BLIND | PSH | 박성훈✔️

By luvya17_

26K 1.3K 42

"we both know we can't be find anyone better than ourselves" "of course, you're the worse decision that I can... More

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BONUS PART I - Im Daehyun
BONUS PART III - Little One's

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534 25 2
By luvya17_

[ 8th Dec | 12PM ]

They're supposed to be on leave but since they took a day leave last month, their annual leave for December is deducted. Sunghoon stare at the ring he bought last night, he bought it as the engagement ring for him and Hanbyeol. He bought a one carat diamond ring for her and he just hope she'll like it and won't think that he is rushing them to get married as soon as possible. He slip the small box in his white coat and stand from his seat but surprise to see the door being push wide open.

it's Goo Jimin, "Hanbyeol" the older utter making Sunghoon's heart skip a beat, "what's with her?" Sunghoon asked nervously. "that..Im Daehyun, he's in the café and—um, Hanbyeol, doesn't look good.." the older continue making Sunghoon roll his eyes as he sigh, "what does he want again, we called off the partnership" Sunghoon let out frustratedly as he walk pass the older, rush to the hospital café.

[ Yui café ]

Sunghoon push the door open, looking around, trying to find the two but he then see Sunoo instead which make him rush to the younger. "where's Hanbyeol?" Sunghoon asked which surprise the younger, "Hanbyeol... um.. she.." Sunoo avoid the older intense gaze, looking nervous, didn't finish his sentence making Sunghoon sigh. As he was about to say something, he heard a familiar voice coming from behind him.

and the familiar voice actually sing him a birthday song, and the crowds around gradually sings together making him sigh as he let out a small smile. "Happy birthday Park Sunghoon, Happy birthday to you.." Sunghoon turn around as the song ends and see Hanbyeol standing, holding a mini sized cake with a lighted candle on top. "Oh Hanbyeol seriously?" Sunghoon questioned and palm his face in embarrassment.

"oh come on, make a wish and blow the candle out before it melt" Hanbyeol reply which make Sunghoon walk closer towards the girl, close his eyes, making a short wish before blowing the candle which he then receive an applause from the crowd around them. they're all the hospitals staff wich are on lunch break, so it don't feel too awkward for them.

"happy one month anniversary too, my love" Hanbyeol wish which surprise the guy as she never call him with any sweet names, "what?" Sunghoon asked while smiling widely, "happy one month anniversary?" Hanbyeol reply making Sunghoon giggle as he shake his head, "no—what did you just call me?" Sunghoon asked again and his smile widen as the girl cheeks are now filled with pink tint.

"nothing" she whine as she look down making Sunghoon chuckle before taking the cake in the girl hand and put it on the nearest table which is Sunoo's. He then lean down and give her a quick kiss on her lips which she gladly return before he pull away and they both smile to each other warmly.

Sunghoon then pull the girl into a tight hug as they heard a variety of reaction in the background, a few days ago, their relationship just have been revealed to the involved teams in the prior partnership meeting but now, it surely will spread around the building like a wildfire. When Hanbyeol thought it ends there, Sunghoon is about to give her another surprise.

"Byeol, can you take something from my coat inner pocket? on the left" Sunghoon utter, aloud which surprise the girl. "out of sudden? take what? take it yourself" Hanbyeol reply making Sunghoon shake his head. "I'm too busy keeping you in my arms" He reply and smile as he heard people warm reaction towards his flirty comments.

Hanbyeol get her hand into the guy pocket and she then surprise to feel something that feel like a small box in her hands ahich she slowly pull out and see a ringbox making her drop the box back. "what the hell?" she questioned out aloud making Sunghoon smile. "take it out" He ordered her which she slowly follow as she take the box out and look at it through the guy shoulder.

"open it up" Sunghoon continue which she follow right away and then surprise to see a silver diamond ring making her gasp. The crowds reaction went wild as they see it too. "Park Sunghoon.." she called as she can feel her eyes are slowly fill with tears. "Oh Hanbyeol" He called as he caress the back of the girl head, taking a deep breath before he can continue his sentence.

"I bought a one carat diamond ring for you, yesterday"

"you have never failed to be there for me in the past 18 years of my life"

"even when I hurted you badly, you're still there, staying in my shadow without me knowing"

"So I bought it with the thoughts of not letting you go"

"I want it to be a living proof of me loving you"

"I want it to act as our engagement ring"

"I promise to give you a more expensive one when you walk down the isle"

"If you thought about your parents permission, I've talked to them"

"I don't want to rush you for a wedding"

"but let the ring tell everyone how I really want to marry you and be by your side for the rest of our lives"

"for the worse and for the better"

"with you"

"Oh Hanbyeol"

"....will you marry me?"

Sunghoon let out the last sentence shakily as he close his eyes, he don't even have strength to pull away from the hug and look at the girl reaction. "you''re really crazy, you know that?" he heard Hanbyeol reply with a staggered breath and voice, as he heard a sniff for the girl. "why would I said no to you.." she continue making Sunghoon chuckle as he can feel his tear drop as he tighten their hug as he heard how the crowds congratulating them.

"fuck—I feel like I'm gonna cry, what's up with you Park Sunghoon!" Sunoo utter beside them making Sunghoon laugh, "I don't know he have that in him" Jimin continue, "exactly, I guess real love change people" Sunoo reply as he wipe his tear away. "I'll wait for the wedding" Jimin say out aloud which make the crowd laugh and cheers. "we came here for a surprise birthday event but it turns to be a heartwarming proposal" one of the staffs opposed making Sunghoon smile as he finally pull away and look at Hanbyeol.

he smile as the girl eye is now red and the tears keep flowing out. He wipe it away before taking the ring from her, putting the box away and bring her right hand in his grip. "I really love you.." Hanbyeol utter as Sunghoon slid the ring down her ring finger making him smile widely before planting a long kiss on her forehead. "I know baby, I know...I love you ten times more" he reply as he chuckle.

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