuredI will find out what happened that summer" He guaranteed.

"Do you think he knows about-?"Aria started.

"NO!"I start " There's no way".

As if on cue all of us get a message, we look at each other before having the corouge to just look at it.

"Oh my God, it's from-"

"I got one too"

"I'm still here bitches"Spencer starts

"And I know everything"



     First episode done 

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