someone to be protected

By Poets_Dead

21.4K 1K 126

Cale dies after stabbing himself in the heart, but instead of him transmitting it, his companions are the one... More

What the fuck is going on?
I'm back in Black
Abandoned puppy or dangerous mutt?
Do you want to kill us from the heart,old man?
a stain of blood on the portrait
To show yourself worthy
Tired of people like me
Chaos,but it's fun.

why not us?

1.9K 94 12
By Poets_Dead

Cale pov**


Again in that strange dream.

But a little different this time, clearer, easier to understand.

Ron looks irritated, maybe upset, looking at me, I don't know how but I'm bleeding.
Something is stuck in my chest, and I can hear children crying and meowing.

There's someone talking in my mind but I can't understand a word, I just know it's a child's voice.

Choi Han is there too, looking too shaken to move.

I don't understand why someone I just met already appears in my dream.

I don't understand what's happening.

But as before, in a magical step everything went black.
Completely pitch black.

And I opened my eyes again.

8 soft paws kneaded my thighs and belly.

"Ahhh who is it?"

I tried to open my eyes only to close them again when the curtains opened and the sunlight hit my face.




I try to open my eyes again and come face to face with the two kittens I brought yesterday.

I put my hand on the silver-haired cat's fur, she rubbed herself against my hand, soon being followed by the red-haired kitten.

"Ahh you've already been cured...that's good."

The voice comes out sleepier than Cale himself had expected, he feels a little embarrassed now.

I move the two kittens that were on top of my body to the side and use my arms to lift my body and lean against the pile of pillows behind me.

"Good morning Young master, it seems like you woke up without my help today."

Ron was in front of the curtains finishing opening them, I could barely see him in the brightness of the sun.

"I believe you had help waking me up today old man"

I said, running my hands through the kitten's hair again.

"Yes, I had."

The old man turned to me after opening them, his expression looking mischievous, as if he was planning something.

I shivered as a bad feeling crept up my spine.

"Young master, my son is handling Choi Han's accommodation, there is no way he can make you breakfast, you will have to eat breakfast with your family."

Ah, but no shit, it's been how many months since I've had a meal with them, at least 2, the atmosphere between the family seemed like that! And now Cale will have to ruin their good mood as always.

What the fuck

"How the fuck is there no cook in this fucking house to make something for me or at least bring me something decent?"

Ron gives me a sharp look instead of the "it's normal for him to act like that" look that he normally gives.

I may have been surprised, but not scared.

I look at him with the same intensity then the man speaks again.

"The other chefs are sharing the task of making the family's main breakfast, the cook from kitchen 5 who shares the task of cooking for you with Beacrox is on leave and my son is taking care of Choi Han, so no young master , no one else to make a separate breakfast."


The cats tremble beside me and I focus my attention on them again.

Did I scare them? Shit.

"Come here, let's get up, you must be hungry."

The kittens climb into my lap after I get out of the blanket, I get up with the little cats in my arms.

They are very light and small, they were street cats, right? I think they may have been starving.

I'll feed them well before they want to leave.

"Ron, get my clothes ready, I'm going to take a shower before breakfast."

I see the man's typical smile return to his face, looking calmer than before.

"Of course young master, do you need me to prepare your bath?"

"Yes, but be quick."

"I will."

I see the man quickly go to the bathroom in my room while I walk over to sit on the couch with the kittens.

The silver cat jumps on his shoulder, balancing there and curling up close to his red hair.

"It looks like Hans took good care of you, you smell good."

The cats meow in response, making Cale almost think they can understand him.

"I'll ask him to feed you again, you're thin."

The silver cat licked my cheek, making me laugh as I felt the tickle that her rough tongue made.

My laughter was interrupted by the voice of the butler who had just come out of the bathroom.

"Young master, your bath is ready."

I place the kittens on the couch and stand up, nodding to the butler.

Before I could enter the bathroom the man spoke again.

