Supriya: Suryansh Karna's Dev...

By Amropali

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This is the third series on the wives of Karna. The first one was "Uruvi". While the second one was "Vrushali... More

Chapter 2: Supriya's Deity
Chapter 3: Flashback: Apsara Rambha's Curse
Chapter 4: Flashback: Rambha & King Chitrangad
Chapter 5: Flashback: Birth of Supriya
Chapter 6: Chitrangad reluctant to accept Supriya!!
Chapter 7: Princess became a Maid!!!
Chapter 8: Supriya met her Mother Rambha!!
Chapter 9: Bhanu knows Supriya's Identity!!
Chapter 10: Bhanumati's Obsession on Arjuna
Chapter 11: Supriya's Devotion on Karna
Chapter 12: Introducing Karna: Supriya's God!!!
Chapter 13: Introducing Padmavati: Supriya's Goddess!!!
Chapter 14: Introducing Arjuna: Bhanu's Obsession!!!
Chapter 15: Introducing Duryodhan: Bhanu's nightmare!!
Chapter 16: Bhanumati's Impeding Swayambar & Supriya
Chapter 17: Call for Arjuna, not Duryodhan
Chapter 18: Duryodhan's Evil Plan
Chapter 19: Abduction of Bhanumati & Karna's conditions
Chapter 20: Supriya-Karna face off
Chapter 21: Bhanumati's Condition to unite Karna-Supriya
Chapter 22: Karna opposed the idea
Chapter 23: Padma convinced Karna to marry Supriya!!
Chapter 24: Karna-Supriya Marriage
Chapter 25: Twin marriages passify Kalinga
Chapter 26: Karna's absence on Wedding Night!!
Chapter 27: Supriya-Karna soul connection!!!
Chapter 28: Supriya maid in Marital Abode!!
Chapter 29: Conspiracy against Supriya!!!
Chapter 30: Supriya blamed for Padma's illness!!
Chapter 31: Supriya: Silent Spectator of downfall!!!
Chapter 32: Supriya's Solace: Vrishasen
Chapter 33: Conspiracy against Supriya revealed!!
Chapter 34: Karna-Supriya: So near yet so far!!
Chapter 35: Supriya's Agony moved Padma
Chapter 36: Padma accepts Supriya!!!
Chapter 37: Padma's Plan to unite Karna-Supriya!!!
Chapter 38: Karna accepts Supriya!!
Chapter 39: Supriya's Supreme Sacrifice!!!
Chapter 40: Supriya decides to leave Karna!!!!
Chapter 41: Heart-Beoken Karna decides to forget her!!
Chapter 42: Supriya's Seclusion & mysterious Twins!!
Chapter 43: Introducing Chitrasen: Young Warrior!!
Chapter 44: Introducing Satyasen: Shy Observer!!
Chapter 45: Supriya stops Jayadratha!!!
Chapter 46: Karna-Supriya chance encounter & A Letter!!!
Chapter 47: Introducing Banasen: Brave toddler!!
Chapter 49: Chitrasen & Satyasen stops Karna!!
Chapter 48: Introducing Shatrunjay & Dpitatva: Little Pillars!!
Chapter 50: Supriya stops Karna & sons!!!
Chapter 51: Karna-sons happy union!!!
Chapter 52: Supriya bade goodbye to Sons!!
Chapter 53: Supriya refused to go with Karna!!
Chapter 54: Padma accepts Supriya sons as her!!
Chapter 55: Karna & Supriya missing each other!!
Chapter 56: Introducing Sushen & Prasen: naughty devils!!
Chapter 57: Padmavati's Last Miscarriage brings Supriya back!!
Chapter 58: Padma demands a son from Supriya!!
Chapter 59: Karna-Supriya Last Union!!!
Chapter 60: Supriya waited for Karna!!
