Paper Rings| Eddie Diaz

By 1through6

20.3K 694 91

"I hate accidents Except when we went firm friends to this" Eddie Diaz• Fem Oc Disclaimer- I... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter Five

2.1K 78 8
By 1through6


Chapter Five
Birthday Surprise

HAZEL loved her job, deeply. She loved helping people and making LA and the world just a little more safe. She loved just about everything about it...just not waking up at 6 in the morning to go.

So now after her alarm had gone off, Hazel turned it off and shoved her face back into her pillow groaning. Begrudgingly the brunette removed the covers and slowly got out of bed trying not to wake Eddie since he had another hour of sleep before he had to get Christopher up and ready for school.

And like she normally did, she walked out of their bedroom, closing the door behind her and walking to the guest bathroom to use the restroom.

Hazel started her everyday routine. Thirty minute work out, shower, put make up on, then her clothes to wear to work, go make herself breakfast along with Christopher's lunch and then brush her teeth, put her shoes on and at that point Eddie was up so she'd go back to their room and grab her gun.

However, this morning was different, her routine was  going to be slightly different and not in a bad way.

"Happy Birthday!" Both Eddie and Christopher shouted When Hazel opened the bathroom door to go make her breakfast.

Hazel jumped at the sudden noice and figures in front of her. "Thank you," she chuckled. "Want expecting this, you two getting up earlier than you need to."

"Well it's your birthday." Christopher stated, hugging his mother. "We have another surprise."

"Oh?" Hazel raised an eyebrow, "lead the way."

Hazel was led to the kitchen where a banana muffin, scrambled eggs and sausage sat neatly on a plate and on the island. "You made me breakfast?" She inquired with a smile. "And didn't burn the house down."

"I can cook." Eddie groaned.

"Barely." Hazel retorted.

"We went to the store and to the restaurant you like." Christopher informed the brunette.

Hazel smiled with cocked eyebrows. "You can cook huh?"

"Just eat your breakfast." Eddie instructed before placing a kiss on her cheek. "And happy birthday."

"Thank you." Hazel responded before she did as she was instructed.

"One more thing." Eddie muttered, handing a piece of a paper that was in the pocket of his shorts to Christopher.

Hazel gave a puzzled look as a very happy Christopher handed over the piece of paper allowing Hazel to in fold it.

Hazel read the paper multiple times making sure she wasn't imagining words. "Wait, really?" She inquired a smile breaking out on her face.

"Will you adopt me?" Christopher asked.

Hazel scooped the boy up into her arms and spun him around. "Of course I will."

"Well since I knew you'd say that..." Eddie spoke. "We have court date in a couple hours, Athena already said it was fine if you where gone for the day."

"Why are you crying mama?" Christopher asked noticing the tears that escaped the brunette's eyes. "It's your birthday."

"I'm just happy, baby. Really happy." Hazel answered.

"JUST ONE more surprise." Eddie whispered into his wife's ear once they where back home from court. They had a noon appointment and it surprisingly didn't take to long, what took the longest was getting food and ice cream after to celebrate.

"Eddie," Hazel muttered. "I don't need anything else, I've got my boys and I'm legally Christopher's mom, which is freaking awesome."

"Just wait." Eddie told the women opening the front door.

"Happy birthday!" Two very familiar voice shouted at Hazel who stood in shock.

"Y-you- Dad? TK?" Hazel questioned a smile forming on face. "You guys came? How? What?"

"Happy Birthday, Haz." TK smiled, hugging his big sister who he hadn't seen in a year.

Hazel immediately wrapped her arms around the younger boy. "I missed you guys." She muttered.

"Do I not get a hug?" Owen questioned his arms stretched out slightly.

Hazel released her brother from the bear hug and looked at her father. "Do you really deserve a hug?" She questioned with a small smile playing on her face.

"Fine, I'll just leave." Owen sassed, walking towards the door.

Hazel stopped her father and hugged him. "I'm glad you're here."

When Hazel pulled away from the hug she looked at her husband. "How's you manage this?"

"It wasn't hard." Eddie answered.

"He left a key under the mat out front and when we got here we just let ourselves in." TK added.

"Mmm," Hazel hummed. "This birthday is probably one of the best I've had."

"Not the one where your mother and I took you guys to Disney world?" Owen inquired mostly as a joke.

