The Forgotten Demon (on hold)

By SelemenceTube

3.2K 79 29

This story is about Y/n Akuma a demon that has been long since forgotten by history and was sealed away for m... More

The Reawakening of the True Demon
Unwanted visitors

Attack Of The Demon Lord Milim

586 17 13
By SelemenceTube

It's been Two days since Y/n broke free from the seal, he's been getting to know everyone and spoke to Rimuru who explained to him how recently they defeated the Orc Lord who became a demon lord called the Orc Disaster and that they had a meeting with the leader of the armed nation of dwargon's leader, Gazel Dwargo and they established an alliance with Tempest, but Y/n had something else on his mind

Y/n: "That sounds familiar...Satan, what is a demon lord?" He looks up

{Satan}: In general, it refers to the highest position or rank among the monster classes, yet this is still debatable, as there are various beings who are not monsters but are identified as Demon Lords.

Y/n: "I see thank you" he closes his eyes in thought

Rimuru: I have to ask you, Y/n the demon opens his eyes to meet Rimuru's gaze your a pretty strong guy but you said something about Ultimate Skills

Y/n: I can recall yes.

Rimuru: do you only have the one? Cause my strongest skills are unique skills and I got two, predator and Great sage.

Y/n: Great Sage? Care to explain?

Rimuru: it basically tells me anything ask, kind of like a voice in my head he glanced away while explaining

Y/n: I also possess such a skill it's called {King Of Sin Satan}

{Satan}: correction, I'm far superior than any great sage and I'm not just a voice in your head.

Y/n: "I never said you were, he did."

{Satan}: my apologies I do not know what came over me, master Y/n

Rimuru: really?! I thought mine was the only one! So is this another one of those ultimate skills? You gotta tell me how many you got! He bounced up and down in his slime form

Y/n: I possess five. {King Of Sin Satan}, {The Seven Deadly Sins}, {Lord Of Destruction Mars}, {Lord Of Mischief Loki} and {Lord Of Wisdom Mimir}. I'm not gonna explain cause it would be time consuming.

Rimuru: woah! That many? Your stronger than I thought, and I'm guessing you have unique skills to?

Y/n: that's another time consuming conversation I won't have.

Rimuru: yeah sure... rigurd then ran into the room

Rigurd: Lord Rimuru! he knelt greeting to you to sir Y/n, King Gazel has returned.

Y/n: hello Rigurd he nodded in response

Rimuru: his back? But it's only been two days! He let out an exhausted sigh

Upon leaving they went to the outskirts of Tempest to meet up with said King Gazel and he arrived with a bunch of Pegasus and knights and stood before Rimuru while Y/n stood a small distance away

Gazel: I've returned once more Rimuru! He was smiling kindly

Rimuru: I can see that but why?

Gaze: to bring you a gift of course this confused Rimuru until the knights through something on the ground and the material moved to reveal a man foaming at the mouth

Rimuru: a body!?

Y/n: a declaration of war?

Kaijin: no! Isn't That Vesta?

Gazel: it's wasteful to let a gifted man like Vesta sit around and do nothing, you see he hasn't been allowed to work for me since the trial, give him a job

Kaijin tried protesting that dwargon needed Vesta and that the dwarves would suffer without his knowledge but Gazel cut him off telling him that he himself abandoned dwargon and that their nations are allies and sharing resources is what they do and that it was a chance to help Rimuru develop Tempest.

Gazel: Vesta.

Vesta: yes?

Gazel: I want you to study here, Devote yourself to it.

Vesta: he bows I shall I promise, I promise that I'll live up to your expectations my king he turned to Rimuru and Kaijin and apologised and asked if he could stay and serve him and Kaijin vouched for him

Rimuru: Vesta! Your hired.

Y/n: "I find it insulting that he gets the warm welcome and I got attacked.."

{Satan}: agreed.

Vesta: thank you and I promise I will give you nothing but my best efforts sir. He bowed again to Rimuru

Gazel: well then, I take my leave! King Gazel then left with the Pegasus knights And the whole town saw them off with an applause

Rimuru: he sighed in relief okay then he turned to the crowd now why are you here? He spoke to the four lizard men in the crowd

Lizard man: I! The great, Gabiru, have traveled here hoping I can assist you! He said standing with his hands on his hips

Other lizardman: your the greatest sir Gabiru!