"Breakfast will be served in 20 minutes, I'll be back to get you ready in ten minutes."

"Okay, but first, take these cats to Hans so he can feed them."

The man smiles and takes the kittens that were on the couch into his arms before answering me.

"I will Young master, now I am withdrawing."

I don't answer the man, I just close the bathroom door.

I take off my clothes, get into the tub, and try to focus on anything other than the tense atmosphere I'm almost certain breakfast will have.


The ten minutes passed and now Cale was being dressed by Ron as usual all these years.

Cale liked to dress himself, but he didn't mind Ron dressing him, the man was skilled enough to rarely touch his skin, Ron's eyes never showed anything, neither contempt nor anything despicable.

And it was someone I'm familiar with, so it made everything more comfortable.

And Ron had good taste in clothes.

As much as I found today's choice of clothes strange.

Ron usually chooses the most extravagant thing he can put together for the occasion, so that he doesn't receive any kind of tantrum from Cale, but today, Ron chose something very elegant and comfortable.

Even though it was still an outfit that would make anyone notice that I was a nobleman from a rich family, it was much less extravagant than normal.

But I didn't complain, I liked the clothes, the white shirt with ruffles on the sleeve and near the neck and chest, a vest the same color as my hair and pants that were tighter around the hips and waist but loose in the rest, in addition to the black coat that Ron placed over his shoulders in case it was cold.

I refused the coat when I noticed the sun shining brightly outside even though it was windy.

But the outfit was very comfortable, and I liked the combination of the vest and my hair.

Ron was really good at picking out clothes, no matter the style.

"Come on, young master, otherwise you'll be late"

"Like I care about that."

The butler let out a rare sincere laugh in reaction to my speech. Cale would like to know where in his speech it sounded like a joke, but he didn't even try to ask.

"Come on Young master"

The butler bowed quickly before walking to the door, with me following shortly after.

The butler and I were now going to the room where breakfast would be served.



The redhead arrived at the breakfast room door quickly, being accompanied by his butler.

Soon the employees in front of the door became tense.

"Open it"

The redhead's authoritative tone with an obvious bad mood quickly reached the servants who hurriedly opened the door and announced the Young Man's entry with a trembling voice.

"Young master Cale is entering."

With the announcement, the brown-haired Hanituses tensed at the unexpected participant, with the exception of Lily who was happy with her isolated brother's appearance and looking forward to his presence at their training later.

"Son, what a good surprise you showed up."

The redhead sent a sharp look at his father, who quickly shrank under his eldest son's gaze.

"There weren't enough cooks to make my breakfast, so I'm here."

Violan placed her hands on her husband's knee, which had shrunk in the presence of his eldest son.

The woman knew that the count had a problem getting close to the young redhead.

"I see, sit down Cale."

The redhead sat at the opposite end of the table from the count, not even looking up at the family, focusing only on picking up the food in front of him.

Cale had only one plan for this breakfast, he would get the food, eat until he filled his belly at least the minimum, he would complain and curse the food, then he would get up and go back to his room in silence.

Then he took the food and started chewing, savoring the food and trying to take his mind off the tense atmosphere in the room.

Basen looked sideways at his older brother, trying to find out if the food was to the redhead's liking based on his expressions, not getting the answer he wanted while observing the redhead's neutral expression.

And when Cale seemed ready to put down the cutlery and get up, the excited voice of the youngest at the table resounded throughout the room.

"Hyung, are you going to come to my training?"

A few low surprised gasps came out of the mouths of the other people at the table.

"I thought Ron already told you, yes I will."

"He said, I just wanted to confirm! I'm glad you're really going!"

The child smiled from ear to ear at his older brother who only grunted in response and gave a small smile in response.

The conversation between the two brothers continues calmly, just confirming the time of the meeting, and Lily excitedly explaining some things to her brother who had brought up the subject of swordsmen, completely oblivious to their family members surprised by the interaction.