Chapter 61: Supriya sensed entry of Uruvi in Karna's life!!!
Chapter 62: Supriya's Pregnancy brings Karna back!!!
Chapter 63: Supriya learnt of Karna-Uruvi accidental marriage!!!
Chapter 64: Supriya indifferent of Karna-Uruvi union
Chapter 65: Supriya left Karna again
Chapter 66: Supiya met Uruvi!!!
Chapter 67: Uruvi & sons stays with Supriya!!!
Chapter 68: Karna angry on Supriya!!!
Chapter 69: Supriya's ill Heath worried Karna!!
Chapter 70: Karna Met Supriya again
Chapter 71: Supiya's aloofness broke Karna!!
Chapter 72: Birth of Supriyo Vrishaketu
Chapter 73: Supriya gave away Vrish to Padma!!
Chapter 74: Karna hurt by Supriya's decision!!
Chapter 75: Karna-Supriya Final Separation!!
Chapter 76: Mother & Son: Supriya-Vrishasen
Chapter 77: Supriya's welcome at Anga
Chapter 78: Supriya met Vrishaketu & sons
Chapter 79: Supriya convinced Karna to bring back Uruvi!!!
Chapter 80: Padma & Supriya welcomed Uruvi
Chapter 81: Supriya prepared Uruvi for Karna
Chapter 82: Supriya united Karna-Uruvi!!!
Chapter 83: Karna confessed love for Uruvi before Supriya!!
Chapter 84: Supriya entitled "Mahasati" by Vasusdev!!
Chapter 85: Karna's confusion & Supriya happiness for Uruvi!!!
Chapter 86: Supriya's war strategy impressed Karna!!
Chapter 87: Supriya saved Anga from Binay Datt!!!
Chapter 88: Supriya slained powerful demon Bijaydutt!!
Chapter 89: Uruvi's rumoured miscarriage broke Supriya!!
Chapter 90: Draupadi's insult & Uruvi's disappearance shocked Supriya!!!
Chapter 91: Arjuna's vow & Supriya-Karna reconciliation!!!!
Chapter 92: Supriya & Ganga: Road to Parashuram!!!
Chapter 93: Supriya & Parashuram: Road to Kailash?!!
Chapter 94: Parashuram's guidance & Supriya's test!!!
Chapter 95: Supriya's Penace & boon by Shiva-Parvati!!!
Chapter 96: 13 yrs gap: Supriya met with Padmaja, Uru-Padma!!!
Chapter 97: Supriya met with 7 sons!!
Chapter 98: Uru-Padma & Sons pleaded to Supriya!!
Chapter 99: Vrishasen brings Supriya back to Anga!!
Chapter 100: Vrishi's rejection & Supriya's agony!!
Chapter 101: Supriya warned Karna not to fight against Pandava!!
Chapter 102: Karna ignored Supriya's pleads!!
Chapter 103: Sons asked permission of Supriya!!!
Chapter 104: Conspiracy to slain Supriya by killing her sons!!!
Chapter 105: Supriya waiting for Sons Arrival!!
Chapter 106: Supriya's all sons are dead!!
Chapter 107: Vrishasen's marriage enlighten Supriya
Chapter 108: Supriya met Vrishasen for last time!!!
Chapter 109: Vrishasen's death broke Supriya!!
Chapter 110: Supriya at Deathbed!!
Chapter 111: Supriya's plead to Padma to die with Karna!!!
Chapter 112: Karna bade goodbye to Supriya!!
Chapter 113: Supriya sensed Disaster!!
Chapter 114: Supriya saw Karna's corpse!!
Chapter 115: Supriya died at Karna's feet!!!
Chapter 116: Supriya-Karna burnt together
Chapter 117: Tribute to Supriya as Brahmaputri Sutanuka!!
Chapter 118: Supriya's happy union with sons!!!
Chapter 119: Supriya-Karna reconciliation at Heaven!!
Chapter 120: End Credit, achievements & Epilogue