Shinobi lizardman: it's true ya'know

Shion: she put her hand on her sword handle I'll get rid of him.

Y/n: finally something interesting.

Gabiru: please just hear me out! He put up his hands defensively okay the real reason we came here is to join your ranks! He and his friends kneel we swear that we'll prove to be useful to you so please!

Female Lizardman: my brother knows he was wrong, all he wants to do is repay his debt

Rimuru: aren't you captain of the guard?

Female lizardman: yes and unlike my brother I was not cast into exile instead my father sent me here hoping that I'd learn more about the world

Gabiru: wait! So you didn't come because you missed me?

Female Lizardman: ew no. Gabiru was stunned by her blunt reply

Y/n: stifles his laughter fool.

Rimuru: yeah that makes sense Rimuru allowed the lizardman to join Tempest meanwhile Gabiru and his sister were bickering and afterward Rimuru gave Gabiru's sister and her allies names okay let's go with, Soka, Toka, Saika, Nanso and houkuso Gabiru was behind Rimuru with puppy eyes Gabiru, don't give me those puppy dog eyes, don't be jealous you've already got a name, it's Gabiru but saying this overwrote his name and he was covered by a bright light like Souka and the others

Y/n: (I swear you need to communicate with your skill more, Rimuru)

Rimuru: (I can overwrite someone else's name?)

Y/n: (unless the person who named him originally dies then you can't)

Rimuru: (oh yeah! That Gelmud guy was eaten by the orc lord! Thanks Y/n)

Gabiru: I promise I'll follow you for as long as I live! Rimuru had a tired face and ended up naming all the lizard men and they evolved into dragonewts but some like Soka ended up looking similar to humans

Y/n and Rimuru were with Souei in the forest and Rimuru asked him to train Soka and her friends which he agreed to and gave Gabiru and his men work in some cave, Y/n has been with Rimuru a lot lately but while Rimuru went to the previously mentioned cave Y/n went back to the town through the forest

Y/n: "this place has been really interesting not to mention that there's a lot of powerful individuals here" he then heard a commotion of cries for help {Domain Creation} he walked through and came out into an open area and saw some goblins fighting with Hakurou but he swiftly defeated them when Y/n appeared

Hakurou: ah! Y/n, what do I owe the pleasure? Is lord Rimuru with you? He sheathed his blade While the goblins groaned on the ground

Y/n: his not, I take it your training? He looked at the defeated goblins

Hakurou: if you could call it that, are you a swordsman? I'd be surprised if you were seeing as you don't seem to be a physical fighter, No offence

Y/n: non taken, I don't fight physically but it does not mean I can't, could I perhaps join your training?

Hakurou: I don't see why not, plus it can help these sorry excuses for fighters all the goblins sit up and watch

Y/n: thank you. A small black portal opens by his hand and he pulls something out of it

Hakurou: that sword. It's giving off a powerful aura his one eye is visibly open could that be a god grade weapon?

Y/n: you'd be right, Shinigami is a weapon of the god grade but your sword seems to be a legend grade weapon

Hakurou: very observant Young Y/n, shall we begin?

Y/n: we shall the two suddenly disappear kicking up dust where they once stood and reappear clashing swords quite the sword skills you have

Hakurou: I would be lying if I said I wasn't trying my best here

Y/n: how disappointing. He overpowers Hakurou stunning him and holding his sword point to Hakurou's throat

Hakurou: I haven't been bested in many hears it's a welcomed feeling he laugh and Y/n withdraws his blade putting it back in the black portal

Y/n: I enjoyed that I was actually trying, so you were holding back on me in the forest

Hakurou: I wasn't aware if you were friend or foe so going all out in the beginning would of meant killing you for no reason

Y/n: thank you for the sparring match, Hakurou, I really enjoyed it he helps Hakurou up

Hakurou: I never would of guessed you'd possess a God Grade weapon, you seem to be a lot more powerful than you let up

Gobta: yeah! Your like super cool Sir Y/n!

Hakurou: you lot aren't free yet. He glared at them and they had fearful faces and Y/n laughed until.

{Satan}: warning, strong magic signature is heading towards the area

Y/n: Hakurou! Get everyone together and tell them find me he disappeared into a domain portal and came out the other end seeing Rimuru and a pink haired girl with pig tails

Milim: nice to meet you! I'm the one and only dragonoid known as the destroyer, people call me the demon lord Milim Nava!

