Shadowhunters; Valentine's ne...

By MaxS3007

256 4 0

Shadowhunters X Teen Wolf!!! Crossover! Alec and Magnus saved a girl from a demon. They got explained that sh... More

1; a new shadowhunter
2; busy
3; part werewolf
4; meeting with Raphael
5; meeting a new pack
6; vampire attack
8; the Demon Wolf

7; demon attack

17 0 0
By MaxS3007

"Alec!" Madzie squealed as she ran into Alec's arms, who catched her and spinned her around. 

"Madzie." Alec said with a fake happy look on his face. He was incredibly tired and stressed. The only thing he wanted at the moment was having his job done and get some sleep. "What do you wanna do?" He asked with a tired sigh, trying to hide it. 

"I wanna draw!" Madzie said with a bright smile. 

"Okay, I'll get the crayons." 


Magnus came in the apartment to the sight of Alec who had fallen asleep on the couch and Madzie sitting on the ground, drawing.

"Hey Madzie." Magnus whispered with a smile. 

"Magnus!"  She stood up to hug the warlock. 

"Ssh." He shushed her, hugging the girl back. "C'mon, let's get you to bed. It's late." Magnus carried the little warlock to her room.

After tucking her in and making sure she was sleeping, Magnus went to bed himself, being exhausted from working all day, having to listen to desires from every warlock he'd seen today.


Next morning, Alec woke up on the couch by the sound of Magnus placing a tray with breakfast on the coffee table. He shot up and looked with sleep dazed eyes at his husband.

"Did I-" Alec started, but Magnus stopped him.

"Yes, I wanted to wake you up, but you had a tough day so I let you."

"Where's Madzie? I- shit I fell asleep, w-where is she? I didn't look-"

"Alexander, she's fine, I took her to bed after I got home last night." The warlock sat next to his husband and smiled at him lovely. Suddenly Madzie came running up to the couple with a bright smile. "Hey, sweet pea, slept well?" The little girl nodded and hugged Magnus, and than Alec, who still seemed tired. 

"Mags, thanks for breakfast but I'm not really hungry and I need to get back to the institute for work. I'm sorry." Alec stood up and was about to go to the front door, but Magnus stopped him

"Babe, relax for once." He said, kissing the shadowhunter on the lips passionately. He kissed back, his hand on Magnus' cheek. 

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Alec left out the door after a quick hug from the young warlock, Madzie.

At the institute, Izzy had to wake up Max again since she had overslept, again. 

"Ah, shit, sorry, Iz, I forgot about training and last night I was up late because I couldn't sleep, I'm so sorry." Max kept apologizing as she sat up in bed. Izzy sat next to her on the edge of the bed. 

"It's okay, don't worry, I actually had something to show you in my office." Izzy said with a smile on her face. In the young girl's eyes, she seemed anxious but also happier than normal. She nodded and got out of bed. She waited for Isabelle to leave so she could get dressed.

After 10 minutes, she walked to Izzy's office. Nervous. What if she'd done something stupid, or she'd be kicked out of the institute, or maybe they don't want to be her caregivers. She was clueless. What was Izzy gonna say?

"Hey, you wanted to see me?" Max asked while knocking on the door of Izzy's office and opened it. She saw Raphael talking to the woman sitting in her desk chair. 

"Yeah, come in." Izzy spoke, looking even more nervous than 12 minutes ago.

"Is everything okay? You seem nervous." The young shadowhunter asked in curiosity and concern. 

"Everything is fine, she- we, actually, just wanted to ask you something." Raphael said.

"Yeah, that's right, uhm, so, you have been in our care for a while now and we decided to adopt you. If you want to of course." The older shadowhunter spoke nervously as she held the vampire's hand. Max looked stunned by the words, she had to process it at first, but after a few moments of silence, she nodded lightly.

"Eh, yeah, yes." She spoke, still in shock. Izzy jumped up to hug the younger girl. Raphael just smiled at them; he wasn't much of a hugger.

suddenly when they pulled apart, they saw the door swung open, Clary and Jace entering. 

"Did she say yes? Of course she said yes!" Clary exclaimed.

"Clary, calm down, let them have their moment." Jace chuckled as he held his girlfriend back so she wouldn't jump on Izzy. The black haired woman smiled. 


Alec was working in his office when he heard a loud slam sound, so he stood up straight, ran out his office and looked and ran around the institute, hoping to find out what was going on. As he stood on the stairs that led to the ops center, he saw shadowhunters and downworlders running away, out of the institute. He went to where he saw Clary holding a sword, in defense mode. As he got closer he noticed a wound on her head, she was stumbling because she had a bleeding wound on her leg and another on her arm and stomach.

