See You Again


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Ara made her way down to the Great Hall hoping to avoid seeing James, she was still a little peeved off at him. Not to mention the guilt she feels about the whole thing in the first place! Though a small smile grew on her face as she thought back to the kiss. She didn't plan on kissing him, it just sort of.. happened! Like she was possessed by her emotions, and worst of all, she wanted to do it again. In fact, she couldn't stop thinking about it. Though when she did arrive at the Great hall all thoughts of the kiss flew straight out of her head. Where was Regulus and Sirius? And why did the others seem a bit... sullen. Clearly she missed something. Taking a deep breath she made her way over to James and Remus, 'Where's Siri?' she asked, making James and Remus jump a little bit. James just looked at her gaping like a fish, Remus realized quickly he'd have to take over, 'He got some news this morning about his mother... he's processing it.' Her eyes widened as realization dawned on her, Orion must have done it then! 'Excuse me.' she mumbled, quickly leaving the Great Hall, a curious Remus and struggling to speak James behind. Remus looked at James and shook his head, amused, 'You really suck at this.' he stated. James grimaced, 'I know... I just don't know what to say after losing my mind over the - you know!' Remus chuckled, 'An "I'm sorry" always works.'

Ara quickly made her way through the corridors, where would Sirius be? The Quidditch pitch? Immediately changing directions she set off towards the pitch, though once she got outside, she came to an immediate stop. Sitting down by the Black lake was Regulus, not exactly the Black brother she was looking for... but she was planning on seeing him next. Quietly she made her way over and slowly sat down next to him. They sat next to one another in a peaceful silence as he skipped stones against the water. Eventually Regulus broke the silence, 'You'll be late for class...' he whispered. 'I'm sorry, Regulus.' 'What are you sorry for?' 'It was my idea.' Regulus quickly looked at her, confusion written over his face. 'I'm not sorry she's in a permanent slumber, or that I gave him the idea. I'll never forgive her for the way she treated Sirius or you. Sleeping is a mercy, in my opinion. But she still was your mother. Albeit a terrible one, who didn't deserve either of you, but yours nonetheless. It's okay to be upset or angry, because even though she may not have deserved it... you still loved her. You can't be faulted for loving someone who should have loved you back. So I'm sorry, because I hurt you.'

He stared at her for a few moments, before finally breaking and letting his tears fall. She quickly pulled him into a hug, gently rubbing his back in a comforting way as he clung onto her and cried. She didn't know how long they sat there, but it didn't matter because he needed to know that he wasn't alone... and that it was okay to feel the way he was. Eventually he finally seemed to cry it all out and pull himself together. 'T-thank you.' he sniffled out. She smiled at him gently as she squeezed his hand comfortingly. 'No need to thank me, what are friends for.' He snorted and rolled his eyes. 'You're truly something... else, you know that.' She giggled, 'Of course!' Ara gently bumped him, 'You'll be okay Reg, I know you will.' He smiled slightly, 'I know. I'm glad I got to meet you, Ara. Thank you... for coming back, for saving us.' 'Always.' She leaned her head on his shoulder as they stared out at the distance of the water. 'You really coming to Grimmauld during the holidays?' he suddenly questioned. She snorted, 'Yes, if it's not an issue for you -' 'No issue, just surprised. I can't believe my dad knows everything...' He looked down at her, 'Why did you tell him really? Other than political power.' Rolling her eyes as she released a sigh and looked back up at him, 'Can't get anything past you, can I?' 'Nope.'