Chapter 1: Simple Supriya

606 22 47
By Amropali

          Devi (Sutanuka) Supriya

[Second most neglected yet adored Karna wife whose relationship to her husband was complicated. She was believed to be a Sudra or Sut Kanya but in reality she was also a Princess of Kalinga. She was the illegitimate child of King of Kalinga Chitrangad and Apsara Rambha as well as the sister of Princess Bhanu or Bhanumati, wife of Duryodhan. She was married to Karna and had fostered eight sons with him, they were Chitrasen (in one scripture he was her biological child), Banasen, Satyasen, Shatrunjay, Dpitvatva, Sushen and youngest Prasen along with cursed Sudama (first adopted son of Karna and Padma) who died at Swayambar of Draupadi. She for several times had to sacrifice her marital bliss for her beloved elder sister Padmavati and accepted a secluded lonely life along her foster sons. She gave birth to the youngest son of Karna, Vrishaketu but never took the credit and gave the entire responsibility to her elder sister Padmavati. She went Sati at the pyre of Karna and lost all her sons at the epic war of Mahabharata. Including her stepson Vrishasen too. She loved her baby sister Uruvi as her own and respected her elder Padmavati as her mentor, teacher and mother. For her self-sacrifice she was later called as Mahasati Supriya by the reincarnated form of Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna and Tridev or God Trinity, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma Dev.


                    Aum Namah Shivay


           Cover page of my story


        **Two phases of her life**

  Queen Supriya - Devotee Supriya


@ copyright is reserved for me (start Date October, 2023)
ntion a user

Story Unfolds:

A girl of sixteen was looking pensive. She did not know why her sister had scolded her for no reason. She was never ever been treated this badly by her dear sister. Her eyes were vacant as she felt quite low today. She did not know her fault a bit.


All of a sudden a loud call rang in her eardrum. She wiped her tears and slowly faced the person who uttered her name.

"Pranipat, jiji. (Bow to you, my elder sister.)" She addressed her softly. By lowering her head to the floor level. She did not want to show her crying face to her sister. Her jiji. Her Bhanu. Princess Bhanumati of Kalinga state.

Princess came to her with long and steady strides. Then she grabbed her hands tightly in her own fists. "Su, hame kshama kar dena. Hame nahin pata tha ki woh tere Devta hain!!! (Su, please forgive me. I really don't want to mean any harm to you. I am sorry. I should not dare to talk ill about him. I don't know that he is your deity.)"

              Princess Bhanumati

She wiped her tears gently and then hugged her tightly. Bhanu kissed her cheek and she blushed hard. Her jiji knew how to beg mercy to her!!! She always had taunted her. Mocked her. Played pranks with her. But always won her heart by saying "Sorry". Now let me introduce this naive girl to you. She was none but the main cute yet sensitive protagonist of our this story. Devi Supriya herself.

  Devi Supriya (2nd Karna Sangini)


At Royal Court of Kalinga:

Mujhe nahin pata mere dono Putri apni man chaha bar pa sakenge yeah nahin?!! (I am so scared. I don't know whether I two daughters can get the suitable grooms according to their own wishes or not?!!) The King of Kalinga, Maharajah Chitrangad, who was also known as Chitra Varma, was telling this worriedly to his Prime Minister Agnimitra. In worried face.
He knew who was his Bhanu's choice. Prince Arjuna. But he did not know the choice of his younger daughter. Supriya. He did not know who was Supriya's "Aradhya" (deity)?!!!

        King Chitrangad of Kalinga

"Chinta mat kijiye, Hey Rajaan. Apki dono Putriowo ko unki man chaha jivan sathi ati abasya milega. (Don't worry, o mighty King. I think your both daughters will get their suitable candidates. Soon.)" He assured his worried King in vain.

The King was not a bit assured. His intuition was telling something foul was going to happen to them. Very very soon!!!

        Prime Minister Agnimitra

They both were unaware of the storm was brewing in the horizon!!!



I started to write down a story on the second Karna Sangini Supriya as I thought none of you are aware of her. Except her name. Hope you like it too. Just like Uruvi and Padmaja. Thanks in advance.




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