Y/n:'s so familiar small glimpses of a large destroyed body of land and then four large beings resembling dragon and then a large army of demons

Rimuru: hey Y/n! When did you get here?

Milim: hey! Your both those two strong monsters I've heard so much about! I'm here to say hello a pink aura came off her she started poking Rimuru who looked completely nervous And then looked at Y/n your a demon huh? A pretty strong one to!

Y/n: draconic Milim Eye. Talk about a one use skill

Milim: huh!? How did you-

Y/n: {Lord Of Wisdom Mimir} gives me information on anything including one's skills I know all your tricks, your move

Milim: hey! You meanie! I never said you could know my skills! She stomped her foot

Rimuru: (dude why are you picking a fight with a demon lord!?) hey let's just calm down okay? He turned into his human form standing between Y/n and Milim with his hands raised while looking at milim I'm Rimuru the leader of this town it's pretty impressive that you could tell we were the strongest ones here

Y/n: so she gets praise? What about what I did!?

Rimuru: not right now Y/n! Milim came face to face with Rimuru

Milim: oh so it was you! That is so neat, does that mean you defeated the orc lord?

Rimuru: it was a tough battle but yeah I won. Milim walked off and inspected Y/n

Milim: and your the one with the strong power level! But that doesn't mean I'm complimenting you, meanie!! she turned and pouted

Y/n: your childish behaviour aggravates me, why are you here? Did you come for revenge or something?

Milim: huh? I already said I came to say hello. Y/n and Rimuru were silent

Y/n: "She can't be a demon lord she's like a little kid!" Suddenly Shion jumped over the two with her sword drawn

Shion: DIE!

Ranga: come now master! He grabbed Rimuru

Y/n: sure leave me...whatever I have question for yo- shions sword slammed in the ground making a crater but Milim caught it with her hand And Rimuru yelled something from the distance

Milim: giggles what's this? Are you here cause you wanna play? Her face was menacing as she instantly swatted Shion away but Y/n jumped up and caught her

Y/n: that was incredibly dumb Shion he landed and put Shion down

Shion: you... her face was red

Y/n ran toward Milim but stopped when he saw Souei wrap her in Threads and suspend her in the air as Benimaru threw a black flare at her but as the flames cleared she was unscathed and giggling like a little girl

Milim: wow that was actually impressive you know that attack would of actually worked on a different demon lord there's no way they would escape that big blast in one piece, still though your pitiful attacks have no effects on ME!! She released her aura creating a massive shockwave blowing Souei and Benimaru away and resulted in a massive crater

Y/n: clapping I must say I'm not impressed but I'll clap out of pity for your brutish behaviour he jumped down and landed in front of her

Milim: interesting so playtime isn't over yet? Fine by me I'd love to play with you a little bit more

Y/n: flattered, but no you won't love playing a game with me. He held a purple card shaped object in his hand that was two strikes, the next one will result in a pretty nasty cut in your magicules, so either submit or lose anyways, I don't see myself losing to you...Nava!

Rimuru: thanks for the distraction Y/n! He dashed pass Milim slapping a glowing gold orb in her mouth

Milim: What magic is this!? I've never tasted anything this good my in my entire life?! She was licking her lips and had stars in her eyes

Rimuru: you know demon lord Milim, if you admitted defeat to me right now I'd be willing to give you the rest of this magic he had more of the honey floating in his palm

Milim: she looked hungrily at the 'magic' I want it so badly! But I can't just admit defeat to him! I am a demon lord after all

Rimuru: he eats the honey wow so tasty, darn it all to heck I'm staring to run out!

Milim: wait! Hold on a second I have an idea! A draw! We can call it a draw just this once and I'll forget this whole attack ever happened okay? She was waving her hands desperately while Y/n stood with his hair covering his face

Milim: no of course that's not all! What if I never attack any of you ever again?

Rimuru: very well I accept your proposal and sure just this once we can call it a draw he hands Milim a jar of honey And she jumped for joy but suddenly a burst of black Aura filled the area making it seem like night time

Y/n: Rimuru...get in my way again and I promise I'll kill you.

Rimuru: hey! Let's calm down here I wasn't trying to use you as a decoy I just wanted to solve this peacefully he stepped back

Y/n: his Aura sucked in and everything calmed down It's okay, she better watch herself afterwards the group went to the road towards tempest and we're talking to Milim

Milim: she was blushing for some reason and gripping the honey jar tightly Your stronger than you let on! what's your name?