Basen looked at all this as if he were in another world, unable to believe Cale's relaxed expression while eating and listening to the youngest talking, leaving shallow comments from time to time, he remembers that he had a conversation like this with Cale many years ago , while Cale helped him study, but once and never again, and now the youngest was talking to him casually and planning to spend time together, Basen who wanted this for a long time and never got it couldn't help but feel a little jealous of the situation.

But that didn't mean that Basen couldn't feel happy for his sister, he was quite happy that she had managed to get closer to Cale, who seemed to avoid them.

He just hoped it wasn't something temporary.

After a few more minutes of conversation, with no one at the table daring to say anything or get involved in the brothers' conversation, Cale got up, silent as always, patted Lily who was on the redhead's right side, and left without saying a word.

Completely forgetting about the plan to judge the food and leaving those who remained in the room in complete silence, the glimpse of the Young Man's back completely disappeared as the servants closed the door.

The slam of the door made everyone in the room come back to reality.

"Lily, what were you and Cale talking about?"

Violan was the first to speak, going straight to the topic that left them curious.

"Ah, Ron came to my room yesterday to take a request/warning from Cale-Hyung, he said that Cale would like to watch my training today and if I would let him, I obviously accepted!! I could barely sleep because I was so excited."

Violan and Deruth shared a look, they both knew that Cale was avoiding them very clearly, it was extremely rare for an attempt to get closer from Cale.

They didn't know whether to be happy for Lily or worried about Cale's sudden change.

"How cool Lily"

"Really Hyung, I wish you would go too"

Basen looks a little thoughtful before answering the cheerful younger sister in front of him.

"I have some things to do at this time, next time I'll go, enjoy your time with Cale-Hyung."

Lily moans a little, but it doesn't last long, there weren't many things that could upset the girl at that moment.

Basen feels bad about lying, he doesn't have anything too important to do during Lily's training schedule so he wouldn't be able to go, but he didn't want to disturb the siblings on their rare get-together.

Who knows, maybe he can ask Cale to help him with his studies again, he doesn't need help, but Basen thinks that Cale explains it much better than the specialized teacher who teaches Basen.

The 17-year-old is deeply curious about how unreachable Cale could have become if he had continued his studies.

"Well...I'm really glad you're spending more time with your brother."

Lily shakes her head and takes one of the cakes from the table, extremely happy with today's events.

She was really happy with her older brother's company at breakfast today.

The young girl couldn't wait for later.

Violan turned to her husband, they would talk a little later.


Cale left the room, surprised by the interaction coming from his younger sister, a surprise that wasn't unpleasant after all, it made breakfast lighter even though the redhead could still feel the eyes of the other members at the table on him.

The redhead was being accompanied by the main butler who waited at the door until he left.

*He doesn't have other tasks to do, does he?"

Cale sighed and turned his head to look at the man.

"Ron, take Choi Han to my room, something I need to talk to him about."

"Of course, young master, I will go right away."

The butler smiled at Cale and nodded, turning and leaving Cale alone.Going to his own room.


Choi Han***

I spent the morning talking/discussing with Beacrox what we could do about going back in time and how we will deal with the changes in time.

We don't have a plan or anything like that yet, but the important thing is to keep Cale safe and protect him.

I still haven't forgotten the God of Death's advice, to try to get to know the redhead better.
It won't be easy considering how closed off Cale is when it comes to himself.

I planned to tell Beacrox about this and see what the two of us could do to try to get to know the redhead better, but before I could talk about the possibility the kitchen door opened.

"Choi Han, the young master is calling you to meet him in his room."

Ron's voice was present in the room, without anyone even noticing his presence arriving like normal.

"Well, I guess it's now that you see how you're going to become a knight of Cale, right, since that's what you told him."

"Well, it was either that or say I was a fan."

Beacrox gives me a funny look, looking like he's trying not to laugh before speaking again.

"Really, imagine his face if you had told him you were a fan."

Cale would certainly be indignant, he would think it was a lie, then he would become uncomfortable and do everything he could to escape the situation.