"That one was fun," Hazel admitted. "but, I've just adopted this wonderful boy, and you both are here, so nothing can beat that."

Owen hummed. "Fair enough, now I made dinner."

"The question is, is it anything good?" Hazel asked. "Because if it's some seaweed shit I'm not eating it."

"Haha," Owen sarcastically laughed. "Very funny."

"I know I am." Hazel smiled.

"I made sure that we where having something that you'd like." TK told his sister. "Spaghetti and meatballs."

Hazel's face lit up a little more than it already was. "This is why you're my favorite brother."

"I'm you're only brother." TK stated.

"Doesn't mean you can't be my favorite."

OWEN AND TK only stayed a couple days, because they had work to get back to and well so did Hazel.

The next shift, the pair shared meaning they had the privilege of waking up together, a time that was way to earlier for anyone.

"Turn it off." Hazel groaned after the alarm clock on Eddie's side of the bed went off.

Eddie turned on his side and pulled the brunette into him, "we need to get up mi amor."

"Do we have to?" Hazel muttered.

"Mhm." Eddie hummed, moving to got out of bed.

"Five more minutes." Hazel mumbled, rolling onto her stomach and resting her arms under her pillow.

"No," Eddie responded, kneeling back onto the bed and tickling at Hazel's and sides.

Hazel released a squeal, "You're a turd."she told the brunette now that she had quickly moved away from him and landed on the floor.

Eddie bursted out in laughter while crawling oven the bed to the side his wife was at. "I'm sorry," he snickered, pulling the women up.

"Mhm." Hazel hummed trying not to smile.

The Diaz family got ready as they normally did, all three of them worked out, had breakfast, showered and got dressed for work and school, then said their goodbyes.

"HOPE YOU had a good day."Athena spoke when Hazel walked out of the locker rooms, Hazel was at work slightly earlier than normal since Eddie was the one who volunteered to take Christopher to his abuela's for the day.

"I did." Hazel smiled. "But I'm also ready to get back to work."

"Well then let's hit the streets." Athena stated.

Driving around the city of LA waiting for a call or finding someone being an idea was not necessarily one of Hazel's favorite things on the job, but it was part of it.

"What's wrong?" Hazel questioned her partner who was lost in thought in the passenger seat.

"Why would something be wrong?" Athena inquired looking at the driver.

"I'm driving for one." Hazel pointed out, Athena was the one who always wanted to drive which Hazel wasn't against. "And you've been zoned out for the past fifteen minutes."

Athena sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Captain called me into her office before you got to work..."

Hazel glanced at the women. "That's not good is it?"

"Well, it was alright," Athena admitted. "A few years ago I applied more than once to be a Lieutenant but was always shot down, so I stopped applying. And today Captain said she wanted me to apply again and she would support it, so I don't know what to do."

Hazel thought a moment. "Did you stop trying be a how many times you were rejected or because you just didn't care anymore?"

Athena stayed silent as she pondered the question. "I don't know, Hazel." She finally answered.

"I guess all I can tell you is think about it," Hazel told the women beside her. "but I think you're already doing that."

"7-Adam-100 we have a 10-40 at the Death and Co." dispatch spoke over the radio.

"What a pleasant name." Hazel mutter as Athena picked up the radio and told dispatch they were on the way.

When the duo arrived on scene they could hear the fight from outside which meant it wasn't going to be easy to break up.

"LAPD," Hazel announced as they walked into the bar where two women where pulling each others hair and throwing random objects at one another.

"I got the blonde, you get the red head." Athena instructed.

"Ma'am, please calm down," Hazel told the women. "Whatever you're fighting about can be handle with words and not chairs."

"She flirted with my boyfriend!" The red headed woman screamed.

"Did she know it was your boyfriend?" Hazel questioned grabbing the women's arm that dropped slightly as she thought about the question.

It was the wrong choice due to the woman having a broken beer bottle in her hand and ended up slicing it into hazel's arm.

"Damn it." Hazel hissed at the pain before with a little more force than intended, made the woman release the bottle and quickly pin her arm behind her. "You just made this worse for yourself, assaulting a police officer along with destroying a bar and fighting that woman isn't the best position to be in."

After both Athena and Hazel managed to get the two women into separate police cars Hazel was able to get a better look at her bicep.

