Choose your Destiny (Raiden x...

By CynthiaArdell

3.2K 105 46

Two years after Shao Kahn's defeat, the Earthrealm has to face an old new enemy : the Fallen God Shinnok. Rai... More

Chapter 0 : A New Threat
Chapter 1 : I Am Trouble
Chapter 2 : The Final Hours
Chapter 3 : Big Tensions
Chapter 4 : Dangerous Lies
Chapter 5 : Confessions
Chapter 6 : The Demon's Name
Chapter 7 : Witch Hunting
Chapter 8 : Redemption
Chapter 9 : Missing
Chapter 10 : Uninvited Guests
Chapter 11 : SOS
Chapter 12 : Déjà-Vu
Author's note (Sequel ?)


38 3 0
By CynthiaArdell

The Sky Temple was completely surrounded by a storm more raging than usual. The rain beat down so violently with strong winds that it sounded more like stones falling from the sky. The entire place was plunged into darkness, except the brief times when a lightning struck not too far from the temple, accompanied with a thunder sound.
The Sky Temple's roof was still damaged and wide open after Shinnok's attempt to contaminate the Jinsei and conquer Earthrealm. Suddenly, the lightnings flashed right through that same roof and found their ways to the bottom of the Temple, inside the Jinsei Chamber, where they directly struck the Fallen God, chained to the Chamber's wall by his wrists, who was screaming in agony while he kept being continuously electrocuted. Once the attacks finally paused, Shinnok let his head drop as he focused on catching his breath, knowing that this break was about to end as quickly as it had started.
As he was panting, the Fallen God spoke for the first time in a while. "You... You should thank me, Raiden." he exhaled hardly. "Our battle changed you. For the better!"
Shinnok then raised his head towards the Thunder God, who was standing silently in the shadows. But as soon as he gazed back at his long-time enemy, Raiden revealed the red lights that were hiding the usual pure color of his eyes. Soon enough, with the fury that boiled within him, flashes of lightning appeared around his arms. Then, he abruptly raised his hands towards Shinnok and started to shoot lightning. The Fallen God kept screaming in agony, which only annoyed Raiden even more. He kept electrocuting Shinnok with his teeth clenched as he took a few steps towards him doing so.
"Be silent, Shinnok!" Raiden demanded when he stopped.
The chained god was once again too tired to look up at his jailer who silently neared him as he kept his gaze locked on him. Once he was close enough, Raiden put his hand on Shinnok's head, before he gave him yet another painful electric shock that made Shinnok scream out in pain.
"Raiden ?" the Thunder God then unexpectedly heard a familiar voice call him from behind, interrumpting him. He slowly moved his head and maintained the same severe look on his face when his eyes met Sakuya's.
"Sakuya, leave." he firmly said to his partner who unsurprisingly did not listen.
"It has been days since you locked yourself here..." the goddess became silent as she noticed Shinnok, chained up by his wrists with his head down before Raiden. "Why is he still here ? What are you doing ?" she asked with a frown as she neared him.
The Thunder God then glared down at Shinnok. "Something I have deprived myself of doing for far too long."
Even more confused, Sakuya approached the Fallen God enough to notice the fresh wounds on his face and body. There were also marks of electrocution visible across the surface of his pale skin. It did not take her too long to connect the dots.
"Raiden, what is the meaning of this ?!" she exclaimed as she lost her patience. "Why did you not bring Shinnok to the Elder Gods ?!"
"Leaning on the Elder Gods for millennia led to nothing but disappointment, over and over again!" Raiden yelled back so angrily that it made Sakuya flinch. As she silently took a step back, Raiden read the expression of fear on her face and clenched his jaw as he lowered his gaze at Shinnok again. He then continued in a calmer tone : "First Shao Kahn, now him. It is time we fight back once and for all those who defy us."
Shinnok let out a tired yet devilish laugh, keepin his head low. "Finally... you embrace the truth the Elder Gods deny." He then lifted his head to face the Thunder God. "The truth I was cast out for speaking."
"The truth I embrace, Shinnok, is that mercy is wasted on those who defile Earthrealm." Raiden approached the Fallen God and grabbed one of his chains. "I will destroy our enemies before they destroy us. Starting with you."
He then violently pulled the chain to make Shinnok stand up against his will.
The chained god let out yet another chuckle as he locked his eyes on the Thunder God. "How Raiden ? Not even you can kill an Elder God."
To these words, Raiden raised his hand into which he concentrated all of his electric power. Numerous lightnings kept flashing around his fingers as he spoke : "There are fates worse than death." As soon as he clenched his fist, the same lightnings formed a sort of long sharp blade that could easily cut a stone in half.
Sakuya realized what Raiden was about to do as she saw him raise his arm slowly. "Raiden, don't !" she screamed, and noticed that it had made the Thunder God momentarily hesitate. But it had not been enough to stop him from directing his blade towards Shinnok's throat to cut his head off in the blink of an eye. The Fallen God's head then fell to the ground and the rest of his body dropped like a ragdoll.
Sakuya brought her hand to her mouth as she failed to realize what just had happened in front of her. She had never seen Raiden this violent and threatening and, for the first time since she had known him, she was scared of what he could do. After all, he just had crossed the one line that she thought she would never see him cross. Raiden had already been possessed by evil powers in the past, but this time, it felt different. As if he had indeed embraced it instead of only being foolishly under its control.
Sakuya did not know what to do as she powerlessly watched her partner bending down to grip Shinnok's head and lift it up, holding it in front of his own face. Since an Elder God could not die, Shinnok remained alive and could still move his facial muscles, but he was unable to speak.
With the same firm look, Raiden announced him : "I will deliver you to Liu Kang and your Netherrealm minions. You will serve as warning, and an emblem of my wrath."
The Thunder God then turned around as he lowered the head and met Sakuya's worried gaze. The goddess, on the other hand, could not read a single sign of reluctance in Raiden's eyes. He remained stone cold while her eyes fell on the golden amulet on his chest. Shinnok's amulet.
When Raiden raised his valid hand to teleport himself with Shinnok's head and instantly disappeared from Sakuya's field of vision, she knew that she had lost him for good.

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