In that order of events possibly.

"He wouldn't be happy, but now hurry up punk, don't make the young master wait."

Ron joined the conversation again.

I left the table, passing Ron who soon followed me, and we soon walked to Cale's room.

"Um I should have asked Beacrox to make some lemon tea."

My first reaction is to laugh, as much as the habit of giving Cale something he doesn't like bothered Choi Han a lot in the beginning, after so much time with them, I was able to realize that maybe that was how their relationship was, and the tea party lemon sometimes stopped Cale from doing absurd things for fear of drinking the tea.

But it didn't stop Cale from stabbing himself.

I shake my head to get that thought out of her, it appeared so out of nowhere but it was capable of shaking Choi Han.
Who just laughed at Ron and talked.

"Well, next time you take it."

"Yes, I won't forget next time."

And before I noticed, we were already in front of Cale's door.

Ron knocked twice on the door and called.

"Young master Cale, I arrived with the guest, we are entering."

All I could hear was a grumble from inside in response. Then the butler and I entered the room and my eyes immediately searched for the red-haired figure.

Cale was sitting cross-legged on top of his bed, there were two kittens surrounding the redhead who spoke softly to the cats something like

"It looks like you've already been well fed, why are you still here? From what I know, stray cats aren't big fans of having a home."

And the more he talked, the more the kittens rubbed themselves against the redhead's hand, who could barely hide his happiness, obviously finding the cats cute or enjoying the affection.

When Ron let out two coughs to get the redhead's attention, Cale quickly turned to him, and when the redhead noticed my presence he put the kittens on the floor and got up.

"Hello again Choi Han."

Cale signaled to the armchair in front of the sofa he sat on, telling Choi Han to sit in front of him. I did as requested, sitting on the armchair, smiling at the redhead before speaking.

"Hello Cale-Nim."

Cale rolled his eyes in annoyance at the "Nim" at the end of his name.

Before Cale could speak again, two kittens jumped on the sofa and armchair, I was almost scared when Hong jumped on my shoulder.

"Hi again, you look better."

I took my hand to the kitten's bandaged paw and then stroked it behind its ear, making it snuggle closer to its shoulder.

On, the silver kitten, had already snuggled into Cale's lap and was apparently very happy with the affection she was receiving from the redhead.

"It seems like he liked you Choi Han."

"Yes, but I think they liked you more."

Redhead raises his eyebrows as if he doesn't believe what I'm saying, but he smiles right away.

"Who knows, but now let's get back to the topic I planned to talk about when I called you here."

I nod before speaking again.

"It's about how I'm going to become a knight, right?"

Cale nodded.

"Your test will be for me, not my father, but I plan to see it with him, since you seem to want to become a fast knight, we have to see if you are really trustworthy or suitable for it, and I don't deal with knights or how they become knights, so I'll talk to my father about it, to see if he knows any quick methods."

Cale sighed in annoyance.

"But I called you here to see if you have any ideas on how you can prove your potential."

I smiled brightly.
As Cale himself said.

"Choi Han can beat the Roan Kingdom's strongest swordsmen in ten strikes or less."

It wouldn't be difficult to take down all the knights that are on the property right now.

"Let me fight with your strongest knights, if I can get 5 victories at least you will accept me."

The man in front smiled toothlessly, his eyes shining with interest and amusement and his eyebrows raised as if in disbelief.

He let out a laugh before answering me.

"Are you doubting the ability of our knights or are you just very confident in yourself Choi Han?"

I shake my head in denial at the redhead's first statement.

"I asked for only the strongest, but I can quickly defeat all of your men."

Cale's expression relaxed a little, looking a little indignant, but his smile and interested eyes remained there.
He started tapping his fingers on his thigh as he thought about what I had said, seeing if he took it seriously or not.

"At least 5 wins, right?"


"With the strongest knights here...well, I'll talk to my father, we'll see if you're really strong or just have a lot of self-confidence."

