Romantic Pasta


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Stories of these girl who fell in love with CreepyPastas Еще

Scarlet's story
Mia's story
Annie's story
Taylor's story
Wendy's story
Penelope's story
Rose's story
Raven's story
Veronica's story
Emily's story
Rachel's story
Lilly's story
Iris's story 
Olivia's story
Ruby's story
Jasmine's story
Chloe's story
Chelsea's story
Ava's story

Heather's story

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Hi, I'm Heather Smith.

I was a student at college. I got good grades, and I was one of the best students in the class. I have a student in my science class that doesn't really talk to anyone. His name is Jack. He was a straight A student. I try talking to him but he just doesn't pay attention. "I wonder why Jack doesn't pay attention to anyone?" "Maybe, it's because he doesn't want to be around people." "What makes you say that?" "Look at him. Every time he looks at someone, he turns away." "I'm going to ask him." "Good luck with that." I went up to Jack and I noticed he now had a pair of glasses on. "Hey, why are you wearing glasses now?" "I have eye problems okay. Now just leave me alone." Was that why he never talks to anyone?

One day as I was heading to my dorm room, I overheard Jack talking about something. "It's so hard to focus with this problem." Without thinking, I let myself enter his room "What problem?" "What are you doing in my room?!" "Oh sorry, I forgot to knock." "Why are you here?" "I was just heading to my room when over heard you. What is this problem you have?" "It's my eyes, I've tried everything. Not even glasses would help." "Is that why you don't talk with anyone in class?" "Every time I look at them, I see them as something else. That's why I don't have any friends." Oh my gosh! I didn't know that about him! "If you want Jack, we can be friends." "But I barely know you Heather." "We can get to know each other. I'll start asking you questions. What did you came to college for?" "I wanted to be a surgeon, so I studied hard." "Wow, no wonder why you're such a straight A student." Jack and I continue to get to know each other. We would always study together and would have lunch together. The more I hang out
with Jack, the more my feelings for him get stronger.

After class, my friends were at my locker with a strange face. "Hey guys, what's going on?" "How come you're hanging out with that Jack?" "Come on, he opened up to me. He's a really great guy." "I just don't understand what you see in him?" "He has eye problems ok. And he's trying to become a surgeon." "Eye problems? Seriously? And he wants to do surgery? How's he going to do that if he can't see properly?" "You know what, I don't have to hang out with you guys if you're going to respect Jack." I then ended this with them. I don't see what though and Jack?!

As I was heading to the library, I saw Jack with some other girl. "See you tonight?" "Yea, I'll be there." The girl then left and I went up to Jack. "Um, Jack? Who was that?" "Oh, that's Jenny. She's my girlfriend." Girlfriend?! "Jack, when did you have a girlfriend?!" "Oh, Jenny and I met a couple days ago. She's going to surprise me tonight." I couldn't believe what I was hearing! "So I guess Jenny is your new friend now?! I thought we had something Jack!" "Heather, you were the one who helped me interacted with people. Now I can make friends." "I see, I'll see you in class." That was the last time I saw Jack. The morning, I didn't see Jack anywhere. Then the announcement said that there was an incident last night. Jack was found dead! I couldn't believe it! Jenny! It was Jenny! We didn't have school for the rest of the day. I was devastated, I never got to tell Jack how I felt about him!

A few months later, spring break had finally come. I could use a break from college. My parents decided to take us camping. This could take my mind off everything that happened. We got our tents set up and my dad called us to go inside. "All right everyone time to hit the hay!" "Coming Dad!" We got inside our tents. As we went to sleep, I can feel a sharp pain in my side. I didn't think about it till the next day. I woke up to see blood on my clothes! My parents took me to the hospital. The doctor saw that my side was stitched "Did you had any surgeries lately?" "No, why?" "It looks like the incision was to your kidney." My kidney?! Come to think of it, I did felt a sharp pain last night. But who cut open to get to my kidney?

We went home so I can rest for what happened. I laid in bed thinking what could of happened? Maybe a bear came and scratched me and someone fixed it up. No that couldn't be it. Cause if it were, we would of heard growling. While I was lost in my thoughts, someone came in my room! He was wearing a black hoodie with a blue mask on and it was leaking black stuff coming from his eyes. I was about to scream "Don't move, I just need to take a look." He got closer to where I had the stitches on. "I see your new kidney's doing good." "New kidney?!" "Shhh, you'll wake everyone up." "Who are you?!" He took off his mask to reveal a boy my age with gray skin and no eyes! "Do you remember me Heather?" "Jack?!" "It's Eyeless Jack now." "What happened to you?!" "Jenny, she was actually part of some cult. They were doing a sacrifice on me and poured black tar into my eyes." Oh my gosh! I knew Jenny was the reason! "I'm sorry Heather, I never should have hang out with her." "Jack, I couldn't stop thinking about you." "I couldn't stop thinking about you ether Heather. You were the only real friend I had." I was so glad to hear Jack felt the same way. "I hope you forgive me for eating your kidney." "What?!" "After I became Eyeless Jack, I've been eating kidneys from humans." "Was that why I have these stitches?" "Not only that, you had a kidney disease. I was watching you and noticed that you were having problems at the camp." "So the sharp pain I felt, was my kidney?" "Not only that, I was giving you a kidney replacement. You needed more the me." "How did I not notice it sooner?" "Remember I was studying to be a surgeon? Because of that, I can recognize the early stages." "Wow, I own you Jack." "I would of clean the the mess that night, but I had to leave before your parents saw me." "Jack, thank you." "No, thank you. For being in my life. Well, new life." "Can. I be your new girlfriend?" "Better then that toxic relationship I had with Jenny."

I was grateful to have Jack back in my life. When spring break was over, I continued to study in college. Jack came to visit me at night. We would on dates in the woods. I may now have a demon for a boyfriend, but he's the reason I'm here now.

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