Y/n: my names: Y/n Akuma but you may address me as, Y/n

Milim: she giggled Okay! Nice to meet you, ever thought of becoming a demon lord? Your pretty strong so I'm sure it'd be easy for ya! She looked Y/n up and down

Y/n: I've recently found out about it but it sounds like more of a responsibility than a title

Milim: what? We're great doesn't everyone wanna be like us?

Y/n: after what you just did I don't. He turns his back to her plus I'm already strong as it is

Milim: but strong opponents come and fight you! It's super fun she said peerin over Y/n's shoulder

Y/n: still nope. You sound extremely boring much more than mister tough slime over here he glares at Rimuru

Rimuru: jeez dude let it go already!

Y/n: I shan't, stealing one's chance to fight is shameful.

Rimuru: well we have to get back, safe travels Milim milim suddenly picks him up in her hands

Milim: hang ooon! Your doing something fun without me aren't you? Rimuru denied this but she didn't believe him no fair! I wanna play to waah! Mean! If your doing something I wanna do it to! In fact I want to see your village right now! Rimuru escaped her choke hold

Y/n: that enough out of you he pulls on Milims hair rimuru escapes her grip as she whines while he does so

Milim: heyyy! Your really mean! Just let me come with youuu!

Rimuru: fine! But on one condition you must always refer to me as, Mister Rimuru!

Milim: screw that I'm strong Y/n let go of her hair and she stumbled forward and he snickers you guys should so me some respect and call me, Lady Milim! She grins and looks at Y/n as well

Y/n: I will never address someone who acts like a literal child as such. Shion stood behind him glaring at Milim

Rimuru: how about we compromise, we can call you Milim and you call us, Rimuru and Y/n, how's that?

Milim: okay but only you two nobody else! She looks away pouting normally I would only allow another demon lord to address me in such a casual manner

Y/n: I'm going home... he opens a black domain portal

Rimuru: hey think you can give us a-his cut off

Y/n: no. He walks through and the portal closes

Benimaru: he seriously has to be rained in. He and Souei had a sweat drop on their forehead

Milim: hey! Friends don't just leave each other behind!? She looked away pouting with a slight blush why's he so mean?!

Rimuru: he sighed well I'll show you my village but you have to promise me you won't cause any trouble, you got that Milim?

Milim: don't worry about me I'll promise to be on my best behaviour! She stood with he hands on her hips

Y/n Pov

He steps out the portal in the outskirts of tempest, he motions to go to town until he hears quiet wing flapping approaching him

Soka: Sir Y/n! Can you tell us what occurred? Master Hakurou called for master Souei and he left without another word

Y/n: they should be back soon, nothing major happened only an unexpected visitor, your Soka correct? He glances at her over his shoulder

Soka: "he forgot my name so quickly?!" Uhm-yes! That is correct she looked away now feeling shy might I ask how you forgot my name in such a short time? She fixed her dress and stood upright

Y/n: why so formal? And It utterly slipped my mind, no particular reason he walks towards the town

Soka: oh-I...have a good day Sir Y/n! She looks to him but he just makes a 'Mmhm' sound and she sighs in defeat I totally messed that up didn't I...

After a bit of getting back to town Rimuru and the gang with Milim returned to the town in good spirits

Y/n: took you long enough he said standing in front of the group

Rimuru: would have been faster if you just gave us a lift! His body vibrated in anger

Ranga: but master I got us back in good time didn't I? He tail lowered sadly

Benimaru: I'm sure Lord Rimuru doesn't mean it like that- a purple Dragonewt then bursts through the two

Gabiru: oh? Who might this be? Hi there little runt Milim punches his dead centre in the face aaaaaah! He drags across the ground destroying everything in his path and everyone looked on in fear

Milim: do you have a death wish? She walked toward Gabiru's unconscious body call me a runt again! Listen, I promised Rimuru that I would behave so I only used a bit of my power but next time I won't be so generous!

Y/n: he crouched down slapping Gabiru get up fool.

Gabiru: he rose up like a zombie AAHAH! Look there's father he's waving at me from across the river to the great beyond.

Rimuru: your fathers still alive you dork! He said while in Shion's arms

Gabiru: huh? By the way who is this little gi- Milim glared at him uh-grown up looking lady

Rimuru: this is Milim, she's a demon lord.