"I'll wait Cale-Nim."

The redhead nodded, the smile disappearing from his face, maintaining the neutral expression already known to Choi Han.

"Let's talk about your salary then."

"Oh yes, I'll be happy with anything you offer me."

"Heavens, are you that naive to everyone or just to me? Money is important for survival or something similar, what would you do if I were to offer you two copper coins every month?"

"You wouldn't do that and I said I would accept any offer, I don't go back on my word."

Cale let out another tired sigh during this conversation, well but I'm used to it since I started working with Cale, so it didn't affect me much.

"Yes, I wouldn't do that because it would look like I don't even have the money to properly pay someone who works for me, and I don't tarnish the reputation of my family's fortune, and also, I really hope you aren't like that with everyone. "

The cat on Choi Han's shoulder meows as if agreeing with Cale's speech.

"I'm not with everyone, it's exclusive to you, and I know you wouldn't tarnish the fame of your fortune."

"Exactly, but we've already left the point of the subject, let's go back."

I nod and wait for the man to continue his speech.

'9 gold coins and one silver, it's a lower salary than Ron and Beacrox but it seems adequate, what do you think?"

1 gold coin for a commoner can sustain him and his family for a month or more, 9 gold coins and on top of that a silver coin can sustain someone for a year and who knows more, this monthly if you know how to use it well can improve the situation from anyone to something much better.

But I'm not shocked by the amount because Cale already priced it higher, but I still can't help but be a little surprised by the amount.
It's a very good price for Choi Han who at this time would be nothing more than a beginner knight.

And beyond that...

How much money do Ron and Beacrox make in salary? I can't help but feel curious, but I'm not able to ask the redhead in front of me to avoid creating a misunderstanding.

"That's more than fine Cale-Nim, but don't you think it's much for a 'beginning knight'"

Cale looks at me with a confident look.

"For me that's not much, but in any case, that's what I can pay monthly, plus if you're going to become a knight you'll be my personal knight, so it's an appropriate price."

"I'll be more than grateful then."

"Yes yes, but don't get too excited, you're still just a guest, you won't receive anything like a salary until you become a knight."

"Yes I understand."

"Do you have a house around here Choi Han? I can provide a servant's room or for now a guest room if you don't have a place to stay."

"I'm already staying in the guest room, but if I'm going to become a knight I think it's better to have a servant room."

Cale nodded again as he petted On, the cat on the redhead's lap meowed happily and settled further into his lap.

While the ginger cat remembered Choi Han's face

"Well they really seem to like you."

The kittens meow again, agreeing with Cale's speech.

"That's it for now, too, unless you have something you need to alert me to or tell me about?"

I shook my head while smiling at the kittens and Cale.

"There's nothing more Cale-Nim."

"Okay, you can leave, I will take care of the rest."

"Thank you, now I will leave."

I took out the red cat placing him next to his sister as I got up, I bowed and walked out the door where I found Ron standing in the doorway with his usual smile.

"I'm capable of defeating all the guards here...arrogant as always punk."

"Am I wrong?"

The old man smiled even more as he started to walk in front of me.

"Who knows."


Lily POV

It was almost three in the afternoon.

My brother will be arriving soon, so I'm setting up things for training, at a tea table that his mother and other hyung use when they come to watch me, with some cookies and sweet tea on top, I heard that Cale likes sweet tea so I made sure the tea was sweet or very light to please the older one a little.

I pack things as excitedly as I can, I'm already in training clothes, my sword is in the corner along with Edro, my instructor.



"Are your mom and Basen coming to watch practice today? Everything is much tidier than I'm used to."

I turn to the man with a smile from ear to ear, happy for the question he asked me.

"This time it's not them! Cale Hyung is going to watch my training today!! Can you believe he was the one who asked, that's great."

The man tenses and suddenly looks angry, I flinch a little at the man's small amount of anger, but I don't let myself get discouraged.

Edro speaks again with a more authoritarian tone, even though he doesn't seem to be willing to do so.