"Clary, what's going on?" He asked as he looked down at her.

"Demon. Max is hurt badly, Jace and Izzy are still trying to kill it and Raphael is taking Max to a safe place." She answered, trying hard to not fall down from exhaustion, but when she did pass out, Alec catched her in time.

"Hey, Clary, wake up!" He almost yelled as he tried to shake her awake. Suddenly, he realized he could use his stele on Clary's healing rune. So he did, but to his horror, the wounds didn't disappear but she did wake up. "Why aren't you healing?" He Alec asked as he looked scared when he realized that his sister and parabatai could be in danger. But if Jace was hurt, he would feel something already. 

"I- agh." She cried in pain. "I don't know, it must be some kind of upper demon or something, I don't know. Please, get to- get to Izzy and Jace, make sure they're okay." Clary said as she groaned in pain, holding her stomach. Alec hesitated to go. "Go! I'll be fine, but I don't know about them." She pointed to Izzy and Jace, who were trying so hard to stop what seemed like a huge wolf with black smoke around him, red eyes, huge sharp claws, fangs as sharp as from a shark, 3 times bigger than a normal human. Alec's eyes widened at the creature standing in the hallway.

"Someone, get a medic!" Alec yelled before he ran to the two in front of the monster demon. "Guys, we have to run!" '

"We cam take him!" Jace yelled with a determined look on his face. But it quickly disappeared when claws were about to rake into his chest but luckily Alec pulled him back, away from the sharp claws. "Thanks." He breathed.

"No problem, now let's get outta here." Alec yelled as he dragged Izzy away as well. "Go to Magnus', I'll take care of Clary. Call Raphael." The two hesitated, but once they saw the older man's face, they did as told. They ran outside, Izzy grabbed her phone to call Raphael and Jace looked around carefully, seeing if there could be any monster. 

"Hey, Raphael, are you okay? Is Max okay? Jace and I escaped, but Alec is still with Clary inside. Meet us at Magnus'." Izzy inquired. 
"Wow, calm down. I'm fine, Max is in a worse state, though. I don't know what to do, because we can't go to the hospital wing of the institute, Hotel Du Mort is not an option and-" Raphael rambled.
"Calm down, okay, go to Magnus, I'll call him." 
She hang up and grabbed her whip, just in case, before she searched for Magnus in her contact names.

"Magnus. Where are you?" 
"Hey, Isabelle, what-"
"Where are you? Max- Max is in terrible pain and the healing rune doesn't work. Please get to your house. We will be there." 

"Izzy, calm down, she will make it." Jace spoke as he saw the panicked look on her face. 

"I-I know." She stuttered.


Meanwhile, Stiles, Scott, Theo and Liam were on patrol again. Liam was still weak from the blood loss, even though he was a werewolf, but he insisted on going on the field. But as they were walking around, Stiles' eyes landed on Izzy and Jace, who looked around warily.

"Hey, guys, look, it's Izzy, the shadowhunter." He said, pointing to across the street. The other three looked at where his finger pointed.

"Who is a what now?" Theo questioned as he frowned at Stiles and Scott. Stiles rolled his eyes and walked over to the 2 shadowhunters, ignoring Theo. "Seriously, why do you always ignore me?!" 

"Oh my God! Can you shut up for once in your life?" Stiles snapped as the Chimera followed him, along with the other boys. Stiles silently glared at Theo as he ran to the two people. "Isabelle, what're you doing? Is everything okay?" Stiles asked once they stood in front of them.]

"Who are you?" Jace asked as he stood in front of Izzy.

"Jace, it's fine. I know them. They are Stiles Stilinski." She pointed at the human. "Scott McCall." Than pointed at the alpha of Beacon Hills. "And..." She trailed off.

"I'm Liam Dunbar, Scott's beta." The younger werewolf extended his hand so Izzy shook it.

"Theo Raeken." Was all the chimera said as he looked at the ground.

"Okay, well, I love to meet everyone, really, but there is a huge 10 feet tall demon wolf thing and we're about to go to the High Warlock of Brooklyn." Izzy spoke hurriedly, walking to the apartment building.

"10 feet tall demon wolf?" Theo asked skeptically.

"Yes, now come on, let's go." Jace yelled, dragging Izzy away from the pack. 

"Please, tell us more about the demon wolf, I have the bestiary so we can figure out what it is. We can help you guys." Scott said as he looked at his pack and back to Izzy. She nodded finally and made a sign with her hand that meant to follow her.


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