Gabiru: woah! SERIOUSLY!?

Rimuru: listen Milim, you can't go slugging the crap out of people when you get mad

Milim: we'll he shouldn't have insulted me, it's not my fault he can't handle how I say hello

Rimuru: nobody can handle how you say hello, so don't do it

Y/n: speak for yourself but, Milim she looks at him and he smiles tilting his head can you be nice to everyone for me?

Milim: she gasped and looked away fine! But only because you asked so nicely.

After some time Rimuru called the town together to announce Milim being in town and everyone was surprised Rimuru and Y/n could become friends with her until she announced she'd be living in tempest from that day

Rimuru: erm-yeah what she said! Starting today we have a new resident the town cheered

Milim: and if you need anything at all I'm happy to help!

Y/n: laughs they sure like her huh?

Rimuru: i can't believe we're friends.

Milim: yeah I know it doesn't feel quite right

Rimuru: oh. You can hear me?

Milim: actually I think we aren't actually friends she picked up Rimuru over head we are best friends! The town went crazy again

Y/n: he laughed at Rimuru this keeps getting better, talk about a good day he was suddenly grabbed by the back of his collar huh?.

Milim: you too~ you didn't think I'd leave you out did you? She smiled and Rimuru did what looked like showing tongue behind her back at Y/n we are besties right? She looked at Y/n and Rimuru with tears building in her eyes

Y/n: I can't handle tears so cut that out...Bestie... he sighs in defeat

Rimuru: we're definitely besties! He turned to the crowd hey everyone! We're besties forevsties!! The whole town started chanting happily

Milim: Meanie, you really had me going there guys she was smiling happily

Timeskip to the night
Rimuru Pov

Rimuru was with Milim, Shion and Shuna and the baths and 'keeping and eye and her' but he obviously just wants to bath with the ladies

Milim: ah~ what is this place? It's so warm and relaxing

Rimuru: one of the dwarf brothers, Myird, made it for me, it's a bath that utilises the local hot springs

Milim: wow it's so big! You can even swim! She swam around in the bath

Shuna: you shouldn't be swimming in the bath! Shion looked surprised at Shuna you either shion sighed in shame

Milim: hey! Where's Y/n? How come he's not bathing with us? She grinned while thinking about something

Shion: come to think of since he got here I've never seen him even take off his coat? She suddenly blushes not that I'm always looking or anything!

Rimuru: well he never said I can't tell anyone but he does bath but not in front of anyone so I had one of the dwarf brothers put up his own bath

Shion/Milim: where is it!? They look at each other and then look away while blushing

Rimuru: can you two perverts chill out...I'm pretty sure the dude just wants some peace and privacy not two creeps watching him bath

Milim: hey! I don't mean it like that...he is my bestie after all she crossed her arms looking the other way

Shuna: Lord Rimuru, have you decided what Sir Y/n will be doing in Tempest?

Rimuru: well I actually don't know...Y/n is a pretty confusing guy but he is a demon and I know he doesn't mean harm to anyone here so I'm thinking of just letting him do his own thing, if he wants to stay then it's his choice

Shuna: I see, but why is that?

Rimuru: what do you mean?

Shuna: for everyone else you've either given them a job or a position here in Tempest but you simply leave Sir Y/n be, do you see him as more of a friend?

Rimuru: well it's simple, Y/n is unpredictable they look at him in confusion look I'm not scared of the guy or anything but Milim can tell you herself, with Y/n you never know what his thinking or what he will do, his like a wild animal with a super intelligence and that's what makes him strong

Milim: yeah! His like super mysterious and when we fought he actually caught me off guard, but he probably wouldn't be a match for me at his current level! She says proudly puffing out her chest

Shuna: I understand.

Rimuru: okay then, I think I've cooked enough, I'm ready to get out for the night.

After a bit Rimuru was sitting with Rigurd, Kaijin, Benimaru, Souei and Hakurou in Rimuru's house and Rimuru was thinking about something until Rigurd spoke up

Rigurd: Lord Rimuru.

Rimuru: what's up my guy?

Rigurd: it's about Lady Milim and Lord Y/n

Rimuru: wait, Lord Y/n? When did that happen?

Rigurd: well, Lord Y/n, traded blows with Lady Milim herself and she recognises him as her friend same as you, I apologise if i offended you

Rimuru: nah it's cool, what were you saying again?