"Then I will have the opportunity to meet your "big brother", you should have warned me beforehand, I would have been more prepared to receive him watching the training."

I get confused, this is new.

"But when Basen hyung, mother or father come here, don't they usually tell us? Why would Cale hyung have to warn them."

Edro sighs and waves his hand in front of his body, signaling for me to drop the subject.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that your red-haired brother is new here."

"Yes!! that's why I'm happy, it's the first time he's come here to watch me."

The older man lets out a sigh that I don't understand, but I quickly ignore when I hear Cale's voice beside us.
I turn around and there is Cale accompanied by a black-haired man that I had never seen before.

who is he?

But before I can ask, Cale dismisses the young-looking man, leaving him alone there.

"Hyung, I'm glad you showed up."

"I said I would come, I'm not one to go back on my word."

Cale goes to the table, sitting down where he has the best view of the training field.

But after Cale spoke I felt a hand land on my shoulder.

"Hello young master, it's good to have you here."

Cale just nods at the man and I feel the hand on my shoulder tighten.

"Edro? Do you want to start soon?"

"Of course, we'll get started, but first, do you know who the man was with your brother before?"

I shake my head before answering

"I've never seen him before, he must be one of Cale Hyung's personal servants."

Edro grumbles and soon after we are both in the middle of the field just stretching to start.

Cale's gaze is heavy on the backs of both Edro and me.
It's fun I admit, the instructor seems to be bothered but I ignore it, happy for Cale's presence and attention on me.

And so the first phase of Lily's daily training passes, with the place completely silent if it weren't for the instructor's grumbling and my loud breathing.
Cale's eyes never left theirs, seeming to even notice their breathing.

I'm happy, but Edro on the other hand seems more uncomfortable with each passing minute. I don't understand why, but I ignore it because it could be personal and my mother said it's not cool to get involved in other people's personal problems.

Today's training was defense or attack depending on your point of view.

Well, Edro was going to put himself in a defensive position and I would have to break that defense and attack him one time.
If I failed in this when I was going to attack I would be thrown to the ground which meant losing that match.

And it wasn't easy at all.

The man I was fighting might be in old age but he hadn't lost his shape, Lily hadn't won once but she could still feel Cale's gaze on her back.
And when Lily looked back, even though her brother's gaze was neutral, Lily could feel more than at least a hint of pride. That kept me from giving up on trying to get past the defense.

But without achieving any victory, it was time for a break, 15 minutes, and I went directly to sit with my brother.

"Is the tea good hyung?"

Cale just nods and mumbles something.

Now the gaze burning into my back was Edro's, making me shudder for a second, and I saw that the angry gaze was directed at Cale and not me.

"I'm glad you're good, how are you thinking about the training."

Cale's eyes, which shortly after the pause began, had gone towards the cup of tea, not leaving there to look at anything, finally look up, looking straight into my eyes.

Cale Hyung's eyes are beautiful.

"You're great, your dream is to become a knight, right?"

I shine at the small compliment directed my way and quickly nod happily.

"Yes, I do, it's really cool!!"

"That's good for you."

Cale's gaze returns to the cup and I prepare to leave the table and go talk to my instructor, but before I can hyung calls me again.

"Lily, come here."

I walk closer to my brother who whispers something.

"Even if it's a sword fight, it doesn't stop you from using melee, use the sword to distract him, attacking him directly and when he thinks you're focused on breaking his defense there, kick his knee or any weak point."

I feel my eyes widen with just two thoughts in my head after Cale's speech.

How did not i think of this before? It's brilliant!

And also.

Since when does Cale Hyung know anything about fighting?

But before I was able to ask, Edro's voice resonates throughout the place.

"Come on Miss Lily!! the break is over!!"

"Thank you Hyung!"

I run to Edro who had a confused expression because of my thanks to Cale.

"Well, let's go then miss."

I nod, both taking the starting position, me attacking and him defending.

"You can start!"

