The Letter

By stressedlemons

32.1K 702 522

Harry is at the Dursley's house, waiting for the new term to start. While there, he finds a letter from his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (200 read special)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (300 read special)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Fanart part 2!
Fanart part 3
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Art I drew today! (the wrist cramps were worth it)
Handwriting reveal
Halloween special! 👻
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Nothing, just some Nico di Angelo and Will Solace fanart that I drew
Chapter 27

Chapter 19 (1k read special)

504 18 16
By stressedlemons

Word count:1745


Drarry at the end


I can't believe I made it to 1,000.

I did it- 


I can't thank y'all enough, I'm actually crying writing this-


~Dudley P.O.V.~

I try to stop grinning but fail miserably. The thought of being able to see Harry again seems unreal, like something out of a dream, but if you've ever met Harry, you'll know there's no stopping him when he sets his mind to something. My mum is in tears, but they're tears of joy, and she looks happier than I've ever seen her.

"Thank goodness he's okay! I've been worried sick, I thought he left because of me-" she says, wiping her eyes.

"Mum, Harry loves you! You know that!"

"Well I-"

"You're his mum's sister for goodness sake, the closest thing to a mother he's ever had!"

"I-I guess you're right. I can't believe we might actually be able to see him again!"

"There's no doubt in my mind that we will. Now, where's a pen and a piece of paper?"

"I'll get you one Dudley," she says as she shuffles off into her bedroom.

Moments later she returns, a pen and a crisp sheet of white paper in her hand. She hands it to me, and I start to write out a response and she writes her's on the back. 

"Now we just need an envelope."

"Don't worry Duddykins, I've got an envelope right here."

She hands me an envelope as white as the paper and I take it gently from her hand. I carefully fold the letter and place it inside, going up to my room to get tape. Sealing it, I take a piece of yarn off my desk and tie the letter to Hedwig's leg, who is still sitting on my bed.

"Thanks Hedwig," I say, handing her a treat. "Take care of yourself and make sure this gets to Harry as soon as possible, okay?"

She clicks in response, and flies from the bed through the open window to go find Harry again.


~Harry P.O.V.~

I'm sitting in the kitchen, nervously biting my nails, when Hedwig soars in through the open window. I spot the letter tied to her leg with a piece of colorful yarn and feel my eyes well up with tears. This time I don't bother to wipe them away, to excited to finally hear from Dudley and Aunt Petunia again. I remove the letter and start to make my way to my room, when I run into Sirius.

"What happened?! Why're you crying?!" he asks, clearly worried.

"I can't talk right now, I have, um, homework to do!" I say, hiding the letter behind my back.

I didn't tell Sirius and Remus about the letter, it was too personal to me. I rush off to my room, accidentally slamming the door behind me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to slam the door!" I yell, opening the door and sticking my head out just long enough to see Sirius turn around.

Quickly, I pull my head back inside and close the door, careful not to slam it this time. I run over to my bed and sit down on it, hugging my knees. I hear tapping on my window and turn to see Hedwig standing there, her head cocked to the side.

"Oh, sorry Hedwig! I forgot your treat!" I say, standing up and opening the window.

She stands on the windowsill as I grab the small box of owl treats off of my desk and open it, giving one to her. She takes it gratefully, and swoops into my room to sit on her perch by the door. I close the box and put it back and go back to my bed, sitting down in the same position I was sitting in previously. I carefully open the envelope and take out the letter, unfolding it slowly. 


I'm so glad you made it to Hogwarts safely! How have things been? Is that Remus guy being nice to you, or is he like dad? We've been missing you over here, it feels quite empty without you. I miss all of our late night conversations and playing video games together when dad wasn't home. Those were fun times. Mum misses you a lot, and she told me she thought it was her fault you left, but I told her that wasn't true. Did you finally get to talk to Draco? He seems like a cool guy, from what you've told me so far. Oh, when we visit, can we go get more of those chocolate frogs?! Those were really good! Speaking of visiting you, how would we do it? Sorry, I'm asking to many questions...

Dad and mum have been fighting a lot lately, more often than usual. Mum's even thinking about divorce, but if I'm being honest, I think divorce is her only option, it's gotten pretty bad. I made this letter sad now, didn't I? Just forget I said anything, you don't need to worry about it. I swear, if next time I see you, you say that this is all your fault, I will pinch you until you realize that it's not. A lot of things that you think are your fault aren't, okay? You really need to stop blaming yourself for every little thing that goes wrong.