Rigurd: we'll firstly, I never imagined a demon lord such as lady Milim would take the initiative to come here

Rimuru: yeah but it should be fine after all she did promise not to cause trouble or anything

Kaijin: while true, there is some concerns we there the other demon lords have noticed us the three Kijin nod in unison

Rigurd: and that brings us to Lord Y/n, upon his arrival he leaked out an extreme amount of magicules and even Milim picked it up from who knows where, some people in the village were found unconscious from the sheer power that was released from him, yet a demon with such power is unknown to any of us not even Milim herself so that leaves us to think who Lord Y/n actually is

Rimuru: why is it important to know who he is?

Hakurou: because, Demons, Angels and spirits are all celestial beings and the most powerful among them are always well known, so a demon of Lord Y/n's power should be revered and well known.

Rimuru: so what are you saying exactly?

Kaijin: we think that Y/n is the demon king, it's a story older than Any of use in this room it was rumoured that there was once a powerful godlike demon called The Demon King but little is known about them other than they vanished out of nowhere centuries ago And the fact that Lord Y/n appeared out of no where could support that theory

Rimuru: what! No way, I know his strong and all but a demon king!? He looks nothing like one, but then again he has no memories so we can't know for sure...

Kaijin: but other than him, back to Lady Milim,  naturally there are several demon lords and they usually keep a close eye on each other, you see by bringing Lady Milim to our village and then declaring you have a close friendship with her it places put our town under our protection, under normal circumstances that would probably be a good thing but...

Hakurou: what his trying to say Lord Rimuru is that your the leader of this village, you have to realise that when the other demon lords find out that you've personally befriended lady Milim, it will appear that the great forest of Jura has entered into an alliance with her

Benimaru: which also means Lady Milim will gain more influence upsetting the balance between the demon lords

Rimuru: oh I see...

Rigurd: still though, what choice did we have. It's not like we could deny a demon lord of her power

Benimaru: yes, her abilities are on a different level, thanks to lord Rimuru, Souei and I are still sitting here

Souei: exactly and if the other demon lords became hostile I doubt that we'd fair against them

Rigurd: but thankfully, we can just leave everything up to lord Rimuru seeing as him and Lady Milim are besties forevsties

All three kijin: that's true.

Rigurd: Lord Rimuru, what about Lord Y/n, did you find more out about him?

Rimuru: other than him being stupid powerful and a massive jerk when he feels like it, no I haven't

Hakurou: he in fact has some hidden talents, he has a God grade Weapon in his possession and seems to be a brilliant swordsman as well they all look shocked except Rimuru

Rimuru: is that special?

Kaijin: very special in fact, very few people have God Grade Weapons and not even with my skills can I ever hope of crafting one he grins my I'd love to actually inspect this weapon

Benimaru: intriguing. I'd love to spar with Lord Y/n, he seems very full of surprises

Hakurou: you wouldn't stand a chance young master, in my many years of being a swordsman he bested me in a rather short amount of time everyone even Rimuru was surprised

Benimaru: he bested you!? Are you serious master Hakurou?

Rigurd: he laughs I must say that's quite the surprise I knew he was strong but he is full of surprises they all talk on for the night

Y/n Pov

Y/n is seen standing outside from where Rimuru and everyone else is talking with his hand on his chin and thinking about everything being said, he then walks off and stands in the forest

Y/n: king of demons? He grins as multiple memories flash in his head I see...Satan.

{Satan}: yes?

Y/n: True Demons...explain it to me.

{Satan}:  A True Demon is the pinnacle of the demon race, the requirement of the birth of a True Demon is one million demon souls, there is currently only one True demon in existence and that would be you

Y/n: I'm starting to remember a lot but I have so much more I have to know and Rimuru has a very familiar magic signature and I'd like to explore that more, so does Milim it seems like everything is playing right into my palm

he puts his hand on a tree and it erupts into a black flame and disintegrates in seconds, he then walks back toward the village with his same emotionless expression on his face

(Selemencetube: WSG! sorry I've been missing so long but hey! I'm done with school for sometime so I'll be writing a lot more on this story, and on the whole question thing, a lot more people want harem so I'll be doing that! And I'll have explanations for Y/n's ultimate skills through out the story, love you guys your all the best! I MEAN IT! When you guys leave nice comments and interact in any way with the comment section it just drives me to write more! Love you all Fr!)

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