"I think this deserves us a trip to the hospital." Hazel stated, looking at the deep wound that would require maybe five to ten stitches.

When the two officers arrived at the hospital Hazel was able to get stitched up quickly. Props of being an on duty officer.

"Love that I'm going to be sore," Hazel commented as they reached the door.

"Give it a week." Athena told the women.

"Yeah, I-" Hazel stoped mid sentence when she saw her husband's face in the sliding doors she was going out of "What are you doing here?" She quickly asked, scanning him over.

"Tia called me," Eddie's concerned a slightly panicked voice answered causing alarms to go off in her head.

"Did she say why?" Hazel questioned, following after her husband to the elevators with Athena and Buck close behind.

"No," Eddie answered quickly noticing the bandages on his wife's arm as they waited in the elevator. "What happened?" He asked.

"Bar fight," Hazel simple answered, not worried about her arm, but about what happened and why Pepa would've called them to the hospital.

When the elevator dinged and opened the group of four quickly existed and when they rounded the corner they were able to spot Pepa who sat in the waiting area.

"Tia?" Eddie questioned when they were closer to the women. "Qué pasó? Is Christopher okay?"

Pepa stood up and hugged her Nephew and then she did the same to Hazel.

"Yes." The women answered with a sigh. "You mean Prince Charming, hmm?" She gestured to Christopher who was surrounded by nurses, giggling. "He's peachy. It's your abuela. She broke her hip."

Hazel released a small gasp. "Oh no." She muttered. "How?"

"She was out back in the steps and calling him to come inside." Pepa explained. "She lost her balance. Christopher called 911. The rescue for there really quick."

"I want to see her." Eddie stated his hand now squeezing Hazel's.

"No," Pepa told the man. "She's sleeping now. And uh, who's this?" She questioned referring to Buck and Athena who stood by just listening.

"This is Buck." Eddie answered. "We work together."

"And this is Athena, my partner." Hazel responded.

"Mm I thought you just dressed alike." The woman teased her nephew.

"This is my aunt Josefina." Eddie introduced his aunt. "Pepa."

"Hi." Buck and Athena both greeted.

"You two can't keep doing this." Pepa spoke to both parents, referring to Isabel watching Christopher. "You cannot keep leaving him with her. She's not up to it."

"I know." Eddie responded sounding guilty about the situation. "I know, and I'm sorry. We're...we're trying to find some permanent help, it's just..."

"Too many forms to fill out." Hazel finished his sentence. It's worse than the VA."

"I can't believe your gringa ex stuck you with all of this." Pepa spoke, irritated by the thought of Shannon. "But, thank Goodness for you, Hazel."

"We're not stuck, Tia." Eddie told his aunt.

"Do you both have to go back to work?" She inquired neither answered and just looked at the woman. "Ah. And you're not stuck. I'll keep him until Hazel is off, but you both need to get this figured out."

"Daddy." Christopher laughed noticing his parents. "Mama!"

Hazel and Eddie looked at the young boy before going to him and loving on him before they both had to go back go work.

"Raising him must be ruff." Buck spoke watching the duo interact with Christopher.

"Raising any child alone his rough." Pepa stated. "It made it easier when Hazel came along. They're both saints. Hazel for taking him and treating him as her own and Eddie for being there for him no matter what. But I still pray for them anyway."

HAZEL was able to get off of work earlier by an hour so she could go get her son and take him home. And then the next day she and Eddie were both off so they could stay home with their son

"What do we do Eddie?" Hazel sighed as they laid in bed the night before they had to go back to work. "Your aunt is right, we can't keep leaving Christopher with Abuela."

"I don't know." Eddie muttered, his arm wrapped around her as he stared up at the ceiling. "I'm taking him to work tomorrow until Tia is able to pick him up, but i don't know."

Turns out Buck knew what to do in the situation that the parents where in, because he had asked Eddie to help him move Maddie's things out of his complicated girlfriend's apartment. And instead of actual moving boxes it was a set up, Buck had invited at friend over who would be able to help the Diaz couple get Christopher the care he needed while they where at work. It was what they needed and they couldn't be more grateful

This is a rlllllly poor written chapter. I'm sick and have writers block so :)

Anyway hope y'all liked the chapter, imma go to bed and hope I feel better so I don't miss another day of school.

Love ya good night <3

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