Speaking of things going wrong, our last game was a disaster. We lost 23 to 10. The science test you helped me study for didn't go super bad though! I ended up with an 88%! Compared to my usual 77%, that's an improvement. It's a shame your not here to help me with school stuff anymore. You're lucky Hogwarts's term starts a few weeks after my school's term does. I wish I could go to Hogwarts, I would love to learn magic. 


Tears fall off my face onto the paper, leaving circular marks all over it. I flip the paper over to see if there's anything on the back, and find a significantly shorter letter from Aunt Petunia.


Oh thank the heavens that you're safe, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you had gotten yourself hurt! Dudley told me that you had gone to see your Godfather after we got back from the zoo. I thought that you would have been there when we got back, but you weren't. I was worried something had happened to you. I can't wait to see you again, and until then, you keep yourself out of trouble, you hear me? I don't want to have to talk to you from your bed in the hospital wing!

-Aunt Petunia 

I hear my door open and I look up to see Remus sticking his head through the door.

"You okay cub? Can I come in?"

I nod, wiping my eyes. He opens the door and walks over to my bed, sitting down next to me.

"Padfoot told me that you were crying, so I thought I'd come check on you. What's that in your hand?"

I look down at the letter, realizing that I'm still holding it. I attempt to hide it under my pillow, but Remus lightly grabs my arm, stopping me from doing so.

"Harry, you don't have to hide things from me. I won't judge you and I won't tell anyone anything you don't want me to, you know that, right?" 

I nod again, wiping the remainder of tears off my face. I hand him the folded up letter.

"Is it okay if I read it?" he asks, a questioning look on his face.

I nod again.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I say in a quiet voice.


He carefully opens the letter, his eyes moving from side to side as he reads it. A smile appears on his face and he looks up at me.

"You weren't lying when you said you're cousin cared about you. He seems like a good kid."

Next thing I know, he's hugging me. I hug him back tightly, feeling safer in his arms.

"Dinner's almost ready, we're having chicken. Just come to the kitchen when you're ready to eat, alright?" he says, standing up and handing me the letter.

"Okay," I reply, letting go.

"I'll see you in a minute."


I walk into the kitchen after washing my face and my hands, and sit down at the table. Remus sets a plate full of chicken, steamed carrots and broccoli, and mashed potatoes in front of me, along with a fork. He could have given me a knife, but I'm "not to be trusted" with one, even under supervision. I stick my fork into a carrot and take a bite, finding it to be a little bit sweet.

"What'd you put on these carrots, they're sweet."

"I put honey on them."


"Don't question the master chef," Sirius says from beside me, holding up a finger.

I roll my eyes, a small smile on my face, and go back to eating my dinner. I ended up eating everything on my plate, it was really good too. I stand up, pushing my chair in, and put my plate and fork in the sink.

"I'm tired, I'm going to go to bed early tonight," I say, yawning.

"Okay. Remember, if you need anything, and I mean anything, come wake one of us up, okay?"

I simply nod and walk to my room, stepping inside and closing the door behind me. I change into a t-shirt and shorts, and put on Draco's green and silver sweatshirt that he gave me. I turn off the lights and climb into bed. I lay in bed, thinking about him, when I hear someone clear their throat. I turn around and look at the window to see someone standing there. No way.

"Draco?! What are you doing here?!" I say, sitting up.

"Shhhhh! I wanted to come talk to you!"

I get up and walk over to the window.

"I see you're wearing my sweatshirt I gave you, green looks good on you. It matches your eyes."

"Draco, look, I'm really tired right now-"

"I'll make this quick then. I wanted to ask you where you've been all week."

"I've been taking a break."

"Oh, ok. Granger and Weasley wanted me to give this to you. I should probably get back to the dorm before Snape realizes I'm gone."

"Good ide-"

He cuts me off with a quick kiss on the lips.

"I'll see you around Harry! Maybe tomorrow we can meet up at The Three Broomsticks?"

I simply nod, to flustered to speak. 

"I'll see you there then! Goodnight, darling."

Did Draco Malfoy just ask me on a date?



This is where I'm going to end this chapter...

I can't believe I'm at 1k reads now, in a little less than a month too!

I can't thank y'all enough! I promise to update soon!



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