She told him the whole truth about Orion's portrait and how he became like a father figure to her. Naturally, this was hard for him to wrap his head around as he's never actually seen that side of his father... but he at least understood it a bit more now. After a little while they finally went their separate ways. Ara then continued her search for the other Black brother, Sirius. Just like she thought, Sirius was on the pitch with a beater's bat and a bludger. 'Not bad, you'd make a fair beater!' she spoke, surprising him. 'Ara! What are you -' 'My dogfather is in dire need. Of course I had to come find him.' she smirked. He huffed out a small laugh, before tossing the bat to the side and catching the bludger. Once he safely contained the ball back in its box, they made their way over to the nearest bench. They sat for a few moments before he suddenly spoke, 'You know, this is the first time you actually actively spent some alone time with me.' Her eyes widened slightly before she let out a guilty little sigh. 'It's... hard. You meant everything to me, and - I - I still see it, when I look at you.' He looked at her as she stared up at the sky, 'You know, it wasn't your fault right? I don't blame you...' he whispered gently.

She turned her head as the tears that pooled in her eyes slowly fell. 'Wasn't it?' she whispered quietly, so quiet he almost didn't hear it. 'If I was never born -' 'Then this world would have no chance of surviving anything.' Sirius spoke quickly, cutting her off. 'It's not your fault Ara. Voldemort was murdering people long before you were born, it was only a matter of time before- I mean, we're stubborn little shits. We would've pissed him off one way or another.' He huffed out, lightly. He gently took her hand, 'When I died... I could see it on my face, how much you mean to me. You were my everything as well. There will most likely be a lot of things I'll regret in my life, but you will never be one of them. And I can say your father would say the exact same thing!' he finished confidently. She huffed out a small laugh as she wiped her tears away with her free hand, 'I came out here to cheer you up! How did it switch?' He barked out his laugh, 'So you know about the banshee?' She smirked slightly before humming her confirmation, 'I gave him the idea.' Sirius quickly looked at her shocked, 'You - you talked to- huh?' She grimaced guiltily, 'I didn't exactly tell you guys... everything about Grimmauld.'

Sirius sat there trying to process everything she'd told him. His father knows the truth! His father... he just didn't know how to feel about his father. All his life he felt nothing but a cold, anger towards him but now, how was he supposed to feel? He knew how he felt about his mother, he hated her! He was glad she was in a permanent slumber! He just felt guilty about feeling glad about it. But his father... Sensing his dilemma, Ara gently squeezed his hand, 'You don't have to make up your mind about him this second. A lot has happened, just take your time... maybe hear what he has to say before making up your mind about anything.' she whispered to him. He nodded lightly. Hear him out, he could do that. It made sense to do so before coming to any decision on his feelings. 'You know..., you got to stop leaving out information.' he mumbled. She grimaced guiltily once again, he narrowed his eyes before poking her forehead to her utter bewilderment. 'And stop with the self guilt.' he added with a smirk. 'No promises...' she mumbled, 'But on the leaving out information thing..., did I mention we will be spending winter holidays together.' 'Wait what!? We will?' Ara quickly stood up smiling and began walking away, 'Ara! Come back here! Are we spending the holidays together!?' he called after her, but she just kept on walking.

In five more minutes it would be lunch time, so she made her way once again to the Great hall. Only to run into James and Remus who were also making their way towards the hall. 'Ara!' James immediately said a bit louder than usual. Right! She was mad at him... she got so caught up with Regulus and Sirius and forgot. 'James.' she spoke a little coldly. He flinched slightly, Remus looked away trying not to laugh. 'I overreacted and would like to apologize for being a... overprotective prat.' he mumbled with a pained expression. Remus let out a little snort at that but quickly tried covering it with a cough, as he moved a little to give them some space. She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling, 'Oh. a prat, you say?' He nodded hesitantly, 'I-I just, I mean it's completely natural for a father to worry about -' 'James, we're the same age.' she said quickly cutting him off, 'I appreciate you being your amazing overprotective goofball self, but... I grew up practically raising myself. And I don't expect you to become my father now that I am here, because that's just unrealistic. We're family, we'll always be family. But it's not as father and daughter... that's just something we can't have.' James looked at her like a kicked puppy, 'But -' She quickly hugged him, which he returned immediately. 'We'll figure it out.' she whispered. 'We've got time...' she added under her breath, sullenly.

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