In one step I attack him directly, focusing on the elder's sword who was in a defensive position.

"Is this how you're going to do it this time, attack directly?"

I just smile, without issuing any response to the older man's sarcastic question.

And we stayed at this for a few minutes before the instructor was prepared to take me down.

In this he left his left knee open, using both hands to hold the sword and just one leg as a base, I used the other to kick the instructor's knee, making him scared for a few seconds, losing attention, when the knee was kicked the man staggers back before falling to his knees in the dirt of the training ground.

For a few seconds, both the instructor and I were shocked, me because what my brother said had worked and Edro possibly because he hadn't expected something like that.

After these seconds pass, I let out a scream of joy for having succeeded and the man starts laughing softly alone with himself.

I ran towards my brother who was drinking his tea with a very small smile on his face.
I jump at the redhead who gets scared, pressing his foot on the floor so he doesn't fall off the chair and placing the cup of tea on the table, spilling the tea a little.

But the joy doesn't last long and I realize my mistake when Cale tenses, his arms now open because of Lily and he doesn't return the hug.
Lily, who now had her head on Cale's chest, could feel his heart beating nervously inside, seeming uncomfortable.

But before I can apologize, the redhead's body relaxes a little, but not completely, seeming to not know how to return the hug, so still tense, the redhead's fingertips touch Lily's blouse, making her barely feel the touch on her back.


Cale's hand is cold, it's the first thing that comes to mind when the hug is returned so shyly.

It wasn't the tightest hug in the world, nor the warmest, but there was such hidden affection there that Lily felt like she didn't want to let go.
It was so rare for Cale to show affection that it made me enjoy the rare moments that much more.

But it doesn't last long.

Cale's hands that were shyly on Lily's back let go and Cale quickly stroked my hair before separating us.

Then he speaks in a soft voice, very different from the one Lily has heard when the man complains about the food.

"Come on, your instructor
is calling."

I sigh a little after separating from the hug and turn to Edro who is calling me and signaling with his hand.

I walk over to the man who seems a little more excited than he did at the beginning of the workout.

"Let's repeat what you did and fix the mistakes."

"Let's go."

Edro and I went back to training and Cale continued to look at us with very attentive eyes.

And we stayed like that for a good 30 minutes before the door to the training camp was opened again abruptly by a young adult with silent steps looking nervous.

Edro and Lily look at the young man, Edro looking suspicious of him.

Getting a little closer to the tea table, Lily was able to see and hear the man who was heading towards Cale.

"Beacrox, what happened? What are you doing here?

Cale looks confused at the cook's unusual action.

The brownish one quickly bows before answering Cale.

"Young master, my father fainted, he is unconscious."

The cook says this with an almost wavering voice, rare for someone with such a neutral expression.

Lily's eyes widen.

Did something bad happen to Ron?

Lily just doesn't seem more concerned than the two young adults talking.

The redhead's eyes widen and show obvious concern and nervousness.

Cale gets up from the chair quickly with the help of Beacrox's hand and when he gets up he puts his hand on Beacrox's shoulder, as a quick little comfort to the young adult with a wavering expression.
Soon after, he almost runs out of the field with the cook, without even looking back.

The expressions Cale made at Beacrox's speech are the most sincere Lily has ever seen, or much more than all the expressions Cale made while watching the training.

Cale touches Beacrox with much less caution than he touched Lily when she hugged him.

Cale seems much more relaxed or comfortable with those two servants, it's something Lilly had noticed for a while.

More affectionate

When Edro's hand touches my little shoulder.

I can't help but feel envious of the servants.

Why isn't he like that with us?his family?

The only thing I can do now is watch Cale almost run away without even being able to follow without making his brother wary.

Lily's last memory of Cale that day is the redhead's back leaving and just one thought in her mind.

Why not us?


I hope you liked the chapter
Don't forget to vote and comment if you can.

Thanks for reminding me of the way Lily calls Cale, I'll correct it in the next chapter.

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